public function getIndex($type, $id) { $column = ''; if ($type == 'track') { $column = 'track_id'; } else { if ($type == 'user') { $column = 'profile_id'; } else { if ($type == 'album') { $column = 'album_id'; } else { if ($type == 'playlist') { $column = 'playlist_id'; } else { App::abort(500); } } } } $query = Comment::where($column, '=', $id)->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->with('user'); $comments = []; foreach ($query->get() as $comment) { $comments[] = Comment::mapPublic($comment); } return Response::json(['list' => $comments, 'count' => count($comments)]); }
/** * @throws \Exception * @return CommandResponse */ public function execute() { $rules = ['content' => 'required', 'track_id' => 'exists:tracks,id', 'albums_id' => 'exists:albums,id', 'playlist_id' => 'exists:playlists,id', 'profile_id' => 'exists:users,id']; $validator = Validator::make($this->_input, $rules); if ($validator->fails()) { return CommandResponse::fail($validator); } $comment = new Comment(); $comment->user_id = Auth::user()->id; $comment->content = $this->_input['content']; if ($this->_type == 'track') { $column = 'track_id'; } else { if ($this->_type == 'user') { $column = 'profile_id'; } else { if ($this->_type == 'album') { $column = 'album_id'; } else { if ($this->_type == 'playlist') { $column = 'playlist_id'; } else { App::abort(500); } } } } $comment->{$column} = $this->_id; $comment->save(); // Recount the track's comments, if this is a track comment if ($this->_type === 'track') { $entity = Track::find($this->_id); } elseif ($this->_type === 'album') { $entity = Album::find($this->_id); } elseif ($this->_type === 'playlist') { $entity = Playlist::find($this->_id); } elseif ($this->_type === 'user') { $entity = User::find($this->_id); } else { App::abort(400, 'This comment is being added to an invalid entity!'); } $entity->comment_count = Comment::where($column, $this->_id)->count(); $entity->save(); return CommandResponse::succeed(Comment::mapPublic($comment)); }
/** * Execute the console command. * * @return mixed */ public function handle() { // Get list of affected users $usernames = DB::table('users')->select(['username', DB::raw('COUNT(*) as count')])->whereNull('disabled_at')->whereNotNull('username')->groupBy(DB::raw('LOWER(username)'))->having('count', '>=', 2)->lists('username'); foreach ($usernames as $username) { // Find the relevant accounts // ========================== /** @var Collection $accounts */ $accounts = User::where('username', $username)->orderBy('created_at', 'ASC')->get(); $firstAccount = $accounts[0]; $accounts->forget(0); $accountIds = $accounts->pluck('id'); // Reassign content // ================ // This is done with the less-efficient-than-raw-SQL Eloquent // methods to generate appropriate revision logs. $this->info('Merging duplicates for: ' . $firstAccount->username); DB::transaction(function () use($accounts, $accountIds, $firstAccount) { foreach (Album::whereIn('user_id', $accountIds)->get() as $album) { $album->user_id = $firstAccount->id; $album->save(); } foreach (Comment::whereIn('user_id', $accountIds)->get() as $comment) { $comment->user_id = $firstAccount->id; $comment->save(); } foreach (Favourite::whereIn('user_id', $accountIds)->get() as $favourite) { $favourite->user_id = $firstAccount->id; $favourite->save(); } foreach (Follower::whereIn('artist_id', $accountIds)->get() as $follow) { $follow->artist_id = $firstAccount->id; $follow->save(); } foreach (Image::whereIn('uploaded_by', $accountIds)->get() as $image) { $image->uploaded_by = $firstAccount->id; $image->save(); } foreach (Image::whereIn('uploaded_by', $accountIds)->get() as $image) { $image->uploaded_by = $firstAccount->id; $image->save(); } DB::table('oauth2_tokens')->whereIn('user_id', $accountIds)->update(['user_id' => $firstAccount->id]); foreach (PinnedPlaylist::whereIn('user_id', $accountIds)->get() as $playlist) { $playlist->user_id = $firstAccount->id; $playlist->save(); } foreach (Playlist::whereIn('user_id', $accountIds)->get() as $playlist) { $playlist->user_id = $firstAccount->id; $playlist->save(); } foreach (ResourceLogItem::whereIn('user_id', $accountIds)->get() as $item) { $item->user_id = $firstAccount->id; $item->save(); } foreach (ResourceUser::whereIn('user_id', $accountIds)->get() as $item) { $item->user_id = $firstAccount->id; $item->save(); } foreach (Track::whereIn('user_id', $accountIds)->get() as $track) { $track->user_id = $firstAccount->id; $track->save(); } foreach ($accounts as $account) { $account->disabled_at = Carbon::now(); $account->save(); } }); } }
