public function testDestruct() { $this->channelMock->expects($this->once())->method('close'); $this->clientMock->expects($this->once())->method('close'); $queue = new MessageQueue($this->clientMock); unset($queue); }
/** * @param DomainMessage $domainMessage */ private function publishWithAMQP(DomainMessage $domainMessage) { $payload = $domainMessage->getPayload(); $eventClass = get_class($payload); $this->logger->info("publishing message with event type {$eventClass} to exchange {$this->exchange}"); $this->channel->basic_publish($this->messageFactory->createAMQPMessage($domainMessage), $this->exchange); }
protected function setupConnection() { Yii::trace('Connecting to broker...', __METHOD__); $this->connection = new AMQPConnection($this->host, $this->port, $this->user, $this->password, $this->vhost, $this->insist, $this->login_method, $this->login_response, $this->locale, $this->connection_timeout, $this->read_write_timeout, $this->context); $this->channel = $this->connection->channel(); $this->channel->queue_declare($this->queue, false, true, false, false); }
/** * Close the running connection */ public function close() { if (null !== $this->connection && $this->connection->isConnected()) { $this->channel->close(); $this->connection->close(); } }
/** * Test declaring a queue on the channel using the configured queue name */ public function testQueueDeclaration() { $qName = 'queue_name'; $this->setStubConfigData(['getQueueName' => $qName, 'getQueueConfiguration' => ['queue' => $qName, 'passive' => false, 'durable' => true, 'exclusive' => true, 'auto_delete' => true, 'nowait' => true]]); $this->channel->expects($this->once())->method('queue_declare')->with($this->identicalTo($qName)); $this->invokeRestrictedMethod($this->amqpApi, 'declareQueue'); }
protected function setUpAmqp() { $this->conn = new AMQPSocketConnection($_SERVER['AMQP_HOST'], $_SERVER['AMQP_PORT'], $_SERVER['AMQP_USER'], $_SERVER['AMQP_PASS'], $_SERVER['AMQP_VHOST']); $this->channel = $this->conn->channel(); $this->channel->exchange_declare('', 'topic'); $this->channel->queue_declare('event_band.test.event'); $this->channel->queue_bind('event_band.test.event', '', 'event.#'); }
/** * Gets publisher AMQ channel * * @return AMQPChannel */ protected function getChannel() { if (null === $this->channel) { $this->channel = $this->amq->channel(); $this->channel->exchange_declare($this->exchange, 'topic', false, true, false); } return $this->channel; }
function it_releases_job_onto_rabbitmq(AMQPChannel $channel, RabbitMQQueue $queue) { // delete $channel->basic_ack('fooTagId')->shouldBeCalled(); // release with attempts added into body $queue->later(1, 'foo', [0 => "someData", "attempts" => 1], 'default')->shouldBeCalled(); $this->release(1); }
/** * Consumes one event and calls callback for it. * * @param integer $timeout Optional timeout in seconds. Default is no timeout. * * @return void */ public function consume($timeout = 0) { try { $this->channel->wait(null, false, $timeout); } catch (AMQPTimeoutException $e) { return; } }
private function getChannel() { if ($this->channel) { return $this->channel; } $this->channel = $this->connection->channel(); $this->channel->queue_declare($this->queue, false, false, false, false); return $this->channel; }
/** * Destructor. * * Closes RabbitMQ connection and channel if necessary. */ public function __destruct() { if ($this->channel) { $this->channel->close(); } if ($this->connection) { $this->connection->close(); } }
public function __destroy() { if ($this->_channel) { $this->_channel->close(); } if ($this->getConnection && $this->getConnection->isConnected()) { $this->getConnection->close(); } }
public function tearDown() { if ($this->ch2) { $this->ch2->close(); } if ($this->conn) { $this->conn->close(); } }
/** * Creates (if not yet created) and returns an AMQP channel. * * @return \PhpAmqpLib\Channel\AMQPChannel */ protected function getChannel() { if (null === $this->channel) { $this->channel = $this->connection->channel(); $this->channel->queue_declare($this->queueName, false, false, false, false); $this->channel->basic_qos(null, 1, null); } return $this->channel; }
/** * @param $exchange_name */ private function connect($exchange_name) { if (null !== $this->channel) { return; } $this->channel = $this->connection->channel(); $this->channel->exchange_declare($exchange_name, 'fanout', false, true, false); $this->channel->queue_declare($exchange_name, false, true, false, false); $this->channel->queue_bind($exchange_name, $exchange_name); }
public function tearDown() { if ($this->ch) { $this->ch->exchange_delete($this->exchange_name); $this->ch->close(); } if ($this->conn) { $this->conn->close(); } }
/** * * {@inheritDoc} * */ protected function write(array $record) { $data = $record["formatted"]; $routingKey = sprintf('%s.%s', substr($record['level_name'], 0, 4), $record['channel']); if ($this->exchange instanceof AMQPExchange) { $this->exchange->publish($data, strtolower($routingKey), 0, array('delivery_mode' => 2, 'Content-type' => 'application/json')); } else { $this->exchange->basic_publish(new AMQPMessage((string) $data, array('delivery_mode' => 2, 'content_type' => 'application/json')), $this->exchangeName, strtolower($routingKey)); } }
/** * @param $queue * * @return mixed */ public function consume($queue) { $messageBody = false; $message = $this->ch->basic_get($queue); if ($message) { $this->ch->basic_ack($message->delivery_info['delivery_tag']); $messageBody = $message->body; } return $messageBody; }
