예제 #1
 public function testMultipleChapter()
     $chapters = new Chapters();
     $chapters->addChapter(new Chapter(3450, 'Intro'));
     $chapters->addChapter(new Chapter(13450, 'Later', 'http://example.com', 'http://example.com/foo.jpg'));
     $chapters->setPrinter(new Printer\JSON());
     $chapters_string = (string) $chapters;
     $chapters->setPrinter(new Printer\Nullprinter());
     $this->assertEquals($chapters, Parser\JSON::parse($chapters_string));
 public function testPrinter()
     $expected_print = trim("\n00:00:01.234 Intro <http://example.com>\n00:12:34.000 About us\n01:02:03.000 Later\n");
     $chapters = new Chapters();
     $chapters->addChapter(new Chapter(1234, 'Intro', 'http://example.com'));
     $chapters->addChapter(new Chapter(754000, 'About us'));
     $chapters->addChapter(new Chapter(3723000, 'Later'));
     $chapters->setPrinter(new Printer\Mp4chaps());
     $this->assertEquals($expected_print, (string) $chapters);
예제 #3
    public function testSpecialCharsInTitle()
        $expected_print = trim('
<psc:chapters xmlns:psc="http://podlove.org/simple-chapters" version="1.2">
  <psc:chapter start="00:00:01.234" title="&quot;Intro&quot;"/>
  <psc:chapter start="00:00:01.235" title="T&#xF6;rich\'"/>
        $chapters = new Chapters();
        $chapters->addChapter(new Chapter(1234, '"Intro"'));
        $chapters->addChapter(new Chapter(1235, 'Törich\''));
        $chapters->setPrinter(new Printer\PSC());
        $this->assertEquals($expected_print, (string) $chapters);
예제 #4
    public function testPrinter()
        $expected_print = json_encode(json_decode('[
	{ "start": "00:00:01.234", "title": "Intro", "href": "http://example.com", "image": "" },
	{ "start": "00:12:34.000", "title": "About us", "href": "", "image": "" },
	{ "start": "01:02:03.000", "title": "Later", "href": "", "image": "http://example.com/foo.jpg" }
        $chapters = new Chapters();
        $chapters->addChapter(new Chapter(1234, 'Intro', 'http://example.com'));
        $chapters->addChapter(new Chapter(754000, 'About us'));
        $chapters->addChapter(new Chapter(3723000, 'Later', '', 'http://example.com/foo.jpg'));
        $chapters->setPrinter(new Printer\JSON());
        $this->assertEquals($expected_print, (string) $chapters);
예제 #5
 public static function parse($chapters_string)
     // remove UTF8 BOM if it exists
     $chapters_string = str_replace("", "", $chapters_string);
     if (!is_string($chapters_string)) {
         return NULL;
     if (!($chapters_string = trim($chapters_string))) {
         return NULL;
     if (!($xml = self::get_simplexml($chapters_string))) {
         return NULL;
     $xml->registerXPathNamespace('psc', 'http://podlove.org/simple-chapters');
     if (!($chapters_xpath = $xml->xpath("//psc:chapter"))) {
         return NULL;
     $chapters = new Chapters();
     foreach ($chapters_xpath as $chapter) {
         $simplexml_attributes = (array) $chapter->attributes();
         $attributes = $simplexml_attributes['@attributes'];
         $chapters->addChapter(new Chapter(NormalPlayTime\Parser::parse($attributes['start']), isset($attributes['title']) ? $attributes['title'] : '', isset($attributes['href']) ? $attributes['href'] : '', isset($attributes['image']) ? $attributes['image'] : ''));
     return $chapters;
예제 #6
 public static function parse($chapters_string)
     // remove UTF8 BOM if it exists
     $chapters_string = str_replace("", "", $chapters_string);
     $chapters_string = trim($chapters_string);
     if (!strlen($chapters_string)) {
         return NULL;
     $chapters = new Chapters();
     $invalid_lines = 0;
     foreach (preg_split("/((\r?\n)|(\r\n?))/", $chapters_string) as $line) {
         $valid = preg_match('/^([\\d.:]+)(.*)$/', trim($line), $matches);
         if (!$valid) {
         $time_string = $matches[1];
