예제 #1

use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Matthew Weier O'Phinney");
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('2011-10-10 Dev status update');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2011-10-10 14:40', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2011-10-10 14:40', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
    Status update for the weeks of 27 September - 10 October 2011.
$extended = <<<'EOC'
<h2 id="toc_3.1">2011-09-28 IRC Meeting</h2>

We held our fourth IRC meeting on Wednesday, 28 September 2011. On the agenda

<ul class="ul">
예제 #2

use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Matthew Weier O'Phinney");
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('2011-09-12 Dev status update');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2011-09-12 15:20', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2011-09-12 15:20', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
    Zend Framework status update for the weeks of 30 August - 12 September 2011.
$extended = <<<'EOC'
Much has happened since our last update.

<h2 id="toc_3.1">2011-08-31 IRC Meeting</h2>

First, we held our

use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Matthew Weier O'Phinney");
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('Zend Framework 2.2.0 Stable Released!');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2013-05-15 10:00', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2013-05-15 10:00', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
    The Zend Framework community is pleased to announce the immediate availability
    of Zend Framework 2.2.0! Packages and installation instructions are
    available at:

            <a href="/downloads/latest">http://framework.zend.com/downloads/latest</a>

    This is the first <em>stable</em> release in the 2.2 series.

// @codingStandardsIgnoreFile
use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Matthew Weier O'Phinney");
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('Zend Framework 2.4.0 Released!');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2015-03-31 11:45', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2015-03-31 11:45', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
    The Zend Framework community is pleased to announce the immediate availability

    <li>Zend Framework <strong>2.4.0</strong></li>

        <a href="/downloads/latest">http://framework.zend.com/downloads/latest</a>

use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Matthew Weier O'Phinney");
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('Zend Framework 1.12.4, 2.1.6, and 2.2.6 Released!');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2014-03-06 17:00', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2014-03-06 17:00', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
    The Zend Framework community is pleased to announce the immediate availability

    <li>Zend Framework <strong>1.12.4</strong></li>
    <li>Zend Framework <strong>2.1.6</strong></li>
    <li>Zend Framework <strong>2.2.6</strong></li>

        <a href="/downloads/latest">http://framework.zend.com/downloads/latest</a>
예제 #6

use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Matthew Weier O'Phinney");
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('Zend Framework 2.1.2 Released!');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2013-02-20 15:17', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2013-02-20 15:17', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
    The Zend Framework community is pleased to announce the immediate availability
    of Zend Framework 2.1.2! Packages and installation instructions are
    available at:

        <a href="/downloads/latest">http://framework.zend.com/downloads/latest</a>

    We had a number of minor breakages with the 2.1 release, primarily around changes
예제 #7

// @codingStandardsIgnoreFile
use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Matthew Weier O'Phinney");
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('Announcing Expressive');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2015-08-26 13:25', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2015-08-26 13:25', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
    We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of a new project, 
    <a href="https://github.com/zendframework/zend-expressive">Expressive</a>!

    Expressive allows you to write <a href="http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-7/">PSR-7</a>
    <a href="https://github.com/zendframework/zend-stratigility/blob/master/doc/book/middleware.md">middleware</a>
    applications for the web. It is a simple micro-framework built on top of
    <a href="https://github.com/zendframework/zend-stratigility">Stratigility</a>, providing:


use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Matthew Weier O'Phinney");
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('Zend Framework 1.12.10 Released!');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2015-01-14 14:25', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2015-01-14 14:25', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
    The Zend Framework community is pleased to announce the immediate availability

    <li>Zend Framework <strong>1.12.10</strong></li>

<p>You can download Zend Framework at:</p>

        <a href="/downloads/latest#ZF1">http://framework.zend.com/downloads/latest#ZF1</a>

use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Matthew Weier O'Phinney");
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('Zend Framework 2.0.7 and 2.1.0 Released!');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2013-01-30 14:15', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2013-01-30 16:55', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
    The Zend Framework community is pleased to announce the immediate availability
    of <em>both</em> Zend Framework <strong>2.0.7</strong> and <strong>2.1.0</strong>! Packages and installation instructions are
    available at:

        <a href="/downloads/latest">http://framework.zend.com/downloads/latest</a>

    All existing users of ZF 2.0.x are encouraged to upgrade to 2.1.0; if you prefer 

// @codingStandardsIgnoreFile
use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Matthew Weier O'Phinney");
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('Zend Framework 2.5.1 Released!');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2015-06-04 10:30', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2015-06-04 10:30', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
<p>Today we've released Zend Framework 2.5.1!</p>

    To update, use <a href="https://getcomposer.org">Composer</a>:

<pre class="highlight"><code>
$ composer update zendframework/zendframework

$extended = <<<'EOC'
예제 #11

use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Matthew Weier O'Phinney");
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('2011-08-17 IRC Meeting');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2011-08-15 13:40', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2011-08-15 13:40', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
    The Zend Framework community is having the first of its bi-weekly IRC 
    meetings this coming Wednesday, 17 August 2011, at 17:00 UTC. Find out what 
    we'll discuss, and how you can participate.
$extended = <<<'EOC'
    The meeting will be held on Freenode IRC, in a new channel "#zf2-meeting". 
    As this is the first meeting, we'll be primarily discussing the structure
    of future meetings, as well as process and milestones for ZF2.
예제 #12

use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Matthew Weier O'Phinney");
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('Zend Framework 2.0.3 Released!');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2012-10-17 17:15', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2012-10-17 17:15', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
    The Zend Framework community is pleased to announce the immediate availability
    of Zend Framework 2.0.3! Packages and installation instructions are
    available at:

        <a href="/downloads/latest">http://framework.zend.com/downloads/latest</a>


use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Matthew Weier O'Phinney");
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('Apigility 1.0.0beta3 Released!');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2014-04-30 15:30', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2014-04-30 15:30', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
<p>We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of Apigility 1.0.0beta3!</p>

    <li><a href="http://apigility.org/download">http://apigility.org/download</a></li>

<p>This is our third -- and likely last! -- beta release of Apigility! The features in this release are mainly around stabilization.</p>
$extended = <<<'EOC'
<h2>Deployment and Console</h2>

<p>Most of the work we've performed since beta2 was on <a href="https://github.com/zfcampus/zf-deploy">zf-deploy</a>, our packaging/deployment tool. We made the following changes:</p>
예제 #14
// @codingStandardsIgnoreFile
use League\CommonMark\CommonMarkConverter;
use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Matthew Weier O'Phinney");
$markdown = new CommonMarkConverter();
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('Expressive 1.0.0RC4 Released!');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2015-12-09 15:45', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2015-12-09 15:45', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
The Zend Framework community is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Expressive 1.0.0rc4!

You can install it using [Composer](https://getcomposer.org), using the `create-project` command:

$ composer create-project zendframework/zend-expressive-skeleton:1.0.0rc4@rc expressive

If you're already using Expressive, read below for how to update your application!
$extended = <<<'EOC'
## Changes in RC4
예제 #15

use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$entry = new EntryEntity();
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->fromArray(array('id' => 'yourusername', 'name' => 'Your Full Name', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'url' => 'http://your.tld/'));
$entry->setTitle('New site!');
$entry->setTags(array('php', 'personal'));
$body = <<<'EOT'
    This is the principal body of the post, and will be shown everywhere.
$extended = <<<'EOT'
This is the extended portion of the entry, and is only shown in the main entry 
return $entry;
예제 #16

use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Matthew Weier O'Phinney");
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('Zend Framework 2.0.6 Released!');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2012-12-19 17:00', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2012-12-19 17:00', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
    The Zend Framework community is pleased to announce the immediate availability
    of Zend Framework 2.0.6! Packages and installation instructions are
    available at:

        <a href="/downloads/latest">http://framework.zend.com/downloads/latest</a>

예제 #17

use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Matthew Weier O'Phinney");
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('Zend Framework 2.0.0beta4 Released!');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2012-05-22 15:30', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2012-05-22 15:30', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
The Zend Framework community is pleased to announce the immediate availability
of Zend Framework 2.0.0beta4. Packages and installation instructions are
available at:

<ul class="ul">
    <a href="http://packages.zendframework.com/">http://packages.zendframework.com/</a>
$extended = <<<'EOC'
예제 #18

use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Matthew Weier O'Phinney");
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('Zend Framework 2.0.5 Released!');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2012-11-25 16:00', new DateTimezone('Europe/Paris')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2012-11-25 16:00', new DateTimezone('Europe/Paris')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
    The Zend Framework community is pleased to announce the immediate availability
    of Zend Framework 2.0.5! Packages and installation instructions are
    available at:

        <a href="/downloads/latest">http://framework.zend.com/downloads/latest</a>

예제 #19

use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Matthew Weier O'Phinney");
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('Zend Framework 1.12.8 Released!');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2014-08-26 11:30', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2014-09-04 16:10', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
    The Zend Framework community is pleased to announce the immediate availability
    of Zend Framework 1.12.8!

        <a href="/downloads/latest#ZF1">http://framework.zend.com/downloads/latest#ZF1</a>

    This is a maintenance release.

use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Matthew Weier O'Phinney");
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('Zend Framework 2.1.4, 2.0.8, and 1.12.3 Released!');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2013-03-14 10:30', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2013-03-14 10:30', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
    The Zend Framework community is pleased to announce the immediate availability
    of three new releases: 2.1.4, 2.0.8, and 1.12.3!  Packages and installation 
    instructions are available at:

        <a href="/downloads/latest">http://framework.zend.com/downloads/latest</a>


// @codingStandardsIgnoreFile
use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Matthew Weier O'Phinney");
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('Zend Framework 1.12.14, 2.4.6 and 2.5.2 Released!');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2015-08-03 14:15', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2015-08-03 14:15', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
    The Zend Framework community is pleased to announce the immediate availability

