예제 #1
 public function enrichLayoutDefinition($object)
     $groupCollectionMapping = $this->recursiveGetActiveGroupCollectionMapping($object);
     $this->activeGroupDefinitions = [];
     $activeGroupIds = $this->recursiveGetActiveGroupsIds($object);
     if (!$activeGroupIds) {
     $filteredGroupIds = [];
     foreach ($activeGroupIds as $groupId => $enabled) {
         if ($enabled) {
             $filteredGroupIds[] = $groupId;
     $condition = "ID in (" . implode(',', $filteredGroupIds) . ")";
     $groupList = new Object\Classificationstore\GroupConfig\Listing();
     $groupList->setOrder(["ASC", "ASC"]);
     $groupList = $groupList->load();
     /** @var  $group Object\Classificationstore\GroupConfig */
     foreach ($groupList as $group) {
         $keyList = [];
         $relation = new Object\Classificationstore\KeyGroupRelation\Listing();
         $relation->setCondition("groupId = " . $relation->quote($group->getId()));
         $relation->setOrderKey(["sorter", "id"]);
         $relation->setOrder(["ASC", "ASC"]);
         $relation = $relation->load();
         /** @var  $key Object\Classificationstore\KeyGroupRelation */
         foreach ($relation as $key) {
             $definition = \Pimcore\Model\Object\Classificationstore\Service::getFieldDefinitionFromKeyConfig($key);
             if (method_exists($definition, "__wakeup")) {
             if ($definition) {
                 $definition->setMandatory($definition->getMandatory() || $key->isMandatory());
             $keyList[] = ["name" => $key->getName(), "id" => $key->getKeyId(), "description" => $key->getDescription(), "definition" => $definition];
         $this->activeGroupDefinitions[$group->getId()] = ["name" => $group->getName(), "id" => $group->getId(), "description" => $group->getDescription(), "keys" => $keyList];
     if ($groupCollectionMapping) {
         $collectionIds = array_values($groupCollectionMapping);
         $relation = new Object\Classificationstore\CollectionGroupRelation\Listing();
         $condition = "colId IN (" . implode(",", $collectionIds) . ")";
         $relation = $relation->load();
         $sorting = [];
         /** @var $item Object\Classificationstore\CollectionGroupRelation */
         foreach ($relation as $item) {
             $sorting[$item->getGroupId()] = $item->getSorter();
         usort($this->activeGroupDefinitions, function ($a, $b) use($sorting) {
             $s1 = $sorting[$a["id"]] ? $sorting[$a["id"]] : 0;
             $s2 = $sorting[$b["id"]] ? $sorting[$b["id"]] : 0;
             if ($s1 < $s2) {
                 return 1;
             } elseif ($s2 > $s1) {
                 return -1;
             } else {
                 return 0;
예제 #2
                if ($definition->isLocalized()) {
                    $languages = array_merge($languages, \Pimcore\Tool::getValidLanguages());
                foreach ($activeGroups as $activeGroupId => $enabled) {
                    if (!$enabled) {
                    /** @var $groupDefinition Object\Classificationstore\GroupConfig */
                    $groupDefinition = Pimcore\Model\Object\Classificationstore\GroupConfig::getById($activeGroupId);
                    if (!$groupDefinition) {
                    /** @var $keyGroupRelation Object\Classificationstore\KeyGroupRelation */
                    $keyGroupRelations = $groupDefinition->getRelations();
                    foreach ($keyGroupRelations as $keyGroupRelation) {
                        $keyDef = Object\Classificationstore\Service::getFieldDefinitionFromJson(json_decode($keyGroupRelation->getDefinition()), $keyGroupRelation->getType());
                        if (!$keyDef) {
                        foreach ($languages as $language) {
                            $keyData = $storedata->getLocalizedKeyValue($activeGroupId, $keyGroupRelation->getKeyId(), $language, true, true);
                            $preview = $keyDef->getVersionPreview($keyData);

                            if ($c % 2) {
예제 #3
 public function load()
     /** @var  $classificationStore Object\Classificationstore */
     $classificationStore = $this->model;
     $object = $this->model->getObject();
     $dataTableName = $this->getDataTableName();
     $objectId = $object->getId();
     $fieldname = $this->model->getFieldname();
     $query = "SELECT * FROM " . $dataTableName . " WHERE o_id = " . $this->db->quote($objectId) . " AND fieldname = " . $this->db->quote($fieldname);
     $data = $this->db->fetchAll($query);
     $groupCollectionMapping = array();
     foreach ($data as $item) {
         $groupId = $item["groupId"];
         $keyId = $item["keyId"];
         $collectionId = $item["collectionId"];
