예제 #1
  * Calculate downline snapshots up to requested date (including).
  * @param Request\Calc $request
  * @return Response\Calc
 public function calc(Request\Calc $request)
     $result = new Response\Calc();
     $this->_logger->info("New downline snapshot calculation is requested.");
     $periodTo = $request->getDatestampTo();
     $def = $this->_manTrans->begin();
     try {
         /* get the last date with calculated snapshots */
         $reqLast = new Request\GetLastDate();
         /** @var  $resp Response\GetLastDate */
         $respLast = $this->getLastDate($reqLast);
         $lastDatestamp = $respLast->getLastDate();
         /* get the snapshot on the last date */
         $snapshot = $this->_repoSnap->getStateOnDate($lastDatestamp);
         /* get change log for the period */
         $tsFrom = $this->_toolPeriod->getTimestampNextFrom($lastDatestamp);
         $tsTo = $this->_toolPeriod->getTimestampTo($periodTo);
         $changelog = $this->_repoChange->getChangesForPeriod($tsFrom, $tsTo);
         /* calculate snapshots for the period */
         $updates = $this->_subCalc->calcSnapshots($snapshot, $changelog);
         /* save new snapshots in DB */
     } finally {
     return $result;
예제 #2
 public function calc(Request\Calc $request)
     $result = new Response\Calc();
     $assetTypeId = $request->getAssetTypeId();
     $dateTo = $request->getDateTo();
     /* get the last balance date */
     $reqLastDate = new Request\GetLastDate();
     $reqLastDate->setData(Request\GetLastDate::ASSET_TYPE_ID, $assetTypeId);
     $respLastDate = $this->getLastDate($reqLastDate);
     $lastDate = $respLastDate->getLastDate();
     $balances = $this->_repoMod->getBalancesOnDate($assetTypeId, $lastDate);
     /* get transactions for period */
     $dtFrom = $this->_toolPeriod->getTimestampFrom($lastDate, IPeriod::TYPE_DAY);
     $dtTo = $this->_toolPeriod->getTimestampTo($dateTo, IPeriod::TYPE_DAY);
     $trans = $this->_repoMod->getTransactionsForPeriod($assetTypeId, $dtFrom, $dtTo);
     $updates = $this->_subCalcSimple->calcBalances($balances, $trans);
     return $result;
  * SUM(pps.total)
  * FROM `prxgt_pv_sale` AS `pps`
  * WHERE (pps.date_paid >= '2016-01-01 08:00:00')
  * AND (pps.date_paid <= '2017-01-01 07:59:59')
  * @param string $dsFrom
  * @param string $dsTo
 function getSalesOrdersPvForPeriod($dsFrom, $dsTo)
     $tsFrom = $this->_toolPeriod->getTimestampFrom($dsFrom);
     $tsTo = $this->_toolPeriod->getTimestampTo($dsTo);
     /* aliases and tables */
     $asSummary = 'summary';
     $asPv = 'pps';
     $tblPv = $this->_resource->getTableName(PvSale::ENTITY_NAME);
     // SELECT FROM prxgt_pv_sale pps
     $query = $this->_conn->select();
     $query->from([$asPv => $tblPv], [$asSummary => 'SUM(' . PvSale::ATTR_TOTAL . ')']);
     // where
     $whereFrom = $asPv . '.' . PvSale::ATTR_DATE_PAID . '>=' . $this->_conn->quote($tsFrom);
     $whereTo = $asPv . '.' . PvSale::ATTR_DATE_PAID . '<=' . $this->_conn->quote($tsTo);
     $query->where("{$whereFrom} AND {$whereTo}");
     // $sql = (string)$query;
     $result = $this->_conn->fetchOne($query);
     return $result;
  * @param Request\PvWriteOff $request
  * @return Response\PvWriteOff
 public function pvWriteOff(Request\PvWriteOff $request)
     $result = new Response\PvWriteOff();
     $datePerformed = $request->getDatePerformed();
     $this->_logger->info("'PV Write Off' calculation is started.");
     $reqGetPeriod = new PeriodGetForWriteOffRequest();
     $respGetPeriod = $this->_callPeriod->getForWriteOff($reqGetPeriod);
     if ($respGetPeriod->isSucceed()) {
         if ($respGetPeriod->hasNoPvTransactionsYet()) {
             $this->_logger->info("There is no PV transactions yet. Nothing to calculate.");
         } else {
             $def = $this->_manTrans->begin();
             try {
                 /* working vars */
                 $periodData = $respGetPeriod->getPeriodData();
                 $periodId = $periodData[Period::ATTR_ID];
                 $calcData = $respGetPeriod->getCalcData();
                 $calcId = $calcData[Calculation::ATTR_ID];
                 $periodBegin = $periodData[Period::ATTR_DSTAMP_BEGIN];
                 $periodEnd = $periodData[Period::ATTR_DSTAMP_END];
                 $this->_logger->info("Processing period #{$periodId} ({$periodBegin}-{$periodEnd}), calculation #{$calcId}.");
