  * Write a scalar value into the current stream. 
  * If the given value is a string, it will be output surrounded by double quotes (") characters.
  * @param mixed $scalar A PHP scalar value or null.
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException If $scalar is not a PHP scalar value nor null.
  * @throws StreamAccessException If an error occurs while writing the scalar value.
 public function writeScalar($scalar)
     if (Utils::isScalar($scalar) === false) {
         $msg = "A '" . gettype($scalar) . "' value is not a PHP scalar value nor null.";
         throw new InvalidArgumentException($msg);
     try {
         if (is_int($scalar) === true) {
         } else {
             if (is_double($scalar) === true) {
                 if (strpos('' . $scalar, '.') === false) {
                     $scalar = $scalar . '.0';
             } else {
                 if (is_string($scalar) === true) {
                 } else {
                     if (is_bool($scalar) === true) {
                         $this->getStream()->write($scalar === true ? 'true' : 'false');
                     } else {
                         if (is_null($scalar) === true) {
     } catch (StreamException $e) {
         $msg = "An error occured while writing the scalar value '{$scalar}'.";
         throw new StreamAccessException($msg, $this, 0, $e);
  * Marshall an array into PHP source code.
  * @throws PhpMarshallingException If something wrong happens during marshalling.
 public function marshall()
     $ctx = $this->getContext();
     $access = $ctx->getStreamAccess();
     $array = $this->getToMarshall();
     $args = new PhpArgumentCollection();
     foreach ($array as $a) {
         if (PhpUtils::isScalar($a) === false) {
             $msg = "The PhpArrayMarshaller class only deals with PHP scalar values, object or resource given.";
             throw new PhpMarshallingException($msg);
         $args[] = new PhpArgument($a);
     $arrayVarName = $ctx->generateVariableName($array);
     $access->writeFunctionCall('array', $args);
 protected function includeChoiceComponent(QtiComponent $component, DOMDocumentFragment $rendering)
     $choiceIndex = $this->choiceCounter;
     $choiceIdentifier = PhpUtils::doubleQuotedPhpString($component->getIdentifier());
     $interactionIndex = $this->interactionCounter;
     $stateName = $this->getStateName();
     $includeStmtCmt = $rendering->ownerDocument->createComment(' qtism-include($' . "{$stateName}, {$interactionIndex}, {$choiceIdentifier}, {$choiceIndex}): ");
     $endIncludeStmtCmt = $rendering->ownerDocument->createComment(' qtism-endinclude ');
     $rendering->insertBefore($includeStmtCmt, $rendering->firstChild);
  * Save the PhpDocument to a specific location.
  * @param string $url A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) describing where to save the document.
  * @throws PhpStorageException If an error occurs while saving.
 public function save($url)
     $stack = new SplStack();
     // 1st/2nd pass marker.
     $marker = array();
     try {
         // marshalling context.
         $stream = new MemoryStream();
         $streamAccess = new PhpStreamAccess($stream);
         $ctx = new PhpMarshallingContext($streamAccess);
         while (count($stack) > 0) {
             $component = $stack->pop();
             $isMarked = in_array($component, $marker, true);
             if ($isMarked === false && $component instanceof QtiComponent) {
                 // -- QtiComponent node, 1st pass.
                 // Mark as explored.
                 array_push($marker, $component);
                 // Ask for a 2nd pass.
                 // Let's look at the Bean properties and ask for a future exploration.
                 $bean = new Bean($component, false, self::getBaseImplementation($component));
                 $ctorGetters = $bean->getConstructorGetters();
                 $bodyGetters = $bean->getGetters(true);
                 $getters = array_reverse(array_merge($bodyGetters->getArrayCopy(), $ctorGetters->getArrayCopy()));
                 foreach ($getters as $getter) {
                     $stack->push(call_user_func(array($component, $getter->getName())));
             } else {
                 if ($isMarked === false && ($component instanceof AbstractCollection && !$component instanceof Coords)) {
                     // AbstractCollection node, 1st pass.
