If this class is modified, remember to modify the PHP C extension.
예제 #1
 public function onPlayerMove(PlayerMoveEvent $event)
     $player = $event->getPlayer();
     if ($player instanceof Player) {
         if ($player->getLevel()->getName() === $this->plugin->vipLevelName) {
             if (isset($this->plugin->statueManager->npcsSpawns[$player->getName()])) {
             foreach ($this->plugin->statueManager->npcs as $xnpc) {
                 if ($xnpc instanceof StatueModel) {
                     if ($player->getLevel()->getName() === $xnpc->levelName) {
                         $statuePos = $xnpc->position;
                         $pp = new Vector2(round($player->x), round($player->z));
                         $npc = new Vector2($statuePos->x, $statuePos->z);
                         $dff = abs(round($pp->distance($npc)));
                         if ($dff < 12 || $dff == 0) {
                             $builder = new StatueBuilder($this->plugin);
                             $builder->displayStatues($player, $this->plugin->statueManager->npcs);
                             $this->plugin->statueManager->npcsSpawns[$player->getName()] = $player->getName();
예제 #2
  * Uses a item on a position and face, placing it or activating the block
  * @param Vector3 $vector
  * @param Item    $item
  * @param int     $face
  * @param float   $fx     default 0.0
  * @param float   $fy     default 0.0
  * @param float   $fz     default 0.0
  * @param Player  $player default null
  * @return boolean
 public function useItemOn(Vector3 $vector, Item &$item, $face, $fx = 0.0, $fy = 0.0, $fz = 0.0, Player $player = null)
     $target = $this->getBlock($vector);
     $block = $target->getSide($face);
     if ($block->y > 127 or $block->y < 0) {
         return false;
     if ($target->getId() === Item::AIR) {
         return false;
     if ($player instanceof Player) {
         $ev = new PlayerInteractEvent($player, $item, $target, $face);
         if (!$player->isOp() and ($distance = $this->server->getConfigInt("spawn-protection", 16)) > -1) {
             $t = new Vector2($target->x, $target->z);
             $s = new Vector2($this->getSpawnLocation()->x, $this->getSpawnLocation()->z);
             if ($t->distance($s) <= $distance) {
                 //set it to cancelled so plugins can bypass this
         if (!$ev->isCancelled()) {
             if ($target->canBeActivated() === true and $target->onActivate($item, $player) === true) {
                 return true;
             if ($item->canBeActivated() and $item->onActivate($this, $player, $block, $target, $face, $fx, $fy, $fz)) {
                 if ($item->getCount() <= 0) {
                     $item = Item::get(Item::AIR, 0, 0);
                     return true;
     } elseif ($target->canBeActivated() === true and $target->onActivate($item, $player) === true) {
         return true;
     if ($item->isPlaceable()) {
         $hand = $item->getBlock();
     } elseif ($block->getId() === Item::FIRE) {
         $this->setBlock($block, new Air(), true);
         return false;
     } else {
         return false;
     if (!($block->canBeReplaced() === true or $hand->getId() === Item::SLAB and $block->getId() === Item::SLAB)) {
         return false;
     if ($target->canBeReplaced() === true) {
         $block = $target;
         //$face = -1;
     if ($hand->isSolid() === true and $hand->getBoundingBox() !== null) {
         $entities = $this->getCollidingEntities($hand->getBoundingBox());
         $realCount = 0;
         foreach ($entities as $e) {
             if ($e instanceof Arrow or $e instanceof DroppedItem) {
         if ($realCount > 0) {
             return false;
             //Entity in block
     if ($player instanceof Player) {
         $ev = new BlockPlaceEvent($player, $hand, $block, $target, $item);
         if (!$player->isOp() and ($distance = $this->server->getConfigInt("spawn-protection", 16)) > -1) {
             $t = new Vector2($target->x, $target->z);
             $s = new Vector2($this->getSpawnLocation()->x, $this->getSpawnLocation()->z);
             if ($t->distance($s) <= $distance) {
