예제 #1
  * batch action method
  * @param  int $lid
  * @return void
 public function batch($lid)
     $library = new Model\MediaLibrary();
     if (!isset($library->id)) {
         $this->redirect(BASE_PATH . APP_URI . '/media');
     $browser = new Browser();
     $dragAndDrop = !($browser->isMsie() && $browser->getVersion() <= 9);
     if (null !== $this->request->getQuery('basic') && $this->request->getQuery('basic')) {
         $this->view->title = 'Media : ' . $library->name . ' : Batch Upload';
         $this->view->lid = $lid;
         $this->view->max = $library->getMaxFilesize();
         $this->view->dragAndDrop = $dragAndDrop;
         $fields = $this->application->config()['forms']['Phire\\Media\\Form\\Batch'];
         $fields[0]['library_id']['value'] = $lid;
         $fields[2]['batch_archive']['label'] = 'Batch Archive File <span class="batch-formats">(' . implode(', ', array_keys(\Pop\Archive\Archive::getFormats())) . ')</span>';
         $fields[2]['batch_archive']['validators'] = new \Pop\Validator\RegEx('/^.*\\.(' . implode('|', array_keys(\Pop\Archive\Archive::getFormats())) . ')$/i', 'That file archive type is not allowed.');
         $this->view->form = new Form\Batch($fields);
         if ($this->request->isPost()) {
             $settings = $library->getSettings();
             $folder = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . BASE_PATH . CONTENT_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $library->folder;
             if (!file_exists($folder)) {
             $values = !empty($_FILES['file_1']) && !empty($_FILES['file_1']['name']) ? array_merge($this->request->getPost(), ['file_1' => $_FILES['file_1']['name']]) : $this->request->getPost();
             $this->view->form->addFilter('htmlentities', [ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'])->setFieldValues($values, $settings);
             if ($this->view->form->isValid()) {
                 $this->view->form->clearFilters()->addFilter('html_entity_decode', [ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'])->filter();
                 $media = new Model\Media();
                 $media->batch($_FILES, $this->view->form->getFields());
                 $this->view->id = $media->ids;
                 $this->sess->setRequestValue('saved', true);
                 $this->redirect(BASE_PATH . APP_URI . '/media/' . $lid . '?basic=1');
     } else {
         if (!$dragAndDrop) {
             $this->redirect(BASE_PATH . APP_URI . '/media/batch/' . $lid . '?basic=1');
         } else {
             $this->view->title = 'Media : ' . $library->name . ' : Batch Upload';
             $this->view->lid = $lid;
             $this->view->max = $library->getMaxFilesize();
             $this->view->categoriesForBatch = null;
             if (class_exists('Phire\\Categories\\Model\\Category')) {
                 $config = $this->application->module('phire-categories');
                 $cat = new \Phire\Categories\Model\Category([], $config);
                 if (count($cat->getFlatMap()) > 0) {
                     $categoryValues = $cat->getCategoryValues();
                     $categories = new \Pop\Form\Element\CheckboxSet('categories', $categoryValues);
                     $this->view->categoriesForBatch = $categories;
예제 #2
  * Install themes
  * @throws \Exception
  * @return void
 public function install()
     $themePath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . BASE_PATH . CONTENT_PATH . '/themes';
     $themes = $this->detectNew(false);
     $children = $this->detectChildren(false);
     if (!is_writable($themePath)) {
         throw new \Phire\Exception('Error: The theme folder is not writable.');
     $formats = Archive::getFormats();
     foreach ($themes as $theme) {
         if (file_exists($themePath . '/' . $theme)) {
             $ext = null;
             $folder = null;
             if (substr($theme, -4) == '.zip') {
                 $ext = 'zip';
                 $folder = substr($theme, 0, -4);
             } else {
                 if (substr($theme, -4) == '.tgz') {
                     $ext = 'tgz';
                     $folder = substr($theme, 0, -4);
                 } else {
                     if (substr($theme, -7) == '.tar.gz') {
                         $ext = 'tar.gz';
                         $folder = substr($theme, 0, -7);
             if (null !== $ext && null !== $folder && array_key_exists($ext, $formats)) {
                 $archive = new Archive($themePath . '/' . $theme);
                 if (stripos($theme, 'gz') !== false && file_exists($themePath . '/' . $folder . '.tar')) {
                     unlink($themePath . '/' . $folder . '.tar');
                 if (file_exists($themePath . '/' . $folder)) {
                     $style = null;
                     $name = '';
                     $info = [];
