예제 #1
 protected function onBrocast($data)
     $chat = $this->socket->getSockets();
     $chat->emit($data['type'], $data);
     $response = new Response(json_encode(array('status' => true)));
     return $response;
예제 #2
  * @param [array] $config parameter for server
 public function __construct($config)
     $config = new Config($config);
     $io = new SocketIO($config->get('port'));
     $io->on('connection', array($this, 'onConnect'));
     $users = new Collection('\\JustText\\Models\\User');
     $rooms = new Collection('\\JustText\\Models\\Room');
     $this->service = new Container(new Factory());
     $this->service->set('io', $io);
     $this->service->set('users', $users);
     $this->service->set('rooms', $rooms);
     $this->service->set('config', $config);
예제 #3
use Workerman\Worker;
use Workerman\WebServer;
use Workerman\Lib\Timer;
use PHPSocketIO\SocketIO;
// Include autoload.php
include __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
include __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
include __DIR__ . '/config/Config.php';
// Save users' id
$uidConnectionMap = array();
// Save the count of online users
$lastOnlineCount = 0;
// Save the count of online pages
$lastOnlinePageCount = 0;
// PHPSocketIO
$senderIO = new SocketIO(SERVER_SOCKET_PORT);
$senderIO->on('connection', function ($socket) {
    // Login event
    $socket->on('start_login', function ($uid) use($socket) {
        global $uidConnectionMap, $lastOnlineCount, $lastOnlinePageCount;
        if (isset($socket->uid)) {
        // Refresh user id
        $uid = (string) $uid;
        if (!isset($uidConnectionMap[$uid])) {
            $uidConnectionMap[$uid] = 0;
        // Save count of links to each user
        // For uid push
예제 #4

use Workerman\Worker;
use Workerman\WebServer;
use Workerman\Autoloader;
use PHPSocketIO\SocketIO;
// composer autoload
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../../../vendor/autoload.php';
$io = new SocketIO(2020);
$io->on('connection', function ($socket) {
    $socket->addedUser = false;
    // when the client emits 'new message', this listens and executes
    $socket->on('new message', function ($data) use($socket) {
        // we tell the client to execute 'new message'
        $socket->broadcast->emit('new message', array('username' => $socket->username, 'message' => $data));
    // when the client emits 'add user', this listens and executes
    $socket->on('add user', function ($username) use($socket) {
        global $usernames, $numUsers;
        // we store the username in the socket session for this client
        $socket->username = $username;
        // add the client's username to the global list
        $usernames[$username] = $username;
        $socket->addedUser = true;
        $socket->emit('login', array('numUsers' => $numUsers));
        // echo globally (all clients) that a person has connected
        $socket->broadcast->emit('user joined', array('username' => $socket->username, 'numUsers' => $numUsers));
    // when the client emits 'typing', we broadcast it to others
    $socket->on('typing', function () use($socket) {
예제 #5
use Workerman\Worker;
use Workerman\WebServer;
use Workerman\Lib\Timer;
use PHPSocketIO\SocketIO;
// composer 的 autoload 文件
include __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
include __DIR__ . '/vendor/workerman/phpsocket.io/src/autoload.php';
// 全局数组保存uid在线数据
$uidConnectionMap = array();
// 记录最后一次广播的在线用户数
$last_online_count = 0;
// 记录最后一次广播的在线页面数
$last_online_page_count = 0;
// PHPSocketIO服务
$sender_io = new SocketIO(2120);
// 客户端发起连接事件时,设置连接socket的各种事件回调
$sender_io->on('connection', function ($socket) {
    // 当客户端发来登录事件时触发
    $socket->on('login', function ($uid) use($socket) {
        global $uidConnectionMap, $last_online_count, $last_online_page_count;
        // 已经登录过了
        if (isset($socket->uid)) {
        // 更新对应uid的在线数据
        $uid = (string) $uid;
        if (!isset($uidConnectionMap[$uid])) {
            $uidConnectionMap[$uid] = 0;
        // 这个uid有++$uidConnectionMap[$uid]个socket连接
예제 #6

$loader = (include '../autoload.php.dist');
$loader->add('PHPSocketIO', __DIR__ . '/../src');
use PHPSocketIO\SocketIO;
use PHPSocketIO\Connection;
use PHPSocketIO\Response\Response;
use PHPSocketIO\Event;
$socketio = new SocketIO();
$chat = $socketio->getSockets()->on('addme', function (Event\MessageEvent $messageEvent) use(&$chat) {
    $messageEvent->getConnection()->emit('update', array('msg' => "Welcome {$messageEvent->getMessage()}"));
    $chat->emit('update', array('msg' => "{$messageEvent->getMessage()} is coming."));
})->on('msg', function (Event\MessageEvent $messageEvent) use(&$chat) {
    $message = $messageEvent->getMessage();
    $chat->emit('update', $message);
$socketio->listen(8080)->onConnect(function (Connection $connection) use($socketio) {
    list($host, $port) = $connection->getRemote();
    echo "connected {$host}:{$port}\n";
})->onRequest('/', function ($connection, \EventHttpRequest $request) {
    $response = new Response(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/web/index.html'));
    $response->setContentType('text/html', 'UTF-8');
})->onRequest('/socket.io.js', function ($connection, \EventHttpRequest $request) {
    $response = new Response(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/web/socket.io.js'));
    $response->setContentType('text/html', 'UTF-8');