                 //set it to cancelled so plugins can bypass this
         if ($ev->isCancelled()) {
             return false;
     if ($hand->place($item, $block, $target, $face, $fx, $fy, $fz, $player) === false) {
         return false;
     if ($hand->getId() === Item::SIGN_POST or $hand->getId() === Item::WALL_SIGN) {
         $tile = Tile::createTile("Sign", $this->getChunk($block->x >> 4, $block->z >> 4), new Compound(false, ["id" => new String("id", Tile::SIGN), "x" => new Int("x", $block->x), "y" => new Int("y", $block->y), "z" => new Int("z", $block->z), "Text1" => new String("Text1", ""), "Text2" => new String("Text2", ""), "Text3" => new String("Text3", ""), "Text4" => new String("Text4", "")]));
         if ($player instanceof Player) {
             $tile->namedtag->Creator = new String("Creator", $player->getName());
     $item->setCount($item->getCount() - 1);
     if ($item->getCount() <= 0) {
         $item = Item::get(Item::AIR, 0, 0);
     return true;
예제 #3
  * Uses a item on a position and face, placing it or activating the block
  * @param Vector3 $vector
  * @param Item    $item
  * @param int     $face
  * @param float   $fx     default 0.0
  * @param float   $fy     default 0.0
  * @param float   $fz     default 0.0
  * @param Player  $player default null
  * @return boolean
 public function useItemOn(Vector3 $vector, Item &$item, $face, $fx = 0.0, $fy = 0.0, $fz = 0.0, Player $player = null)
     $target = $this->getBlock($vector);
     $block = $target->getSide($face);
     if ($block->y > 127 or $block->y < 0) {
         return false;
     if ($target->getId() === Item::AIR) {
         return false;
     if ($player !== null) {
         $ev = new PlayerInteractEvent($player, $item, $target, $face, $target->getId() === 0 ? PlayerInteractEvent::RIGHT_CLICK_AIR : PlayerInteractEvent::RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK);
         if (!$player->isOp() and ($distance = $this->server->getSpawnRadius()) > -1) {
             $t = new Vector2($target->x, $target->z);
             $s = new Vector2($this->getSpawnLocation()->x, $this->getSpawnLocation()->z);
             if (count($this->server->getOps()->getAll()) > 0 and $t->distance($s) <= $distance) {
                 //set it to cancelled so plugins can bypass this
         if (!$ev->isCancelled()) {
             if (!$player->isSneaking() and $target->canBeActivated() === true and $target->onActivate($item, $player) === true) {
                 return true;
             if (!$player->isSneaking() and $item->canBeActivated() and $item->onActivate($this, $player, $block, $target, $face, $fx, $fy, $fz)) {
                 if ($item->getCount() <= 0) {
                     $item = Item::get(Item::AIR, 0, 0);
                     return true;
         } else {
             return false;
     } elseif ($target->canBeActivated() === true and $target->onActivate($item, $player) === true) {
         return true;
     if ($item->canBePlaced()) {
         $hand = $item->getBlock();
     } elseif ($block->getId() === Item::FIRE) {
         $this->setBlock($block, new Air(), true);
         return false;
     } else {
         return false;
     if (!($block->canBeReplaced() === true or $hand->getId() === Item::SLAB and $block->getId() === Item::SLAB)) {
         return false;
     if ($target->canBeReplaced() === true) {
         $block = $target;
         //$face = -1;
     if ($hand->isSolid() === true and $hand->getBoundingBox() !== null) {
         $entities = $this->getCollidingEntities($hand->getBoundingBox());
         $realCount = 0;
         foreach ($entities as $e) {
             if ($e instanceof Arrow or $e instanceof DroppedItem) {
         if ($player !== null) {
             if ($diff = $player->getNextPosition()->subtract($player->getPosition()) and $diff->lengthSquared() > 1.0E-5) {
                 $bb = $player->getBoundingBox()->getOffsetBoundingBox($diff->x, $diff->y, $diff->z);
                 if ($hand->getBoundingBox()->intersectsWith($bb)) {
         if ($realCount > 0) {
             return false;
             //Entity in block
     $tag = $item->getNamedTagEntry("CanPlaceOn");
     if ($tag instanceof Enum) {