                     $version = 'N/A';
                     // Check for a style sheet
                     if (file_exists($themePath . '/' . $folder . '/style.css')) {
                         $style = $themePath . '/' . $folder . '/style.css';
                     } else {
                         if (file_exists($themePath . '/' . $folder . '/styles.css')) {
                             $style = $themePath . '/' . $folder . '/styles.css';
                         } else {
                             if (file_exists($themePath . '/' . $folder . '/css/style.css')) {
                                 $style = $themePath . '/' . $folder . '/css/style.css';
                             } else {
                                 if (file_exists($themePath . '/' . $folder . '/css/styles.css')) {
                                     $style = $themePath . '/' . $folder . '/css/styles.css';
                                 } else {
                                     if (file_exists($themePath . '/' . $folder . '/style/style.css')) {
                                         $style = $themePath . '/' . $folder . '/style/style.css';
                                     } else {
                                         if (file_exists($themePath . '/' . $folder . '/style/styles.css')) {
                                             $style = $themePath . '/' . $folder . '/style/styles.css';
                                         } else {
                                             if (file_exists($themePath . '/' . $folder . '/styles/style.css')) {
                                                 $style = $themePath . '/' . $folder . '/styles/style.css';
                                             } else {
                                                 if (file_exists($themePath . '/' . $folder . '/styles/styles.css')) {
                                                     $style = $themePath . '/' . $folder . '/styles/styles.css';
                     // Get theme info from config file
                     if (null != $style) {
                         $info = $this->getInfo(file_get_contents($style));
                         if (isset($info['version'])) {
                             $version = $info['version'];
                         } else {
                             if (isset($info['Version'])) {
                                 $version = $info['Version'];
                             } else {
                                 if (isset($info['VERSION'])) {
                                     $version = $info['VERSION'];
                         if (isset($info['name'])) {
                             $name = $info['name'];
                         } else {
                             if (isset($info['Name'])) {
                                 $name = $info['Name'];
                             } else {
                                 if (isset($info['NAME'])) {
                                     $name = $info['NAME'];
                                 } else {
                                     if (isset($info['theme name'])) {
                                         $name = $info['theme name'];
                                     } else {
                                         if (isset($info['Theme Name'])) {
                                             $name = $info['Theme Name'];
                                         } else {
                                             if (isset($info['THEME NAME'])) {
                                                 $name = $info['THEME NAME'];
                     // Save theme in the database
                     $thm = new Table\Themes(['name' => $name, 'file' => $theme, 'folder' => $folder, 'version' => $version, 'active' => 0, 'assets' => serialize(['info' => $info]), 'installed_on' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')]);
                     $this->sendStats($name, $version);
     foreach ($children as $parent => $child) {
         $parentTheme = Table\Themes::findBy(['folder' => $parent]);
         if (isset($parentTheme->id) && file_exists($themePath . '/' . $child)) {
             $style = null;
             $info = [];
             // Check for a style sheet
             if (file_exists($themePath . '/' . $child . '/style.css')) {
                 $style = $themePath . '/' . $child . '/style.css';
             } else {
                 if (file_exists($themePath . '/' . $child . '/styles.css')) {
                     $style = $themePath . '/' . $child . '/styles.css';
                 } else {
                     if (file_exists($themePath . '/' . $child . '/css/style.css')) {
                         $style = $themePath . '/' . $child . '/css/style.css';
                     } else {
                         if (file_exists($themePath . '/' . $child . '/css/styles.css')) {