         $groupCollectionMapping[$groupId] = $collectionId;
         $value = $item["value"];
         $keyConfig = DefinitionCache::get($keyId);
         $fd = Service::getFieldDefinitionFromKeyConfig($keyConfig);
         $value = $fd->getDataFromResource($value);
         $language = $item["language"];
         $classificationStore->setLocalizedKeyValue($groupId, $keyId, $value, $language);
     $groupsTableName = $this->getGroupsTableName();
     $query = "SELECT * FROM " . $groupsTableName . " WHERE o_id = " . $this->db->quote($objectId) . " AND fieldname = " . $this->db->quote($fieldname);
     $data = $this->db->fetchAll($query);
     $list = array();
     foreach ($data as $item) {
         $list[$item["groupId"]] = true;
 public function addGroupsAction()
     $ids = \Zend_Json::decode($this->getParam("groupIds"));
     $keyCondition = "groupId in (" . implode(",", $ids) . ")";
     $keyList = new Classificationstore\KeyGroupRelation\Listing();
     $keyList->setOrderKey(array("sorter", "id"));
     $keyList->setOrder(array("ASC", "ASC"));
     $keyList = $keyList->load();
     $groupCondition = "id in (" . implode(",", $ids) . ")";
     $groupList = new Classificationstore\GroupConfig\Listing();
     $groupList = $groupList->load();
     $data = array();
     foreach ($groupList as $groupData) {
         $data[$groupData->getId()] = array("name" => $groupData->getName(), "id" => $groupData->getId(), "description" => $groupData->getDescription(), "keys" => array());
     foreach ($keyList as $keyData) {
         $groupId = $keyData->getGroupId();
         $keyList = $data[$groupId]["keys"];
         $type = $keyData->getType();
         $definition = json_decode($keyData->getDefinition());
         $definition = \Pimcore\Model\Object\Classificationstore\Service::getFieldDefinitionFromJson($definition, $type);
         if (method_exists($definition, "__wakeup")) {
         $keyList[] = array("name" => $keyData->getName(), "id" => $keyData->getKeyId(), "description" => $keyData->getDescription(), "definition" => $definition);
         $data[$groupId]["keys"] = $keyList;
     return $this->_helper->json($data);
 public function enrichLayoutDefinition($object)
     $this->activeGroupDefinitions = array();
     $activeGroupIds = $this->recursiveGetActiveGroupsIds($object);
     if (!$activeGroupIds) {
     $filteredGroupIds = array();
     foreach ($activeGroupIds as $groupId => $enabled) {
         if ($enabled) {
             $filteredGroupIds[] = $groupId;
     $condition = "ID in (" . implode(',', $filteredGroupIds) . ")";
     $groupList = new Object\Classificationstore\GroupConfig\Listing();
     $groupList->setOrderKey(array("sorter", "id"));
     $groupList->setOrder(array("ASC", "ASC"));
     $groupList = $groupList->load();
     /** @var  $group Object\Classificationstore\GroupConfig */
     foreach ($groupList as $group) {
         $keyList = array();
         $relation = new Object\Classificationstore\KeyGroupRelation\Listing();
         $relation->setCondition("groupId = " . $relation->quote($group->getId()));
         $relation->setOrderKey(array("sorter", "id"));
         $relation->setOrder(array("ASC", "ASC"));
         $relation = $relation->load();
         foreach ($relation as $key) {
             $definition = \Pimcore\Model\Object\Classificationstore\Service::getFieldDefinitionFromKeyConfig($key);
             if (method_exists($definition, "__wakeup")) {
             $keyList[] = array("name" => $key->getName(), "id" => $key->getKeyId(), "description" => $key->getDescription(), "definition" => $definition);
         $this->activeGroupDefinitions[$group->getId()] = array("name" => $group->getName(), "id" => $group->getId(), "description" => $group->getDescription(), "keys" => $keyList);
예제 #6
  * @param string $filterJson
  * @param ClassDefinition $class
  * @return string
 public static function getFeatureFilters($filterJson, $class)
     $joins = [];
     $conditions = [];
     // create filter condition
     $conditionPartsFilters = [];
     if ($filterJson) {
         $db = \Pimcore\Db::get();
         $filters = \Zend_Json::decode($filterJson);
         foreach ($filters as $filter) {
             $operator = "=";
             $filterField = $filter["property"];
             $filterOperator = $filter["operator"];
             if ($filter["type"] == "string") {
                 $operator = "LIKE";
             } elseif ($filter["type"] == "numeric") {
                 if ($filterOperator == "lt") {
                     $operator = "<";
                 } elseif ($filterOperator == "gt") {
                     $operator = ">";
                 } elseif ($filterOperator == "eq") {
