getFunctionsForField() 공개 정적인 메소드

Creates a dropdown box with MySQL functions for a particular column.
public static getFunctionsForField ( array $field, boolean $insert_mode, $foreignData ) : string
$field array Data about the column for which to generate the dropdown
$insert_mode boolean Whether the operation is 'insert'
리턴 string An HTML snippet of a dropdown list with function names appropriate for the requested column.
예제 #1
 * Creates the HTML code that shows the routine execution dialog.
 * @param array $routine Data for the routine returned by
 *                       PMA_RTN_getDataFromName()
 * @return string   HTML code for the routine execution dialog.
function PMA_RTN_getExecuteForm($routine)
    global $db, $cfg;
    // Escape special characters
    $routine['item_name'] = htmlentities($routine['item_name'], ENT_QUOTES);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $routine['item_num_params']; $i++) {
        $routine['item_param_name'][$i] = htmlentities($routine['item_param_name'][$i], ENT_QUOTES);
    // Create the output
    $retval = "";
    $retval .= "<!-- START ROUTINE EXECUTE FORM -->\n\n";
    $retval .= "<form action='db_routines.php' method='post'\n";
    $retval .= "       class='rte_form ajax' onsubmit='return false'>\n";
    $retval .= "<input type='hidden' name='item_name'\n";
    $retval .= "       value='{$routine['item_name']}' />\n";
    $retval .= "<input type='hidden' name='item_type'\n";
    $retval .= "       value='{$routine['item_type']}' />\n";
    $retval .= PMA_URL_getHiddenInputs($db) . "\n";
    $retval .= "<fieldset>\n";
    if ($GLOBALS['is_ajax_request'] != true) {
        $retval .= "<legend>{$routine['item_name']}</legend>\n";
        $retval .= "<table class='rte_table'>\n";
        $retval .= "<caption class='tblHeaders'>\n";
        $retval .= __('Routine parameters');
        $retval .= "</caption>\n";
    } else {
        $retval .= "<legend>" . __('Routine parameters') . "</legend>\n";
        $retval .= "<table class='rte_table' style='width: 100%;'>\n";
    $retval .= "<tr>\n";
    $retval .= "<th>" . __('Name') . "</th>\n";
    $retval .= "<th>" . __('Type') . "</th>\n";
    if ($cfg['ShowFunctionFields']) {
        $retval .= "<th>" . __('Function') . "</th>\n";
    $retval .= "<th>" . __('Value') . "</th>\n";
    $retval .= "</tr>\n";
    // Get a list of data types that are not yet supported.
    $no_support_types = PMA\libraries\Util::unsupportedDatatypes();
    for ($i = 0; $i < $routine['item_num_params']; $i++) {
        // Each parameter
        if ($routine['item_type'] == 'PROCEDURE' && $routine['item_param_dir'][$i] == 'OUT') {
        $rowclass = $i % 2 == 0 ? 'even' : 'odd';
        $retval .= "\n<tr class='{$rowclass}'>\n";
        $retval .= "<td>{$routine['item_param_name'][$i]}</td>\n";
        $retval .= "<td>{$routine['item_param_type'][$i]}</td>\n";
        if ($cfg['ShowFunctionFields']) {
            $retval .= "<td>\n";
            if (stristr($routine['item_param_type'][$i], 'enum') || stristr($routine['item_param_type'][$i], 'set') || in_array(mb_strtolower($routine['item_param_type'][$i]), $no_support_types)) {
                $retval .= "--\n";
            } else {
                $field = array('True_Type' => mb_strtolower($routine['item_param_type'][$i]), 'Type' => '', 'Key' => '', 'Field' => '', 'Default' => '', 'first_timestamp' => false);
                $retval .= "<select name='funcs[" . $routine['item_param_name'][$i] . "]'>";
                $retval .= PMA\libraries\Util::getFunctionsForField($field, false, array());
                $retval .= "</select>";
            $retval .= "</td>\n";
        // Append a class to date/time fields so that
        // jQuery can attach a datepicker to them
        $class = '';
        if ($routine['item_param_type'][$i] == 'DATETIME' || $routine['item_param_type'][$i] == 'TIMESTAMP') {
            $class = 'datetimefield';
        } else {
            if ($routine['item_param_type'][$i] == 'DATE') {
                $class = 'datefield';
        $retval .= "<td class='nowrap'>\n";
        if (in_array($routine['item_param_type'][$i], array('ENUM', 'SET'))) {
            if ($routine['item_param_type'][$i] == 'ENUM') {
                $input_type = 'radio';
            } else {
                $input_type = 'checkbox';
            foreach ($routine['item_param_length_arr'][$i] as $value) {
                $value = htmlentities(PMA\libraries\Util::unquote($value), ENT_QUOTES);
                $retval .= "<input name='params[" . $routine['item_param_name'][$i] . "][]' " . "value='" . $value . "' type='" . $input_type . "' />" . $value . "<br />\n";
        } else {
            if (in_array(mb_strtolower($routine['item_param_type'][$i]), $no_support_types)) {
                $retval .= "\n";
            } else {
                $retval .= "<input class='{$class}' type='text' name='params[" . $routine['item_param_name'][$i] . "]' />\n";
        $retval .= "</td>\n";
        $retval .= "</tr>\n";
    $retval .= "\n</table>\n";
    if ($GLOBALS['is_ajax_request'] != true) {
        $retval .= "</fieldset>\n\n";
        $retval .= "<fieldset class='tblFooters'>\n";
        $retval .= "    <input type='submit' name='execute_routine'\n";
        $retval .= "           value='" . __('Go') . "' />\n";
        $retval .= "</fieldset>\n";
    } else {
        $retval .= "<input type='hidden' name='execute_routine' value='true' />";
        $retval .= "<input type='hidden' name='ajax_request' value='true' />";
    $retval .= "</form>\n\n";
    $retval .= "<!-- END ROUTINE EXECUTE FORM -->\n\n";
    return $retval;