예제 #1
  * Get $num newest images
  * @since Version 3.10.0
  * @param int $num
  * @return array
  * @todo $cacheProvider doesn't seem to bloody work!
 public static function getNewest($num = 5)
     $cacheProvider = AppCore::GetMemcached();
     $mckey = sprintf("railpage:images.recent=%d;url.cached", $num);
     if ($newphotos = $cacheProvider->fetch($mckey)) {
         Debug::LogCLI("Fetched new photos from cache provider using cache key " . $mckey);
         return $newphotos;
     $newphotos = (new Images())->getRecentAdditions(5);
     foreach ($newphotos as $id => $data) {
         $newphotos[$id]['meta']['sizes']['medium']['source'] = ImageCache::cache($newphotos[$id]['meta']['sizes']['medium']['source']);
     $rs = $cacheProvider->save($mckey, $newphotos, 900);
     // save for 15 minutes
     Debug::LogCLI("Saved new photos in cache provider using cache key " . $mckey);
     if ($res = $cacheProvider->fetch($mckey)) {
         Debug::LogCLI("new photos found in cache, success");
     return $newphotos;
예제 #2
     * Get the SVG string for a gaussian blur of an image thumbnail, blown up to full size
     * Displayed while the full image loads in the background
     * @since Version 3.10.0
     * @param \Railpage\Images\Images $imageObject
     * @return string
    public static function GetLoadingSVG(Image $imageObject)
        $cachekey = sprintf("railpage:base64.image.svg=%d", $imageObject->id);
        $Memcached = AppCore::GetMemcached();
        // Check our base64 hash against a known, shitty hash, itself hashed in md5
        $badhash = ["f8984b3824a761805223862ca156bf1e", "10a7bf41c903ba2b3fab231fc34e4637"];
        $base64 = $Memcached->Fetch($cachekey);
        if (!$base64 || in_array(md5($base64), $badhash)) {
                    global $User; 
                    if ($User->id == 45) {
                        $base64 = $Memcached->Fetch($cachekey); 
                        //echo $base64;die;
                    if (!$base64 = $Memcached->Fetch($cachekey)) {*/
            $thumbnail = $imageObject->sizes['thumb']['source'];
            $cached_url = ImageCache::cache($thumbnail);
            $base64 = base64_encode(file_get_contents($cached_url));
            $Memcached->save($cachekey, $base64);
        $dstw = $imageObject->sizes['largest']['width'];
        $dsth = $imageObject->sizes['largest']['height'];
        $string = '
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="' . $dstw . '" height="' . $dsth . '" viewBox="0 0 ' . $dstw . ' ' . $dsth . '">
<filter id="blur" filterUnits="userSpaceOnUse" color-interpolation-filters="sRGB">
<feGaussianBlur stdDeviation="20 20" edgeMode="duplicate" />
  <feFuncA type="discrete" tableValues="1 1" />
<image filter="url(#blur)" xlink:href="data:image/jpeg;base64,' . $base64 . '" x="0" y="0" height="100%25" width="100%25"/>
        $find = [" ", "<", ">", "\"", ":", "(", ")", ";", ",", "#", "=", "\n"];
        $replace = ["%20", "%3C", "%3E", "%22", "%3A", "%28", "%29", "%3B", "%2C", "%23", "%3D", "%0A"];
        return "data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8," . str_replace($find, $replace, trim($string));
예제 #3
  * Get and personalise the content for this newsletter
  * @since Version 3.10.0
  * @return \Railpage\Newsletters\Weekly
 private function personaliseContent()
     $replacements = array();
     Debug::LogCLI("Looping through " . count($this->recipients) . " users and preparing email decoration");
     $this->user_ids = array();
     $counter = 0;
      * Loop through our list of users and start to curate the contents
     foreach ($this->recipients as $row) {
         // Flag this user ID so that we can update the "last sent" timestamp later
         $user_ids[] = $row['user_id'];
         // Sanity check : validate the email address first
         if (!filter_var($row['user_email'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
             Debug::LogCLI("Skipping user ID " . $row['user_id'] . " - \"" . $row['user_email'] . "\" is not a valid email address");
         // Add the recipient
         $this->Notification->addRecipient($row['user_id'], $row['username'], $row['user_email']);
         // Assign some decoration
         $replacements[$row['user_email']] = array("##username##" => $row['username'], "##email##" => $row['user_email'], "##email_encoded##" => urlencode($row['user_email']), "##unsubscribe##" => sprintf("http://railpage.com.au/unsubscribe?email=%s&newsletter=weekly", urlencode($row['user_email'])));
          * Get the custom news feed articles
         Debug::LogCLI("Preparing personalised news for user ID " . $row['user_id']);
         // Try and create the user object. If it bombs out, we need to know about it but let the newsletter continue
         try {
             $User = UserFactory::CreateUser($row['user_id']);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             Debug::LogCLI("Skipped user due to exception: " . $e->getMessage());
         // Create the custom news feed object
         $Feed = new Feed();
         $articles = $Feed->addFilter(Feed::FILTER_UNREAD)->addFilter(Feed::FILTER_LAST_30_DAYS)->findArticles(0, 10, "story_hits");
         // If the number of personalised articles is less than ten, drop the filter and simply find ten recent and unread articles
         if (count($articles) < 10) {
             Debug::LogCLI("Found " . count($articles) . " articles for user ID " . $User->id . " - dropping keyword and topic filter from feed");
             $Feed->filter_words = null;
             $Feed->filter_topics = null;
             $articles = $Feed->findArticles(0, 10, "story_hits");
         // If we have less than six articles skip this user altogether.