         $canPlace = false;
         foreach ($tag as $v) {
             if ($v instanceof String) {
                 $entry = Item::fromString($v->getValue());
                 if ($entry->getId() > 0 and $entry->getBlock() !== null and $entry->getBlock()->getId() === $target->getId()) {
                     $canPlace = true;
         if (!$canPlace) {
             return false;
     if ($player !== null) {
         $ev = new BlockPlaceEvent($player, $hand, $block, $target, $item);
         if (!$player->isOp() and ($distance = $this->server->getSpawnRadius()) > -1) {
             $t = new Vector2($target->x, $target->z);
             $s = new Vector2($this->getSpawnLocation()->x, $this->getSpawnLocation()->z);
             if (count($this->server->getOps()->getAll()) > 0 and $t->distance($s) <= $distance) {
                 //set it to cancelled so plugins can bypass this
         if ($ev->isCancelled()) {
             return false;
     if ($hand->place($item, $block, $target, $face, $fx, $fy, $fz, $player) === false) {
         return false;
     if ($hand->getId() === Item::SIGN_POST or $hand->getId() === Item::WALL_SIGN) {
         $nbt = new Compound("", ["id" => new String("id", Tile::SIGN), "x" => new Int("x", $block->x), "y" => new Int("y", $block->y), "z" => new Int("z", $block->z), "Text1" => new String("Text1", ""), "Text2" => new String("Text2", ""), "Text3" => new String("Text3", ""), "Text4" => new String("Text4", "")]);
         if ($player !== null) {
             $nbt->Creator = new String("Creator", $player->getRawUniqueId());
         if ($item->hasCustomBlockData()) {
             foreach ($item->getCustomBlockData() as $key => $v) {
                 $nbt->{$key} = $v;
         Tile::createTile("Sign", $this->getChunk($block->x >> 4, $block->z >> 4), $nbt);
     $item->setCount($item->getCount() - 1);
     if ($item->getCount() <= 0) {
         $item = Item::get(Item::AIR, 0, 0);
     return true;
예제 #4
  * Hate Zombie coordinates update timer
  * Timer:10 ticks
 public function ZombieHateWalk()
     $zo = $this->entity;
     $level = $zo->getLevel();
     if (isset($this->data)) {
         $zom =& $this->data;
         //$zom['yup'] = $zom['yup'] - 1;
         if (!$zom['knockBack']) {
             $zom['oldv3'] = $zo->getLocation();
             $zom['canjump'] = true;
             //Zombie collision detection
             foreach ($level->getEntities() as $zo0) {
                 if ($zo0 instanceof Zombie and !($zo0 == $zo)) {
                     if ($zo->distance($zo0) <= $this->width * 2) {
                         $dx = $zo->x - $zo0->x;
                         $dz = $zo->z - $zo0->z;
                         if ($dx == 0) {
                             $dx = mt_rand(-5, 5) / 5;
                             if ($dx == 0) {
                                 $dx = 1;
                         if ($dz == 0) {
                             $dz = mt_rand(-5, 5) / 5;
                             if ($dz == 0) {
                                 $dz = 1;
                         $zo->knockBack($zo0, 0, $dx / 5, $dz / 5, 0);
                         $newpos = new Vector3($zo->x + $dx * 5, $zo->y, $zo->z + $dz * 5);
                         $zom['x'] = $newpos->x;
                         $zom['y'] = $newpos->y;
                         $zom['z'] = $newpos->z;
                         Server::getInstance()->getScheduler()->scheduleDelayedTask(new CallbackTask([$this, "knockBackover"], [$newpos]), 5);
             if ($zom['IsChasing'] !== false) {
                 $p = Server::getInstance()->getPlayer($zom['IsChasing']);
                 if ($p instanceof Player === false) {
                     $zom['IsChasing'] = false;
                     //Cancel hate mode
                 } else {
                     //The real traveling direction calculation
                     $xx = $p->getX() - $zo->getX();
                     $zz = $p->getZ() - $zo->getZ();
                     $yaw = $this->getyaw($xx, $zz);
                      * x = $xxx, z = $zzz
                      * x0 = $xx, z0 = $zz
                      * x^2 + z^2 = 0.7
                      * x/z = x0/z0 => x = bi * z
