public function __construct(Application $app) { parent::__construct($app); $args = ['subject' => $this]; notify(__CLASS__ . '_Init', $args); notify(get_called_class() . '_Init', $args); }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(app()); $this->pushCriteria(new ByBranchCriteria(request()))->scopeQuery(function ($query) { return $query->orderBy('lastname')->orderBy('firstname'); }); }
/** * 更新 * * @param array $input * @param $id * @return bool * @throws GeneralException * @internal param $roles */ public function update(array $input, $id) { if (parent::update($input, $id)) { return true; } throw new GeneralException('There was a problem updating this user. Please try again.'); }
public function __construct(SupplierRepo $supplierrepo, CompRepo $comprepo, CompledgerRepo $ledger) { parent::__construct(app()); $this->supplier = $supplierrepo; $this->component = $comprepo; $this->ledger = $ledger; }
public function __construct(App $app, Collection $collection) { parent::__construct($app, $collection); $this->pushCriteria(new ByBranchCriteria(request()))->scopeQuery(function ($query) { return $query->orderBy('uploaddate', 'desc'); }); }
public function delete($id) { try { return parent::delete($id); } catch (ModelNotFoundException $e) { return ['error' => true, 'message' => 'Cliente não encontrado.']; } }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(app()); //$this->pushCriteria(new ByBranchCriteria(request())); $this->scopeQuery(function ($query) { return $query->orderBy('comp', 'asc'); }); }
public function __construct(BBRepo $bbrepo, DailySales $dailysales, BranchRepository $branch) { parent::__construct(app()); $this->bossbranch = $bbrepo; $this->bossbranch->pushCriteria(new BossBranchCriteria()); $this->branch = new BranchRepository(); $this->branch->pushCriteria(new ActiveBranch()); }
/** * @param array $attributes * @param $id * @return mixed */ public function update(array $attributes, $id) { $role = $this->find($id); if ($attributes['display_name'] === $role->display_name) { unset($attributes['display_name']); } return parent::update($attributes, $id); }
public function __construct(EmployeeRepository $emprepo) { parent::__construct(app()); $this->employees = $emprepo; $this->pushCriteria(new ByBranchCriteria(request()))->scopeQuery(function ($query) { return $query->orderBy('datetime', 'desc'); }); }
public function find($id, $columns = array()) { try { return parent::find($id); } catch (ModelNotFoundException $ex) { return ['success' => false, 'message' => "O id '" . $id . "' nao foi localizado!", 'error' => $ex->getMessage()]; } }
/** * Update attributes * * @param array $attributes * @param integer $id * * @return Model */ public function update(array $attributes, $id) { $defaults = ["{$this->getRelationName()}" => []]; $attributes = array_merge($defaults, $attributes); $model = parent::update($attributes, $id); $model->{$this->getShortRelationName()}()->sync($attributes["{$this->getRelationName()}"]); return $this->parserResult($model); }
/** * Save a new entity in repository * * @throws ValidatorException * @param array $attributes * @return mixed */ public function createByAdmin(array $attributes) { parent::skipPresenter(); $attributes['password_last_set'] = new Carbon(); if (array_has($attributes, 'must_change_password')) { $attributes['password_last_set'] = null; } $user = parent::create($attributes); $this->updateProfile($attributes, $user['id']); return $user; }
/** * @param array $attributes * @param $id * @return mixed */ public function update(array $attributes, $id) { $user = $this->find($id); if ($user->email === $attributes['email']) { unset($attributes['email']); } $user = parent::update($attributes, $id); $this->updateRoles($user, $attributes); event(new UserWasUpdated($user, $attributes)); return $this->parserResult($user); }
/** * Save a new entity in repository * * @throws ValidatorException * @param array $attributes * @return mixed */ public function createByAdmin(array $attributes, $roles = null) { parent::skipPresenter(); $attributes['password_last_set'] = new Carbon(); if (array_has($attributes, 'must_change_password')) { $attributes['password_last_set'] = null; } $attributes['password'] = bcrypt($attributes['password']); $user = parent::create($attributes); $user->roles()->sync($roles); return $user; }
public function delete($id) { try { $client = parent::find($id); parent::delete($id); return ['success' => true]; } catch (ModelNotFoundException $ex) { return ['success' => false, 'message' => 'O id ' . $id . ' nao foi localizado!', 'error' => $ex->getMessage()]; } catch (Exception $ex2) { return ['success' => false, 'message' => 'Erro ao excluir client: ' + $ex2 . getMessage(), 'error' => $ex2->getMessage()]; } }
/** * Update attributes * * @param array $attributes * @param integer $id * * @return Model */ public function update(array $attributes, $id) { $defaults = ['roles' => []]; $attributes = array_merge($defaults, $attributes); $model = $this->find($id); if (!in_array('Esensi\\Model\\Contracts\\HashingModelInterface', class_implements($model))) { throw new Exception("User model must implement Esensi\\Model\\Contracts\\HashingModelInterface.\n Revert to 0.3.* or see upgrade guide for details."); } if (!array_key_exists('password', $attributes)) { $model->fill($attributes); if (Config::get('entrust-gui.confirmable') === true) { $model->password_confirmation = $model->password; } $model->saveWithoutHashing(); } else { $model = parent::update($attributes, $id); } $model->roles()->sync($attributes['roles']); return $this->parserResult($model); }
public function paginate($limit = null, $columns = array('*')) { $paginator = parent::paginate($limit, $columns); if ($this->with_relation_count) { $id = []; foreach ($paginator->items() as $item) { $id[] = $item->id; } foreach ($this->relations as $relation => $options) { $tmp = $this->getRelationRecordCount($relation, $relation)->whereIn('', $id)->get()->all(); $tmp2 = []; foreach ($options['fields'] as $field) { foreach ($tmp as $record) { $tmp2[$record->id] = $record->{$field}; } foreach ($paginator->items() as &$item) { $item[$field] = !empty($tmp2[$item->id]) ? $tmp2[$item->id] : 0; } } unset($item); } } return $paginator; }
public function __construct(Container $app, $model = null) { $this->prepareModel($model); parent::__construct($app); }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(app()); }
/** * Display the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function show($id) { return $this->repository->find($id); }
public function __construct(App $app, ByBranch $byBranch) { parent::__construct($app); $this->pushCriteria($byBranch); }
public function __construct(ExpenseRepo $expenserepo) { parent::__construct(app()); $this->expense = $expenserepo; }
public function __construct(Application $app) { parent::__construct($app); }
public function __construct(CompcatRepo $compcatrepo) { parent::__construct(app()); $this->compcat = $compcatrepo; }
/** * Update a user by id * * @throws ValidatorException * @param array $attributes * @param $id * @return mixed */ public function update(array $attributes, $id) { $attributes = $this->hashPassword($attributes); return parent::update($attributes, $id); }
/** * 删除菜单. * * @param $id */ public function delete($id) { // 先删除子菜单 $this->model->find($id)->subButtons()->delete(); // 删除自身 parent::delete($id); }
/** * @param $id * @return array */ public function destroy($id) { return ['data' => ['result' => $this->repository->delete($id)]]; }
/** * Reset Model * * @return AbstractRepository * @throws RepositoryException */ public function resetModel() { parent::resetModel(); return $this; }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(app()); //$this->boots(); }