/** * Performs the full import of all regular (non-Matrix) Playa channel fields * into native Relationships fields * * @return array Array of new Playa field IDs */ public function do_import() { ee()->load->library('pm_import_common'); $playas = $this->get_playa_fields(); $playa_relationships = ee()->pm_import_common->get_playa_relationships(); ee()->load->library('api'); ee()->api->instantiate('channel_fields'); ee()->load->model('addons_model'); $new_field_ids = array(); $original_site_id = ee()->config->item('site_id'); foreach ($playas as $playa) { // Let's be explicit about what's making up this new field $new_relationship_field = array('site_id' => $playa['site_id'], 'group_id' => $playa['group_id'], 'field_label' => $playa['field_label'], 'field_name' => ee()->pm_import_common->get_unique_field_name($playa['field_name'], '_relate', $playa['site_id']), 'field_type' => 'relationship', 'field_instructions' => $playa['field_instructions'], 'field_required' => $playa['field_required'], 'field_search' => $playa['field_search'], 'field_order' => 0); // Hack to prevent site ID mismatch error in API channel fields ee()->config->config['site_id'] = $new_relationship_field['site_id']; $field_id = ee()->api_channel_fields->update_field($new_relationship_field); ee()->config->config['site_id'] = $original_site_id; $new_field_settings = PlayaConverter::convertSettings(unserialize(base64_decode($playa['field_settings']))); $new_relationships = array(); if (isset($playa_relationships[$playa['field_id']])) { $new_relationships = PlayaConverter::convertPlayaRelationships($playa_relationships[$playa['field_id']], $field_id); } // Set new field settings from translated Playa settings ee()->db->set('field_settings', base64_encode(serialize($new_field_settings)))->where('field_id', $field_id)->update('channel_fields'); if (!empty($new_relationships)) { if (ee()->addons_model->module_installed('publisher') && ee()->db->table_exists('publisher_relationships')) { ee()->db->insert_batch('publisher_relationships', $new_relationships); $new_relationships = PlayaConverter::filterPublisherRelationships($new_relationships, ee()->config->item('publisher_default_language_id') ?: 1); } // Finally, import Playa relationships ee()->db->insert_batch('relationships', $new_relationships); } $new_field_ids[] = $field_id; } return $new_field_ids; }
/** * Import Playa data from Matrix columns * * @param array Assocative array of Matrix field IDs to Grid field IDs * @param array Assocative array of Matrix column IDs to Grid column IDs * @return void */ private function import_playa_data($matrix_to_grid_fields, $matrix_to_grid_cols) { if (!ee()->db->table_exists('playa_relationships')) { return; } $playa_relationships = ee()->db->where('parent_col_id IS NOT NULL')->get('playa_relationships')->result_array(); if (count($playa_relationships)) { $new_relationships = PlayaConverter::convertPlayaRelationshipsForGrid($playa_relationships, $matrix_to_grid_fields, $matrix_to_grid_cols); if (ee()->addons_model->module_installed('publisher') && ee()->db->table_exists('publisher_relationships')) { ee()->db->insert_batch('publisher_relationships', $new_relationships); $new_relationships = PlayaConverter::filterPublisherRelationships($new_relationships, ee()->config->item('publisher_default_language_id') ?: 1); } ee()->db->insert_batch('relationships', $new_relationships); } }
/** * Given decoded Matrix column settings, converts those settings to be * compatible to the specified native EE fieldtype * * @param string Target fieldtype's name, e.g. 'text', 'relationship' * @param settings Decoded settings for the Matrix column * @return string EE-equivalent fieldtype settings for specified fieldtype */ public static function mapColumnSettings($to_cell_type, $settings) { switch ($to_cell_type) { case 'date': // Matrix has no date field settings, we only have one return array('localize' => TRUE); break; case 'checkboxes': case 'radio': case 'select': case 'multi_select': return OptionsCellConverter::convertSettings($settings); break; case 'relationship': return PlayaConverter::convertSettings($settings); break; case 'file': return FileCellConverter::convertSettings($settings); break; case 'textarea': return TextareaCellConverter::convertSettings($settings); break; case 'rte': // Existing settings should be good except we have one thing to add return array_merge(array('field_text_direction' => 'ltr'), $settings); break; case 'text': return TextCellConverter::convertSettings($settings); default: return $settings; break; } return array(); }
