public function test_getDependedCalc_incomplete()
     /** === Test Data === */
     $RESULT = new \Praxigento\BonusBase\Service\Period\Response\GetForDependentCalc();
     $BASE_PERIOD_ID = 2;
     $BASE_TYPE_CODE = 'base';
     $BASE_DS_BEGIN = 'begin';
     $BASE_DS_END = 'end';
     $DEP_TYPE_CODE = 'depend';
     $DEP_TYPE_ID = 4;
     /** === Setup Mocks === */
     // $baseCalcData = $this->_repoService->getLastCalcForPeriodById($basePeriodId);
     /** === Call and asserts  === */
예제 #2
 public function getForDependentCalc(Request\GetForDependentCalc $request)
     $result = new Response\GetForDependentCalc();
     $baseCalcTypeCode = $request->getBaseCalcTypeCode();
     $dependentCalcTypeCode = $request->getDependentCalcTypeCode();
     $msg = "'Get latest period for Dependent Calculation' operation is started " . "(dependent={$dependentCalcTypeCode}, base={$baseCalcTypeCode}).";
     $def = $this->_manTrans->begin();
     try {
         /* get IDs for calculations codes */
         $baseCalcTypeId = $this->_repoTypeCalc->getIdByCode($baseCalcTypeCode);
         $dependentCalcTypeId = $this->_repoTypeCalc->getIdByCode($dependentCalcTypeCode);
         /* get the last base period data from repo */
         $basePeriodData = $this->_repoService->getLastPeriodByCalcType($baseCalcTypeId);
         if (is_null($basePeriodData)) {
             $msg = "There is no period for '{$baseCalcTypeCode}' calculation yet (base). " . "Depended '{$dependentCalcTypeCode}' could not be calculated.";
         } else {
             /* there is period for base calculation, place base data into response */
             $baseDsBegin = $basePeriodData->getDstampBegin();
             $baseDsEnd = $basePeriodData->getDstampEnd();
             /* then get data for depended period & calc */
             $periodId = $basePeriodData->getId();
             $result = $this->_subDepended->getDependedCalc($result, $periodId, $baseCalcTypeCode, $baseDsBegin, $baseDsEnd, $dependentCalcTypeCode, $dependentCalcTypeId);
         /* mark succeed if depended data exists */
         if ($result->getDependentPeriodData() && $result->getDependentCalcData()) {
     } finally {
     $this->_logger->info("'Get latest period for Dependent Calculation' operation is completed.");
     return $result;