public function importDocuments() { $file = sprintf('%s/documents.json', $this->baseDir); $docs = new \Zend_Config_Json($file); foreach ($docs as $def) { $def = $def->toArray(); $parent = Document::getByPath($def['parent']); unset($def['parent']); if (!$parent) { $parent = Document::getById(1); } $path = $parent->getFullPath() . '/' . $def['key']; if (Document\Service::pathExists($path)) { $doc = Document::getByPath($path); } else { $docClass = '\\Pimcore\\Model\\Document\\' . ucfirst($def['type']); /** @var Document $doc */ $doc = $docClass::create($parent->getId(), $def, false); $doc->setUserOwner(self::getUser()->getId()); $doc->setUserModification(self::getUser()->getId()); } $doc->setValues($def); $doc->setPublished(true); $doc->save(); } }
public function copyAction() { $success = false; $sourceId = intval($this->getParam("sourceId")); $source = Document::getById($sourceId); $session = Session::get("pimcore_copy"); $targetId = intval($this->getParam("targetId")); if ($this->getParam("targetParentId")) { $sourceParent = Document::getById($this->getParam("sourceParentId")); // this is because the key can get the prefix "_copy" if the target does already exists if ($session->{$this->getParam("transactionId")}["parentId"]) { $targetParent = Document::getById($session->{$this->getParam("transactionId")}["parentId"]); } else { $targetParent = Document::getById($this->getParam("targetParentId")); } $targetPath = preg_replace("@^" . $sourceParent->getFullPath() . "@", $targetParent . "/", $source->getPath()); $target = Document::getByPath($targetPath); } else { $target = Document::getById($targetId); } if ($target instanceof Document) { if ($target->isAllowed("create")) { if ($source != null) { if ($this->getParam("type") == "child") { $enableInheritance = $this->getParam("enableInheritance") == "true" ? true : false; $resetIndex = $this->getParam("resetIndex") == "true" ? true : false; $newDocument = $this->_documentService->copyAsChild($target, $source, $enableInheritance, $resetIndex); $session->{$this->getParam("transactionId")}["idMapping"][(int) $source->getId()] = (int) $newDocument->getId(); // this is because the key can get the prefix "_copy" if the target does already exists if ($this->getParam("saveParentId")) { $session->{$this->getParam("transactionId")}["parentId"] = $newDocument->getId(); } Session::writeClose(); } else { if ($this->getParam("type") == "replace") { $this->_documentService->copyContents($target, $source); } } $success = true; } else { \Logger::error("prevended copy/paste because document with same path+key already exists in this location"); } } else { \Logger::error("could not execute copy/paste because of missing permissions on target [ " . $targetId . " ]"); $this->_helper->json(array("success" => false, "message" => "missing_permission")); } } $this->_helper->json(array("success" => $success)); }
/** * @param \Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request */ public function postDispatch(\Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request) { $conf = Config::getSystemConfig(); // add scripts to editmode if (\Pimcore\Tool\Admin::isExtJS6()) { $editmodeLibraries = array("/pimcore/static6/js/pimcore/namespace.js", "/pimcore/static6/js/lib/prototype-light.js", "/pimcore/static6/js/lib/jquery.min.js", "/pimcore/static6/js/lib/ext/ext-all.js", "/pimcore/static6/js/lib/ckeditor/ckeditor.js"); $editmodeScripts = array("/pimcore/static6/js/pimcore/functions.js", "/pimcore/static6/js/pimcore/element/tag/imagehotspotmarkereditor.js", "/pimcore/static6/js/pimcore/element/tag/imagecropper.js", "/pimcore/static6/js/pimcore/document/edit/helper.js", "/pimcore/static6/js/pimcore/document/edit/dnd.js", "/pimcore/static6/js/pimcore/document/tag.js", "/pimcore/static6/js/pimcore/document/tags/block.js", "/pimcore/static6/js/pimcore/document/tags/date.js", "/pimcore/static6/js/pimcore/document/tags/href.js", "/pimcore/static6/js/pimcore/document/tags/multihref.js", "/pimcore/static6/js/pimcore/document/tags/checkbox.js", "/pimcore/static6/js/pimcore/document/tags/image.js", "/pimcore/static6/js/pimcore/document/tags/input.js", "/pimcore/static6/js/pimcore/document/tags/link.js", "/pimcore/static6/js/pimcore/document/tags/select.js", "/pimcore/static6/js/pimcore/document/tags/snippet.js", "/pimcore/static6/js/pimcore/document/tags/textarea.js", "/pimcore/static6/js/pimcore/document/tags/numeric.js", "/pimcore/static6/js/pimcore/document/tags/wysiwyg.js", "/pimcore/static6/js/pimcore/document/tags/renderlet.js", "/pimcore/static6/js/pimcore/document/tags/table.js", "/pimcore/static6/js/pimcore/document/tags/video.js", "/pimcore/static6/js/pimcore/document/tags/multiselect.js", "/pimcore/static6/js/pimcore/document/tags/areablock.js", "/pimcore/static6/js/pimcore/document/tags/area.js", "/pimcore/static6/js/pimcore/document/tags/pdf.js", "/pimcore/static6/js/pimcore/document/edit/helper.js"); $editmodeStylesheets = array("/pimcore/static6/css/icons.css", "/pimcore/static6/css/editmode.css?_dc=" . time()); } else { $editmodeLibraries = array("/pimcore/static/js/pimcore/namespace.js", "/pimcore/static/js/lib/prototype-light.js", "/pimcore/static/js/lib/jquery.min.js", "/pimcore/static/js/lib/ext/adapter/jquery/ext-jquery-adapter-debug.js", "/pimcore/static/js/lib/ext/ext-all-debug.js", "/pimcore/static/js/lib/ext-plugins/ux/Spinner.js", "/pimcore/static/js/lib/ext-plugins/ux/SpinnerField.js", "/pimcore/static/js/lib/ext-plugins/ux/MultiSelect.js", "/pimcore/static/js/lib/ext-plugins/GridRowOrder/roworder.js", "/pimcore/static/js/lib/ckeditor/ckeditor.js", "/pimcore/static/js/pimcore/libfixes.js"); $editmodeScripts = array("/pimcore/static/js/pimcore/functions.js", "/pimcore/static/js/pimcore/element/tag/imagehotspotmarkereditor.js", "/pimcore/static/js/pimcore/element/tag/imagecropper.js", "/pimcore/static/js/pimcore/document/edit/helper.js", "/pimcore/static/js/pimcore/document/edit/dnd.js", "/pimcore/static/js/pimcore/document/tag.js", "/pimcore/static/js/pimcore/document/tags/block.js", "/pimcore/static/js/pimcore/document/tags/date.js", "/pimcore/static/js/pimcore/document/tags/href.js", "/pimcore/static/js/pimcore/document/tags/multihref.js", "/pimcore/static/js/pimcore/document/tags/checkbox.js", "/pimcore/static/js/pimcore/document/tags/image.js", "/pimcore/static/js/pimcore/document/tags/input.js", "/pimcore/static/js/pimcore/document/tags/link.js", "/pimcore/static/js/pimcore/document/tags/select.js", "/pimcore/static/js/pimcore/document/tags/snippet.js", "/pimcore/static/js/pimcore/document/tags/textarea.js", "/pimcore/static/js/pimcore/document/tags/numeric.js", "/pimcore/static/js/pimcore/document/tags/wysiwyg.js", "/pimcore/static/js/pimcore/document/tags/renderlet.js", "/pimcore/static/js/pimcore/document/tags/table.js", "/pimcore/static/js/pimcore/document/tags/video.js", "/pimcore/static/js/pimcore/document/tags/multiselect.js", "/pimcore/static/js/pimcore/document/tags/areablock.js", "/pimcore/static/js/pimcore/document/tags/area.js", "/pimcore/static/js/pimcore/document/tags/pdf.js", "/pimcore/static/js/pimcore/document/edit/helper.js"); $editmodeStylesheets = array("/pimcore/static/css/icons.css", "/pimcore/static/css/editmode.css?asd=" . time()); } //add plugin editmode JS and CSS try { $pluginConfigs = ExtensionManager::getPluginConfigs(); $jsPaths = array(); $cssPaths = array(); if (!empty($pluginConfigs)) { //registering plugins foreach ($pluginConfigs as $p) { $pluginJsPaths = array(); if (array_key_exists("pluginDocumentEditmodeJsPaths", $p['plugin']) && is_array($p['plugin']['pluginDocumentEditmodeJsPaths']) && isset($p['plugin']['pluginDocumentEditmodeJsPaths']['path'])) { if (is_array($p['plugin']['pluginDocumentEditmodeJsPaths']['path'])) { $pluginJsPaths = $p['plugin']['pluginDocumentEditmodeJsPaths']['path']; } else { if ($p['plugin']['pluginDocumentEditmodeJsPaths']['path'] != null) { $pluginJsPaths[] = $p['plugin']['pluginDocumentEditmodeJsPaths']['path']; } } } //manipulate path for frontend if (is_array($pluginJsPaths) and count($pluginJsPaths) > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($pluginJsPaths); $i++) { if (is_file(PIMCORE_PLUGINS_PATH . $pluginJsPaths[$i])) { $jsPaths[] = "/plugins" . $pluginJsPaths[$i]; } } } $pluginCssPaths = array(); if (array_key_exists("pluginDocumentEditmodeCssPaths", $p['plugin']) && is_array($p['plugin']['pluginDocumentEditmodeCssPaths']) && isset($p['plugin']['pluginDocumentEditmodeCssPaths']['path'])) { if (is_array($p['plugin']['pluginDocumentEditmodeCssPaths']['path'])) { $pluginCssPaths = $p['plugin']['pluginDocumentEditmodeCssPaths']['path']; } else { if ($p['plugin']['pluginDocumentEditmodeCssPaths']['path'] != null) { $pluginCssPaths[] = $p['plugin']['pluginDocumentEditmodeCssPaths']['path']; } } } //manipulate path for frontend if (is_array($pluginCssPaths) and count($pluginCssPaths) > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($pluginCssPaths); $i++) { if (is_file(PIMCORE_PLUGINS_PATH . $pluginCssPaths[$i])) { $cssPaths[] = "/plugins" . $pluginCssPaths[$i]; } } } } } $editmodeScripts = array_merge($editmodeScripts, $jsPaths); $editmodeStylesheets = array_merge($editmodeStylesheets, $cssPaths); } catch (\Exception $e) { \Logger::alert("there is a problem with the plugin configuration"); \Logger::alert($e); } $editmodeHeadHtml = "\n\n\n<!-- pimcore editmode -->\n"; // include stylesheets foreach ($editmodeStylesheets as $sheet) { $editmodeHeadHtml .= '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . $sheet . '?_dc=' . Version::$revision . '" />'; $editmodeHeadHtml .= "\n"; } $editmodeHeadHtml .= "\n\n"; $editmodeHeadHtml .= '<script type="text/javascript">var jQueryPreviouslyLoaded = (typeof jQuery == "undefined") ? false : true;</script>' . "\n"; // include script libraries foreach ($editmodeLibraries as $script) { $editmodeHeadHtml .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $script . '?_dc=' . Version::$revision . '"></script>'; $editmodeHeadHtml .= "\n"; } // combine the pimcore scripts in non-devmode if ($conf->general->devmode) { foreach ($editmodeScripts as $script) { $editmodeHeadHtml .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $script . '?_dc=' . Version::$revision . '"></script>'; $editmodeHeadHtml .= "\n"; } } else { $scriptContents = ""; foreach ($editmodeScripts as $scriptUrl) { $scriptContents .= file_get_contents(PIMCORE_DOCUMENT_ROOT . $scriptUrl) . "\n\n\n"; } $editmodeHeadHtml .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . \Pimcore\Tool\Admin::getMinimizedScriptPath($scriptContents) . '?_dc=' . Version::$revision . '"></script>' . "\n"; } $user = \Pimcore\Tool\Authentication::authenticateSession(); $lang = $user->getLanguage(); $editmodeHeadHtml .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="/admin/misc/json-translations-system/language/' . $lang . '/?_dc=' . Version::$revision . '"></script>' . "\n"; $editmodeHeadHtml .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="/admin/misc/json-translations-admin/language/' . $lang . '/?_dc=' . Version::$revision . '"></script>' . "\n"; $editmodeHeadHtml .= "\n\n"; // set var for editable configurations which is filled by Document\Tag::admin() $editmodeHeadHtml .= '<script type="text/javascript"> var editableConfigurations = new Array(); var pimcore_document_id = ' . $request->getParam("document")->getId() . '; if(jQueryPreviouslyLoaded) { jQuery.noConflict( true ); } </script>'; $editmodeHeadHtml .= "\n\n<!-- /pimcore editmode -->\n\n\n"; // add scripts in html header for pages in editmode if ($this->controller->editmode && Document\Service::isValidType($this->controller->document->getType())) { //ckogler include_once "simple_html_dom.php"; $body = $this->getResponse()->getBody(); $html = str_get_html($body); if ($html) { $htmlElement = $html->find("html", 0); $head = $html->find("head", 0); $bodyElement = $html->find("body", 0); // if there's no head and no body, create a wrapper including these elements // add html headers for snippets in editmode, so there is no problem with javascript if (!$head && !$bodyElement && !$htmlElement) { $body = "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head></head><body>" . $body . "</body></html>"; $html = str_get_html($body); // get them again with the updated html markup $htmlElement = $html->find("html", 0); $head = $html->find("head", 0); $bodyElement = $html->find("body", 0); } if ($head && $bodyElement && $htmlElement) { $head->innertext = $head->innertext . "\n\n" . $editmodeHeadHtml; $bodyElement->onunload = "pimcoreOnUnload();"; if (\Pimcore\Tool\Admin::isExtJS6()) { $bodyElement->innertext = $bodyElement->innertext . "\n\n" . '<script type="text/javascript" src="/pimcore/static6/js/pimcore/document/edit/startup.js?_dc=' . Version::$revision . '"></script>' . "\n\n"; } else { $bodyElement->innertext = $bodyElement->innertext . "\n\n" . '<script type="text/javascript" src="/pimcore/static/js/pimcore/document/edit/startup.js?_dc=' . Version::$revision . '"></script>' . "\n\n"; } $body = $html->save(); $this->getResponse()->setBody($body); } else { $this->getResponse()->setBody('<div style="font-size:30px; font-family: Arial; font-weight:bold; color:red; text-align: center; margin: 40px 0">You have to define a <html>, <head>, <body><br />HTML-tag in your view/layout markup!</div>'); } $html->clear(); unset($html); } } // IE compatibility //$this->getResponse()->setHeader("X-UA-Compatible", "IE=8; IE=9", true); }