/** * @return void */ public function initialize() { if ($this->initialized) { return; } $this->initialized = true; $this->exchange->initialize(); $this->queue->initialize(); $this->channel->queue_bind($this->queue->name(), $this->exchange->name()); }
/** * @return AMQPChannel */ public function getAmqpChannel() { if ($this->amqp_channel) { return $this->amqp_channel; } $this->amqp_channel = $this->connection->getAmqpConnection()->channel(); $this->amqp_channel->queue_declare($this->queue_config['queue_name'], false, $is_durable = true, false, false); $this->amqp_channel->basic_qos(null, $this->queue_config['fetch_count'], null); return $this->amqp_channel; }
/** * @return void */ public function initialize() { if ($this->initialized) { return; } $this->initialized = true; $this->channel->queue_declare($this->name, $this->passive, $this->durable, $this->exclusive, $this->autoDelete, $this->noWait); foreach ($this->bindings as $binding) { $binding->initialize(); } }
/** * @param $n * @return int */ public function call($n) { $this->response = null; $this->corr_id = uniqid(); $msg = new AMQPMessage((string) $n, ['correlation_id' => $this->corr_id, 'reply_to' => $this->callback_queue]); $this->channel->basic_publish($msg, '', 'rpc_queue'); while (!$this->response) { $this->channel->wait(); } return intval($this->response); }
/** * @param callable $callback * @return void */ public function consume(callable $callback) { $internCallback = function ($msg) use($callback) { //echo " [x] Received ", $msg->body, "\n"; $callback(unserialize($msg->body)); }; $this->exchange->basic_consume($this->exchangeName, '', false, true, false, false, $internCallback); while (count($this->exchange->callbacks)) { $this->exchange->wait(); } }
/** * Initializes the message queue class * * @param \PhpAmqpLib\Channel\AMQPChannel $channel AMQP channel * @param string $queue Message queue name * @throws \Aimeos\MW\MQueue\Exception */ public function __construct(\PhpAmqpLib\Channel\AMQPChannel $channel, $queue) { try { $channel->queue_declare($queue, false, true, false, false); $channel->basic_qos(null, 1, null); } catch (\Exception $e) { throw new \Aimeos\MW\MQueue\Exception($e->getMessage()); } $this->channel = $channel; $this->queue = $queue; }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function wait(Closure $callback) { $this->channel->basic_consume($this->queue, '', false, true, false, false, function ($rabbitMessage) use($callback) { $message = $this->serializer->unserialize($rabbitMessage->body); $callback($message); $rabbitMessage->delivery_info['channel']->basic_ack($rabbitMessage->delivery_info['delivery_tag']); }); while (count($this->channel->callbacks)) { $this->channel->wait(); } }
/** * Test if AMQPPublisher works as expected. */ public function testPublish() { $container = $this->getContainer(); $publisher = $container->get('ongr_task_messenger.publisher.default.amqp'); $logger = new NullLogger(); $publisher->setLogger($logger); $task = new SyncTask(SyncTask::SYNC_TASK_PRESERVEHOST); $task->setName('task_foo'); $task->setCommand('command_foo'); $publisher->publish($task); $this->channel->wait(); }
public function __construct($name, AMQPChannel $channel, $options) { $this->name = $name; $this->channel = $channel; $this->type = isset($options["type"]) ? $options["type"] : "direct"; $this->passive = isset($options["passive"]) ? $options["passive"] : false; $this->durable = isset($options["durable"]) ? $options["durable"] : true; $this->auto_delete = isset($options["auto_delete"]) ? $options["auto_delete"] : false; if ($name != "") { $channel->exchange_declare($name, $this->type, $this->passive, $this->durable, $this->auto_delete); } }
public function tearDown() { try { $this->object->deleteQueue('/', self::QUEUE_TEST_NAME); } catch (\Exception $e) { } try { $this->object->deleteExchange('/', self::EXCHANGE_TEST_NAME); } catch (\Exception $e) { } $this->channel->close(); $this->conn->close(); }
/** * Driver should compose AMQP message and publish it to the channel. */ public function testPublish() { $reply = $this->getMockBuilder(Invoker\Reply::class)->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock(); $this->channel->expects($this->once())->method('basic_publish')->willReturnCallback(function (AMQPMessage $message, $exchange, $routingKey) use($reply) { $headers = ['base' => 'dec', 'to' => 'calc', 'topic' => 'add', 'version' => '1.0']; $this->assertJsonStringEqualsJsonString('{"a": 10, "b": 53}', $message->body); $this->assertEquals($headers, $message->get('application_headers')->getNativeData()); $this->assertEquals($this->exchange, $exchange); $this->assertEquals('add', $routingKey); return $reply; }); $this->driver->publish(new Location('calc'), $this->createRequest()); }
/** * */ public function consume() { $this->queue->initialize(); $service = $this->service; $this->channel->basic_consume($this->queue->name(), $this->tag, $this->noLocal, $this->noAck, $this->exclusive, $this->noWait, function (AMQPMessage $message) use($service) { $ack = $service->execute($message); if ($ack === null || $ack === true) { $message->delivery_info['channel']->basic_ack($message->delivery_info['delivery_tag']); } }); while (count($this->channel->callbacks)) { $this->channel->wait(); } }