/** * Test PlayaConverter::convertPlayaRelationshipsForGrid() method */ public function testPublisher() { $data = array(0 => array('rel_id' => '2058', 'parent_entry_id' => '394', 'parent_field_id' => '40', 'parent_col_id' => NULL, 'parent_row_id' => NULL, 'parent_var_id' => NULL, 'parent_is_draft' => '0', 'child_entry_id' => '278', 'rel_order' => '1', 'publisher_lang_id' => 1, 'publisher_status' => 'open'), 1 => array('rel_id' => '2057', 'parent_entry_id' => '394', 'parent_field_id' => '40', 'parent_col_id' => NULL, 'parent_row_id' => NULL, 'parent_var_id' => NULL, 'parent_is_draft' => '0', 'child_entry_id' => '245', 'rel_order' => '0', 'publisher_lang_id' => 2, 'publisher_status' => 'open'), 2 => array('rel_id' => '786', 'parent_entry_id' => '410', 'parent_field_id' => '40', 'parent_col_id' => NULL, 'parent_row_id' => NULL, 'parent_var_id' => NULL, 'parent_is_draft' => '0', 'child_entry_id' => '349', 'rel_order' => '1', 'publisher_lang_id' => 3, 'publisher_status' => 'draft'), 3 => array('rel_id' => '785', 'parent_entry_id' => '410', 'parent_field_id' => '40', 'parent_col_id' => NULL, 'parent_row_id' => NULL, 'parent_var_id' => NULL, 'parent_is_draft' => '0', 'child_entry_id' => '315', 'rel_order' => '0', 'publisher_lang_id' => 1, 'publisher_status' => 'open')); $expected = array(0 => array('parent_id' => '394', 'field_id' => 120, 'child_id' => '278', 'order' => '1', 'publisher_lang_id' => 1, 'publisher_status' => 'open'), 1 => array('parent_id' => '394', 'field_id' => 120, 'child_id' => '245', 'order' => '0', 'publisher_lang_id' => 2, 'publisher_status' => 'open'), 2 => array('parent_id' => '410', 'field_id' => 120, 'child_id' => '349', 'order' => '1', 'publisher_lang_id' => 3, 'publisher_status' => 'draft'), 3 => array('parent_id' => '410', 'field_id' => 120, 'child_id' => '315', 'order' => '0', 'publisher_lang_id' => 1, 'publisher_status' => 'open')); $new_data = PlayaConverter::convertPlayaRelationships($data, 120); $this->assertEquals($expected, $new_data, 'Should preserve Publisher columns'); $expected = array(0 => array('parent_id' => '394', 'field_id' => 120, 'child_id' => '278', 'order' => '1'), 3 => array('parent_id' => '410', 'field_id' => 120, 'child_id' => '315', 'order' => '0')); $new_data = PlayaConverter::filterPublisherRelationships($new_data, 1); $this->assertEquals($expected, $new_data, 'Should filter out certain relationships based on Publisher data'); $matrix_to_grid_fields = array(61 => 133); $matrix_to_grid_cols = array(23 => 38); $data = array(0 => array('rel_id' => '2953', 'parent_entry_id' => '800', 'parent_field_id' => '61', 'parent_col_id' => '23', 'parent_row_id' => '2210', 'parent_var_id' => NULL, 'parent_is_draft' => '0', 'child_entry_id' => '1200', 'rel_order' => '0', 'publisher_lang_id' => 1, 'publisher_status' => 'open'), 1 => array('rel_id' => '2952', 'parent_entry_id' => '800', 'parent_field_id' => '61', 'parent_col_id' => '23', 'parent_row_id' => '2209', 'parent_var_id' => NULL, 'parent_is_draft' => '0', 'child_entry_id' => '1199', 'rel_order' => '0', 'publisher_lang_id' => 2, 'publisher_status' => 'open'), 2 => array('rel_id' => '2951', 'parent_entry_id' => '800', 'parent_field_id' => '61', 'parent_col_id' => '23', 'parent_row_id' => '2202', 'parent_var_id' => NULL, 'parent_is_draft' => '0', 'child_entry_id' => '1198', 'rel_order' => '0', 'publisher_lang_id' => 3, 'publisher_status' => 'draft'), 3 => array('rel_id' => '2950', 'parent_entry_id' => '800', 'parent_field_id' => '61', 'parent_col_id' => '23', 'parent_row_id' => '2201', 'parent_var_id' => NULL, 'parent_is_draft' => '0', 'child_entry_id' => '1197', 'rel_order' => '0', 'publisher_lang_id' => 1, 'publisher_status' => 'open')); $expected = array(0 => array('parent_id' => '800', 'field_id' => 38, 'child_id' => '1200', 'order' => '0', 'grid_field_id' => 133, 'grid_col_id' => 38, 'grid_row_id' => '2210', 'publisher_lang_id' => 1, 'publisher_status' => 'open'), 1 => array('parent_id' => '800', 'field_id' => 38, 'child_id' => '1199', 'order' => '0', 'grid_field_id' => 133, 'grid_col_id' => 38, 'grid_row_id' => '2209', 'publisher_lang_id' => 2, 'publisher_status' => 'open'), 2 => array('parent_id' => '800', 'field_id' => 38, 'child_id' => '1198', 'order' => '0', 'grid_field_id' => 133, 'grid_col_id' => 38, 'grid_row_id' => '2202', 'publisher_lang_id' => 3, 'publisher_status' => 'draft'), 3 => array('parent_id' => '800', 'field_id' => 38, 'child_id' => '1197', 'order' => '0', 'grid_field_id' => 133, 'grid_col_id' => 38, 'grid_row_id' => '2201', 'publisher_lang_id' => 1, 'publisher_status' => 'open')); $new_data = PlayaConverter::convertPlayaRelationshipsForGrid($data, $matrix_to_grid_fields, $matrix_to_grid_cols); $this->assertEquals($expected, $new_data, 'Should preserve Publisher columns in Matrix relationships'); $expected = array(0 => array('parent_id' => '800', 'field_id' => 38, 'child_id' => '1200', 'order' => '0', 'grid_field_id' => 133, 'grid_col_id' => 38, 'grid_row_id' => '2210'), 3 => array('parent_id' => '800', 'field_id' => 38, 'child_id' => '1197', 'order' => '0', 'grid_field_id' => 133, 'grid_col_id' => 38, 'grid_row_id' => '2201')); $new_data = PlayaConverter::filterPublisherRelationships($new_data, 1); $this->assertEquals($expected, $new_data, 'Should filter out certain Matrix relationships based on Publisher data'); }