/** end point for document related data. * - get document by id * GET http://[YOUR-DOMAIN]/webservice/rest/document/id/1281?apikey=[API-KEY] * returns json-encoded document data. * - delete document by id * DELETE http://[YOUR-DOMAIN]/webservice/rest/document/id/1281?apikey=[API-KEY] * returns json encoded success value * - create document * PUT or POST http://[YOUR-DOMAIN]/webservice/rest/document?apikey=[API-KEY] * body: json-encoded document data in the same format as returned by get document by id * but with missing id field or id set to 0 * returns json encoded document id * - update document * PUT or POST http://[YOUR-DOMAIN]/webservice/rest/document?apikey=[API-KEY] * body: same as for create document but with object id * returns json encoded success value * @throws \Exception */ public function documentAction() { $id = $this->getParam("id"); $success = false; try { if ($this->isGet()) { $doc = Document::getById($id); if (!$doc) { $this->encoder->encode(array("success" => false, "msg" => "Document does not exist", "code" => self::ELEMENT_DOES_NOT_EXIST)); return; } $this->checkPermission($doc, "get"); if ($doc) { $type = $doc->getType(); $getter = "getDocument" . ucfirst($type) . "ById"; if (method_exists($this->service, $getter)) { $object = $this->service->{$getter}($id); } else { // check if the getter is implemented by a plugin $class = "\\Pimcore\\Model\\Webservice\\Data\\Document\\" . ucfirst($type) . "\\Out"; if (Tool::classExists($class)) { Document\Service::loadAllDocumentFields($doc); $object = Webservice\Data\Mapper::map($doc, $class, "out"); } else { throw new \Exception("unknown type"); } } } if (!$object) { throw new \Exception("could not find document"); } @$this->encoder->encode(array("success" => true, "data" => $object)); return; } else { if ($this->isDelete()) { $doc = Document::getById($id); if ($doc) { $this->checkPermission($doc, "delete"); } $success = $this->service->deleteDocument($id); $this->encoder->encode(array("success" => $success)); return; } else { if ($this->isPost() || $this->isPut()) { $data = file_get_contents("php://input"); $data = \Zend_Json::decode($data); $type = $data["type"]; $id = null; $typeUpper = ucfirst($type); $className = "\\Pimcore\\Model\\Webservice\\Data\\Document\\" . $typeUpper . "\\In"; if ($data["id"]) { $doc = Document::getById($data["id"]); if ($doc) { $this->checkPermission($doc, "update"); } $isUpdate = true; $setter = "updateDocument" . $typeUpper; if (!method_exists($this->service, $setter)) { throw new \Exception("method does not exist " . $setter); } $wsData = self::fillWebserviceData($className, $data); $success = $this->service->{$setter}($wsData); } else { $setter = "createDocument" . $typeUpper; if (!method_exists($this->service, $setter)) { throw new \Exception("method does not exist " . $setter); } $wsData = self::fillWebserviceData($className, $data); $doc = new Document(); $doc->setId($wsData->parentId); $this->checkPermission($doc, "create"); $id = $this->service->{$setter}($wsData); } if (!$isUpdate) { $success = $id != null; } if ($success && !$isUpdate) { $this->encoder->encode(array("success" => $success, "id" => $id)); } else { $this->encoder->encode(array("success" => $success)); } return; } } } } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->encoder->encode(array("success" => false, "msg" => (string) $e)); } $this->encoder->encode(array("success" => false)); }
public function replaceAssignmentsAction() { $success = false; $message = ""; $element = Element\Service::getElementById($this->getParam("type"), $this->getParam("id")); $sourceEl = Element\Service::getElementById($this->getParam("sourceType"), $this->getParam("sourceId")); $targetEl = Element\Service::getElementById($this->getParam("targetType"), $this->getParam("targetId")); if ($element && $sourceEl && $targetEl && $this->getParam("sourceType") == $this->getParam("targetType") && $sourceEl->getType() == $targetEl->getType()) { $rewriteConfig = [$this->getParam("sourceType") => [$sourceEl->getId() => $targetEl->getId()]]; if ($element instanceof Document) { $element = Document\Service::rewriteIds($element, $rewriteConfig); } elseif ($element instanceof Object\AbstractObject) { $element = Object\Service::rewriteIds($element, $rewriteConfig); } elseif ($element instanceof Asset) { $element = Asset\Service::rewriteIds($element, $rewriteConfig); } $element->setUserModification($this->getUser()->getId()); $element->save(); $success = true; } else { $message = "source-type and target-type do not match"; } $this->_helper->json(["success" => $success, "message" => $message]); }
/** * Returns the full path of the document including the key (path+key) * * @return string */ public function getFullPath() { // check if this document is also the site root, if so return / try { if (Site::isSiteRequest()) { $site = Site::getCurrentSite(); if ($site instanceof Site) { if ($site->getRootDocument()->getId() == $this->getId()) { return "/"; } } } } catch (\Exception $e) { \Logger::error($e); } // @TODO please forgive me, this is the dirtiest hack I've ever made :( // if you got confused by this functionality drop me a line and I'll buy you some beers :) // this is for the case that a link points to a document outside of the current site // in this case we look for a hardlink in the current site which points to the current document // why this could happen: we have 2 sites, in one site there's a hardlink to the other site and on a page inside // the hardlink there are snippets embedded and this snippets have links pointing to a document which is also // inside the hardlink scope, but this is an ID link, so we cannot rewrite the link the usual way because in the // snippet / link we don't know anymore that whe a inside a hardlink wrapped document if (!