                 $transData = $this->_subDb->getDataForWriteOff($calcId, $periodBegin, $periodEnd);
                 $updates = $this->_subCalc->pvWriteOff($transData);
                 $dateApplied = $this->_toolPeriod->getTimestampTo($periodEnd);
                 $operId = $this->_subDb->saveOperationPvWriteOff($updates, $datePerformed, $dateApplied);
                 $this->_subDb->saveLogPvWriteOff($transData, $operId, $calcId);
             } finally {
     $this->_logger->info("'PV Write Off' calculation is completed.");
     return $result;
예제 #5
  * pps.sale_id,
  * pps.date_paid,
  * sfo.base_grand_total,
  * ce.entity_id
  * FROM prxgt_pv_sale pps
  * LEFT JOIN sales_flat_order sfo
  * ON pps.sale_id = sfo.entity_id
  * LEFT JOIN customer_entity ce
  * ON sfo.customer_id = ce.entity_id
  * WHERE pps.date_paid >= '2016-01-01 00:00:00'
  * AND pps.date_paid <= '2016-01-31 23:59:59'
  * @param $dsBegin - '20160101'
  * @param $dsEnd - '20160131'
  * @return array [ $custId => [$orderId=>[$amount], ... ], ... ]
 public function getSaleOrdersForRebate($dsBegin, $dsEnd)
     $result = [];
     /* aliases and tables */
     $asPvSale = 'pps';
     $asMageSale = 'sfo';
     $asMageCust = 'ce';
     $tblPvSale = $this->_resource->getTableName(PvSale::ENTITY_NAME);
     $tblMageSale = $this->_resource->getTableName(Cfg::ENTITY_MAGE_SALES_ORDER);
     $tblMageCust = $this->_resource->getTableName(Cfg::ENTITY_MAGE_CUSTOMER);
     // FROM prxgt_pv_sale pps
     $query = $this->_conn->select();
     $cols = [PvSale::ATTR_SALE_ID, PvSale::ATTR_DATE_PAID];
     $query->from([$asPvSale => $tblPvSale], $cols);
     // LEFT JOIN sales_flat_order sfo ON pps.sale_id = sfo.entity_id
     $on = "{$asPvSale}." . PvSale::ATTR_SALE_ID . "={$asMageSale}." . Cfg::E_COMMON_A_ENTITY_ID;
     $cols = [Cfg::E_SALE_ORDER_A_BASE_GRAND_TOTAL];
     $query->joinLeft([$asMageSale => $tblMageSale], $on, $cols);
     // LEFT JOIN customer_entity ce ON sfo.customer_id = ce.entity_id
     $on = "{$asMageSale}." . Cfg::E_SALE_ORDER_A_CUSTOMER_ID . "={$asMageCust}." . Cfg::E_CUSTOMER_A_ENTITY_ID;
     $cols = [Cfg::E_CUSTOMER_A_ENTITY_ID];
     $query->joinLeft([$asMageCust => $tblMageCust], $on, $cols);
     // where
     $from = $this->_toolPeriod->getTimestampFrom($dsBegin);
     $to = $this->_toolPeriod->getTimestampTo($dsEnd);
     $whereFrom = PvSale::ATTR_DATE_PAID . '>=' . $this->_conn->quote($from);
     $whereTo = PvSale::ATTR_DATE_PAID . '<=' . $this->_conn->quote($to);
     $wherePv = PvSale::ATTR_TOTAL . ">0";
     $query->where("{$whereFrom} AND {$whereTo} AND {$wherePv}");
     // $sql = (string)$query;
     $data = $this->_conn->fetchAll($query);
     foreach ($data as $item) {
         $custId = $item[Cfg::E_CUSTOMER_A_ENTITY_ID];
         $saleId = $item[PvSale::ATTR_SALE_ID];
         $amount = $item[Cfg::E_SALE_ORDER_A_BASE_GRAND_TOTAL];
         $result[$custId][$saleId] = $amount;
     return $result;
  * `pps`.`sale_id`,
  * `sfo`.`customer_id`
  * FROM `prxgt_pv_sale` AS `pps`
  * LEFT JOIN `sales_flat_order` AS `sfo`
  * ON pps.sale_id = sfo.entity_id
  * WHERE (pps.date_paid >= '2016-01-01 08:00:00'
  * AND pps.date_paid <= '2017-01-01 07:59:59')
  * @param string $dsFrom
  * @param string $dsTo
  * @return array
 function getSalesOrdersForPeriod($dsFrom, $dsTo)
     $tsFrom = $this->_toolPeriod->getTimestampFrom($dsFrom);
     $tsTo = $this->_toolPeriod->getTimestampTo($dsTo);
     /* aliases and tables */
     $asPv = 'pps';
     $asOrder = 'sfo';
     $tblPv = $this->_resource->getTableName(PvSale::ENTITY_NAME);
     $tblOrder = $this->_resource->getTableName(Cfg::ENTITY_MAGE_SALES_ORDER);
     // SELECT FROM prxgt_pv_sale pps
     $query = $this->_conn->select();
     $query->from([$asPv => $tblPv], [PvSale::ATTR_SALE_ID, PvSale::ATTR_TOTAL]);
     // LEFT JOIN sales_flat_order sfo ON pps.sale_id = sfo.entity_id
     $on = "{$asPv}." . PvSale::ATTR_SALE_ID . "={$asOrder}." . Cfg::E_SALE_ORDER_A_ENTITY_ID;
     $cols = [Cfg::E_SALE_ORDER_A_CUSTOMER_ID];
     $query->joinLeft([$asOrder => $tblOrder], $on, $cols);
     // where
     $whereFrom = $asPv . '.' . PvSale::ATTR_DATE_PAID . '>=' . $this->_conn->quote($tsFrom);
     $whereTo = $asPv . '.' . PvSale::ATTR_DATE_PAID . '<=' . $this->_conn->quote($tsTo);
     $query->where("{$whereFrom} AND {$whereTo}");
     // $sql = (string)$query;
     $result = $this->_conn->fetchAll($query);
     return $result;