function default_Disp($field_value = "") { if (!$this->getRData('hidden')) { $dbc = $this->getDbCon(); //$dbc = $GLOBALS['conx']; list($tablename, $fielduniqid, $fielddisplay, $defaultvalue, $query) = explode(":", $this->getRData('radiobutton')); $qFieldDisplay = new SqlQuery($dbc); $qFieldDisplay->query("select {$fielduniqid}, {$fielddisplay} from {$tablename} where {$fielduniqid}='" . $field_value . "'"); $avfielddisplay = $qFieldDisplay->fetchArray(); $fval = ""; for ($i = 1; $i < count($avfielddisplay); $i++) { $fval .= $avfielddisplay[$i] . " "; } // $fval=$vfielddisplay; $fval = substr($fval, 0, strlen($fval) - 2); $qFieldDisplay->free(); $this->processed .= $this->no_PhpCode($fval); } }
function default_Form($field_value = "") { if (!$this->getRData("hidden")) { //global $conx; //$query = new sqlQuery($conx); $tableName = "auditlog"; $columnName = "application"; $sql = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM {$tableName} LIKE '{$columnName}'"; $query = new SqlQuery($this->getDbConn()); $query->query($sql); $row = $query->fetchArray(); $enum = explode("','", preg_replace("/(enum|set)\\('(.+?)'\\)/", "\\2", $row["Type"])); $fval = "<select name=\"fields[" . $this->getFieldName() . "]\">"; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($applications); $i++) { $fval .= "<option value=\"" . $applications[$i] . "\">" . $applications[$i] . "</option>"; } $fval .= "</select>"; $this->processed .= $fval; } }
/** * query() Execute an SQLQuery * * Overwrite the query method to add an initial fetch() if the query * returns only one row. * Used the setCursor to reset its position to the first record in case * a next() method would be executed afterward. * * @access public * @return database result set ressource */ public function query($sql = "", $dbCon = 0) { $this->setLog($sql); parent::query($sql, $dbCon); // This sounds good but could be counter intuitive // Improved it by reseting the cursor to zero // That would make the first call to next() fetch the same data. //if ($this->getNumRows() == 1) { if ($this->getNumRows() > 0) { $result = $this->next(); $this->setCursor(0); return $result; } }
function eventCheckUsernamePassword(EventControler $evctl) { /** Event CheckUsernamePassword * * To test if passwords matches and there is not already a login and password * To work the uniq id of the table must be named as id<table name>. * If its a new record the uniqid must be an empty string else a integer.. * If not it sets the doSave param at "no" to block the save and * Call the message page. * @package RadriaEvents * @author Philippe Lewicki <*****@*****.**> * @param array accessfield array with the name of the password and login fields * Option : * @param string errorpage page to display the errors * @copyright SQLFusion */ /* $strMissingField = "Vous devez avoir 1 login et 1 mot de passe" ; $strErrorPasswordNotMatch = "Les mots de passe saisie ne correspondent pas "; $strErrorLoginAlreadyUsed = "Loggin deja utilise, Vous devez choisir un autre login"; */ global $strMissingField, $strErrorPasswordNotMatch, $strErrorLoginAlreadyUsed; if (!isset($strMissingField)) { $strMissingField = "You need a login and password in the form"; } if (!isset($strErrorPasswordNotMatch)) { $strErrorPasswordNotMatch = "The password entries do not match"; } if (!isset($strErrorLoginAlreadyUsed)) { $strErrorLoginAlreadyUsed = "The username is already in use"; } $accessfield = $evctl->accessfield; $fields = $evctl->fields; $fieldrepeatpass = $evctl->fieldrepeatpass; $errorpage = $evctl->errorpage; $this->setLog("\n Check login & password:"******"\n Repeat pass:"******"Cancel") { if (strlen($errorpage) > 0) { $dispError = new Display($errorpage); } else { $dispError = new Display($evctl->getMessagePage()); } $dispError->addParam("message", ""); if (is_array($accessfield)) { if (!isset($table)) { $table = "users"; } $nbraccess = count($accessfield); if ($nbraccess != 2) { $dispError->editParam("message", $strMissingField); } $passwordfield = $accessfield["password"]; $loginfield = $accessfield["login"]; $this->setLog("\n Verify pass:"******"message", $strErrorPasswordNotMatch); } if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $primarykey = stripslashes($primarykey); } if (strlen($primarykey) > 0) { $queryverif = "select * from " . $table . " where " . $loginfield . "='" . $fields[$loginfield] . "' AND NOT(" . $primarykey . ")"; } else { $queryverif = "select * from " . $table . " where " . $loginfield . "='" . $fields[$loginfield] . "'"; } $qVerif = new SqlQuery($evctl->getDbCon()); $rverif = $qVerif->query($queryverif); if ($qVerif->getNumRows()) { $dispError->editParam("message", $strErrorLoginAlreadyUsed); } } $error = $dispError->getParam("message"); if (strlen($error) > 0) { $_SESSION["in_page_message"] = $error; $evctl->setDisplayNext($dispError); $evctl->updateParam("doSave", "no"); // echo "supposed to be no from here " ; } } }
/** Event FieldType::eventCheckUnique * * Check that all the field set as required are field in. * If not it sets the doSave param at "no" to block the save and * call the message page. * <br>- param array fields that contains the content of the fields to check * <br>- param array required indexed on fields name and contains value "yes" * <br>Option: * <br>- param string errorpage page to display the error message */ function eventCheckUnique(EventControler $evctl) { $this->setLog("\n Check Unique , table:" . $this->unique_table_name . " message:" . $this->unique_message); if (strlen($this->unique_message) > 0) { $validate_message = $this->unique_message; } elseif (strlen($this->label) > 0) { $validate_message = $this->label . _(" must be unique"); } if ($evctl->submitbutton != _("Cancel") && strlen($this->unique_table_name) > 0) { $field_name = $this->getFieldName(); if ($evctl->unique[$field_name] == "yes") { $q_check = new SqlQuery($this->getDbCon()); $q_check->query("select {$field_name} from " . $this->unique_table_name . " where {$field_name} = '" . $q_check->quote($evctl->fields[$field_name]) . "'"); if ($q_check->getNumRows() > 0) { if (strlen($evctl->errorpage) > 0) { $urlerror = $evctl->errorpage; } else { $urlerror = $evctl->getMessagePage(); } $disp = new Display($urlerror); $disp->addParam("message", $validate_message); $_SESSION['in_page_message'] = $validate_message; $this->setLog("\n Validate message:" . $_SESSION['in_page_message']); $evctl->setDisplayNext($disp); $evctl->updateParam("doSave", "no"); } } } }