                      * =>
                      * bi^2 * z^2 + z^2 = 0.7
                      * z^2 * (bi^2 + 1) = 0.7
                      * */
                     if ($zz != 0) {
                         $bi = $xx / $zz;
                     } else {
                         $bi = 0;
                     //zombie walk faster
                     if ($zo->getHealth() == $zo->getMaxHealth()) {
                         $zzz = sqrt($this->zo_hate_v / 2.5 / ($bi * $bi + 1));
                     } else {
                         $zzz = sqrt($this->zo_hate_v / 2 / ($bi * $bi + 1));
                     if ($zz < 0) {
                         $zzz = -$zzz;
                     $xxx = $zzz * $bi;
                     $zo_v2 = new Vector2($zo->getX(), $zo->getZ());
                     $p_v2 = new Vector2($p->getX(), $p->getZ());
                     if ($zo_v2->distance($p_v2) <= $this->zo_hate_v / 2) {
                         $xxx = $xx;
                         $zzz = $zz;
                     $zom['xxx'] = $xxx;
                     $zom['zzz'] = $zzz;
                     //Calculating the y axis
                     //$width = $this->width;
                     $pos0 = new Vector3($zo->getX(), $zo->getY() + 1, $zo->getZ());
                     //Original coordinate
                     $pos = new Vector3($zo->getX() + $xxx, $zo->getY() + 1, $zo->getZ() + $zzz);
                     //Target coordinates
                     //I used to write Zombie width
                     //$v = $this->zo_hate_v/2;
                     //$pos_front = new Vector3 ($zo->getX() + ($xxx/$v*($v+$this->width)), $zo->getY() + 1, $zo->getZ() + ($zzz/$v*($v+$this->width)));  //Front coordinates
                     //$pos_back = new Vector3 ($zo->getX() + (-$xxx/$v*(-$v-$this->width)), $zo->getY() + 1, $zo->getZ() + (-$zzz/$v*(-$v-$this->width)));  //Rear coordinates
                     $zy = $this->ifjump($zo->getLevel(), $pos, true);
                     if ($zy === false or $zy !== false and $this->ifjump($zo->getLevel(), $pos0, true, true) == 'fall') {
                         //Front can not move forwar
                         if ($this->ifjump($zo->getLevel(), $pos0, false) === false) {
                             //Original coordinate is still vacant
                             if ($zom['drop'] === false) {
                                 $zom['drop'] = 0;
                                 //Zombie falling speed
                             $pos2 = new Vector3($zo->getX(), $zo->getY() - ($zom['drop'] / 2 + 1.25), $zo->getZ());
                         } else {
                             $zom['drop'] = false;
                             if ($this->whatBlock($level, $pos0) == "climb") {
                                 $zy = $pos0->y + 0.7;
                                 $pos2 = new Vector3($zo->getX(), $zy - 1, $zo->getZ());
                                 //Target coordinates
                             } elseif ($xxx != 0 and $zzz != 0) {
                                 //To the closest distance
                                 if ($this->ifjump($zo->getLevel(), new Vector3($zo->getX() + $xxx, $zo->getY() + 1, $zo->getZ()), true) !== false) {
                                     $pos2 = new Vector3($zo->getX() + $xxx, floor($zo->getY()), $zo->getZ());
                                     //Target coordinates
                                 } elseif ($this->ifjump($zo->getLevel(), new Vector3($zo->getX(), $zo->getY() + 1, $zo->getZ() + $zzz), true) !== false) {
                                     $pos2 = new Vector3($zo->getX(), floor($zo->getY()), $zo->getZ() + $zzz);
                                     //Target coordinates
                                 } else {
                                     $pos2 = new Vector3($zo->getX() - $xxx / 5, floor($zo->getY()), $zo->getZ() - $zzz / 5);
                                     //Target coordinates
                                     //He turned 180 degrees, to go
                             } else {
                                 $pos2 = new Vector3($zo->getX() - $xxx / 5, floor($zo->getY()), $zo->getZ() - $zzz / 5);