         if (count($articles) < 6) {
             Debug::LogCLI("Found " . count($articles) . " articles for user ID " . $User->id . " - skipping");
         Debug::LogCLI("Proceeding with newsletter for user ID " . $User->id);
         // Loop through each article and normalise the content
         foreach ($articles as $id => $article) {
             $article['sid'] = $article['story_id'];
             $article['catid'] = $article['topic_id'];
             $article['hometext'] = preg_replace("@(\\[b\\]|\\[\\/b\\])@", "", $article['story_blurb']);
             $article['informant'] = $article['username'];
             $article['informant_id'] = $article['user_id'];
             $article['ForumThreadId'] = $article['forum_topic_id'];
             $article['topictext'] = ContentUtility::FormatTitle($article['topic_title']);
             $article['topic'] = $article['topic_id'];
             $article['featured_image'] = ImageCache::cache($article['story_image']);
             $article['title'] = $article['story_title'];
             $article['url'] = NewsletterUtility::CreateUTMParametersForLink($this->Newsletter, $article['url']);
             $articles[$id] = $article;
         $articles = array_values($articles);
         if (!isset($start)) {
             $start = 0;
         // Loop through the prepended content and assign it to the blocks
         foreach ($this->prependedContent as $i => $block) {
             $tmp = ["##block" . $i . ".subtitle##" => $block['title'], "##block" . $i . ".featuredimage##" => $block['featuredimage'], "##block" . $i . ".text##" => strip_tags(wpautop(process_bbcode($block['text'])), "<br><br /><p>"), "##block" . $i . ".link##" => strpos($block['url'], "http") === false ? "http://www.railpage.com.au" . $block['url'] : $block['url'], "##block" . $i . ".alt_title##" => $block['subtitle'], "##block" . $i . ".link_text##" => isset($block['link_text']) && !empty($block['link_text']) ? $block['link_text'] : "Continue reading"];
             $replacements[$row['user_email']] = array_merge($replacements[$row['user_email']], $tmp);
         // Loop through our content and assign to content blocks
         for ($i = count($this->prependedContent) + $start; $i < $start + $this->num_items; $i++) {
             $Date = new DateTime($articles[$i]['story_time']);
             $tmp = ["##block" . $i . ".subtitle##" => $articles[$i]['story_title'], "##block" . $i . ".featuredimage##" => $articles[$i]['story_image'], "##block" . $i . ".text##" => strip_tags(wpautop(process_bbcode($articles[$i]['story_lead'])), "<br><br /><p>"), "##block" . $i . ".link##" => strpos($articles[$i]['url'], "http") === false ? "http://www.railpage.com.au" . $articles[$i]['url'] : $articles[$i]['url'], "##block" . $i . ".alt_title##" => sprintf("Published %s", $Date->format("F j, Y, g:i a")), "##block" . $i . ".link_text##" => "Continue reading"];
             $replacements[$row['user_email']] = array_merge($replacements[$row['user_email']], $tmp);
         Debug::LogCLI("Completed personalisation of newsletter for user ID " . $User->id);
         // Increment our personalised newsletter counter
          * Break after 150 recipients. Don't want to be flagged as a spammer, or overload the MTA
         if ($counter == 150) {
     $this->replacements = $replacements;
     return $this;
예제 #4
  * Render the page 
  * @since Version 3.10.0
  * @return string
 public function render()
     if (!$this->userObject instanceof User) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException("No valid user object has been provided");
     #$this->smarty->clearCache($this->template, $this->unique);
     if ($this->smarty->isCached($this->template, $this->unique)) {
         Debug::LogCLI("!! Template file " . $this->template . " is already cached for unique ID " . $this->unique);
         return $this->smarty->fetch($this->template, $this->unique);
     Debug::LogCLI("Template file " . $this->template . " is NOT cached for unique ID \"" . $this->unique . "\"");
      * Get user alerts
     if (!$this->userObject->guest) {
         global $acl;
         $alerts = $this->userObject->getAlerts($acl);
         $this->smarty->Assign("alerts", $alerts, true);
      * Get the latest jobs
     $newjobs = array();
     foreach ((new Jobs())->yieldNewJobs(5) as $Job) {
         $newjobs[] = $Job->getArray();
     $this->smarty->Assign("jobs", $newjobs, true);
      * Upcoming events
     $Memcached = AppCore::GetMemcached();
     $cachekey = "railpage.home.upcomingevents";
     $upcoming = [];
     if (!($upcoming = $Memcached->fetch($cachekey))) {
         $Events = new Events();
         $upcoming = [];
         foreach ($Events->getUpcomingEvents(5) as $row) {
             //$Event = EventsFactory::CreateEvent($row['event_id']);
