getResponse() 공개 메소드

- If the data resulted from the API call is a DataTable then - we apply the standard filters if the parameters have been found in the URL. For example to offset,limit the Table you can add the following parameters to any API call that returns a DataTable: filter_limit=10&filter_offset=20 - we apply the filters that have been previously queued on the DataTable
또한 보기: DataTable::queueFilter() - we apply the renderer that generate the DataTable in a given format (XML, PHP, HTML, JSON, etc.) the format can be changed using the 'format' parameter in the request. Example: format=xml - If there is nothing returned (void) we display a standard success message - If there is a PHP array returned, we try to convert it to a dataTable It is then possible to convert this datatable to any requested format (xml/etc) - If a bool is returned we convert to a string (true is displayed as 'true' false as 'false') - If an integer / float is returned, we simply return it
public getResponse ( mixed $value = null, boolean | string $apiModule = false, boolean | string $apiMethod = false ) : mixed
$value mixed The initial returned value, before post process. If set to null, success response is returned.
$apiModule boolean | string The API module that was called
$apiMethod boolean | string The API method that was called
리턴 mixed Usually a string, but can still be a PHP data structure if the format requested is 'original'
예제 #1
  * Records Global settings when user submit changes
 public function setGlobalSettings()
     $response = new ResponseBuilder(Common::getRequestVar('format'));
     try {
         $timezone = Common::getRequestVar('timezone', false);
         $excludedIps = Common::getRequestVar('excludedIps', false);
         $excludedQueryParameters = Common::getRequestVar('excludedQueryParameters', false);
         $excludedUserAgents = Common::getRequestVar('excludedUserAgents', false);
         $currency = Common::getRequestVar('currency', false);
         $searchKeywordParameters = Common::getRequestVar('searchKeywordParameters', $default = "");
         $searchCategoryParameters = Common::getRequestVar('searchCategoryParameters', $default = "");
         $enableSiteUserAgentExclude = Common::getRequestVar('enableSiteUserAgentExclude', $default = 0);
         $keepURLFragments = Common::getRequestVar('keepURLFragments', $default = 0);
         $api = API::getInstance();
         $api->setGlobalSearchParameters($searchKeywordParameters, $searchCategoryParameters);
         $api->setSiteSpecificUserAgentExcludeEnabled($enableSiteUserAgentExclude == 1);
         $toReturn = $response->getResponse();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $toReturn = $response->getResponseException($e);
     return $toReturn;
예제 #2
 public function setGeneralSettings()
     $response = new ResponseBuilder(Common::getRequestVar('format'));
     try {
         $customLogo = new CustomLogo();
         if (Common::getRequestVar('useCustomLogo', '0')) {
         } else {
         $toReturn = $response->getResponse();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $toReturn = $response->getResponseException($e);
     return $toReturn;
 protected function callApiAndReturnDataTable($apiModule, $method, $request)
     $class = Request::getClassNameAPI($apiModule);
     $request = $this->manipulateSubtableRequest($request);
     $request['serialize'] = 0;
     $request['expanded'] = 0;
     // don't want to run recursive filters on the subtables as they are loaded,
     // otherwise the result will be empty in places (or everywhere). instead we
     // run it on the flattened table.
     $dataTable = Proxy::getInstance()->call($class, $method, $request);
     $response = new ResponseBuilder($format = 'original', $request);
     $dataTable = $response->getResponse($dataTable);
     if (Common::getRequestVar('disable_queued_filters', 0, 'int', $request) == 0) {
         if (method_exists($dataTable, 'applyQueuedFilters')) {
     return $dataTable;
예제 #4
  * Records settings from the "User Settings" page
  * @throws Exception
 public function recordUserSettings()
     $response = new ResponseBuilder(Common::getRequestVar('format'));
     try {
         $defaultReport = Common::getRequestVar('defaultReport');
         $defaultDate = Common::getRequestVar('defaultDate');
         $language = Common::getRequestVar('language');
         $userLogin = Piwik::getCurrentUserLogin();
         APILanguagesManager::getInstance()->setLanguageForUser($userLogin, $language);
         APIUsersManager::getInstance()->setUserPreference($userLogin, APIUsersManager::PREFERENCE_DEFAULT_REPORT, $defaultReport);
         APIUsersManager::getInstance()->setUserPreference($userLogin, APIUsersManager::PREFERENCE_DEFAULT_REPORT_DATE, $defaultDate);
         $toReturn = $response->getResponse();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $toReturn = $response->getResponseException($e);
     return $toReturn;
예제 #5
파일: Dashboard.php 프로젝트: piwik/piwik
 private function convertDataTableToArrayAndApplyQueuedFilters(DataTable $table, $request)
     $request['serialize'] = 0;
     $request['expanded'] = 0;
     $request['totals'] = 0;
     $request['format_metrics'] = 1;
     $request['disable_generic_filters'] = 1;
     $responseBuilder = new ResponseBuilder('php', $request);
     $rows = $responseBuilder->getResponse($table, 'MultiSites', 'getAll');
     return $rows;
예제 #6
  * @internal
 protected function loadDataTableFromAPI()
     if (!is_null($this->dataTable)) {
         // data table is already there
         // this happens when setDataTable has been used
         return $this->dataTable;
     // we build the request (URL) to call the API
     $request = $this->buildApiRequestArray();
     $module = $this->requestConfig->getApiModuleToRequest();
     $method = $this->requestConfig->getApiMethodToRequest();
     $class = ApiRequest::getClassNameAPI($module);
     $dataTable = Proxy::getInstance()->call($class, $method, $request);
     $response = new ResponseBuilder($format = 'original', $request);
     $this->dataTable = $response->getResponse($dataTable, $module, $method);
예제 #7
  * Dispatches the API request to the appropriate API method and returns the result
  * after post-processing.
