getExtractedContainer() 공개 메소드

Get the extracted container XML, if called before the whole stream is parsed, the XML returned can be invalid due to missing closing tags
public getExtractedContainer ( ) : string
리턴 string XML string
 public function test_UniqueNode_parser_with_pubmed_xml_and_container_extraction()
     $file = __DIR__ . "/../../xml/pubmed-example.xml";
     $stream = new File($file, 512);
     $parser = new UniqueNode(array("uniqueNode" => "PubmedArticle", "extractContainer" => true));
     $streamer = new XmlStringStreamer($parser, $stream);
     $expectedPMIDs = array("24531174", "24529294", "24449586");
     $foundPMIDs = array();
     while ($node = $streamer->getNode()) {
         $xmlNode = simplexml_load_string($node);
         $foundPMIDs[] = (string) $xmlNode->MedlineCitation->PMID;
     $this->assertEquals($expectedPMIDs, $foundPMIDs, "The PMID nodes should be as expected");
     $containerXml = simplexml_load_string($parser->getExtractedContainer());
     $this->assertEquals("PubmedArticleSet", $containerXml->getName(), "Root node should be as expected");
     $this->assertEquals("bar", $containerXml->attributes()->foo, "Attributes should be extracted correctly");
     $this->assertEquals("qux", $containerXml->attributes()->baz, "Attributes should be extracted correctly");