예제 #1
  * @param $killID
  * @param $processed
  * @param $hash
  * @param $source
  * @param $kill_json
  * @return bool|int|string
 public function insertKillmail($killID, $processed = 0, $hash, $source, $kill_json)
     $insert = $this->db->execute("INSERT IGNORE INTO killmails (killID, processed, hash, source, kill_json) VALUES (:killID, :processed, :hash, :source, :kill_json)", array(":killID" => $killID, ":processed" => $processed, ":hash" => $hash, ":source" => $source, ":kill_json" => $kill_json));
     if ($insert) {
         \Resque::enqueue("now", "\\ProjectRena\\Task\\Resque\\killmailParser", array("killID" => $killID));
     return $insert;
  * @param $categoryName
  * @return string
 public function getCategoryDescriptionByName($categoryName)
     return $this->db->queryField("SELECT categoryDescription FROM dgmAttributeCategories WHERE categoryName = :name", "categoryDescription", array(":name" => $categoryName), 3600);
예제 #3
  * @param $typeName
  * @return string
 public function getChanceOfDuplicatingByName($typeName)
     return $this->db->queryField("SELECT chanceOfDuplicating FROM invTypes WHERE typeName = :name", "chanceOfDuplicating", array(":name" => $typeName), 3600);
예제 #4
  * @param $code
  * @param $state
 public function SSOLogin($code, $state)
     // Get the login token
     $tokenURL = "https://login.eveonline.com/oauth/token";
     $base64 = base64_encode($this->config->getConfig("clientID", "crestsso") . ":" . $this->config->getConfig("secretKey", "crestsso"));
     $data = json_decode($this->app->cURL->sendData($tokenURL, array("grant_type" => "authorization_code", "code" => $code), array("Authorization: Basic {$base64}")));
     $accessToken = $data->access_token;
     $refreshToken = $data->refresh_token;
     //$expiresIn = $data->expires_in;
     // Verify token
     $verifyURL = "https://login.eveonline.com/oauth/verify";
     $data = json_decode($this->app->cURL->sendData($verifyURL, array(), array("Authorization: Bearer {$accessToken}")));
     $characterID = $data->CharacterID;
     $characterName = $data->CharacterName;
     $characterOwnerHash = $data->CharacterOwnerHash;
     //$expiresOn = $data->ExpiresOn;
     $scopes = $data->Scopes;
     $tokenType = $data->TokenType;
     // Generate a unique id
     $uniqueID = uniqid("", true);
     // Insert it all to the table
     $this->app->Db->execute("INSERT INTO users (characterName, characterID, characterOwnerHash, loginHash, accessToken, refreshToken, scopes, tokenType) VALUES (:characterName, :characterID, :characterOwnerHash, :loginHash, :accessToken, :refreshToken, :scopes, :tokenType) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE characterName = :characterName, characterID = :characterID, characterOwnerHash = :characterOwnerHash, loginHash = :loginHash, accessToken = :accessToken, refreshToken = :refreshToken, scopes = :scopes, tokenType = :tokenType", array(":characterName" => $characterName, ":characterID" => $characterID, ":characterOwnerHash" => $characterOwnerHash, ":loginHash" => $uniqueID, ":accessToken" => $accessToken, ":refreshToken" => $refreshToken, ":scopes" => $scopes, ":tokenType" => $tokenType));
     // Create the auto login cookie
     $this->app->setEncryptedCookie($this->config->getConfig("name", "cookies", "rena"), $uniqueID, time() + $this->config->getConfig("time", "cookies", 3600 * 24 * 30), "/", $this->app->request->getHost(), $this->config->getConfig("ssl", "cookies", true), "true");
     // Setup the groups (corp and alli)
     $data = $this->app->characters->getAllByID($characterID);
     // Tell resque to do stuff
     if (!$data["characterID"]) {
         \Resque::enqueue("now", "\\ProjectRena\\Task\\Resque\\updateCharacter", array("characterID" => $characterID));
         // Sleep for 6 seconds, not ideal but whatever
         $data = $this->app->characters->getAllByID($characterID, 0);
         // Refetch the data, just this time we skip the cache!
     // Only do all of the group stuff if the character exists in the database.. if said character doesn't exist, we'll push the character to resque and do it all there!
     if ($data) {
         // Check if the user is in groups they're not allowed to be in.. this goes for corporation and alliance only!
         $validGroups = array("corporation" => $data["corporationID"], "alliance" => $data["allianceID"]);
         foreach ($validGroups as $type => $id) {
             $innerData = $this->db->query("SELECT groupID, groupType FROM usersGroups WHERE userID = :id", array(":id" => $this->app->Users->getUserByName($characterName)["id"]));
             foreach ($innerData as $check) {
                 if ($check["groupType"] == $type) {
                     if ($check["groupID"] != $id) {
                         $this->db->execute("DELETE FROM usersGroups WHERE userID = :id AND groupID = :groupID", array(":id" => $this->app->Users->getUserByName($characterName)["id"], ":groupID" => $check["groupID"]));
         // Now add the user to the groups they're allowed to be in, this doesn't happen on anything but login so that we are a bit sql heavy there is fine!