                                 //Target coordinates
                     } else {
                         $pos2 = new Vector3($zo->getX() + $xxx, $zy - 1, $zo->getZ() + $zzz);
                         //Target coordinates
                     $pos3 = $pos2;
                     $pos3->y = $pos3->y + 2.62;
                     $ppos = $p->getLocation();
                     $ppos->y = $ppos->y + $p->getEyeHeight();
                     $pitch = $this->getpitch($pos3, $ppos);
                     $zom['yaw'] = $yaw;
                     $zom['pitch'] = $pitch;
                     if (!$zom['knockBack']) {
                         $zom['x'] = $zo->getX();
                         $zom['y'] = $zo->getY();
                         $zom['z'] = $zo->getZ();
예제 #5
 public function SkeletonHateWalk()
     foreach ($this->plugin->getServer()->getLevels() as $level) {
         foreach ($level->getEntities() as $zo) {
             if ($zo instanceof Skeleton) {
                 if (isset($this->plugin->Skeleton[$zo->getId()])) {
                     $zom =& $this->plugin->Skeleton[$zo->getId()];
                     //$zom['yup'] = $zom['yup'] - 1;
                     if (!$zom['knockBack']) {
                         $zom['oldv3'] = $zo->getLocation();
                         $zom['canjump'] = true;
                         //僵尸碰撞检测 by boybook
                         foreach ($level->getEntities() as $zo0) {
                             if ($zo0 instanceof Skeleton and !($zo0 == $zo)) {
                                 if ($zo->distance($zo0) <= $this->width * 2) {
                                     $dx = $zo->x - $zo0->x;
                                     $dz = $zo->z - $zo0->z;
                                     if ($dx == 0) {
                                         $dx = mt_rand(-5, 5) / 5;
                                         if ($dx == 0) {
                                             $dx = 1;
                                     if ($dz == 0) {
                                         $dz = mt_rand(-5, 5) / 5;
                                         if ($dz == 0) {
                                             $dz = 1;
                                     $zo->knockBack($zo0, 0, $dx / 5, $dz / 5, 0);
                                     $newpos = new Vector3($zo->x + $dx * 5, $zo->y, $zo->z + $dz * 5);
                                     $zom['x'] = $newpos->x;
                                     $zom['y'] = $newpos->y;
                                     $zom['z'] = $newpos->z;
                                     $this->plugin->getServer()->getScheduler()->scheduleDelayedTask(new CallbackTask([$this->plugin, "knockBackover"], [$zo, $newpos]), 5);
                         if ($zom['IsChasing'] !== false) {
                             //echo ("是属于仇恨模式\n");
                             $p = $this->plugin->getServer()->getPlayer($zom['IsChasing']);
                             if ($p instanceof Player === false) {
                                 $zom['IsChasing'] = false;
                             } else {
                                 $xx = $p->getX() - $zo->getX();
                                 $zz = $p->getZ() - $zo->getZ();
                                 $yaw = $this->plugin->getyaw($xx, $zz);
                                  * x = $xxx, z = $zzz
                                  * x0 = $xx, z0 = $zz
                                  * x^2 + z^2 = 0.7
                                  * x/z = x0/z0 => x = bi * z
                                  * =>
                                  * bi^2 * z^2 + z^2 = 0.7
                                  * z^2 * (bi^2 + 1) = 0.7
                                  * */
                                 if ($zz != 0) {
                                     $bi = $xx / $zz;
                                 } else {
                                     $bi = 0;
                                 if ($zo->getHealth() == $zo->getMaxHealth()) {
                                     $zzz = sqrt($this->zo_hate_v / 2.5 / ($bi * $bi + 1));
                                 } else {
                                     $zzz = sqrt($this->zo_hate_v / 2 / ($bi * $bi + 1));
