/** * Reads the information from the given stream. * * @param StreamInterface $stream The stream to read from. */ public function read(StreamInterface $stream) { $this->bCharSet = $stream->readByte(); $this->xRatio = $stream->readByte(); $this->yStartRatio = $stream->readByte(); $this->yEndRatio = $stream->readByte(); }
/** * Reads the table from the given stream. * * @param StreamInterface $stream The stream to read from. */ public function read(StreamInterface $stream) { $this->version = $stream->readFixed(); $this->scriptList = $stream->readOffset(); $this->featureList = $stream->readOffset(); $this->lookupList = $stream->readOffset(); }
/** * @param StreamInterface $stream The stream to read from. */ public function read(StreamInterface $stream) { $this->version = $stream->readUShort(); $this->numGlyphs = $stream->readUShort(); $this->yPels = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $this->numGlyphs; ++$i) { $this->yPels[] = $stream->readChar(); } }
/** * Reads the data from the given stream. * * @param StreamInterface $stream The stream to read from. */ public function read(StreamInterface $stream) { // Read the format number... $stream->readUShort(); $this->setLength($stream->readUShort()); $this->setLanguage($stream->readUShort()); for ($i = 0; $i < 256; ++$i) { $this->setGlyphId($i, $stream->readByte()); } }
/** * Reads the information from the given stream. * * @param StreamInterface $stream The stream to read from. */ public function read(StreamInterface $stream) { $this->recs = $stream->readUShort(); $this->startsz = $stream->readByte(); $this->endsz = $stream->readByte(); $this->entry = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $this->recs; ++$i) { $record = new VTableRecord(); $record->read($stream); $this->entry[] = $record; } }
/** * Reads the data from the given stream. * * @param StreamInterface $stream The stream to read from. */ public function read(StreamInterface $stream) { // Read the format number... $stream->readUShort(); $this->setLength($stream->readULong()); $this->setNumVarSelectorRecords($stream->readULong()); for ($i = 0; $i < $this->getNumVarSelectorRecords(); ++$i) { $record = new VarSelectorRecord(); $record->read($stream); $this->varSelectorRecords[] = $record; } // TODO: Continue parsing this format. throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('CMAP format %d is not supported yet.', $this->getFormat())); }
/** * Reads the table from the given stream. * * @param StreamInterface $stream The stream to read from. */ public function read(StreamInterface $stream) { $this->version = $stream->readUShort(); $this->numRecs = $stream->readUShort(); $this->numRatios = $stream->readUShort(); $this->ratRange = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $this->numRatios; ++$i) { $record = new RatioRecord(); $record->read($stream); $this->ratRange[] = $record; } $this->offset = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $this->numRatios; ++$i) { $this->offset[] = $stream->readUShort(); } $this->groups = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $this->numRecs; ++$i) { $group = new VdmxGroup(); $group->read($stream); $this->groups[] = $group; } }
/** * Reads the data from the given stream. * * @param StreamInterface $stream The stream to read from. */ public function read(StreamInterface $stream) { // Read the format number... $stream->readUShort(); $this->setLength($stream->readUShort()); $this->setLanguage($stream->readUShort()); $this->setFirstCode($stream->readUShort()); $this->setEntryCount($stream->readUShort()); for ($i = 0; $i < $this->getEntryCount(); ++$i) { $this->setGlyphId($i, $stream->readUShort()); } }
/** * Reads the offset table from the given stream. * * @param StreamInterface $stream The stream to read from. */ public function read(StreamInterface $stream) { $this->tag = $stream->readULong(); $this->checksum = $stream->readULong(); $this->offset = $stream->readULong(); $this->length = $stream->readULong(); $size = $stream->getSize(); if ($this->offset < 0 || $this->offset > $size) { throw new \Exception('Table offset (' . $this->offset . ') not within expected range'); } if ($this->length < 0 || $this->offset + $this->length > $size) { throw new \Exception('Table length (' . $this->length . ') not within expected range'); } }
/** * Reads the header from the given stream. * * @param StreamInterface $stream The stream to read from. */ public function read(StreamInterface $stream) { $this->sfntVersion = $stream->readFixed(); $this->numTables = $stream->readUShort(); $this->searchRange = $stream->readUShort(); $this->entrySelector = $stream->readUShort(); $this->rangeShift = $stream->readUShort(); }