    <li>Zend Framework <strong>1.12.14</strong></li>
    <li>Zend Framework <strong>2.4.6</strong></li>
    <li>Zend Framework <strong>2.5.2</strong></li>


use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Matthew Weier O'Phinney");
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('Zend Framework 1.12.9, 2.2.8, and 2.3.3 Released!');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2014-09-17 10:30', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2014-09-17 10:30', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
    The Zend Framework community is pleased to announce the immediate availability

    <li>Zend Framework <strong>1.12.9</strong></li>
    <li>Zend Framework <strong>2.2.8</strong></li>
    <li>Zend Framework <strong>2.3.3</strong></li>

        <a href="/downloads/latest">http://framework.zend.com/downloads/latest</a>
예제 #23

use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Matthew Weier O'Phinney");
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('Zend Framework 2.2.3 Released!');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2013-08-21 16:00', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2013-08-21 16:00', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
    The Zend Framework community is pleased to announce the immediate availability
    of Zend Framework 2.2.3! Packages and installation instructions are
    available at:

        <a href="/downloads/latest">http://framework.zend.com/downloads/latest</a>

    This is the third monthly maintenance release in the 2.2 series. 
예제 #24

use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Matthew Weier O'Phinney");
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('Zend Framework 2.0.2 Released!');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2012-09-21 14:30', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2012-09-21 14:30', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
    The Zend Framework community is pleased to announce the immediate availability
    of Zend Framework 2.0.2! Packages and installation instructions are
    available at:

        <a href="/downloads/latest">http://framework.zend.com/downloads/latest</a>

    This release fixes an issue in the "Router" service that was affecting URL generation,
예제 #25

use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Matthew Weier O'Phinney");
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('2011-08-31 IRC Meeting Log');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2011-08-31 14:50', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2011-08-31 14:50', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
    Today we held our second Zend Framework community IRC meeting. Find out what
    we discussed, and where you can read the transcript.
$extended = <<<'EOC'
    The meeting 
    was held on Freenode IRC in the #zf2-meeting channel, and moderated by 
    Pieter Kokx. The meeting ran long (15 minutes over), had several heated 
    exchanges, but gained general consensus on a variety of topics.
예제 #26
use League\CommonMark\CommonMarkConverter;
use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Matthew Weier O'Phinney");
$markdown = new CommonMarkConverter();
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('Zend Framework 3 Update for 2015-12-10');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2015-12-10 10:50', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2015-12-10 10:50', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
Per our [previous ZF3 update](/blog/zend-framework-3-update-and-roadmap.html), this is the
first in an ongoing series of bi-weekly posts on ZF3 development status.

The highlights:

- &gt;80 pull requests merged
- 28 releases of components
- 9 components updated to zend-servicemanager/zend-eventmanager v3 changes
- 2 release candidates of expressive
$extended = <<<'EOC'
## Pull request activity
예제 #27
// @codingStandardsIgnoreFile
use League\CommonMark\CommonMarkConverter;
use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Matthew Weier O'Phinney");
$markdown = new CommonMarkConverter();
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('Expressive 1.0.0RC3 Released!');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2015-12-07 13:00', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2015-12-07 13:00', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
The Zend Framework community is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Expressive 1.0.0rc3!

You can install it using [Composer](https://getcomposer.org), using the `create-project` command:

$ composer create-project zendframework/zend-expressive-skeleton:1.0.0rc3@rc expressive

If you're already using Expressive, read below for how to update your application!
$extended = <<<'EOC'
## Changes in RC3
예제 #28

use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Matthew Weier O'Phinney");
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('Zend Framework 2.2.2 Released!');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2013-07-24 12:00', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2013-07-24 12:00', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
    The Zend Framework community is pleased to announce the immediate availability
    of Zend Framework 2.2.2! Packages and installation instructions are
    available at:

        <a href="/downloads/latest">http://framework.zend.com/downloads/latest</a>

    This is the second monthly maintenance release in the 2.2 series. 

use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Matthew Weier O'Phinney");
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('Zend Framework 1.12.11 Released!');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2015-02-11 11:00', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2015-02-11 11:00', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
    The Zend Framework community is pleased to announce the immediate availability

    <li>Zend Framework <strong>1.12.11</strong></li>

<p>You can download Zend Framework at:</p>

        <a href="/downloads/latest#ZF1">http://framework.zend.com/downloads/latest#ZF1</a>
예제 #30

use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Matthew Weier O'Phinney");
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('Zend Framework 2.0.0beta3 Released!');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2012-03-02 13:30', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2012-03-02 13:30', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
The Zend Framework community is pleased to announce the immediate availability
of Zend Framework 2.0.0beta3. Packages and installation instructions are
available at:

<ul class="ul">
    <a href="http://packages.zendframework.com/">http://packages.zendframework.com/</a>
$extended = <<<'EOC'