                     $operator = "=";
             } elseif ($filter["type"] == "date") {
                 if ($filterOperator == "lt") {
                     $operator = "<";
                 } elseif ($filterOperator == "gt") {
                     $operator = ">";
                 } elseif ($filterOperator == "eq") {
                     $operator = "=";
                 $filter["value"] = strtotime($filter["value"]);
             } elseif ($filter["type"] == "list") {
                 $operator = "=";
             } elseif ($filter["type"] == "boolean") {
                 $operator = "=";
                 $filter["value"] = (int) $filter["value"];
             $keyParts = explode("~", $filterField);
             if (substr($filterField, 0, 1) != "~") {
             $type = $keyParts[1];
             if ($type != "classificationstore") {
             $fieldName = $keyParts[2];
             $groupKeyId = explode("-", $keyParts[3]);
             $groupId = $groupKeyId[0];
             $keyid = $groupKeyId[1];
             $keyConfig = Model\Object\Classificationstore\KeyConfig::getById($keyid);
             $type = $keyConfig->getType();
             $definition = json_decode($keyConfig->getDefinition());
             $field = \Pimcore\Model\Object\Classificationstore\Service::getFieldDefinitionFromJson($definition, $type);
             if ($field instanceof ClassDefinition\Data) {
                 $mappedKey = "cskey_" . $fieldName . "_" . $groupId . "_" . $keyid;
                 $joins[] = ['fieldname' => $fieldName, 'groupId' => $groupId, "keyId" => $keyid];
                 $condition = $field->getFilterConditionExt($filter["value"], $operator, ["name" => $mappedKey]);
                 $conditions[$mappedKey] = $condition;
     $result = ["joins" => $joins, "conditions" => $conditions];
     return $result;
예제 #7
  * @param $keyId
  * @param $groupId
  * @param string $language
  * @param bool|false $ignoreFallbackLanguage
  * @return null
 public function getLocalizedKeyValue($groupId, $keyId, $language = "default", $ignoreFallbackLanguage = false, $ignoreDefaultLanguage = false)
     $oid = $this->object->getId();
     $keyConfig = Model\Object\Classificationstore\DefinitionCache::get($keyId);
     $fieldDefinition = Model\Object\Classificationstore\Service::getFieldDefinitionFromKeyConfig($keyConfig);
     $language = $this->getLanguage($language);
     $data = null;
     if (array_key_exists($groupId, $this->items) && array_key_exists($keyId, $this->items[$groupId]) && array_key_exists($language, $this->items[$groupId][$keyId])) {
         $data = $this->items[$groupId][$keyId][$language];
     // check for fallback value
     if ($fieldDefinition->isEmpty($data) && !$ignoreFallbackLanguage && self::doGetFallbackValues()) {
         $data = $this->getFallbackValue($groupId, $keyId, $language, $fieldDefinition);
     if ($fieldDefinition->isEmpty($data) && !$ignoreDefaultLanguage && $language != "default") {
         $data = $this->items[$groupId][$keyId]["default"];
     // check for inherited value
     $doGetInheritedValues = AbstractObject::doGetInheritedValues();
     if ($fieldDefinition->isEmpty($data) && $doGetInheritedValues) {
         $object = $this->getObject();
         $class = $object->getClass();
         $allowInherit = $class->getAllowInherit();
         if ($allowInherit) {
             if ($object->getParent() instanceof AbstractObject) {
                 $parent = $object->getParent();
                 while ($parent && $parent->getType() == "folder") {
                     $parent = $parent->getParent();
                 if ($parent && ($parent->getType() == "object" || $parent->getType() == "variant")) {
                     if ($parent->getClassId() == $object->getClassId()) {
                         $method = "getLocalizedfields";
                         if (method_exists($parent, $method)) {
                             $getter = "get" . ucfirst($this->fieldname);
                             $classificationStore = $parent->{$getter}();
                             if ($classificationStore instanceof Classificationstore) {
                                 if ($classificationStore->object->getId() != $this->object->getId()) {
                                     $data = $classificationStore->getLocalizedKeyValue($groupId, $keyId, $language, false);
     if ($fieldDefinition && method_exists($fieldDefinition, "preGetData")) {
         $data = $fieldDefinition->preGetData($this, array("data" => $data, "language" => $language, "name" => $groupId . "-" . $keyId));
     return $data;
예제 #8
 public function enrichLayoutDefinition($object)
     $groupList = new Object\Classificationstore\GroupConfig\Listing();