public static function mapPublicPlaylistShow(Playlist $playlist) { $tracks = []; foreach ($playlist->tracks as $track) { /** @var $track Track */ $tracks[] = Track::mapPublicTrackSummary($track); } $formats = []; foreach (Track::$Formats as $name => $format) { $formats[] = ['name' => $name, 'extension' => $format['extension'], 'url' => $playlist->getDownloadUrl($name), 'size' => Helpers::formatBytes($playlist->getFilesize($name)), 'isCacheable' => in_array($name, Track::$CacheableFormats) ? true : false]; } $comments = []; foreach ($playlist->comments as $comment) { $comments[] = Comment::mapPublic($comment); } $data = self::mapPublicPlaylistSummary($playlist); $data['tracks'] = $tracks; $data['comments'] = $comments; $data['formats'] = $formats; $data['share'] = ['url' => action('PlaylistsController@getShortlink', ['id' => $playlist->id]), 'tumblrUrl' => '' . urlencode($playlist->url) . '&name=' . urlencode($playlist->title) . '&description=' . urlencode($playlist->description), 'twitterUrl' => '' . $playlist->title . ' by ' . $playlist->user->display_name . ' on']; return $data; }
public static function mapPublicTrackShow(Track $track) { $returnValue = self::mapPublicTrackSummary($track); $returnValue['description'] = $track->description; $returnValue['lyrics'] = $track->lyrics; $comments = []; foreach ($track->comments as $comment) { $comments[] = Comment::mapPublic($comment); } $returnValue['comments'] = $comments; if ($track->album_id != null) { $returnValue['album'] = ['title' => $track->album->title, 'url' => $track->album->url]; } $formats = []; foreach ($track->trackFiles as $trackFile) { $formats[] = ['name' => $trackFile->format, 'extension' => $trackFile->extension, 'url' => $trackFile->url, 'size' => $trackFile->size, 'isCacheable' => (bool) $trackFile->is_cacheable]; } $returnValue['share'] = ['url' => action('TracksController@getShortlink', ['id' => $track->id]), 'html' => '<iframe src="' . action('TracksController@getEmbed', ['id' => $track->id]) . '" width="100%" height="150" allowTransparency="true" frameborder="0" seamless allowfullscreen></iframe>', 'bbcode' => '[url=' . $track->url . '][img]' . $track->getCoverUrl() . '[/img][/url]', 'twitterUrl' => '' . $track->title . ' by ' . $track->user->display_name . ' on']; $returnValue['share']['tumblrUrl'] = '' . urlencode($returnValue['share']['html']) . '&caption=' . urlencode($track->title); $returnValue['formats'] = $formats; return $returnValue; }
public function getShow($slug) { $user = User::whereSlug($slug)->whereNull('disabled_at')->userDetails()->with(['comments' => function ($query) { $query->with('user'); }])->first(); if (!$user) { App::abort(404); } $trackQuery = Track::summary()->published()->explicitFilter()->listed()->with('genre', 'cover', 'user')->userDetails()->whereUserId($user->id)->whereNotNull('published_at')->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->take(20); $latestTracks = []; foreach ($trackQuery->get() as $track) { $latestTracks[] = Track::mapPublicTrackSummary($track); } $comments = []; foreach ($user->comments as $comment) { $comments[] = Comment::mapPublic($comment); } $userData = ['is_following' => false]; if ($user->users->count()) { $userRow = $user->users[0]; $userData = ['is_following' => (bool) $userRow->is_followed]; } return Response::json(['artist' => ['id' => (int) $user->id, 'name' => $user->display_name, 'slug' => $user->slug, 'is_archived' => (bool) $user->is_archived, 'avatars' => ['small' => $user->getAvatarUrl(Image::SMALL), 'normal' => $user->getAvatarUrl(Image::NORMAL)], 'created_at' => $user->created_at, 'followers' => [], 'following' => [], 'latest_tracks' => $latestTracks, 'comments' => $comments, 'bio' => $user->bio, 'mlpforums_username' => $user->username, 'message_url' => $user->message_url, 'user_data' => $userData]], 200); }