                                 if ($zz < 0) {
                                     $zzz = -$zzz;
                                 $xxx = $zzz * $bi;
                                 $zo_v2 = new Vector2($zo->getX(), $zo->getZ());
                                 $p_v2 = new Vector2($p->getX(), $p->getZ());
                                 if ($zo_v2->distance($p_v2) <= $this->zo_hate_v / 2) {
                                     $xxx = $xx;
                                     $zzz = $zz;
                                 $zom['xxx'] = $xxx;
                                 $zom['zzz'] = $zzz;
                                 //$width = $this->width;
                                 $pos0 = new Vector3($zo->getX(), $zo->getY() + 1, $zo->getZ());
                                 $pos = new Vector3($zo->getX() + $xxx, $zo->getY() + 1, $zo->getZ() + $zzz);
                                 //$v = $this->zo_hate_v/2;
                                 //$pos_front = new Vector3 ($zo->getX() + ($xxx/$v*($v+$this->width)), $zo->getY() + 1, $zo->getZ() + ($zzz/$v*($v+$this->width)));  //前方坐标
                                 //$pos_back = new Vector3 ($zo->getX() + (-$xxx/$v*(-$v-$this->width)), $zo->getY() + 1, $zo->getZ() + (-$zzz/$v*(-$v-$this->width)));  //后方坐标
                                 $zy = $this->plugin->ifjump($zo->getLevel(), $pos, true);
                                 if ($zy === false or $zy !== false and $this->plugin->ifjump($zo->getLevel(), $pos0, true, true) == 'fall') {
                                     //真正的自由落体 by boybook
                                     if ($this->plugin->ifjump($zo->getLevel(), $pos0, false) === false) {
                                         if ($zom['drop'] === false) {
                                             $zom['drop'] = 0;
                                         $pos2 = new Vector3($zo->getX(), $zo->getY() - ($zom['drop'] / 2 + 1.25), $zo->getZ());
                                     } else {
                                         $zom['drop'] = false;
                                         if ($this->plugin->whatBlock($level, $pos0) == "climb") {
                                             $zy = $pos0->y + 0.7;
                                             $pos2 = new Vector3($zo->getX(), $zy - 1, $zo->getZ());
                                         } elseif ($xxx != 0 and $zzz != 0) {
                                             if ($this->plugin->ifjump($zo->getLevel(), new Vector3($zo->getX() + $xxx, $zo->getY() + 1, $zo->getZ()), true) !== false) {
                                                 $pos2 = new Vector3($zo->getX() + $xxx, floor($zo->getY()), $zo->getZ());
                                             } elseif ($this->plugin->ifjump($zo->getLevel(), new Vector3($zo->getX(), $zo->getY() + 1, $zo->getZ() + $zzz), true) !== false) {
                                                 $pos2 = new Vector3($zo->getX(), floor($zo->getY()), $zo->getZ() + $zzz);
                                             } else {
                                                 $pos2 = new Vector3($zo->getX() - $xxx / 5, floor($zo->getY()), $zo->getZ() - $zzz / 5);
                                         } else {
                                             $pos2 = new Vector3($zo->getX() - $xxx / 5, floor($zo->getY()), $zo->getZ() - $zzz / 5);
                                 } else {
                                     $pos2 = new Vector3($zo->getX() + $xxx, $zy - 1, $zo->getZ() + $zzz);
                                 $pos3 = $pos2;
                                 $pos3->y = $pos3->y + 2.62;
                                 $ppos = $p->getLocation();
                                 $ppos->y = $ppos->y + $p->getEyeHeight();
                                 $pitch = $this->plugin->getpitch($pos3, $ppos);
                                 $zom['yaw'] = $yaw;
                                 $zom['pitch'] = $pitch;
                                 if (!$zom['knockBack']) {
                                     $zom['x'] = $zo->getX();
                                     $zom['y'] = $zo->getY();
                                     $zom['z'] = $zo->getZ();