\Pimcore::inAdmin() && Site::isSiteRequest() && !FrontendTool::isDocumentInCurrentSite($this)) { $documentService = new Document\Service(); $parent = $this; while ($parent) { if ($hardlinkId = $documentService->getDocumentIdFromHardlinkInSameSite(Site::getCurrentSite(), $parent)) { $hardlink = Document::getById($hardlinkId); if (FrontendTool::isDocumentInCurrentSite($hardlink)) { $siteRootPath = Site::getCurrentSite()->getRootPath(); $siteRootPath = preg_quote($siteRootPath); $hardlinkPath = preg_replace("@^" . $siteRootPath . "@", "", $hardlink->getRealFullPath()); return preg_replace("@^" . preg_quote($parent->getRealFullPath()) . "@", $hardlinkPath, $this->getRealFullPath()); break; } } $parent = $parent->getParent(); } $config = \Pimcore\Config::getSystemConfig(); $front = \Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance(); $scheme = ($front->getRequest()->isSecure() ? "https" : "http") . "://"; if ($site = FrontendTool::getSiteForDocument($this)) { if ($site->getMainDomain()) { // check if current document is the root of the different site, if so, preg_replace below doesn't work, so just return / if ($site->getRootDocument()->getId() == $this->getId()) { return $scheme . $site->getMainDomain() . "/"; } return $scheme . $site->getMainDomain() . preg_replace("@^" . $site->getRootPath() . "/@", "/", $this->getRealFullPath()); } } if ($config->general->domain) { return $scheme . $config->general->domain . $this->getRealFullPath(); } } $path = $this->getPath() . $this->getKey(); return $path; }
/** * @return void */ public function findAction() { $user = $this->getUser(); $query = $this->getParam("query"); if ($query == "*") { $query = ""; } $query = str_replace("%", "*", $query); $types = explode(",", $this->getParam("type")); $subtypes = explode(",", $this->getParam("subtype")); $classnames = explode(",", $this->getParam("class")); if ($this->getParam("type") == "object" && is_array($classnames) && empty($classnames[0])) { $subtypes = array("object", "variant", "folder"); } $offset = intval($this->getParam("start")); $limit = intval($this->getParam("limit")); $offset = $offset ? $offset : 0; $limit = $limit ? $limit : 50; $searcherList = new Data\Listing(); $conditionParts = array(); $db = \Pimcore\Db::get(); //exclude forbidden assets if (in_array("asset", $types)) { if (!$user->isAllowed("assets")) { $forbiddenConditions[] = " `type` != 'asset' "; } else { $forbiddenAssetPaths = Element\Service::findForbiddenPaths("asset", $user); if (count($forbiddenAssetPaths) > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($forbiddenAssetPaths); $i++) { $forbiddenAssetPaths[$i] = " (maintype = 'asset' AND fullpath not like " . $db->quote($forbiddenAssetPaths[$i] . "%") . ")"; } $forbiddenConditions[] = implode(" AND ", $forbiddenAssetPaths); } } } //exclude forbidden documents if (in_array("document", $types)) { if (!$user->isAllowed("documents")) { $forbiddenConditions[] = " `type` != 'document' "; } else { $forbiddenDocumentPaths = Element\Service::findForbiddenPaths("document", $user); if (count($forbiddenDocumentPaths) > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($forbiddenDocumentPaths); $i++) { $forbiddenDocumentPaths[$i] = " (maintype = 'document' AND fullpath not like " . $db->quote($forbiddenDocumentPaths[$i] . "%") . ")"; } $forbiddenConditions[] = implode(" AND ", $forbiddenDocumentPaths); } } } //exclude forbidden objects if (in_array("object", $types)) { if (!$user->isAllowed("objects")) { $forbiddenConditions[] = " `type` != 'object' "; } else { $forbiddenObjectPaths = Element\Service::findForbiddenPaths("object", $user); if (count($forbiddenObjectPaths) > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($forbiddenObjectPaths); $i++) { $forbiddenObjectPaths[$i] = " (maintype = 'object' AND fullpath not like " . $db->quote($forbiddenObjectPaths[$i] . "%") . ")"; } $forbiddenConditions[] = implode(" AND ", $forbiddenObjectPaths); } } } if ($forbiddenConditions) { $conditionParts[] = "(" . implode(" AND ", $forbiddenConditions) . ")"; } if (!empty($query)) { $queryCondition = "( MATCH (`data`,`properties`) AGAINST (" . $db->quote($query) . " IN BOOLEAN MODE) )"; // the following should be done with an exact-search now "ID", because the Element-ID is now in the fulltext index // if the query is numeric the user might want to search by id //if(is_numeric($query)) { //$queryCondition = "(" . $queryCondition . " OR id = " . $db->quote($query) ." )"; //} $conditionParts[] = $queryCondition; } //For objects - handling of bricks $fields = array(); $bricks = array(); if ($this->getParam("fields")) { $fields = $this->getParam("fields"); foreach ($fields as $f) { $parts = explode("~", $f); if (substr($f, 0, 1) == "~") { // $type = $parts[1]; // $field = $parts[2]; // $keyid = $parts[3]; // key value, ignore for now } else { if (count($parts) > 1) { $bricks[$parts[0]] = $parts[0]; } } } } // filtering for objects if ($this->getParam("filter") && $this->getParam("class")) { $class = Object\ClassDefinition::getByName($this->getParam("class")); $conditionFilters = Object\Service::getFilterCondition($this->getParam("filter"), $class); $join = ""; foreach ($bricks as $ob) { $join .= " LEFT JOIN object_brick_query_" . $ob . "_" . $class->getId(); $join .= " `" . $ob . "`"; $join .= " ON `" . $ob . "`.o_id = `object_" . $class->getId() . "`.o_id"; } $conditionParts[] = "( id IN (SELECT `object_" . $class->getId() . "`.o_id FROM object_" . $class->getId() . $join . " WHERE " . $conditionFilters . ") )"; } if (is_array($types) and !empty($types[0])) { foreach ($types as $type) { $conditionTypeParts[] = $db->quote($type); } if (in_array("folder", $subtypes)) { $conditionTypeParts[] = $db->quote('folder'); } $conditionParts[] = "( maintype IN (" . implode(",", $conditionTypeParts) . ") )"; } if (is_array($subtypes) and !empty($subtypes[0])) { foreach ($subtypes as $subtype) { $conditionSubtypeParts[] = $db->quote($subtype); } $conditionParts[] = "( type IN (" . implode(",", $conditionSubtypeParts) . ") )"; } if (is_array($classnames) and !empty($classnames[0])) { if (in_array("folder", $subtypes)) { $classnames[] = "folder"; } foreach ($classnames as $classname) { $conditionClassnameParts[] = $db->quote($classname); } $conditionParts[] = "( subtype IN (" . implode(",", $conditionClassnameParts) . ") )"; } if (count($conditionParts) > 0) { $condition = implode(" AND ", $conditionParts); //echo $condition; die(); $searcherList->setCondition($condition); } $searcherList->setOffset($offset); $searcherList->setLimit($limit); // do not sort per default, it is VERY SLOW //$searcherList->setOrder("desc"); //$searcherList->setOrderKey("modificationdate"); if ($this->getParam("sort")) { // we need a special mapping for classname as this is stored in subtype column $sortMapping = ["classname" => "subtype"]; $sort = $this->getParam("sort"); if (array_key_exists($this->getParam("sort"), $sortMapping)) { $sort = $sortMapping[$this->getParam("sort")]; } $searcherList->setOrderKey($sort); } if ($this->getParam("dir")) { $searcherList->setOrder($this->getParam("dir")); } $hits = $searcherList->load(); $elements = array(); foreach ($hits as $hit) { $element = Element\Service::getElementById($hit->getId()->getType(), $hit->getId()->getId()); if ($element->isAllowed("list")) { if ($element instanceof Object\AbstractObject) { $data = Object\Service::gridObjectData($element, $fields); } else { if ($element instanceof Document) { $data = Document\Service::gridDocumentData($element); } else { if ($element instanceof Asset) { $data = Asset\Service::gridAssetData($element); } } } $elements[] = $data; } else { //TODO: any message that view is blocked? //$data = Element\Service::gridElementData($element); } } // only get the real total-count when the limit parameter is given otherwise use the default limit if ($this->getParam("limit")) { $totalMatches = $searcherList->getTotalCount(); } else { $totalMatches = count($elements); } $this->_helper->json(array("data" => $elements, "success" => true, "total" => $totalMatches)); $this->removeViewRenderer(); }
public function renderDocument($params) { $html = Document\Service::render($this, $params, true); return $html; }
/** * @static * @param ElementInterface $element * @return ElementInterface */ public static function loadAllFields(ElementInterface $element) { if ($element instanceof Document) { Document\Service::loadAllDocumentFields($element); } else { if ($element instanceof Object\Concrete) { Object\Service::loadAllObjectFields($element); } else { if ($element instanceof Asset) { Asset\Service::loadAllFields($element); } } } return $element; }
/** * @param Model\Document $document */ protected function addTranslationsData(Model\Document $document) { $service = new Model\Document\Service(); $translations = $service->getTranslations($document); $language = $document->getProperty("language"); unset($translations[$language]); $document->translations = $translations; }
public function wordExportAction() { //error_reporting(E_ERROR); //ini_set("display_errors", "off"); $id = $this->getParam("id"); $data = \Zend_Json::decode($this->getParam("data")); $source = $this->getParam("source"); $exportFile = PIMCORE_SYSTEM_TEMP_DIRECTORY . "/" . $id . ".html"; if (!is_file($exportFile)) { /*file_put_contents($exportFile, '<!DOCTYPE html>' . "\n" . '<html> <head> <style type="text/css">' . file_get_contents(PIMCORE_PATH . "/static/css/word-export.css") . '</style> </head> <body> ');*/ File::put($exportFile, '<style type="text/css">' . file_get_contents(PIMCORE_PATH . "/static6/css/word-export.css") . '</style>'); } foreach ($data as $el) { try { $element = Element\Service::getElementById($el["type"], $el["id"]); $output = ""; // check supported types (subtypes) if (!in_array($element->getType(), array("page", "snippet", "email", "object"))) { continue; } if ($element instanceof Element\ElementInterface) { $output .= '<h1 class="element-headline">' . ucfirst($element->getType()) . " - " . $element->getFullPath() . ' (ID: ' . $element->getId() . ')</h1>'; } if ($element instanceof Document\PageSnippet) { if ($element instanceof Document\Page) { $structuredDataEmpty = true; $structuredData = ' <table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5"> <tr> <td colspan="2"><span style="color:#cc2929;font-weight: bold;">Structured Data</span></td> </tr> '; if ($element->getTitle()) { $structuredData .= '<tr> <td><span style="color:#cc2929;">Title</span></td> <td>' . $element->getTitle() . ' </td> </tr>'; $structuredDataEmpty = false; } if ($element->getDescription()) { $structuredData .= '<tr> <td><span style="color:#cc2929;">Description</span></td> <td>' . $element->getDescription() . ' </td> </tr>'; $structuredDataEmpty = false; } if ($element->getKeywords()) { $structuredData .= '<tr> <td><span style="color:#cc2929;">Keywords</span></td> <td>' . $element->getKeywords() . ' </td> </tr>'; $structuredDataEmpty = false; } if ($element->getProperty("navigation_name")) { $structuredData .= '<tr> <td><span style="color:#cc2929;">Navigation</span></td> <td>' . $element->getProperty("navigation_name") . ' </td> </tr>'; $structuredDataEmpty = false; } $structuredData .= '</table>'; if (!$structuredDataEmpty) { $output .= $structuredData; } } // we need to set the parameter "pimcore_admin" here to be able to render unpublished documents $reqBak = $_REQUEST; $_REQUEST["pimcore_admin"] = true; $html = Document\Service::render($element, array(), false); $_REQUEST = $reqBak; // set the request back to original $html = preg_replace("@</?(img|meta|div|section|aside|article|body|bdi|bdo|canvas|embed|footer|head|header|html)([^>]+)?>@", "", $html); $html = preg_replace('/<!--(.*)-->/Uis', '', $html); include_once "simple_html_dom.php"; $dom = str_get_html($html); if ($dom) { // remove containers including their contents $elements = $dom->find("form,script,style,noframes,noscript,object,area,mapm,video,audio,iframe,textarea,input,select,button,"); if ($elements) { foreach ($elements as $el) { $el->outertext = ""; } } $clearText = function ($string) { $string = str_replace("\r\n", "", $string); $string = str_replace("\n", "", $string); $string = str_replace("\r", "", $string); $string = str_replace("\t", "", $string); $string = preg_replace('/&[a-zA-Z0-9]+;/', '', $string); // remove html entities $string = preg_replace('#[ ]+#', '', $string); return $string; }; // remove empty tags (where it matters) $elements = $dom->find("a, li"); if ($elements) { foreach ($elements as $el) { $string = $clearText($el->plaintext); if (empty($string)) { $el->outertext = ""; } } } // replace links => links get [Linktext] $elements = $dom->find("a"); if ($elements) { foreach ($elements as $el) { $string = $clearText($el->plaintext); if (!empty($string)) { $el->outertext = "[" . $el->plaintext . "]"; } else { $el->outertext = ""; } } } $html = $dom->save(); $dom->clear(); unset($dom); // force closing tags (simple_html_dom doesn't seem to support this anymore) $doc = new \DOMDocument(); libxml_use_internal_errors(true); $doc->loadHTML('<?xml encoding="UTF-8"><article>' . $html . "</article>"); libxml_clear_errors(); $html = $doc->saveHTML(); $bodyStart = strpos($html, "<body>") + 6; $bodyEnd = strpos($html, "</body>"); if ($bodyStart && $bodyEnd) { $html = substr($html, $bodyStart, $bodyEnd - $bodyStart); } $output .