* Version:
 *      v2.3.0
 * Purpose:
 *      Demonstrates how to use the Raven Helper library to report on past payments
 *      and the events associated with them.
 * Usage:
 *      Open command prompt in containing directory and run "php payment_reporting.php".
 * See:
 *      For full documentation see "https://docs.deepcovelabs.com/card/#payments-reporting-endpoint"
require '../vendor/autoload.php';
use Raven\Raven;
# First, instantiate the SDK with your AccessKey_ID and AccessKey_Secret.
$rvn = new Raven('ernest', 'all good men die young');
$helloResp = $rvn->hello();
$endTime = new DateTime();
$startTime = new DateTime();
// setting it 1 day
$startTime->sub(new DateInterval('P1D'));
// ReportRequest Data
$reportData = ["ReportFormat" => "RavenPaymentFile_v1.0", "StartTime" => $startTime->format('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s'), "EndTime" => $endTime->format('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s'), "ResultFields" => 'RoutingNumber PaymentType Amount Currency CardNumber ApprovalCode'];
$reportRequest = new \Raven\Request('payments', $reportData);
echo "Raven operation: " . $reportRequest->getOperation() . "\n";
echo "Request: " . json_encode($reportRequest->all(), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) . "\n";
$reportResp = $rvn->send($reportRequest);
echo "Response: " . json_encode($reportResp->all(), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) . "\n";
$pmtReportLines = explode("\r", $reportResp->get("Report"));
echo "\n";
foreach ($pmtReportLines as $reportLine) {
    echo $reportLine . "\n";