예제 #6
 public function seePlayer(Player $target)
     $pk = new MovePlayerPacket();
     $pk->eid = $this->eid;
     if ($this->pos->yaw === -1 and $target !== null) {
         $xdiff = $target->x - $this->pos->x;
         $zdiff = $target->z - $this->pos->z;
         $angle = atan2($zdiff, $xdiff);
         $pk->yaw = $angle * 180 / M_PI - 90;
     } else {
         $pk->yaw = $this->pos->yaw;
     if ($this->pos->pitch === -1 and $target !== null) {
         $ydiff = $target->y - $this->pos->y;
         $vec = new Vector2($this->pos->x, $this->pos->z);
         $dist = $vec->distance($target->x, $target->z);
         $angle = atan2($dist, $ydiff);
         $pk->pitch = $angle * 180 / M_PI - 90;
     } else {
         $pk->pitch = $this->pitch;
     $pk->x = $this->pos->x;
     $pk->y = $this->pos->y + 1.62;
     $pk->z = $this->pos->z;
     $pk->bodyYaw = $pk->yaw;
     $pk->onGruond = 0;
예제 #7
  * Uses a item on a position and face, placing it or activating the block
  * @param Vector3 $vector
  * @param Item    $item
  * @param int     $face
  * @param float   $fx     default 0.0
  * @param float   $fy     default 0.0
  * @param float   $fz     default 0.0
  * @param Player  $player default null
  * @return bool
 public function useItemOn(Vector3 $vector, Item &$item, int $face, float $fx = 0.0, float $fy = 0.0, float $fz = 0.0, Player $player = null)
     $target = $this->getBlock($vector);
     $block = $target->getSide($face);
     if ($block->y > 127 or $block->y < 0) {
         return false;
     if ($target->getId() === Item::AIR) {
         return false;
     if ($player !== null) {
         $ev = new PlayerInteractEvent($player, $item, $target, $face, $target->getId() === 0 ? PlayerInteractEvent::RIGHT_CLICK_AIR : PlayerInteractEvent::RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK);
         if ($player->isSpectator()) {
         if (!$player->isOp() and ($distance = $this->server->getSpawnRadius()) > -1) {
             $t = new Vector2($target->x, $target->z);
             $s = new Vector2($this->getSpawnLocation()->x, $this->getSpawnLocation()->z);
             if ($t->distance($s) <= $distance) {
         if (!$ev->isCancelled()) {
             if (!$player->isSneaking() and $target->canBeActivated() === true and $target->onActivate($item, $player) === true) {
                 return true;
             if (!$player->isSneaking() and $item->canBeActivated() and $item->onActivate($this, $player, $block, $target, $face, $fx, $fy, $fz)) {
                 if ($item->getCount() <= 0) {
                     $item = Item::get(Item::AIR, 0, 0);
                     return true;
         } else {
             return false;
     } elseif ($target->canBeActivated() === true and $target->onActivate($item, $player) === true) {
         return true;
     if ($item->canBePlaced()) {
         $hand = $item->getBlock();
     } else {
         return false;
     if (!($block->canBeReplaced() === true or $hand->getId() === Item::SLAB and $block->getId() === Item::SLAB)) {
         return false;
     if ($target->canBeReplaced() === true) {
         $block = $target;
         //$face = -1;
     if ($hand->isSolid() === true and $hand->getBoundingBox() !== null) {
         $entities = $this->getCollidingEntities($hand->getBoundingBox());
         $realCount = 0;
         foreach ($entities as $e) {
             if ($e instanceof Arrow or $e instanceof DroppedItem) {
         if ($player !== null) {
             if ($diff = $player->getNextPosition()->subtract($player->getPosition()) and $diff->lengthSquared() > 1.0E-5) {
                 $bb = $player->getBoundingBox()->getOffsetBoundingBox($diff->x, $diff->y, $diff->z);
                 if ($hand->getBoundingBox()->intersectsWith($bb)) {
         if ($realCount > 0) {
             return false;
             //Entity in block
     $tag = $item->getNamedTagEntry("CanPlaceOn");
     if ($tag instanceof ListTag) {
         $canPlace = false;
         foreach ($tag as $v) {
             if ($v instanceof StringTag) {
                 $entry = Item::fromString($v->getValue());
