예제 #1
  * Execute the console command.
  * @return mixed
 public function handle()
     if ($this->option('tracks') === 'all') {
         // Get all cacheable track files
         $trackFiles = TrackFile::where('is_cacheable', true)->with('track.album')->get();
     } else {
         // Get all expired track files
         $trackFiles = TrackFile::where('is_cacheable', true)->where('expires_at', '<=', Carbon::now())->with('track.album')->get();
     // Delete above track files
     if (count($trackFiles) === 0) {
         $this->info('No tracks found. Exiting.');
     } else {
         if ($this->option('force') || $this->confirm(count($trackFiles) . ' cacheable track files found. Proceed to delete their files if they exist? [y|N]', false)) {
             $count = 0;
             foreach ($trackFiles as $trackFile) {
                 // Set expiration to null (so can be re-cached upon request)
                 $trackFile->expires_at = null;
                 // Delete file if exists
                 if (File::exists($trackFile->getFile())) {
                     $this->info('Deleted ' . $trackFile->getFile());
                 // Remove the cached file size for the album
                 Cache::forget($trackFile->track->album->getCacheKey('filesize-' . $trackFile->format));
             $this->info($count . ' files deleted. Deletion complete. Exiting.');
         } else {
             $this->info('Deletion cancelled. Exiting.');
예제 #2
  * Execute the console command.
  * @return mixed
 public function handle()
     $this->info('If this is your first time running this command, it is *highly* recommended that you ensure the file sizes for all track files have been populated.');
     if ($this->option('force') || $this->confirm('Are you sure you want to delete all to-be-cached track files and encode missing non-cached track files?', false)) {
         // Delete previously cached track files
         $this->info('========== Step 1/4 - Deleting previously cached track files. ==========');
         $count = 0;
         // Chunk track files which are cacheable and NOT master
         TrackFile::where('is_cacheable', true)->where('is_master', false)->chunk(200, function ($trackFiles) use(&$count) {
             // Delete chunked track files
             foreach ($trackFiles as $trackFile) {
                 // Clear expiration so will be re-cached on next request
                 $trackFile->expires_at = null;
                 // Delete files
                 if (File::exists($trackFile->getFile())) {
                     $this->info('Deleted ' . $trackFile->getFile());
             $this->info($count . ' track files deleted. Deletion complete. Continuing.');
         // Update the database entries for cacheable track files - non-cacheable to cacheable
         $this->info('========== Step 2/4 - Updating is_cacheable entries in database. ==========');
         $trackFileCount = 0;
         $formats = [];
         // Find track files which are meant to be cacheable and NOT master, but currently not cacheable
         TrackFile::where('is_cacheable', false)->whereIn('format', Track::$CacheableFormats)->where('is_master', false)->chunk(200, function ($trackFiles) use(&$trackFileCount, &$formats) {
             $this->info('---------- Start Chunk ----------');
             // Set above files to cacheable in the database
             foreach ($trackFiles as $trackFile) {
                 // Let user know which formats, previously not cached, were made cacheable
                 $formats[] = $trackFile->format;
                 $trackFile->expires_at = null;
                 $trackFile->is_cacheable = true;
             $this->info('----------- End Chunk -----------');
         $this->info('Format(s) set from non-cacheable to cacheable: ' . implode(' ', array_unique($formats)));
         $this->info($trackFileCount . ' non-cacheable track files set to cacheable.');
         // Update the database entries for cacheable track files - cacheable to non-cacheable
         $trackFileCount = 0;
         $formats = [];
         // Chunk track files which are NOT meant to be cacheable, but currently cacheable
         TrackFile::where('is_cacheable', true)->whereNotIn('format', Track::$CacheableFormats)->chunk(200, function ($trackFiles) use(&$trackFileCount, &$formats) {
             $this->info('---------- Start Chunk ----------');
             // Set chunked track files to non-cacheable in the database
             foreach ($trackFiles as $trackFile) {
                 // Let user know which formats, previously not cached, were made cacheable
                 $formats[] = $trackFile->format;
                 $trackFile->expires_at = null;
                 $trackFile->is_cacheable = false;
             $this->info('----------- End Chunk -----------');
         $this->info('Format(s) set from cacheable to non-cacheable: ' . implode(' ', array_unique($formats)));