  * Post-processing includes:
  * - flattening if **flat** is 0
  * - running generic filters unless **disable_generic_filters** is set to 1
  * - URL decoding label column values
  * - running queued filters unless **disable_queued_filters** is set to 1
  * - removing columns based on the values of the **hideColumns** and **showColumns** query parameters
  * - filtering rows if the **label** query parameter is set
  * - converting the result to the appropriate format (ie, XML, JSON, etc.)
  * If `'original'` is supplied for the output format, the result is returned as a PHP
  * object.
  * @throws PluginDeactivatedException if the module plugin is not activated.
  * @throws Exception if the requested API method cannot be called, if required parameters for the
  *                   API method are missing or if the API method throws an exception and the **format**
  *                   query parameter is **original**.
  * @return DataTable|Map|string The data resulting from the API call.
 public function process()
     // read the format requested for the output data
     $outputFormat = strtolower(Common::getRequestVar('format', 'xml', 'string', $this->request));
     // create the response
     $response = new ResponseBuilder($outputFormat, $this->request);
     $corsHandler = new CORSHandler();
     try {
         // read parameters
         $moduleMethod = Common::getRequestVar('method', null, 'string', $this->request);
         list($module, $method) = $this->extractModuleAndMethod($moduleMethod);
         $module = $this->renameModule($module);
         if (!\Piwik\Plugin\Manager::getInstance()->isPluginActivated($module)) {
             throw new PluginDeactivatedException($module);
         $apiClassName = $this->getClassNameAPI($module);
         // call the method
         $returnedValue = Proxy::getInstance()->call($apiClassName, $method, $this->request);
         $toReturn = $response->getResponse($returnedValue, $module, $method);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $toReturn = $response->getResponseException($e);
     return $toReturn;
예제 #8
 protected function getLabelsFromTable($table)
     $request = $_GET;
     $request['serialize'] = 0;
     // Apply generic filters
     $response = new ResponseBuilder($format = 'original', $request);
     $table = $response->getResponse($table);
     // If period=lastX we only keep the first resultset as we want to return a plain list
     if ($table instanceof DataTable\Map) {
         $tables = $table->getDataTables();
         $table = current($tables);
     // Keep the response simple, only include keywords
     $keywords = $table->getColumn('label');
     return $keywords;
예제 #9
 public function test_getResponse_shouldReturnAllOnIndexedArray_IfFilterLimitIsMinusOne()
     $input = range(0, 100);
     $builder = new ResponseBuilder('php', array('serialize' => 0, 'filter_limit' => -1));
     $response = $builder->getResponse($input);
     $this->assertEquals($input, $response);
예제 #10
 private function convertDataTableToArrayAndApplyFilters(DataTable $table, $request)
     $request['serialize'] = 0;
     $request['expanded'] = 1;
     $request['totals'] = 0;
     $request['format_metrics'] = 1;
     // filter_sort_column does not work correctly is a bug in MultiSites.getAll
     if (!empty($request['filter_sort_column']) && $request['filter_sort_column'] === 'nb_pageviews') {
         $request['filter_sort_column'] = 'Actions_nb_pageviews';
     } elseif (!empty($request['filter_sort_column']) && $request['filter_sort_column'] === 'revenue') {
         $request['filter_sort_column'] = 'Goal_revenue';
     $responseBuilder = new ResponseBuilder('php', $request);
     $rows = $responseBuilder->getResponse($table, 'MultiSites', 'getAll');
     return $rows;
예제 #11
  * Dispatches the API request to the appropriate API method and returns the result
  * after post-processing.
