/** * @param array $record * * @return string */ public function processRecord(array $record) { $request = $this->requestStack->getCurrentRequest(); if ($request == null) { return $record; } $uaString = $request->server->get('HTTP_USER_AGENT'); $browserInfo = $this->browscap->getBrowser($uaString); $record['extra']['ua']['browser'] = $browserInfo->Browser; $record['extra']['ua']['version'] = $browserInfo->Version; $record['extra']['ua']['platform'] = $browserInfo->Platform; return $record; }
/** * @dataProvider providerUserAgent * @depends testCheckProperties * * @param string $userAgent * * @throws \Exception * @throws \phpbrowscap\Exception */ public function testCompare($userAgent) { $libResult = get_browser($userAgent); $bcResult = self::$object->getBrowser($userAgent); $doNotCheck = array('browser_name_regex', 'browser_name_pattern', 'Parent', 'RenderingEngine_Description'); foreach (array_keys($this->properties) as $bcProp) { if (in_array($bcProp, $doNotCheck)) { continue; } $libProp = strtolower($bcProp); $libValue = (string) $libResult->{$libProp}; $bcValue = (string) $bcResult->{$bcProp}; self::assertSame($libValue, $bcValue, 'Expected actual "' . $bcProp . '" to be "' . (string) $libValue . '" (was "' . (string) $bcValue . '"; used pattern: ' . (string) $bcResult->browser_name_pattern . ')'); } }
/** * Accept a user agent to check, and try to find a match * * @param string|null $userAgent User agent string to check * * @return boolean True if the check was succesful, false otherwise * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException If the method passed to the constuctor is invalid */ public function check($userAgent = null) { // was a user agent passed? If not, use the server one if (empty($userAgent)) { $userAgent = $this->server['http_user_agent']; } // store the user agent $this->userAgent = $userAgent; // fetch the data switch ($this->method) { case "browscap": // create a browscap object if needed? if (!$this->browscap) { if ($this->browscap = new Browscap($this->config['cache_dir'])) { // give the browscap some config if (!empty($this->config['lowercase'])) { $this->browscap->lowercase = true; } if (isset($this->config['browscap'])) { foreach ($this->config['browscap'] as $key => $value) { if (property_exists($this->browscap, $key)) { $this->browscap->{$key} = $value; } } } $browscap = $this->browscap->getBrowser($this->userAgent, true); $this->properties = array_merge($this->defaults, $browscap); } } break; default: throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid detection method "' . $this->method . '", can not load browser information.'); } return true; }
/** * @dataProvider userAgentDataProvider * @coversNothing * * @param string $userAgent * @param array $expectedProperties * @param bool $lite * * @group integration * @group useragenttest * @group lite */ public function testUserAgentsLite($userAgent, $expectedProperties, $lite = true) { if (!is_array($expectedProperties) || !count($expectedProperties)) { self::markTestSkipped('Could not run test - no properties were defined to test'); } if (!$lite) { self::markTestSkipped('Test skipped - Browser/Platform/Version not defined for Lite Mode'); } self::$browscap->iniFilename = 'lite_browscap.ini'; self::$browscap->localFile = self::$buildFolder . '/lite_php_browscap.ini'; self::$browscap->cacheFilename = 'cache-lite.php'; self::$browscap->doAutoUpdate = false; self::$browscap->silent = false; self::$browscap->updateMethod = Browscap::UPDATE_LOCAL; static $updatedLiteCache = false; if (!$updatedLiteCache) { self::$browscap->updateCache(); $updatedLiteCache = true; } $actualProps = (array) self::$browscap->getBrowser($userAgent); foreach ($expectedProperties as $propName => $propValue) { if (!self::$propertyHolder->isOutputProperty($propName)) { continue; } if (!self::$propertyHolder->isLiteModeProperty($propName)) { continue; } self::assertArrayHasKey($propName, $actualProps, 'Actual properties did not have "' . $propName . '" property'); self::assertSame($propValue, $actualProps[$propName], 'Expected actual "' . $propName . '" to be "' . $propValue . '" (was "' . $actualProps[$propName] . '"; used pattern: ' . $actualProps['browser_name_pattern'] . ')'); } }