                     // Mark as explored.
                     array_push($marker, $component);
                     // Ask for a 2nd pass.
                     // Explore all values of the collection please!
                     $values = array_reverse($component->getArrayCopy());
                     foreach ($values as $val) {
                 } else {
                     if ($isMarked === true && $component instanceof QtiComponent) {
                         // QtiComponent, 2nd pass.
                         $marshaller = new PhpQtiComponentMarshaller($ctx, $component);
                         if ($component === $this->getDocumentComponent()) {
                     } else {
                         if ($component instanceof QtiDatatype) {
                             // Leaf node QtiDataType.
                             $marshaller = new PhpQtiDatatypeMarshaller($ctx, $component);
                         } else {
                             if ($isMarked === true && $component instanceof AbstractCollection) {
                                 // AbstractCollection, 2nd pass.
                                 $marshaller = new PhpCollectionMarshaller($ctx, $component);
                             } else {
                                 if (PhpUtils::isScalar($component) === true) {
                                     // Leaf node (QtiDatatype or PHP scalar (including the null value)).
                                     $marshaller = new PhpScalarMarshaller($ctx, $component);
                                 } else {
                                     if (is_array($component) === true) {
                                         // Leaf node array.
                                         $marshaller = new PhpArrayMarshaller($ctx, $component);
                                     } else {
                                         $msg = "Datatype '" . gettype($component) . "' cannot be handled by the PhpDocument::save() method.";
                                         throw new PhpStorageException($msg);
         file_put_contents($url, $stream->getBinary());
     } catch (StreamAccessException $e) {
         $msg = "An error occured while writing the PHP source code stream.";
         throw new PhpStorageException($msg, 0, $e);
예제 #5
  * @see \qtism\runtime\rendering\markup\xhtml\AbstractXhtmlRenderer::appendChildren()
 protected function appendChildren(DOMDocumentFragment $fragment, QtiComponent $component, $base = '')
     $renderingEngine = $this->getRenderingEngine();
     if ($renderingEngine !== null) {
         switch ($renderingEngine->getPrintedVariablePolicy()) {
             case AbstractMarkupRenderingEngine::CONTEXT_AWARE:
                 $value = Utils::printVariable($this->getRenderingEngine()->getState(), $component->getIdentifier(), $component->getFormat(), $component->mustPowerForm(), $component->getBase(), $component->getIndex(), $component->getDelimiter(), $component->getField(), $component->getMappingIndicator());
             case AbstractMarkupRenderingEngine::TEMPLATE_ORIENTED:
                 $base = $component->getBase();
                 $index = $component->getIndex();
                 $params = array('$' . $renderingEngine->getStateName(), PhpUtils::doubleQuotedPhpString($component->getIdentifier()), PhpUtils::doubleQuotedPhpString($component->getFormat()), $component->mustPowerForm() === true ? 'true' : 'false', is_int($base) === true ? $base : PhpUtils::doubleQuotedPhpString($base), is_int($index) === true ? $index : PhpUtils::doubleQuotedPhpString($index), PhpUtils::doubleQuotedPhpString($component->getDelimiter()), PhpUtils::doubleQuotedPhpString($component->getField()), PhpUtils::doubleQuotedPhpString($component->getMappingIndicator()));
                 $value = " qtism-printVariable(" . implode(', ', $params) . ") ";
예제 #6
  * Whether the represented argument is a PHP scalar value.
  * @return boolean
 public function isScalar()
     return Utils::isScalar($this->getValue());
예제 #7
  * @dataProvider doubleQuotedPhpStringDataProvider
 public function testDoubleQuotedPhpString($input, $expected)
     $this->assertEquals($expected, PhpUtils::doubleQuotedPhpString($input));
  * Checks whether or not the given value is marshallable by this implementation.
  * @return boolean
 protected function isMarshallable($toMarshall)
     return PhpUtils::isScalar($toMarshall);