THyperLink displays a hyperlink on a page. The hyperlink URL is specified via the {@link setNavigateUrl NavigateUrl} property, and link text is via the {@link setText Text} property. It is also possible to display an image by setting the {@link setImageUrl ImageUrl} property. In this case, the alignment of the image displayed is set by the {@link setImageAlign ImageAlign} property and {@link getText Text} is displayed as the alternate text of the image. The link target is specified via the {@link setTarget Target} property. If both {@link getImageUrl ImageUrl} and {@link getText Text} are empty, the content enclosed within the control tag will be rendered.
부터: 3.0
저자: Qiang Xue (
상속: extends TWebControl, implements Prado\IDataRenderer
예제 #1
  * Sets the target window or frame to display the Web page content linked to when the THyperLink component is clicked.
  * @param string the target window, valid values include '_blank', '_parent', '_self', '_top' and empty string.
 public function setTarget($value)
     if (parent::getTarget() === $value) {
     if ($this->getActiveControl()->canUpdateClientSide()) {
         $this->getPage()->getCallbackClient()->setAttribute($this, 'target', $value);