/** * @param string $ua * @param string $mode * * @return string */ private function testUA($ua, $mode) { $data = $this->browscap->getBrowser($ua, true); if ($mode == GrepCommand::MODE_UNMATCHED && $data['Browser'] == 'Default Browser') { $this->logger->info($ua); return GrepCommand::MODE_UNMATCHED; } elseif ($mode == GrepCommand::MODE_MATCHED && $data['Browser'] != 'Default Browser') { $this->logger->info($ua); return GrepCommand::MODE_MATCHED; } return GrepCommand::FOUND_INVISIBLE; }
/** * @dataProvider providerUserAgent */ public function testCompare($userAgent) { $libResult = get_browser($userAgent); $bcResult = $this->object->getBrowser($userAgent); if ($userAgent == Browscap::BROWSCAP_VERSION_KEY) { self::assertSame($libResult->version, $this->object->getSourceVersion(), 'Source file version incorrect: ' . $libResult->version . ' != ' . $this->object->getSourceVersion()); } else { foreach ($this->properties as $bcProp => $libProp) { $libValue = $libResult->{$libProp}; $bcValue = $bcResult->{$bcProp}; self::assertSame($libValue, $bcValue, $bcProp . ': ' . $libValue . ' != ' . $bcValue); } } }
protected function checkProperties() { $lib_properties = get_object_vars(get_browser('x')); $bc_properties = get_object_vars($this->browscap->getBrowser('x')); foreach (array_keys($bc_properties) as $bc_prop) { if ('browser_name' == $bc_prop) { continue; } if (!isset($lib_properties[strtolower($bc_prop)])) { throw new Exception("Property `{$bc_prop}` from Browscap doesn't match anything in get_browser."); } if ('browser_name_regex' != $bc_prop) { $this->properties[$bc_prop] = strtolower($bc_prop); } unset($lib_properties[strtolower($bc_prop)]); } unset($lib_properties['renderingengine_description']); if (!empty($lib_properties)) { throw new Exception('There are ' . count($lib_properties) . '(' . implode(', ', array_keys($lib_properties)) . ') properties in get_browser that do not match those in Browscap.'); } }
public function __construct() { global $wp_version, $WP_Statistics; // Call the parent constructor (WP_Statistics::__construct) parent::__construct(); // Set the timestamp value. $this->timestamp = $this->current_date('U'); // Set the default seconds a user needs to visit the site before they are considered offline. $this->second = 30; // Get the user set value for seconds to check for users online. if ($this->get_option('check_online')) { $this->second = $this->get_option('check_online'); } // Check to see if the user wants us to record why we're excluding hits. if ($this->get_option('record_exclusions')) { $this->exclusion_record = TRUE; } // Let's check to see if our subnet matches a private IP address range, if so go ahead and set the location infomraiton now. if ($this->get_option('private_country_code') != '000' && $this->get_option('private_country_code') != '') { $private_subnets = array('', '', '', ''); foreach ($private_subnets as $psub) { if ($this->net_match($psub, $this->ip)) { $this->location = $this->get_option('private_country_code'); break; } } } // The follow exclusion checks are done during the class construction so we don't have to execute them twice if we're tracking visits and visitors. // // Order of exclusion checks is: // 1 - Robots // 2 - IP/Subnets // 3 - Self Referrals, Referrer Spam & login page // 4 - User roles // 5 - Host name list // // The GoeIP exclusions will be processed in the GeoIP hits class constructor. // // Get the upload directory from WordPRess. $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); // Create a variable with the name of the database file to download. $BrowscapFile = $upload_dir['basedir'] . '/wp-statistics'; $crawler = false; $ua_string = ""; if (array_key_exists('HTTP_USER_AGENT', $_SERVER)) { $ua_string = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; } if ($this->get_option('last_browscap_dl') > 1 && $this->get_option('browscap')) { // Get the Browser Capabilities use Browscap. $bc = new Browscap($BrowscapFile); $bc->doAutoUpdate = false; // We don't want to auto update. try { $current_browser = $bc->getBrowser(); // Make sure we got an object back and it has the Crawler property before accessing it. if (is_object($current_browser) && property_exists($current_browser, 'Crawler')) { $crawler = $current_browser->Crawler; } else { $crawler = false; } } catch (Exception $e) { $crawler = false; } } else { $this->update_option('update_browscap', true); } // If we're a crawler as per browscap, exclude us, otherwise double check based on the WP Statistics robot list. if ($crawler == true) { $this->exclusion_match = TRUE; $this->exclusion_reason = "browscap"; } else { // Pull the robots from the database. $robots = explode("\n", $this->get_option('robotlist')); // Check to see if we match any of the robots. foreach ($robots as $robot) { $robot = trim($robot); // If the match case is less than 4 characters long, it might match too much so don't execute it. if (strlen($robot) > 3) { if (stripos($ua_string, $robot) !