             $EventDate = new EventDate($row['id']);
             $data = $EventDate->getArray();
             $upcoming[] = $data;
         $Memcached->save("railpage.home.upcomingevents", $upcoming, strtotime("+5 minutes"));
     $this->smarty->Assign("upcomingevents", $upcoming);
      * New photos
     $this->smarty->Assign("newphotos", RecentImages::getNewest(5));
      * Chronicle
     $Chronicle = new Chronicle();
     $this->smarty->Assign("chronicle", $Chronicle->getEntriesForToday(10));
      * Get the latest railcam photo
     $Camera = new Camera(1);
     $Photo = $Camera->getLatest(false);
     $railcam = $Photo->getArray();
     $railcam['sizes']['small']['source'] = ImageCache::cache($railcam['sizes']['small']['source']);
     $this->smarty->Assign("railcam", $railcam);
     $this->smarty->Assign("railcam_updated", ContentUtility::relativeTime($railcam['dates']['taken']));
      * First check if this user has a personalised news feed
     if (filter_var($this->userObject->id, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT) && $this->userObject->id > 0) {
         $Feed = new Feed();
         if (count($Feed->filter_words) || count($Feed->filter_topics)) {
             $latest = $Feed->findArticles(0, 20);
             foreach ($latest as $id => $article) {
                 $article['sid'] = $article['story_id'];
                 $article['catid'] = $article['topic_id'];
                 $article['hometext'] = preg_replace("@(\\[b\\]|\\[\\/b\\])@", "", $article['story_blurb']);
                 $article['informant'] = $article['username'];
                 $article['informant_id'] = $article['user_id'];
                 $article['ForumThreadId'] = $article['forum_topic_id'];
                 $article['topictext'] = $article['topic_title'];
                 $article['topic'] = $article['topic_id'];
                 $article['featured_image'] = $article['story_image'];
                 $article['title'] = $article['story_title'];
                 $article['time_relative'] = time2str($article['story_time_unix']);
                 $latest[$id] = $article;
     $this->smarty->Assign("personalfeed", isset($latest));
      * No personal news feed - go ahead as normal
     if (!isset($latest)) {
          * Instantiate the base News module
         $News = new Base();
          * Get the latest 15 news articles
         $latest = $News->latest(20);
      * Format titles and tags for the latest news articles
     foreach ($latest as $id => $data) {
          * Load the JSON for this article
         if (!isset($data['sid'])) {
             $data['sid'] = $data['story_id'];
         $json = json_decode(News::getArticleJSON($data['sid']), true);
         $latest[$id]['hometext'] = isset($json['article']['blub']) ? wpautop(process_bbcode($json['article']['blub'])) : wpautop(process_bbcode($json['article']['blurb']));
         $latest[$id]['hometext'] = strip_tags($latest[$id]['hometext'], "<a><p><img><br><br /><strong><em>");
         $latest[$id]['title'] = format_topictitle($data['title']);
         $latest[$id]['topic'] = $json['article']['topic'];
         $latest[$id]['topic_highlight'] = ColourUtility::String2Hex($latest[$id]['topic_title']);
         $latest[$id]['url'] = $json['article']['url'];
         $latest[$id]['author'] = $json['article']['author'];
         $latest[$id]['staff'] = $json['article']['staff'];
         if (!empty($latest[$id]['featured_image'])) {
             $latest[$id]['featured_image'] = ImageCache::cache($latest[$id]['featured_image']);
         // Get the first paragraph from the home text
         preg_match("/<p>(.*)<\\/p>/", $latest[$id]['hometext'], $matches);
         $latest[$id]['hometext'] = strip_tags($matches[1]);
         if (empty($json['article']['body']) && !empty($json['article']['source'])) {
             $latest[$id]['url'] = $json['article']['source'];
          * Pre-rendering
         $this->smarty->addHeadTag(sprintf("<link rel='prerender' href='%s'>", $json['article']['url']['url']));
      * Slice the first news article off
     $newsLatest = array_shift($latest);
      * Send them to Smarty
     $this->smarty->assign("newsLatest", $newsLatest);
     $this->smarty->assign("news", $latest);
     $this->smarty->assign("pagecontrols", '<p style="background: #333; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);margin: -20px;padding: 10px;margin-top: 20px; text-align: center;">Wasting time and bandwidth since 1992</p>');
     if ($this->params['handheld']) {
         $this->smarty->assign("pagecontrols", '<p style="background: #333; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);margin: 0px -20px;padding: 0px;margin-top: 40px; text-align: center;font-size:1em;">Wasting time and bandwidth since 1992</p>');
     return $this->smarty->fetch($this->template, $this->unique);