= $html; } } else { if ($element instanceof Object\Concrete) { $hasContent = false; if ($fd = $element->getClass()->getFieldDefinition("localizedfields")) { $definitions = $fd->getFielddefinitions(); $locale = new \Zend_Locale(str_replace("-", "_", $source)); if (Tool::isValidLanguage((string) $locale)) { $locale = (string) $locale; } else { $locale = $locale->getLanguage(); } $output .= ' <table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"> <tr> <td colspan="2"><span style="color:#cc2929;font-weight: bold;">Localized Data</span></td> </tr> '; foreach ($definitions as $definition) { // check allowed datatypes if (!in_array($definition->getFieldtype(), array("input", "textarea", "wysiwyg"))) { continue; } $content = $element->{"get" . ucfirst($definition->getName())}($locale); if (!empty($content)) { $output .= ' <tr> <td><span style="color:#cc2929;">' . $definition->getTitle() . ' (' . $definition->getName() . ')<span></td> <td>' . $content . ' </td> </tr> '; $hasContent = true; } } $output .= '</table>'; } if (!$hasContent) { $output = ""; // there's no content in the object, so reset all contents and do not inclide it in the export } } } // append contents if (!empty($output)) { $f = fopen($exportFile, "a+"); fwrite($f, $output); fclose($f); } } catch (\Exception $e) { \Logger::error("Word Export: " . $e->getMessage()); \Logger::error($e); } } $this->_helper->json(array("success" => true)); }
public function translationAddAction() { $sourceDocument = Document::getById($this->getParam("sourceId")); $targetDocument = Document::getByPath($this->getParam("targetPath")); if ($sourceDocument && $targetDocument) { $service = new Document\Service(); $service->addTranslation($sourceDocument, $targetDocument); } $this->_helper->json(["success" => true]); }
/** end point for document related data. * - get document by id * GET http://[YOUR-DOMAIN]/webservice/rest/document/id/1281?apikey=[API-KEY] * returns json-encoded document data. * - delete document by id * DELETE http://[YOUR-DOMAIN]/webservice/rest/document/id/1281?apikey=[API-KEY] * returns json encoded success value * - create document * PUT or POST http://[YOUR-DOMAIN]/webservice/rest/document?apikey=[API-KEY] * body: json-encoded document data in the same format as returned by get document by id * but with missing id field or id set to 0 * returns json encoded document id * - update document * PUT or POST http://[YOUR-DOMAIN]/webservice/rest/document?apikey=[API-KEY] * body: same as for create document but with object id * returns json encoded success value * @throws \Exception */ public function documentAction() { $id = $this->getParam("id"); $success = false; try { if ($this->isGet()) { /** * @api {get} /document Get document * @apiName getDocument * @apiGroup Document * @apiSampleRequest off * @apiParam {int} id The id of document you search * @apiParamExample {json} Request-Example: * { * "id": 4711 * "apikey": '2132sdf2321rwefdcvvce22' * } * @apiParam {string} apikey your access token * @apiSuccess {boolean} success Returns true if finished successfully * @apiSuccessExample {json} Succes-Response: * HTTP/1.1 200 OK * { * "success":true * } * @apiError {boolean} success Returns false if failed * @apiErrorExample {json} Error-Response: * {"success":false,"msg":"exception 'Exception' with message 'Document with given ID (712131243) does not exist.'"} */ $doc = Document::getById($id); if (!$doc) { $this->encoder->encode(["success" => false, "msg" => "Document does not exist", "code" => self::ELEMENT_DOES_NOT_EXIST]); return; } $this->checkPermission($doc, "get"); if ($doc) { $type = $doc->getType(); $getter = "getDocument" . ucfirst($type) . "ById"; if (method_exists($this->service, $getter)) { $object = $this->service->{$getter}($id); } else { // check if the getter is implemented by a plugin $class = "\\Pimcore\\Model\\Webservice\\Data\\Document\\" . ucfirst($type) . "\\Out"; if (Tool::classExists($class)) { Document\Service::loadAllDocumentFields($doc); $object = Webservice\Data\Mapper::map($doc, $class, "out"); } else { throw new \Exception("unknown type"); } } } if (!$object) { throw new \Exception("could not find document"); } @$this->encoder->encode(["success" => true, "data" => $object]); return; } elseif ($this->isDelete()) { /** * @api {delete} /document Delete document * @apiName deleteDocument * @apiGroup Document * @apiParam {int} id The id of document you delete * @apiSampleRequest off * @apiParamExample {json} Request-Example: * { * "id": 4711 * "apikey": '2132sdf2321rwefdcvvce22' * } * @apiParam {string} apikey your access token * @apiSuccess {boolean} success Returns true if finished successfully * @apiSuccessExample {json} Succes-Response: * HTTP/1.1 200 OK * { * "success":true * } * @apiError {boolean} success Returns false if failed * @apiErrorExample {json} Error-Response: * {"success":false,"msg":"exception 'Exception' with message 'Document with given ID (712131243) does not exist.'"} */ $doc = Document::getById($id); if ($doc) { $this->checkPermission($doc, "delete"); } $success = $this->service->deleteDocument($id); $this->encoder->encode(["success" => $success]); return; } elseif ($this->isPost() || $this->isPut()) { /** * @api {post} /document Update document * @apiName updateDocument * @apiGroup Document * @apiParam {int} id The id of document you delete * @apiSampleRequest off * @apiParamExample {json} Request-Example: * { * "id": 4711 * "apikey": '2132sdf2321rwefdcvvce22' * } * @apiParam {string} apikey your access token * @apiSuccess {boolean} success Returns true if finished successfully * @apiSuccessExample {json} Succes-Response: * HTTP/1.1 200 OK * { * "success":true * } * @apiError {boolean} success Returns false if failed * @apiErrorExample {json} Error-Response: * {"success":false,"msg":"exception 'Exception' with message 'Document with given ID (712131243) does not exist.'"} */ $data = file_get_contents("php://input"); $data = \Zend_Json::decode($data); $type = $data["type"]; $id = null; $typeUpper = ucfirst($type); $className = "\\Pimcore\\Model\\Webservice\\Data\\Document\\" . $typeUpper . "\\In"; if ($data["id"]) { $doc = Document::getById($data["id"]); if ($doc) { $this->checkPermission($doc, "update"); } $isUpdate = true; $setter = "updateDocument" . $typeUpper; if (!method_exists($this->service, $setter)) { throw new \Exception("method does not exist " . $setter); } $wsData = self::fillWebserviceData($className, $data); $success = $this->service->{$setter}($wsData); } else { $setter = "createDocument" . $typeUpper; if (!method_exists($this->service, $setter)) { throw new \Exception("method does not exist " . $setter); } $wsData = self::fillWebserviceData($className, $data); $doc = new Document(); $doc->setId($wsData->parentId); $this->checkPermission($doc, "create"); $id = $this->service->{$setter}($wsData); } if (!$isUpdate) { $success = $id != null; } if ($success && !$isUpdate) { $this->encoder->encode(["success" => $success, "id" => $id]); } else { $this->encoder->encode(["success" => $success]); } return; } } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->encoder->encode(["success" => false, "msg" => (string) $e]); } $this->encoder->encode(["success" => false]); }