/** * Reads the table from the given stream. * * @param StreamInterface $stream The stream to read from. */ public function read(StreamInterface $stream) { $this->version = $stream->readFixed(); $this->numSizes = $stream->readULong(); }
/** * Reads the information from the given stream. * * @param StreamInterface $stream The stream to read from. */ public function read(StreamInterface $stream) { $this->yPelHeight = $stream->readUShort(); $this->yMax = $stream->readShort(); $this->yMin = $stream->readShort(); }
/** * Reads information from the given stream. * * @param StreamInterface $stream The stream to read from. */ public function read(StreamInterface $stream) { $this->tableVersionNumber = $stream->readFixed(); $this->ascender = $stream->readFWord(); $this->descender = $stream->readFWord(); $this->lineGap = $stream->readFWord(); $this->advanceWidthMax = $stream->readUFWord(); $this->minLeftSideBearing = $stream->readFWord(); $this->minRightSideBearing = $stream->readFWord(); $this->xMaxExtent = $stream->readFWord(); $this->caretSlopeRise = $stream->readShort(); $this->caretSlopeRun = $stream->readShort(); $this->caretOffset = $stream->readShort(); // Read reserved values: $stream->readShort(); $stream->readShort(); $stream->readShort(); $stream->readShort(); $this->metricDataFormat = $stream->readShort(); $this->numberOfHMetrics = $stream->readUShort(); }
/** * Reads the table from the given stream. * * @param StreamInterface $stream The stream to read from. */ public function read(StreamInterface $stream) { $this->version = $stream->readFixed(); }
/** * Reads information from the given stream. * * @param StreamInterface $stream The stream to read from. */ public function read(StreamInterface $stream) { $this->advanceWidth = $stream->readUShort(); $this->lsb = $stream->readShort(); }
/** * Reads information from the stream. * * @param StreamInterface $stream The stream to read from. */ public function read(StreamInterface $stream) { $this->platformID = $stream->readUShort(); $this->encodingID = $stream->readUShort(); $this->languageID = $stream->readUShort(); $this->nameID = $stream->readUShort(); $this->length = $stream->readUShort(); $this->offset = $stream->readUShort(); }
/** * Reads information from the given stream. * * @param StreamInterface $stream The stream to read from. */ public function read(StreamInterface $stream) { $this->length = $stream->readUShort(); $this->offset = $stream->readUShort(); }
/** * Reads the data from the given stream. * * @param StreamInterface $stream The stream to read from. */ public function read(StreamInterface $stream) { // Read the format number... $stream->readUShort(); $this->setLength($stream->readUShort()); $this->setLanguage($stream->readUShort()); $this->setSegCountX2($stream->readUShort()); $this->setSearchRange($stream->readUShort()); $this->setEntrySelector($stream->readUShort()); $this->setRangeShift($stream->readUShort()); $offset = 14; for ($i = 0; $i < $this->segCountX2 / 2; ++$i, $offset += 2) { $this->setEndCount($i, $stream->readUShort()); } $this->setReservedPad($stream->readUShort()); $offset += 2; for ($i = 0; $i < $this->segCountX2 / 2; ++$i, $offset += 2) { $this->setStartCount($i, $stream->readUShort()); } for ($i = 0; $i < $this->segCountX2 / 2; ++$i, $offset += 2) { $this->setIdDelta($i, $stream->readShort()); } for ($i = 0; $i < $this->segCountX2 / 2; ++$i, $offset += 2) { $this->setIdRangeOffset($i, $stream->readUShort()); } for ($index = 0; $offset < $this->getLength(); $index++, $offset += 2) { $this->setGlyphId($index, $stream->readUShort()); } }
/** * Reads the header from the given stream. * * @param StreamInterface $stream The stream to read from. */ public function read(StreamInterface $stream) { $this->tag = $stream->readTag(); if ($this->tag !== self::TTCF_ID) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Invalid id provided, should be 0x%x but we got 0x%x', self::TTCF_ID, $this->tag)); } $this->version = $stream->readFixed(); $this->numFonts = $stream->readULong(); for ($i = 0; $i < $this->numFonts; ++$i) { $this->offsetTable[] = $stream->readULong(); } if ($this->version > 1) { $this->ulDsigTag = $stream->readULong(); $this->ulDsigLength = $stream->readULong(); $this->ulDsigOffset = $stream->readULong(); } }
private function readSubtables(StreamInterface $stream) { foreach ($this->getEncodingRecords() as $encodingRecord) { $stream->setPosition($this->getBaseOffset() + $encodingRecord->getOffset()); $format = $stream->readUShort(); $stream->setPosition($this->getBaseOffset() + $encodingRecord->getOffset()); $subTable = $this->getSubTable($format); $subTable->read($stream); $this->subTables[] = $subTable; } }