                 if ($entry->getId() > 0 and $entry->getBlock() !== null and $entry->getBlock()->getId() === $target->getId()) {
                     $canPlace = true;
         if (!$canPlace) {
             return false;
     if ($player !== null) {
         $ev = new BlockPlaceEvent($player, $hand, $block, $target, $item);
         if (!$player->isOp() and ($distance = $this->server->getSpawnRadius()) > -1) {
             $t = new Vector2($target->x, $target->z);
             $s = new Vector2($this->getSpawnLocation()->x, $this->getSpawnLocation()->z);
             if ($t->distance($s) <= $distance) {
                 //set it to cancelled so plugins can bypass this
         if ($ev->isCancelled()) {
             return false;
     if ($hand->place($item, $block, $target, $face, $fx, $fy, $fz, $player) === false) {
         return false;
     $this->addSound(new BlockPlaceSound($this->getBlock($block)));
     //Get updated block, $block is still the original block and cannot be used directly
     $item->setCount($item->getCount() - 1);
     if ($item->getCount() <= 0) {
         $item = Item::get(Item::AIR, 0, 0);
     return true;
예제 #8
  * handle player presence
  * @param Player $player        	
  * @param Position $from        	
 public function npcHandlePlayerPresence(Player $player, Position $from)
     foreach ($this->npcs as $xnpc) {
         $statuePos = $xnpc->position;
         $pp = new Vector2(round($player->x), round($player->z));
         $npc = new Vector2($statuePos->x, $statuePos->z);
         $dff = abs(round($pp->distance($npc)));
         if ($dff < 4 || $dff == 0) {
             $x = round($from->x);
             $y = round($from->y);
             $z = round($from->z);
             if (round($player->x) != $x || round($player->y) != $y || round($player->z) != $z) {
                 $posKey = round($statuePos->x) . "." . round($statuePos->y) . "." . round($statuePos->z);
                 if (isset($this->npcsPositions[$posKey])) {
                     $npc = $this->npcsPositions[$posKey];
                     $block = Item::get(Item::GLASS);
                     $direct = false;
                     $update = true;
                     $player->level->setBlock($statuePos, $block->getBlock(), $direct, $update);
                     StatueBuilder::refreshNPCEquipments($player, $npc);
예제 #9
파일: BigTree.php 프로젝트: iTXTech/Genisys
 private function getLeafGroupPoints(ChunkManager $level, $x, $y, $z)
     $amount = $this->leafAmount * $this->totalHeight / 13;
     $groupsPerLayer = (int) (1.382 + $amount * $amount);
     if ($groupsPerLayer == 0) {
         $groupsPerLayer = 1;
     $trunkTopY = $y + $this->trunkHeight;
     $groups = [];
     $groupY = $y + $this->totalHeight - $this->leafDistanceLimit;
     $groups[] = [new Vector3($x, $groupY, $z), $trunkTopY];
     for ($currentLayer = (int) ($this->totalHeight - $this->leafDistanceLimit); $currentLayer >= 0; $currentLayer--) {
         $layerSize = $this->getRoughLayerSize($currentLayer);
         if ($layerSize < 0) {
         for ($count = 0; $count < $groupsPerLayer; $count++) {
             $scale = $this->widthScale * $layerSize * ($this->random->nextFloat() + 0.328);
             $randomOffset = Vector2::createRandomDirection($this->random)->multiply($scale);
             $groupX = (int) ($randomOffset->getX() + $x + 0.5);
             $groupZ = (int) ($randomOffset->getY() + $z + 0.5);
             $group = new Vector3($groupX, $groupY, $groupZ);
             if ($this->getAvailableBlockSpace($level, $group, $group->add(0, $this->leafDistanceLimit, 0)) != -1) {
             $xOff = (int) ($x - $groupX);
             $zOff = (int) ($z - $groupZ);
             $horizontalDistanceToTrunk = sqrt($xOff * $xOff + $zOff * $zOff);
             $verticalDistanceToTrunk = $horizontalDistanceToTrunk * $this->branchSlope;
             $yDiff = (int) ($groupY - $verticalDistanceToTrunk);
             if ($yDiff > $trunkTopY) {
                 $base = $trunkTopY;
             } else {
                 $base = $yDiff;
             if ($this->getAvailableBlockSpace($level, new Vector3($x, $base, $z), $group) == -1) {
                 $groups[] = [$group, $base];
     return $groups;