/** * returns a unique key for an element * * @param $element * @return string */ public static function getUniqueKey($element) { if ($element instanceof Object\AbstractObject) { return Object\Service::getUniqueKey($element); } elseif ($element instanceof Document) { return Document\Service::getUniqueKey($element); } elseif ($element instanceof Asset) { return Asset\Service::getUniqueKey($element); } }
/** * @param $id * @throws \Exception */ public function getDocumentSnippetById($id) { try { $snippet = Document::getById($id); if ($snippet instanceof Document\Snippet) { // load all data (eg. href, snippet, ... which are lazy loaded) Document\Service::loadAllDocumentFields($snippet); $className = Webservice\Data\Mapper::findWebserviceClass($snippet, "out"); $apiSnippet = Webservice\Data\Mapper::map($snippet, $className, "out"); return $apiSnippet; } throw new \Exception("Document Snippet with given ID (" . $id . ") does not exist."); } catch (\Exception $e) { \Logger::error($e); throw $e; } }
/** * @param $path * @param bool $ignoreHardlinks * @param array $types * @return Document|Document\PageSnippet|null|string */ protected function getNearestDocumentByPath($path, $ignoreHardlinks = false, $types = array()) { if ($this->nearestDocumentByPath instanceof Document) { $document = $this->nearestDocumentByPath; } else { $pathes = array(); $pathes[] = "/"; $pathParts = explode("/", $path); $tmpPathes = array(); foreach ($pathParts as $pathPart) { $tmpPathes[] = $pathPart; $t = implode("/", $tmpPathes); if (!empty($t)) { $pathes[] = $t; } } $pathes = array_reverse($pathes); foreach ($pathes as $p) { if ($document = Document::getByPath($p)) { if (empty($types) || in_array($document->getType(), $types)) { $this->nearestDocumentByPath = $document; break; } } else { if (Site::isSiteRequest()) { // also check for a pretty url in a site $site = Site::getCurrentSite(); $documentService = new Document\Service(); // undo the changed made by the site detection in self::match() $originalPath = preg_replace("@^" . $site->getRootPath() . "@", "", $p); $sitePrettyDocId = $documentService->getDocumentIdByPrettyUrlInSite($site, $originalPath); if ($sitePrettyDocId) { if ($sitePrettyDoc = Document::getById($sitePrettyDocId)) { $this->nearestDocumentByPath = $sitePrettyDoc; break; } } } } } } if ($document) { if (!$ignoreHardlinks) { if ($document instanceof Document\Hardlink) { if ($hardLinkedDocument = Document\Hardlink\Service::getNearestChildByPath($document, $path)) { $document = $hardLinkedDocument; } else { $document = Document\Hardlink\Service::wrap($document); } } } return $document; } return null; }
/** * Helper to simply replace the placeholders with their value * * @param string | Model\Document $mixed * @param array $params * @param null | Model\Document $document * @return string */ public function replacePlaceholders($mixed, $params = [], $document = null, $enableLayoutOnPlaceholderReplacement = true) { if (is_string($mixed)) { $contentString = $mixed; } elseif ($mixed instanceof Model\Document) { $contentString = Model\Document\Service::render($mixed, $params, $enableLayoutOnPlaceholderReplacement); } if ($document instanceof Model\Document === false) { $document = null; } //detects the placeholders $placeholderStack = $this->detectPlaceholders($contentString, $params, $document); //replaces the placeholders if any were found if (!empty($placeholderStack)) { $replacedString = $this->replacePlaceholdersFromStack($placeholderStack); return $replacedString; } else { return $contentString; } }
/** * @return void */ public function findAction() { $user = $this->getUser(); $query = $this->getParam("query"); if ($query == "*") { $query = ""; } $query = str_replace("%", "*", $query); $query = preg_replace("@([^ ])\\-@", "\$1 ", $query); $types = explode(",", $this->getParam("type")); $subtypes = explode(",", $this->getParam("subtype")); $classnames = explode(",", $this->getParam("class")); if ($this->getParam("type") == "object" && is_array($classnames) && empty($classnames[0])) { $subtypes = ["object", "variant", "folder"]; } $offset = intval($this->getParam("start")); $limit = intval($this->getParam("limit")); $offset = $offset ? $offset : 0; $limit = $limit ? $limit : 50; $searcherList = new Data\Listing(); $conditionParts = []; $db = \Pimcore\Db::get(); //exclude forbidden assets if (in_array("asset", $types)) { if (!$user->isAllowed("assets")) { $forbiddenConditions[] = " `type` != 'asset' "; } else { $forbiddenAssetPaths = Element\Service::findForbiddenPaths("asset", $user); if (count($forbiddenAssetPaths) > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($forbiddenAssetPaths); $i++) { $forbiddenAssetPaths[$i] = " (maintype = 'asset' AND fullpath not like " . $db->quote($forbiddenAssetPaths[$i] . "%") . ")"; } $forbiddenConditions[] = implode(" AND ", $forbiddenAssetPaths); } } } //exclude forbidden documents if (in_array("document", $types)) { if (!$user->isAllowed("documents")) { $forbiddenConditions[] = " `type` != 'document' "; } else { $forbiddenDocumentPaths = Element\Service::findForbiddenPaths("document", $user); if (count($forbiddenDocumentPaths) > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($forbiddenDocumentPaths); $i++) { $forbiddenDocumentPaths[$i] = " (maintype = 'document' AND fullpath not like " . $db->quote($forbiddenDocumentPaths[$i] . "%") . ")"; } $forbiddenConditions[] = implode(" AND ", $forbiddenDocumentPaths); } } } //exclude forbidden objects if (in_array("object", $types)) { if (!