createLexer() 공개 메소드

public createLexer ( array $lexerDefinition, $additionalModifiers = '' )
$lexerDefinition array
예제 #1
파일: parser.php 프로젝트: igorw/edn
function tokenize($edn)
    $factory = new UsingPregReplace(new LexerDataGenerator());
    $delim = function ($pattern) {
        return "(?:{$pattern})(?=[\\s,\\)\\]\\};]|\$)";
    $lexer = $factory->createLexer([';(?:.*)(?:\\n)?' => 'comment', '#_[\\s,]?' => 'discard', $delim('nil|true|false') => 'literal', $delim('"[^"\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^"\\\\]*)*"') => 'string', '[\\s,]' => 'whitespace', $delim('\\\\(?:newline|return|space|tab|formfeed|.)') => 'character', $delim('(?:[+-])?\\d+N?') => 'int', $delim('(?:[+-])?\\d+(\\.\\d+)?(?:[eE][-+]?\\d+)?M?') => 'float', $delim(get_symbol_regex()) => 'symbol', $delim(':(?:' . get_symbol_regex() . ')') => 'keyword', $delim('#(?:' . get_symbol_regex() . ')') => 'tag', '\\(' => 'list_start', '\\)' => 'list_end', '\\[' => 'vector_start', '\\]' => 'vector_end', '#\\{' => 'set_start', '\\{' => 'map_start', '\\}' => 'map_set_end']);
    $tokens = $lexer->lex($edn);
    return $tokens;
예제 #2
  * Initialize the initial context with the values of the passed properties.
  * @param \AppserverIo\Properties\PropertiesInterface $properties The configuration properties
 public function __construct(PropertiesInterface $properties = null)
     // initialize the default properties if no ones has been passed
     if ($properties == null) {
         // initialize the default properties
         $properties = new Properties();
         foreach ($this->defaultProperties as $key => $value) {
             $properties->setProperty($key, $value);
     // inject the properties
     // create a factory for the lexer we use to parse the JNDI style bean names
     $factory = new UsingPregReplace(new LexerDataGenerator());
     // create the lexer instance and inject it
     $this->injectLexer($factory->createLexer(array('php' => InitialContext::T_SCHEME, 'global\\/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)' => InitialContext::T_GLOBAL_SCOPE, 'app' => InitialContext::T_APPLICATION_SCOPE, '\\:' => InitialContext::T_COLON, '\\/' => InitialContext::T_SEPARATOR, 'local|remote' => InitialContext::T_INTERFACE, '\\w+' => InitialContext::T_CLASS)));
예제 #3
 public function __construct()
     $factory = new UsingPregReplace(new LexerDataGenerator());
     $this->lexer = $factory->createLexer($this->getConfig());
 public function __construct()
     $this->regexs = ['#[^\\r\\n]*' => self::T_COMMENT, '\\h+' => self::T_HORI_WHITESPACE, '<([^\\r\\n\\>]+) ([^\\r\\n\\>\\ ]*)?>' => self::T_NODE_OPEN, '<\\/([^\\r\\n\\>]+)>' => self::T_NODE_CLOSE, '\\\\\\h*\\r?\\n\\h*([^\\r\\n]+)' => self::T_CONTINUE_VARIABLE, '([a-zA-Z]+)\\h+([^\\r\\n]+)(?<!\\\\)' => self::T_VARIABLE, '\\r?\\n' => self::T_LINEBREAK];
     $this->factory = new UsingPregReplace(new LexerDataGenerator());
     $this->lexer = $this->factory->createLexer($this->regexs);