private function travisEncrypt($data, TravisYmlView $view, OutputInterface $output)
     $output->writeln("Encrypting \"{$data}\"...");
     $command = "travis encrypt \"{$data}\"";
     // change dir to target plugin since plugin will be in its own git repo
     if (!empty($view->pluginName)) {
         $command = "cd \"" . $view->getPluginRootFolder() . "\" && " . $command;
     exec($command, $commandOutput, $returnCode);
     if ($returnCode !== 0) {
         throw new Exception("Cannot encrypt \"{$data}\" for travis! Please make sure you have the travis command line " . "utility installed (see\n\n" . "return code: {$returnCode}\n\n" . "travis output:\n\n" . implode("\n", $commandOutput));
     if (empty($commandOutput)) {
         throw new Exception("Cannot parse travis encrypt output:\n\n" . implode("\n", $commandOutput));
     // when not executed from a command line travis encrypt will return only the encrypted data
     $encryptedData = $commandOutput[0];
     if (substr($encryptedData, 0, 1) != '"' || substr($encryptedData, -1) != '"') {
         $encryptedData = '"' . addslashes($encryptedData) . '"';
     return "secure: " . $encryptedData;