public function testFailedCapture()
     $capture = new Capture();
     $capture->success = false;
     $action = new CaptureResponseAction();
     $job = $this->jobQueue->pop();
     $this->assertNull($job, 'Should not have queued a job');
 public function testFailedAuth()
     $auth = new Authorisation();
     $auth->success = false;
     $auth->correlationId = 'adyen-' . mt_rand();
     $auth->merchantAccountCode = 'WikimediaTest';
     $auth->merchantReference = mt_rand();
     $action = new PaymentCaptureAction();
     $job = $this->jobQueue->pop();
     $this->assertEquals('SmashPig\\Core\\Jobs\\DeletePendingJob', $job['php-message-class']);
     $this->assertEquals($auth->merchantReference, $job['order_id']);
     $this->assertEquals('adyen', $job['gateway']);
 public function testKeepRunningOnDamage()
     $messages = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
         $message = array('gateway' => 'test', 'date' => time(), 'order_id' => mt_rand(), 'box' => 'thing' . $i, 'creepiness' => mt_rand());
         $messages[] = $message;
     $consumer = new TestingQueueConsumer('test', 0, 3);
     $consumer->exception = new Exception('Kaboom!');
     $count = 0;
     try {
         $count = $consumer->dequeueMessages();
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $this->fail('Exception should not have bubbled up: ' . $ex->getMessage());
     $this->assertEquals(3, $count, 'dequeueMessages returned wrong count');
     $this->assertEquals(3, count($consumer->processed), 'Called callback wrong number of times');
     for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
         $this->assertEquals($messages[$i], $consumer->processed[$i], 'Message mutated');
         $damaged = $this->getDamagedQueueMessage($messages[$i]);
         $this->assertEquals($messages[$i], $damaged, 'Should move message to damaged queue when exception is thrown');
     $this->assertEquals($messages[3], $this->queue->pop(), 'message 4 should be at the head of the queue');
 public function testReportAvailable()
     $filename = 'settlement_detail_report_2016_10_13.csv';
     $account = 'WikimediaTest';
     $url = "{$account}/{$filename}";
     $reportAvailable = new ReportAvailable();
     $reportAvailable->correlationId = 'adyen-' . mt_rand();
     $reportAvailable->merchantAccountCode = $account;
     $reportAvailable->merchantReference = mt_rand();
     $reportAvailable->pspReference = $filename;
     $reportAvailable->reason = $url;
     $reportAvailable->eventDate = '2016-10-14T12:06:20.496+02:00';
     $job = $this->jobQueue->pop();
     $now = UtcDate::getUtcTimestamp();
     $diff = abs($job['source_enqueued_time']) - $now;
     $this->assertTrue($diff < 60, 'Odd enqueued time');
     $unsetFields = array('source_enqueued_time', 'source_host', 'source_run_id', 'source_version', 'propertiesExcludedFromExport', 'propertiesExportedAsKeys');
     foreach ($unsetFields as $fieldName) {
     $expected = array('php-message-class' => 'SmashPig\\PaymentProviders\\Adyen\\Jobs\\DownloadReportJob', 'reportUrl' => $url, 'account' => $account, 'source_name' => 'SmashPig', 'source_type' => 'listener', 'correlationId' => '', 'gateway' => 'adyen');
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $job);