overrideRange() 공개 메소드

Override tokens at given range.
public overrideRange ( integer $indexStart, integer $indexEnd, Tokens | PhpCsFixer\Tokenizer\Token[] $items )
$indexStart integer start overriding index
$indexEnd integer end overriding index
$items Tokens | PhpCsFixer\Tokenizer\Token[] tokens to insert
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function fix(\SplFileInfo $file, Tokens $tokensOrg)
     $content = $tokensOrg->generateCode();
     // replace all <? with <?php to replace all short open tags even without short_open_tag option enabled
     $newContent = preg_replace('/<\\?(\\s|$)/', '<?php$1', $content, -1, $count);
     if (!$count) {
     /* the following code is magic to revert previous replacements which should NOT be replaced, for example incorrectly replacing
      * > echo '<? ';
      * with
      * > echo '<?php ';
     $tokens = Tokens::fromCode($newContent);
     $tokensOldContent = '';
     $tokensOldContentLength = 0;
     foreach ($tokens as $token) {
         if ($token->isGivenKind(T_OPEN_TAG)) {
             $tokenContent = $token->getContent();
             if ('<?php' !== substr($content, $tokensOldContentLength, 5)) {
                 $tokenContent = '<? ';
             $tokensOldContent .= $tokenContent;
             $tokensOldContentLength += strlen($tokenContent);
             $tokenContent = '';
             $tokenContentLength = 0;
             $parts = explode('<?php', $token->getContent());
             $iLast = count($parts) - 1;
             foreach ($parts as $i => $part) {
                 $tokenContent .= $part;
                 $tokenContentLength += strlen($part);
                 if ($i !== $iLast) {
                     if ('<?php' === substr($content, $tokensOldContentLength + $tokenContentLength, 5)) {
                         $tokenContent .= '<?php';
                         $tokenContentLength += 5;
                     } else {
                         $tokenContent .= '<?';
                         $tokenContentLength += 2;
         $tokensOldContent .= $token->getContent();
         $tokensOldContentLength += strlen($token->getContent());
     $tokensOrg->overrideRange(0, $tokensOrg->count() - 1, $tokens);
  * Apply token attributes.
  * Token at given index is prepended by attributes.
  * @param Tokens $tokens      Tokens collection
  * @param int    $memberIndex token index
  * @param array  $attribs     map of grabbed attributes, key is attribute name and value is array of index and clone of Token
 private function overrideAttribs(Tokens $tokens, $memberIndex, array $attribs)
     $toOverride = array();
     $firstAttribIndex = $memberIndex;
     foreach ($attribs as $attrib) {
         if (null === $attrib) {
         if (null !== $attrib['index']) {
             $firstAttribIndex = min($firstAttribIndex, $attrib['index']);
         if (!$attrib['token']->isGivenKind(T_VAR) && '' !== $attrib['token']->getContent()) {
             $toOverride[] = $attrib['token'];
             $toOverride[] = new Token(array(T_WHITESPACE, ' '));
     if (!empty($toOverride)) {
         $tokens->overrideRange($firstAttribIndex, $memberIndex - 1, $toOverride);
  * @param Tokens  $tokens
  * @param int     $startIndex
  * @param int     $endIndex
  * @param array[] $elements
 private function sortTokens(Tokens $tokens, $startIndex, $endIndex, array $elements)
     $replaceTokens = array();
     foreach ($elements as $element) {
         for ($i = $element['start']; $i <= $element['end']; ++$i) {
             $replaceTokens[] = clone $tokens[$i];
     $tokens->overrideRange($startIndex + 1, $endIndex, $replaceTokens);