  * Post-processing includes:
  * - flattening if **flat** is 0
  * - running generic filters unless **disable_generic_filters** is set to 1
  * - URL decoding label column values
  * - running queued filters unless **disable_queued_filters** is set to 1
  * - removing columns based on the values of the **hideColumns** and **showColumns** query parameters
  * - filtering rows if the **label** query parameter is set
  * - converting the result to the appropriate format (ie, XML, JSON, etc.)
  * If `'original'` is supplied for the output format, the result is returned as a PHP
  * object.
  * @throws PluginDeactivatedException if the module plugin is not activated.
  * @throws Exception if the requested API method cannot be called, if required parameters for the
  *                   API method are missing or if the API method throws an exception and the **format**
  *                   query parameter is **original**.
  * @return DataTable|Map|string The data resulting from the API call.
 public function process()
     // read the format requested for the output data
     $outputFormat = strtolower(Common::getRequestVar('format', 'xml', 'string', $this->request));
     // create the response
     $response = new ResponseBuilder($outputFormat, $this->request);
     $corsHandler = new CORSHandler();
     $tokenAuth = Common::getRequestVar('token_auth', '', 'string', $this->request);
     $shouldReloadAuth = false;
     try {
         // read parameters
         $moduleMethod = Common::getRequestVar('method', null, 'string', $this->request);
         list($module, $method) = $this->extractModuleAndMethod($moduleMethod);
         list($module, $method) = self::getRenamedModuleAndAction($module, $method);
         $apiClassName = self::getClassNameAPI($module);
         if ($shouldReloadAuth = self::shouldReloadAuthUsingTokenAuth($this->request)) {
             $access = Access::getInstance();
             $tokenAuthToRestore = $access->getTokenAuth();
             $hadSuperUserAccess = $access->hasSuperUserAccess();
         // call the method
         $returnedValue = Proxy::getInstance()->call($apiClassName, $method, $this->request);
         $toReturn = $response->getResponse($returnedValue, $module, $method);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $toReturn = $response->getResponseException($e);
     if ($shouldReloadAuth) {
         $this->restoreAuthUsingTokenAuth($tokenAuthToRestore, $hadSuperUserAccess);
     return $toReturn;
예제 #12
 public function setGeneralSettings()
     $response = new ResponseBuilder(Common::getRequestVar('format'));
     try {
         // update trusted host settings
         $trustedHosts = Common::getRequestVar('trustedHosts', false, 'json');
         if ($trustedHosts !== false) {
         // update branding settings
         $branding = Config::getInstance()->branding;
         $branding['use_custom_logo'] = Common::getRequestVar('useCustomLogo', '0');
         Config::getInstance()->branding = $branding;
         $toReturn = $response->getResponse();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $toReturn = $response->getResponseException($e);
     return $toReturn;
 public function test_getResponse_shouldBeAbleToApplyColumFilterAndLimitFilterOnIndexedAssociativeArray()
     $input = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
         $input[] = array('test' => 'two' . $i, 'test2' => 'three');
     $limit = 3;
     $builder = new ResponseBuilder('php', array('serialize' => 0, 'filter_limit' => $limit, 'filter_offset' => 3, 'showColumns' => 'test'));
     $response = $builder->getResponse($input);
     $this->assertEquals(array(0 => array('test' => 'two3'), 1 => array('test' => 'two4'), 2 => array('test' => 'two5')), $response);
예제 #14
파일: Controller.php 프로젝트: piwik/piwik
 public function setMailSettings()
     if (!self::isGeneralSettingsAdminEnabled()) {
         // General settings + Beta channel + SMTP settings is disabled
         return '';
     $response = new ResponseBuilder('json');
     try {
         // Update email settings
         $mail = array();
         $mail['transport'] = Common::getRequestVar('mailUseSmtp') == '1' ? 'smtp' : '';
         $mail['port'] = Common::getRequestVar('mailPort', '');
         $mail['host'] = Common::unsanitizeInputValue(Common::getRequestVar('mailHost', ''));
         $mail['type'] = Common::getRequestVar('mailType', '');
         $mail['username'] = Common::unsanitizeInputValue(Common::getRequestVar('mailUsername', ''));
         $mail['password'] = Common::unsanitizeInputValue(Common::getRequestVar('mailPassword', ''));
         $mail['encryption'] = Common::getRequestVar('mailEncryption', '');
         Config::getInstance()->mail = $mail;
         $toReturn = $response->getResponse();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $toReturn = $response->getResponseException($e);
     return $toReturn;