/** * Checks/Updates the schema an generates a list of applied versions * * @param Application $app * @return Response */ public function handleSchemaVersionsRequest(Application $app) { $appliedVersions = $app['schema']->checkSchema(); $params = ['pageTitle' => 'Schema Versions', 'content' => ' <h2>Applied Schema Versions</h2> <ul> <li>' . join('</li><li>', $appliedVersions) . '</li> </ul> ']; $template = $app->config('templates')->content; return $app->render($template, $params); }
/** * Serves a login form * * @param Application $app Application instance * * @return Response A Response instance */ public function renderLoginForm(Application $app) { $params = ['pageTitle' => 'Login', 'token' => $app['security']->getToken('login'), 'usernameLabel' => 'Email', 'passwordLabel' => 'Password', 'buttonLabel' => 'Sign in', 'errorText' => 'Wrong email or password. Please try again']; $template = $app->config('templates')->login; return $app->render($template, $params); }
/** * Generates a (default) welcome response * * @param Application $app * * @return Response A Response instance */ public function handleHomeRequest(Application $app) { $params = ['pageTitle' => 'Welcome', 'content' => 'Welcome to Polymorph']; $template = $app->config('templates')->content; return $app->render($template, $params); }