         $this->info($trackFileCount . ' cacheable track files set to non-cacheable.');
         // Delete track files which have now been marked as cacheable
         $this->info('========== Step 3/4 - Deleting now-cacheable track files. ==========');
         $count = 0;
         $trackFileCount = 0;
         // Find track files which are cacheable and NOT master
         TrackFile::whereIn('format', Track::$CacheableFormats)->where('is_master', false)->chunk(200, function ($trackFiles) use(&$count, &$trackFileCount) {
             $this->info('---------- Start Chunk ----------');
             foreach ($trackFiles as $trackFile) {
                 // Delete track files if track files exist; double-check that they are NOT master files
                 if (File::exists($trackFile->getFile()) && $trackFile->is_master == false) {
                     $this->info('Deleted ' . $trackFile->getFile());
             $this->info('----------- End Chunk -----------');
         $this->info(sprintf('%d track files deleted out of %d track files. Continuing.', $count, $trackFileCount));
         // Encode missing (i.e., now non-cacheable) track files
         $this->info('========== Step 4/4 - Encoding missing track files. ==========');
         $count = 0;
         // Chunk non-cacheable track files
         TrackFile::where('is_cacheable', false)->where('is_master', false)->chunk(200, function ($trackFiles) use(&$count) {
             $this->info('---------- Start Chunk ----------');
             // Record the track files which do not exist (i.e., have not been encoded yet)
             $emptyTrackFiles = [];
             foreach ($trackFiles as $trackFile) {
                 if (!File::exists($trackFile->getFile())) {
                     $emptyTrackFiles[] = $trackFile;
             // Encode recorded track files
             foreach ($emptyTrackFiles as $emptyTrackFile) {
                 $this->info("Started encoding track file ID {$emptyTrackFile->id}");
                 $this->dispatch(new EncodeTrackFile($emptyTrackFile, false));
             $this->info('----------- End Chunk -----------');
         $this->info($count . ' track files encoded.');
         $this->info('Rebuild complete. Exiting.');
     } else {
         $this->info('Rebuild cancelled. Exiting.');
예제 #3
  * Execute the job.
  * @return void
 public function handle()
     // Sanity-check: was this file just generated, or is it already being processed?
     if ($this->trackFile->status === TrackFile::STATUS_PROCESSING) {
         Log::warning('Track file #' . $this->trackFile->id . ' (track #' . $this->trackFile->track_id . ') is already being processed!');
     } elseif (!$this->trackFile->is_expired) {
         Log::warning('Track file #' . $this->trackFile->id . ' (track #' . $this->trackFile->track_id . ') is still valid! No need to re-encode it.');
     // Start the job
     $this->trackFile->status = TrackFile::STATUS_PROCESSING;
     // Use the track's master file as the source
     if ($this->isForUpload) {
         $source = $this->trackFile->track->getTemporarySourceFile();
     } else {
         $source = TrackFile::where('track_id', $this->trackFile->track_id)->where('is_master', true)->first()->getFile();
     // Assign the target
     $target = $this->trackFile->getFile();
     // Prepare the command
     $format = Track::$Formats[$this->trackFile->format];
     $command = $format['command'];
     $command = str_replace('{$source}', '"' . $source . '"', $command);
     $command = str_replace('{$target}', '"' . $target . '"', $command);
     Log::info('Encoding track file ' . $this->trackFile->id . ' into ' . $target);
     // Start a synchronous process to encode the file
     $process = new Process($command);
     try {
     } catch (ProcessFailedException $e) {
         Log::error('An exception occured in the encoding process for track file ' . $this->trackFile->id . ' - ' . $e->getMessage());
         // Ensure queue fails
         throw $e;
     // Update the tags of the track
     // Insert the expiration time for cached tracks
     if ($this->isExpirable && $this->trackFile->is_cacheable) {
         $this->trackFile->expires_at = Carbon::now()->addMinutes(Config::get('ponyfm.track_file_cache_duration'));
     // Update file size
     // Complete the job
     $this->trackFile->status = TrackFile::STATUS_NOT_BEING_PROCESSED;
     if ($this->isForUpload) {
         if (!$this->trackFile->is_master && $this->trackFile->is_cacheable) {
         // This was the final TrackFile for this track!
         if ($this->trackFile->track->status === Track::STATUS_COMPLETE) {
             if ($this->autoPublishWhenComplete) {
                 $this->trackFile->track->published_at = Carbon::now();
                 DB::table('tracks')->whereUserId($this->trackFile->track->user_id)->update(['is_latest' => false]);
                 $this->trackFile->track->is_latest = true;