$user->isAllowed("objects")) { $forbiddenConditions[] = " `type` != 'object' "; } else { $forbiddenObjectPaths = Element\Service::findForbiddenPaths("object", $user); if (count($forbiddenObjectPaths) > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($forbiddenObjectPaths); $i++) { $forbiddenObjectPaths[$i] = " (maintype = 'object' AND fullpath not like " . $db->quote($forbiddenObjectPaths[$i] . "%") . ")"; } $forbiddenConditions[] = implode(" AND ", $forbiddenObjectPaths); } } } if ($forbiddenConditions) { $conditionParts[] = "(" . implode(" AND ", $forbiddenConditions) . ")"; } if (!empty($query)) { $queryCondition = "( MATCH (`data`,`properties`) AGAINST (" . $db->quote($query) . " IN BOOLEAN MODE) )"; // the following should be done with an exact-search now "ID", because the Element-ID is now in the fulltext index // if the query is numeric the user might want to search by id //if(is_numeric($query)) { //$queryCondition = "(" . $queryCondition . " OR id = " . $db->quote($query) ." )"; //} $conditionParts[] = $queryCondition; } //For objects - handling of bricks $fields = []; $bricks = []; if ($this->getParam("fields")) { $fields = $this->getParam("fields"); foreach ($fields as $f) { $parts = explode("~", $f); if (substr($f, 0, 1) == "~") { // $type = $parts[1]; // $field = $parts[2]; // $keyid = $parts[3]; // key value, ignore for now } elseif (count($parts) > 1) { $bricks[$parts[0]] = $parts[0]; } } } // filtering for objects if ($this->getParam("filter") && $this->getParam("class")) { $class = Object\ClassDefinition::getByName($this->getParam("class")); // add Localized Fields filtering $params = \Zend_Json::decode($this->getParam('filter')); $unlocalizedFieldsFilters = []; $localizedFieldsFilters = []; foreach ($params as $paramConditionObject) { //this loop divides filter parameters to localized and unlocalized groups $definitionExists = in_array('o_' . $paramConditionObject['property'], Object\Service::getSystemFields()) || $class->getFieldDefinition($paramConditionObject['property']); if ($definitionExists) { //TODO: for sure, we can add additional condition like getLocalizedFieldDefinition()->getFieldDefiniton(... $unlocalizedFieldsFilters[] = $paramConditionObject; } else { $localizedFieldsFilters[] = $paramConditionObject; } } //get filter condition only when filters array is not empty //string statements for divided filters $conditionFilters = count($unlocalizedFieldsFilters) ? Object\Service::getFilterCondition(\Zend_Json::encode($unlocalizedFieldsFilters), $class) : null; $localizedConditionFilters = count($localizedFieldsFilters) ? Object\Service::getFilterCondition(\Zend_Json::encode($localizedFieldsFilters), $class) : null; $join = ""; foreach ($bricks as $ob) { $join .= " LEFT JOIN object_brick_query_" . $ob . "_" . $class->getId(); $join .= " `" . $ob . "`"; $join .= " ON `" . $ob . "`.o_id = `object_" . $class->getId() . "`.o_id"; } if (null !== $conditionFilters) { //add condition query for non localised fields $conditionParts[] = "( id IN (SELECT `object_" . $class->getId() . "`.o_id FROM object_" . $class->getId() . $join . " WHERE " . $conditionFilters . ") )"; } if (null !== $localizedConditionFilters) { //add condition query for localised fields $conditionParts[] = "( id IN (SELECT `object_localized_data_" . $class->getId() . "`.ooo_id FROM object_localized_data_" . $class->getId() . $join . " WHERE " . $localizedConditionFilters . " GROUP BY ooo_id " . ") )"; } } if (is_array($types) and !empty($types[0])) { foreach ($types as $type) { $conditionTypeParts[] = $db->quote($type); } if (in_array("folder", $subtypes)) { $conditionTypeParts[] = $db->quote('folder'); } $conditionParts[] = "( maintype IN (" . implode(",", $conditionTypeParts) . ") )"; } if (is_array($subtypes) and !empty($subtypes[0])) { foreach ($subtypes as $subtype) { $conditionSubtypeParts[] = $db->quote($subtype); } $conditionParts[] = "( type IN (" . implode(",", $conditionSubtypeParts) . ") )"; } if (is_array($classnames) and !empty($classnames[0])) { if (in_array("folder", $subtypes)) { $classnames[] = "folder"; } foreach ($classnames as $classname) { $conditionClassnameParts[] = $db->quote($classname); } $conditionParts[] = "( subtype IN (" . implode(",", $conditionClassnameParts) . ") )"; } //filtering for tags $tagIds = $this->getParam("tagIds"); if ($tagIds) { foreach ($tagIds as $tagId) { foreach ($types as $type) { if ($this->getParam("considerChildTags") == "true") { $tag = Pimcore\Model\Element\Tag::getById($tagId); if ($tag) { $tagPath = $tag->getFullIdPath(); $conditionParts[] = "id IN (SELECT cId FROM tags_assignment INNER JOIN tags ON = tags_assignment.tagid WHERE ctype = " . $db->quote($type) . " AND (id = " . intval($tagId) . " OR idPath LIKE " . $db->quote($tagPath . "%") . "))"; } } else { $conditionParts[] = "id IN (SELECT cId FROM tags_assignment WHERE ctype = " . $db->quote($type) . " AND tagid = " . intval($tagId) . ")"; } } } } if (count($conditionParts) > 0) { $condition = implode(" AND ", $conditionParts); //echo $condition; die(); $searcherList->setCondition($condition); } $searcherList->setOffset($offset); $searcherList->setLimit($limit); // do not sort per default, it is VERY SLOW //$searcherList->setOrder("desc"); //$searcherList->setOrderKey("modificationdate"); $sortingSettings = \Pimcore\Admin\Helper\QueryParams::extractSortingSettings($this->getAllParams()); if ($sortingSettings['orderKey']) { // we need a special mapping for classname as this is stored in subtype column $sortMapping = ["classname" => "subtype"]; $sort = $sortingSettings['orderKey']; if (array_key_exists($sortingSettings['orderKey'], $sortMapping)) { $sort = $sortMapping[$sortingSettings['orderKey']]; } $searcherList->setOrderKey($sortingSettings['orderKey']); } if ($sortingSettings['order']) { $searcherList->setOrder($sortingSettings['order']); } $hits = $searcherList->load(); $elements = []; foreach ($hits as $hit) { $element = Element\Service::getElementById($hit->getId()->getType(), $hit->getId()->getId()); if ($element->isAllowed("list")) { if ($element instanceof Object\AbstractObject) { $data = Object\Service::gridObjectData($element, $fields); } elseif ($element instanceof Document) { $data = Document\Service::gridDocumentData($element); } elseif ($element instanceof Asset) { $data = Asset\Service::gridAssetData($element); } $elements[] = $data; } else { //TODO: any message that view is blocked? //$data = Element\Service::gridElementData($element); } } // only get the real total-count when the limit parameter is given otherwise use the default limit if ($this->getParam("limit")) { $totalMatches = $searcherList->getTotalCount(); } else { $totalMatches = count($elements); } $this->_helper->json(["data" => $elements, "success" => true, "total" => $totalMatches]); $this->removeViewRenderer(); }