/** * @param StreamInterface $stream The stream to read from. */ public function read(StreamInterface $stream) { $this->version = $stream->readUShort(); $this->xAvgCharWidth = $stream->readShort(); $this->usWeightClass = $stream->readUShort(); $this->usWidthClass = $stream->readUShort(); $this->fsType = $stream->readUShort(); $this->ySubscriptXSize = $stream->readShort(); $this->ySubscriptYSize = $stream->readShort(); $this->ySubscriptXOffset = $stream->readShort(); $this->ySubscriptYOffset = $stream->readShort(); $this->ySuperscriptXSize = $stream->readShort(); $this->ySuperscriptYSize = $stream->readShort(); $this->ySuperscriptXOffset = $stream->readShort(); $this->ySuperscriptYOffset = $stream->readShort(); $this->yStrikeoutSize = $stream->readShort(); $this->yStrikeoutPosition = $stream->readShort(); $this->sFamilyClass = $stream->readShort(); $this->panose = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < 10; ++$i) { $this->panose[] = $stream->readByte(); } $this->ulUnicodeRange1 = $stream->readULong(); $this->ulUnicodeRange2 = $stream->readULong(); $this->ulUnicodeRange3 = $stream->readULong(); $this->ulUnicodeRange4 = $stream->readULong(); $this->achVendID = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < 4; ++$i) { $this->achVendID[] = $stream->readChar(); } $this->fsSelection = $stream->readUShort(); $this->usFirstCharIndex = $stream->readUShort(); $this->usLastCharIndex = $stream->readUShort(); $this->sTypoAscender = $stream->readShort(); $this->sTypoDescender = $stream->readShort(); $this->sTypoLineGap = $stream->readShort(); $this->usWinAscent = $stream->readUShort(); $this->usWinDescent = $stream->readUShort(); $this->ulCodePageRange1 = $stream->readULong(); $this->ulCodePageRange2 = $stream->readULong(); $this->sxHeight = $stream->readShort(); $this->sCapHeight = $stream->readShort(); $this->usDefaultChar = $stream->readUShort(); $this->usBreakChar = $stream->readUShort(); $this->usMaxContext = $stream->readUShort(); }
/** * Reads the DSIG table from the given stream. * * @param StreamInterface $stream The stream to read from. */ public function read(StreamInterface $stream) { $this->ulVersion = $stream->readULong(); $this->usNumSigs = $stream->readUShort(); $this->usFlag = $stream->readUShort(); }
/** * Reads the data from the given stream. * * @param StreamInterface $stream The stream to read from. */ public function read(StreamInterface $stream) { $this->platformID = $stream->readUShort(); $this->encodingID = $stream->readUShort(); $this->offset = $stream->readULong(); }
/** * Reads all the names from the given stream. * * @param StreamInterface $stream The stream to read from. * @return string[] */ private function readNames(StreamInterface $stream) { $names = array(); foreach ($this->nameRecord as $record) { // When there is no language code, we can't read the record name: if ($record->getLanguageCode() === null) { continue; } $stringOffset = $this->baseOffset + $this->stringOffset + $record->getOffset(); $stream->setPosition($stringOffset); if ($record->getPlatformID() == 3) { $name = $stream->readStringBytes($record->getLength(), 'UTF-16BE', 'UTF-8'); } else { $name = $stream->readStringBytes($record->getLength(), 'MacRoman', 'UTF-8'); } $names[$record->getNameID()][$record->getLanguageCode()] = $name; } return $names; }
/** * @param StreamInterface $stream The stream to read from. */ public function read(StreamInterface $stream) { $this->tableVersionNumber = $stream->readFixed(); $this->fontRevision = $stream->readFixed(); $this->checkSumAdjustment = $stream->readULong(); $this->magicNumber = $stream->readULong(); if ($this->magicNumber != self::MAGIC_NUMBER) { throw new \Exception(sprintf('Magic number for head table should be set to 0x%x but we got 0x%x', self::MAGIC_NUMBER, $this->magicNumber)); } $this->flags = $stream->readUShort(); $this->unitsPerEm = $stream->readUShort(); $this->created = $stream->readLongDateTime(); $this->modified = $stream->readLongDateTime(); $this->xMin = $stream->readShort(); $this->yMin = $stream->readShort(); $this->xMax = $stream->readShort(); $this->yMax = $stream->readShort(); $this->macStyle = $stream->readUShort(); $this->lowestRecPPEM = $stream->readUShort(); $this->fontDirectionHint = $stream->readShort(); $this->indexToLocFormat = $stream->readShort(); $this->glyphDataFormat = $stream->readShort(); }
/** * Reads the data from the given stream. * * @param StreamInterface $stream The stream to read from. */ public function read(StreamInterface $stream) { $this->setVarSelector($stream->readUInt24()); $this->setDefaultUVSOffset($stream->readULong()); $this->setNonDefaultUVSOffset($stream->readULong()); }