         $this->app->Groups->updateGroup($data["corporationID"], $this->app->corporations->getAllByID($data["corporationID"])["corporationName"]);
         $this->app->UsersGroups->setGroup($this->app->Users->getUserByName($characterName)["id"], $data["corporationID"], "corporation");
         $this->app->Groups->setAdmins($data["corporationID"], array($this->app->corporations->getAllByID($data["corporationID"])["ceoID"]));
         if ($data["allianceID"] > 0) {
             $this->app->Groups->updateGroup($data["allianceID"], $this->app->alliances->getAllByID($data["allianceID"])["allianceName"]);
             $this->app->UsersGroups->setGroup($this->app->Users->getUserByName($characterName)["id"], $data["allianceID"], "alliance");
             $this->app->Groups->setAdmins($data["allianceID"], array($this->app->corporations->getAllByID($this->app->alliances->getAllByID($data["allianceID"])["executorCorporationID"])["ceoID"]));
     // Set the session
     $_SESSION["characterName"] = $characterName;
     $_SESSION["characterID"] = $characterID;
     $_SESSION["loggedIn"] = true;
     // Insert the IP
     $this->app->UsersLogins->updateIP($this->app->Users->getUserByName($characterName)["id"], $this->app->request->getIp());
     \Resque::enqueue("now", "\\ProjectRena\\Task\\Resque\\ipUpdater", array("userID" => $this->app->Users->getUserByName($characterName)["id"], "ip" => $this->app->request->getIp()));
     // Redirect back to where the person came from
예제 #5
  * @param $solarSystemName
  * @return string
 public function getSecurityClassByName($solarSystemName)
     return $this->db->queryField("SELECT securityClass FROM mapSolarSystems WHERE solarSystemName = :name", "securityClass", array(":name" => $solarSystemName), 3600);
예제 #6
  * @param $corporationID
  * @param $memberCount
 public function setMemberCount($corporationID, $memberCount)
     if ($memberCount) {
         $this->db->execute("UPDATE corporations SET memberCount = :memberCount WHERE corporationID = :corporationID", array(":memberCount" => $memberCount, ":corporationID" => $corporationID));
예제 #7
  * @param $orbitID
  * @return array|bool
  * @throws \Exception
 public function getAllByOrbitID($orbitID)
     return $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM mapDenormalize WHERE orbitID = :orbitID", array(":orbitID" => $orbitID), 3600);
예제 #8
  * @param $hash
  * @return array
 public function getUserDataByLoginHash($hash)
     return $this->db->queryRow("SELECT * FROM users WHERE loginHash = :hash", array(":hash" => $hash));
예제 #9
  * @param $allianceID
  * @param $memberCount
 public function setMemberCount($allianceID, $memberCount)
     if ($memberCount) {
         $this->db->execute("UPDATE alliances SET memberCount = :memberCount WHERE allianceID = :allianceID", array(":memberCount" => $memberCount, ":allianceID" => $allianceID));
예제 #10
  * @param $flagName
  * @return string
 public function getOrderIDByName($flagName)
     return $this->db->queryField("SELECT orderID FROM invFlags WHERE flagName = :name", "orderID", array(":name" => $flagName), 3600);
예제 #11
  * @param $attributeName
  * @return string
 public function getCategoryIDByName($attributeName)
     return $this->db->queryField("SELECT categoryID FROM dgmAttributeTypes WHERE attributeName = :name", "categoryID", array(":name" => $attributeName), 3600);
예제 #12
  * @param string $key
  * @param string $value
  * @return bool|int|string
 function set($key, $value)
     return $this->db->execute("REPLACE INTO storage (`key`, value) VALUES (:key, :value)", array(":key" => $key, ":value" => $value));
예제 #13
  * @param $regionName
  * @return string
 public function getFactionIDByName($regionName)
     return $this->db->queryField("SELECT factionID FROM mapRegions WHERE regionName = :name", "factionID", array(":name" => $regionName), 3600);
예제 #14
  * @param $groupName
  * @return array
 public function getAllByName($groupName)
     return $this->db->queryRow("SELECT * FROM invGroups WHERE groupName = :name", array(":name" => $groupName), 3600);
예제 #15
  * @param $typeID
  * @return string
 public function getValueFloatByID($typeID)
     return $this->db->queryField("SELECT valueFloat FROM dgmTypeAttributes WHERE typeID = :id", "valueFloat", array(":id" => $typeID), 3600);
예제 #16
  * @param $typeID
  * @return string
 function getIsDefaultByID($typeID)
     return $this->db->queryField("SELECT isDefault FROM dgmTypeEffects WHERE typeID = :id", "isDefault", array(":id" => $typeID), 3600);
예제 #17
  * @param $keyID
  * @param $errorCode
  * @return bool|int|string
 public function setErrorCode($keyID, $errorCode)
     return $this->db->execute("UPDATE apiKeys SET errorCode = :errorCode WHERE keyID = :keyID", array(":errorCode" => $errorCode, ":keyID" => $keyID));
예제 #18
  * @param string $lastUpdated
 public function setLastUpdated($characterID, $lastUpdated)
     if ($lastUpdated) {
         $this->db->execute("UPDATE characters SET lastUpdated = :lastUpdated WHERE characterID = :characterID", array(":lastUpdated" => $lastUpdated, ":characterID" => $characterID));
예제 #19
  * @param $effectName
  * @return array
 public function getAllByName($effectName)
     return $this->db->queryRow("SELECT * FROM dgmEffects WHERE effectName = :name", array(":name" => $effectName), 3600);