     $groupList = $groupList->load();
     $this->activeGroupDefinitions = array();
     $activeGroupIds = $this->recursiveGetActiveGroupsIds($object);
     /** @var  $group Object\Classificationstore\GroupConfig */
     foreach ($activeGroupIds as $groupId => $enabled) {
         if ($enabled) {
             $group = Object\Classificationstore\GroupConfig::getById($groupId);
             $keyList = array();
             $relation = new Object\Classificationstore\KeyGroupRelation\Listing();
             $relation->setCondition("groupId = " . $relation->quote($group->getId()));
             $relation = $relation->load();
             foreach ($relation as $key) {
                 //                    $definition = $key->getDefinition();
                 $definition = \Pimcore\Model\Object\Classificationstore\Service::getFieldDefinitionFromKeyConfig($key);
                 if (method_exists($definition, "__wakeup")) {
                 $keyList[] = array("name" => $key->getName(), "id" => $key->getKeyId(), "description" => $key->getDescription(), "definition" => $definition);
             $this->activeGroupDefinitions[$group->getId()] = array("name" => $group->getName(), "id" => $group->getId(), "description" => $group->getDescription(), "keys" => $keyList);
예제 #9
 protected function getCsvFieldData($field, $object, $requestedLanguage)
     //check if field is systemfield
     $systemFieldMap = ['id' => "getId", 'fullpath' => "getRealFullPath", 'published' => "getPublished", 'creationDate' => "getCreationDate", 'modificationDate' => "getModificationDate", 'filename' => "getKey", 'classname' => "getClassname"];
     if (in_array($field, array_keys($systemFieldMap))) {
         return $object->{$systemFieldMap[$field]}();
     } else {
         //check if field is standard object field
         $fieldDefinition = $object->getClass()->getFieldDefinition($field);
         if ($fieldDefinition) {
             return $fieldDefinition->getForCsvExport($object);
         } else {
             $fieldParts = explode("~", $field);
             // check for objects bricks and localized fields
             if (substr($field, 0, 1) == "~") {
                 $type = $fieldParts[1];
                 if ($type == "classificationstore") {
                     $fieldname = $fieldParts[2];
                     $groupKeyId = explode("-", $fieldParts[3]);
                     $groupId = $groupKeyId[0];
                     $keyId = $groupKeyId[1];
                     $getter = "get" . ucfirst($fieldname);
                     if (method_exists($object, $getter)) {
                         /** @var  $classificationStoreData Classificationstore */
                         $keyConfig = Pimcore\Model\Object\Classificationstore\KeyConfig::getById($keyId);
                         $type = $keyConfig->getType();
                         $definition = json_decode($keyConfig->getDefinition());
                         $fieldDefinition = \Pimcore\Model\Object\Classificationstore\Service::getFieldDefinitionFromJson($definition, $type);
                         return $fieldDefinition->getForCsvExport($object, ["context" => ["containerType" => "classificationstore", "fieldname" => $fieldname, "groupId" => $groupId, "keyId" => $keyId, "language" => $requestedLanguage]]);
                 //key value store - ignore for now
             } elseif (count($fieldParts) > 1) {
                 // brick
                 $brickType = $fieldParts[0];
                 $brickKey = $fieldParts[1];
                 $key = Object\Service::getFieldForBrickType($object->getClass(), $brickType);
                 $brickClass = Pimcore\Model\Object\Objectbrick\Definition::getByKey($brickType);
                 $fieldDefinition = $brickClass->getFieldDefinition($brickKey);
                 if ($fieldDefinition) {
                     $brickContainer = $object->{"get" . ucfirst($key)}();
                     if ($brickContainer && !empty($brickKey)) {
                         $brick = $brickContainer->{"get" . ucfirst($brickType)}();
                         if ($brick) {
                             return $fieldDefinition->getForCsvExport($brick);
             } elseif ($locFields = $object->getClass()->getFieldDefinition("localizedfields")) {
                 // if the definition is not set try to get the definition from localized fields
                 $fieldDefinition = $locFields->getFieldDefinition($field);
                 if ($fieldDefinition) {
                     $needLocalizedPermissions = true;
                     return $fieldDefinition->getForCsvExport($object->getLocalizedFields(), ["language" => $this->getParam("language")]);