== FALSE) { $this->exclusion_match = TRUE; $this->exclusion_reason = "robot"; break; } } } // Finally check to see if we have corrupt header information. if (!$this->exclusion_match && $this->get_option('corrupt_browser_info')) { if ($ua_string == '' || $this->ip == '') { $this->exclusion_match = TRUE; $this->exclusion_reason = "robot"; } } } // If we didn't match a robot, check ip subnets. if (!$this->exclusion_match) { // Pull the subnets from the database. $subnets = explode("\n", $this->get_option('exclude_ip')); // Check to see if we match any of the excluded addresses. foreach ($subnets as $subnet) { $subnet = trim($subnet); // The shortest ip address is, anything less must be a malformed entry. if (strlen($subnet) > 6) { if ($this->net_match($subnet, $this->ip)) { $this->exclusion_match = TRUE; $this->exclusion_reason = "ip match"; break; } } } // Check to see if we are being referred to ourselves. if (!$this->exclusion_match) { if ($ua_string == "WordPress/" . $wp_version . "; " . get_home_url(null, "/")) { $this->exclusion_match = TRUE; $this->exclusion_reason = "self referral"; } if ($ua_string == "WordPress/" . $wp_version . "; " . get_home_url()) { $this->exclusion_match = TRUE; $this->exclusion_reason = "self referral"; } if ($this->get_option('exclude_loginpage')) { $protocol = strpos(strtolower($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL']), 'https') === FALSE ? 'http' : 'https'; $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $script = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; $currentURL = $protocol . '://' . $host . $script; $loginURL = wp_login_url(); if ($currentURL == $loginURL) { $this->exclusion_match = TRUE; $this->exclusion_reason = "login page"; } } if ($this->get_option('exclude_adminpage') && !$this->exclusion_match) { $protocol = strpos(strtolower($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL']), 'https') === FALSE ? 'http' : 'https'; $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $script = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; $currentURL = $protocol . '://' . $host . $script; $adminURL = get_admin_url(); $currentURL = substr($currentURL, 0, strlen($adminURL)); if ($currentURL == $adminURL) { $this->exclusion_match = TRUE; $this->exclusion_reason = "admin page"; } } if ($this->get_option('referrerspam') && !$this->exclusion_match) { $referrer = $this->get_Referred(); // Pull the referrer spam list from the database. $referrerspamlist = explode("\n", $this->get_option('referrerspamlist')); // Check to see if we match any of the robots. foreach ($referrerspamlist as $item) { $item = trim($item); // If the match case is less than 4 characters long, it might match too much so don't execute it. if (strlen($item) > 3) { if (stripos($referrer, $item) !== FALSE) { $this->exclusion_match = TRUE; $this->exclusion_reason = "referrer_spam"; break; } } } } if ($this->get_option('exclude_feeds') && !$this->exclusion_match) { if (is_object($WP_Statistics)) { if ($WP_Statistics->check_feed()) { $this->exclusion_match = TRUE; $this->exclusion_reason = "feed"; } } } if ($this->get_option('exclude_404s') && !$this->exclusion_match) { if (is_404()) { $this->exclusion_match = TRUE; $this->exclusion_reason = "404"; } } if ($this->get_option('excluded_urls') && !$this->exclusion_match) { $script = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $delimiter = strpos($script, '?'); if ($delimiter > 0) { $script = substr($script, 0, $delimiter); } $excluded_urls = explode("\n", $this->get_option('excluded_urls')); foreach ($excluded_urls as $url) { $this_url = trim($url); if (strlen($this_url) > 2) { if (stripos($script, $this_url) === 0) { $this->exclusion_match = TRUE; $this->exclusion_reason = "excluded url"; break; } } } } // Check to see if we are excluding based on the user role. if (!$this->exclusion_match) { if (is_user_logged_in()) { $current_user = wp_get_current_user(); foreach ($current_user->roles as $role) { $option_name = 'exclude_' . str_replace(" ", "_", strtolower($role)); if ($this->get_option($option_name) == TRUE) { $this->exclusion_match = TRUE; $this->exclusion_reason = "user role"; break; } } } // Check to see if we are excluded by the host name. if (!