                             $style = $themePath . '/' . $child . '/css/styles.css';
             // Get theme info from config file
             if (null != $style) {
                 $info = $this->getInfo(file_get_contents($style));
             // Save theme in the database
             $thm = new Table\Themes(['parent_id' => $parentTheme->id, 'name' => $child, 'folder' => $child, 'active' => 0, 'assets' => serialize(['info' => $info]), 'installed_on' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')]);
예제 #3
  * Upload template
  * @param  array $file
  * @return void
 public function upload($file)
     $templatePath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . BASE_PATH . CONTENT_PATH . '/templates';
     if (!file_exists($templatePath)) {
         chmod($templatePath, 0777);
         if (file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . BASE_PATH . CONTENT_PATH . '/index.html')) {
             copy($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . BASE_PATH . CONTENT_PATH . '/index.html', $templatePath . '/index.html');
             chmod($templatePath . '/index.html', 0777);
     $upload = new Upload($templatePath);
     $template = $upload->upload($file);
     $formats = Archive::getFormats();
     if (file_exists($templatePath . '/' . $template)) {
         $ext = null;
         $name = null;
         if (substr($template, -4) == '.zip') {
             $ext = 'zip';
             $name = substr($template, 0, -4);
         } else {
             if (substr($template, -4) == '.tgz') {
                 $ext = 'tgz';
                 $name = substr($template, 0, -4);
             } else {
                 if (substr($template, -7) == '.tar.gz') {
                     $ext = 'tar.gz';
                     $name = substr($template, 0, -7);
         if (null !== $ext && null !== $name && array_key_exists($ext, $formats)) {
             $archive = new Archive($templatePath . '/' . $template);
             if (stripos($template, 'gz') !== false && file_exists($templatePath . '/' . $name . '.tar')) {
                 unlink($templatePath . '/' . $name . '.tar');
             if (file_exists($templatePath . '/' . $name)) {
                 $dir = new Dir($templatePath . '/' . $name, ['filesOnly' => true]);
                 foreach ($dir->getFiles() as $file) {
                     if (substr($file, -5) == '.html') {
                         $isVisible = stripos($file, 'category') === false && stripos($file, 'error') === false && stripos($file, 'tag') === false && stripos($file, 'search') === false && stripos($file, 'sidebar') === false && stripos($file, 'header') === false && stripos($file, 'footer') === false;
                         $template = new Table\Templates(['parent_id' => null, 'name' => ucwords(str_replace(['-', '_'], [' ', ' '], substr(strtolower($file), 0, -5))), 'device' => 'desktop', 'template' => file_get_contents($templatePath . '/' . $name . '/' . $file), 'history' => null, 'visible' => (int) $isVisible]);
예제 #4
  * Install modules
  * @param  \Pop\Service\Locator $services
  * @throws \Exception
  * @return void
 public function install(\Pop\Service\Locator $services)
     $modulesPath = MODULES_ABS_PATH;
     $modules = $this->detectNew(false);
     if (strpos($modulesPath, 'vendor') !== false) {
         foreach ($modules as $module) {
             $this->finalizeInstall('', $module, $modulesPath, $services);
     } else {
         if (!is_writable($modulesPath)) {
             throw new \Phire\Exception('Error: The module folder is not writable.');
         $formats = Archive::getFormats();
         foreach ($modules as $module) {
             if (file_exists($modulesPath . '/' . $module)) {
                 $ext = null;
                 $folder = null;
                 if (substr($module, -4) == '.zip') {
                     $ext = 'zip';
                     $folder = substr($module, 0, -4);
                 } else {
                     if (substr($module, -4) == '.tgz') {
                         $ext = 'tgz';
                         $folder = substr($module, 0, -4);
                     } else {
                         if (substr($module, -7) == '.tar.gz') {
                             $ext = 'tar.gz';
                             $folder = substr($module, 0, -7);
                 if (null !== $ext && null !== $folder && array_key_exists($ext, $formats)) {
                     $archive = new Archive($modulesPath . '/' . $module);
                     if (stripos($module, 'gz') !== false && file_exists($modulesPath . '/' . $folder . '.tar')) {
                         unlink($modulesPath . '/' . $folder . '.tar');
                     if (file_exists($modulesPath . '/' . $folder) && file_exists($modulesPath . '/' . $folder . '/config/module.php')) {
                         $this->finalizeInstall($module, $folder, $modulesPath, $services);