         $title = $matches[2];
         $timestamp_milliseconds = NormalPlayTime\Parser::parse($time_string);
         if ($timestamp_milliseconds === false) {
         $link = '';
         $title = preg_replace_callback('/\\s?<[^>]+>\\s?/', function ($matches) use(&$link) {
             $link = trim($matches[0], ' < >');
             return ' ';
         }, $title);
         $chapters->addChapter(new Chapter($timestamp_milliseconds, trim($title), $link));
     return $invalid_lines <= count($chapters) ? $chapters : NULL;
 public function testAllowLink()
     $result = Mp4chaps::parse("3.45 Intro   <http://example.com>");
     $chapters = new Chapters();
     $chapters->addChapter(new Chapter(3450, 'Intro', 'http://example.com'));
     $this->assertEquals($chapters, $result);
예제 #8
 public static function parse($chapters_string)
     // remove UTF8 BOM if it exists
     $chapters_string = str_replace("", "", $chapters_string);
     $chapters = new Chapters();
     $json = json_decode(trim($chapters_string));
     if (!$json) {
         return $chapters;
     foreach ($json as $chapter) {
         $chapters->addChapter(new Chapter(NormalPlayTime\Parser::parse($chapter->start), $chapter->title, $chapter->href, $chapter->image));
     return $chapters;
function hxmlppp_get_chapters_object($chapters, $mime_type, $chapters_file, $chapter_manager)
    // Only run on our mime type for Hindenburg XML
    if ('application/zip' !== $mime_type) {
        return $chapters;
    // Cache key
    $cache_key = 'podlove_chapters_string_' . $chapter_manager->episode->id;
    // Parse Hindenburg XML
    if (false === ($chapters = get_transient($cache_key))) {
        // Create new chapters object
        $chapters = new Chapters();
        // Download Hindenburg XML as temp file
        require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/file.php';
        add_filter('http_request_host_is_external', '__return_true');
        $file = download_url($chapters_file->get_file_url());
        // Init ZipArchive
        $zip = new ZipArchive();
        // Check if it is a valid ZIP file
        if (true !== ($error_code = $zip->open($file, ZipArchive::CHECKCONS))) {
            return $chapters;
        // Check if the ZIP constains a File5.xml
        $hindenburg_xml_file = $zip->getFromName('File5.xml');
        if (false === $hindenburg_xml_file) {
            return $chapters;
        // Parse Hindenburg XML from ZIP
        $hindenburg_xml = new SimpleXMLElement($hindenburg_xml_file);
        // Upload directory
        $episode_post = get_post($chapter_manager->episode->post_id);
        $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(date('Y/m', strtotime($episode_post->post_date)));
        // Get chapters
        foreach ($hindenburg_xml->Chapters->children() as $chapter) {
            // Find chapter link
            $link = '';
            foreach ($chapter->children() as $content) {
                if ('link' == $content->attributes()->type) {
                    $link = (string) $content->attributes()->url;
            // Add chapter image
            $image = '';
            if ('true' == $chapter->attributes()->cover) {
                $id = (int) $chapter->attributes()->id;
                $image_contents = $zip->getFromName("Images/Chapters/{$id}/Cover.jpg");
                $filename = "/chapter_{$chapter_manager->episode->id}_{$id}.jpg";
                file_put_contents($upload_dir['path'] . $filename, $image_contents);
                $image = $upload_dir['url'] . $filename;
            // Add new chapter
            $chapters->addChapter(new Chapter((int) $chapter->attributes()->start, (string) $chapter->attributes()->title, $link, $image));
        // Remove tmp file
        // Save to cache
        set_transient($cache_key, $chapters, 60 * 60 * 24 * 365);
    return $chapters;