$this->exclusion_match) { $excluded_host = explode("\n", $this->get_option('excluded_hosts')); // If there's nothing in the excluded host list, don't do anything. if (count($excluded_host) > 0) { $transient_name = 'wps_excluded_hostname_to_ip_cache'; // Get the transient with the hostname cache. $hostname_cache = get_transient($transient_name); // If the transient has expired (or has never been set), create one now. if ($hostname_cache === false) { // Flush the failed cache variable. $hostname_cache = array(); // Loop through the list of hosts and look them up. foreach ($excluded_host as $host) { if (strpos($host, '.') > 0) { // We add the extra period to the end of the host name to make sure we don't append the local dns suffix to the resolution cycle. $hostname_cache[$host] = gethostbyname($host . "."); } } // Set the transient and store it for 1 hour. set_transient($transient_name, $hostname_cache, 360); } // Check if the current IP address matches one of the ones in the excluded hosts list. if (in_array($this->ip, $hostname_cache)) { $this->exclusion_match = TRUE; $this->exclusion_reason = "hostname"; } } } } } } }
/** * @param GetResponseEvent $event */ public function onKernelRequest(GetResponseEvent $event) { $bc = new Browscap($this->container->getParameter('kernel.cache_dir')); $event->getRequest()->attributes->set('_browser', $bc->getBrowser()); }
<?php require_once __DIR__ . "/../vendor/autoload.php"; use phpbrowscap\Browscap; use phpcaniuse\CanIUse; $bc = new Browscap('/tmp'); $browser = $bc->getBrowser(); $can = new phpcaniuse\CanIUse($browser, file_get_contents("../data.json")); echo "supported:" . $can->check(array('fontface', 'video')) . "<br>"; echo "browser<br><textarea rows=25 cols=80>" . var_export($browser, true) . "</textarea>"; echo "<br>getInfo<br><textarea rows=10 cols=80>" . var_export($can->getInfo(), true) . "</textarea><br>"; echo "<br>browserCan<br><textarea rows=25 cols=80>" . var_export($can->browserCan(), true) . "</textarea><br>"; echo "<br>featureList<br><textarea rows=25 cols=80>" . var_export($can->featureList(), true) . "</textarea><br>"; echo "<br>raw data<br><textarea rows=25 cols=80>" . var_export($can->dataGet(), true) . "</textarea>"; echo "\n<br>fin<br>\n";
function wp_statistics_download_browscap() { GLOBAL $WP_Statistics; // We need the download_url() function, it should exists on virtually all installs of PHP, but if it doesn't for some reason, bail out. if( !function_exists( 'download_url' ) ) { return ''; } // If browscap is disabled, bail out. if( $WP_Statistics->get_option('browscap') == false ) { return '';} // This is the location of the file to download. $download_url = 'http://browscap.org/stream?q=Full_PHP_BrowsCapINI'; $download_version = 'http://browscap.org/version-number'; // Get the upload directory from WordPress. $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); // Check to see if the subdirectory we're going to upload to exists, if not create it. if( !file_exists($upload_dir['basedir'] . '/wp-statistics') ) { mkdir($upload_dir['basedir'] . '/wp-statistics'); } $LocalVersion = 0; // Get the Browscap object, tell it NOT to autoupdate. $bc = new Browscap($upload_dir['basedir'] . '/wp-statistics'); $bc->doAutoUpdate = false; // We don't want to auto update. // If we already have a browscap.ini file (aka we're already done a download in the past) we can get it's version number. // We can't execute this code if no browscap.ini exists as then the library will automatically download a full version, even // though we've told it not to autoupdate above. if( $WP_Statistics->get_option('last_browscap_dl') > 1 ) { // Get the current browser so that the version information is populated. try { $bc->getBrowser(); $LocalVersion = $bc->getSourceVersion(); } catch( Exception $e ) { $crawler = false; $LocalVersion = 0; } } // Get the remote version info from browscap.org. $TempVersionFile = download_url( $download_version ); // Read the version we just downloaded in to a string. $RemoteVersion = file_get_contents($TempVersionFile); // Get rid of the temporary file. unlink( $TempVersionFile ); // If there is a new version, let's go get it. if( intval($RemoteVersion) > $LocalVersion ) { // Download the file from browscap.org, this places it in a temporary location. $TempFile = download_url( $download_url ); // If we failed, through a message, otherwise proceed. if (is_wp_error( $TempFile ) ) { $result = "<div class='updated settings-error'><p><strong>" . sprintf(__('Error downloading browscap database from: %s - %s', 'wp_statistics'), $download_url, $TempFile->get_error_message() ) . "</strong></p></div>"; } else { // Keep the current version just in case by renaming it. if( file_exists( $upload_dir['basedir'] . '/wp-statistics/browscap.old' ) ) { unlink( $upload_dir['basedir'] . '/wp-statistics/browscap.old' ); } if( file_exists( $upload_dir['basedir'] . '/wp-statistics/cache.old' ) ) { unlink( $upload_dir['basedir'] . '/wp-statistics/cache.old' ); } if( file_exists( $upload_dir['basedir'] . '/wp-statistics/browscap.ini' ) ) { rename( $upload_dir['basedir'] . '/wp-statistics/browscap.ini', $upload_dir['basedir'] . '/wp-statistics/browscap.old' ); } if( file_exists( $upload_dir['basedir'] . '/wp-statistics/cache.php' ) ) { rename( $upload_dir['basedir'] . '/wp-statistics/cache.php', $upload_dir['basedir'] . '/wp-statistics/cache.old' ); } // Setup our file handles. $infile = fopen($TempFile, 'r' ); $outfile = fopen($upload_dir['basedir'] . '/wp-statistics/browscap.ini', 'w'); // We're going to need some variables to use as we process the new browscap.ini. // $crawler has three possible settings: // 0 = no setting found // 1 = setting found but not a crawler // 2 = setting found and a crawler $parent = ''; $title = ''; $crawler = 0; $parents = array( '' => false ); // Now read in the browscap.ini file we downloaded one line at a time. while( ( $buffer = fgets($infile) ) !== false) { // Let's get rid of the tailing carriage return extra spaces. $buffer = trim($buffer); // We're going to do some things based on the first charater on the line so let's just get it once. $firstchar = substr( $buffer, 0, 1 ); // The first character will tell us what kind of line we're dealing with. switch( $firstchar ) { // A square bracket means it's a section title. case '[': // We have three sections we need to copy verbatium so don't do the standard processing for them. if( $title != 'GJK_Browscap_Version' && $title != 'DefaultProperties' && $title != '*' && $title != '') { // Write out the section if: // the current section is a crawler and there is no parent // OR // the current section is a crawler, has a parent and the parent is a crawler as well (Note, this will drop some crawlers who's parent's aren't because we haven't written out all the parent's that aren't crawlers this could cause mis-identificaton of some users as crawlers). // OR // the current section isn't a crawler but the parent is // if( ( $crawler == 2 && $parent == '' ) || ( $crawler == 2 && $parent != '' && array_key_exists( $parent, $parents ) ) || ( $crawler == 0 && array_key_exists( $parent, $parents ) ) ) { // Write out the section with just the parent/crawler setting saved. fwrite( $outfile, "[" . $title . "]\n" ); fwrite( $outfile, "Crawler=\"true\"\n" ); } } // Reset our variables. $crawler = 0; $parent = ''; $title = substr( $buffer, 1, strlen($buffer) - 2 ); // We have three sections we need to copy verbatium so write out their headings immediatly instead of waiting to see if they are a crawler. if( $title == 'GJK_Browscap_Version' || $title == 'DefaultProperties' || $title == "*" ) { fwrite($outfile,"[" . $title . "]\n"); } break; // A space or semi-colan means it's a comment. case ' ': case ';': // Since we're hacking out lots of data the only comments we want to keep are the first few in the file before the first section is processed. if( $title == '' ) { fwrite( $outfile, $buffer . "\n" ); } break; // Otherwise its a real setting line. default: // If the setting is for the crawler let's inidicate we found it and it's true. We can also set the parents array. if( $buffer == 'Crawler="true"' ) { $crawler = 2; $parents[$title] = true;} // If the setting for the parent then set it now. if( substr( $buffer, 0, 7 ) == 'Parent=' ) { $parent = substr( $buffer, 8, -1 ); } // We have three sections we need to copy verbatium so write out their settings. if( $title == 'GJK_Browscap_Version' || $title == 'DefaultProperties' || $title == "*" ) { fwrite( $outfile, $buffer . "\n" ); } } } // Close the files. fclose( $outfile ); fclose( $infile ); // Delete the temporary file. unlink( $TempFile ); // Check to see if an old (more than a minute old) lock file exists, if so delete it. $cache_lock = $upload_dir['basedir'] . '/wp-statistics/cache.lock'; if( file_exists( $cache_lock ) ) { if( time() - filemtime( $cache_lock ) > 60 ) { unlink( $cache_lock ); } } // Force the cache to be updated. $bc->updateCache(); // Update the options to reflect the new download. $WP_Statistics->update_option('last_browscap_dl', time()); $WP_Statistics->update_option('update_browscap', false); $result = "<div class='updated settings-error'><p><strong>" . __('browscap database updated successfully!', 'wp_statistics') . "</strong></p></div>"; // Do some sanity checks on the new ini/cache file $ini_fs = filesize( $upload_dir['basedir'] . '/wp-statistics/browscap.ini' ); $cache_fs = filesize( $upload_dir['basedir'] . '/wp-statistics/cache.php' ); $fail = false; // Check to make sure the cache file isn't any more than 15% larger than then ini file if( $cache_fs - $ini_fs > $ini_fs * 0.15 ) { $fail = true; $result = "<div class='updated settings-error'><p><strong>" . __('browscap database updated failed! Cache file too large, reverting to previous browscap.ini.', 'wp_statistics') . "</strong></p></div>"; } else { // Check to make sure we don't resolve a typical user agent as a robot. $test_browser = $bc->getBrowser("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:33.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/33.0"); $crawler = $test_browser->Crawler; if( $crawler == true ) { $fail = true; $result = "<div class='updated settings-error'><p><strong>" . __('browscap database updated failed! New browscap.ini is mis-identifing user agents as crawlers, reverting to previous browscap.ini.', 'wp_statistics') . "</strong></p></div>"; } } // If we failed, roll back the update, otherwise just delete the old files. if( $fail == true ) { if( file_exists( $upload_dir['basedir'] . '/wp-statistics/browscap.ini' ) ) { unlink( $upload_dir['basedir'] . '/wp-statistics/browscap.ini' ); } if( file_exists( $upload_dir['basedir'] . '/wp-statistics/cache.php' ) ) { unlink( $upload_dir['basedir'] . '/wp-statistics/cache.php' ); } if( file_exists( $upload_dir['basedir'] . '/wp-statistics/browscap.old' ) ) { rename( $upload_dir['basedir'] . '/wp-statistics/browscap.old', $upload_dir['basedir'] . '/wp-statistics/browscap.ini' ); } if( file_exists( $upload_dir['basedir'] . '/wp-statistics/cache.old' ) ) { rename( $upload_dir['basedir'] . '/wp-statistics/cache.old', $upload_dir['basedir'] . '/wp-statistics/cache.php' ); } } else { if( file_exists( $upload_dir['basedir'] . '/wp-statistics/browscap.old' ) ) { unlink( $upload_dir['basedir'] . '/wp-statistics/browscap.old' ); } if( file_exists( $upload_dir['basedir'] . '/wp-statistics/cache.old' ) ) { unlink( $upload_dir['basedir'] . '/wp-statistics/cache.old' ); } } } } else { // Update the options to reflect the new download. $WP_Statistics->update_option('last_browscap_dl', time()); $WP_Statistics->update_option('update_browscap', false); $result = "<div class='updated settings-error'><p><strong>" . __('browscap already at current version!', 'wp_statistics') . "</strong></p></div>"; } if( $WP_Statistics->get_option('browscap_report') == true ) { $blogname = get_bloginfo('name'); $blogemail = get_bloginfo('admin_email'); $headers[] = "From: $blogname <$blogemail>"; $headers[] = "MIME-Version: 1.0"; $headers[] = "Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8"; if( $WP_Statistics->get_option('email_list') == '' ) { $WP_Statistics->update_option( 'email_list', $blogemail ); } wp_mail( $WP_Statistics->get_option('email_list'), __('Browscap.ini update on', 'wp_statistics') . ' ' . $blogname, $result, $headers ); } // All of the messages displayed above are stored in a stirng, now it's time to actually output the messages. return $result; }
/** * Check if the user can potentially use this. * This method is called at registration page. * * You can, for example, check if the current browser is suitable. * * @param int|boolean $user_id Use false to ignore user * @return bool */ public function is_potentially_usable($user_id = false) { $browsercap = new Browscap($this->root_path . 'cache/'); $info = $browsercap->getBrowser($this->request->server('HTTP_USER_AGENT')); return strtolower($info->Browser) === 'chrome' && $this->is_ssl(); }
/** * Returns the platform and version (e.g. OsX 10.10) for * the given useragent * @param $strUseragent * * @return mixed * @throws Exception * @throws \phpbrowscap\Exception */ public function getPlatformForUseragent($strUseragent) { $objInfo = $this->objBrowscap->getBrowser($strUseragent); return $objInfo->Platform . " " . $objInfo->Platform_Version; }