예제 #1
  * Renders and returns the html output
  * @return string Returns the html of the content
 function Render()
     $templateDir = Path::Combine(__DIR__, 'Templates');
     $templateFile = Path::AddExtension(Path::Filename($this->ClassFile()), 'phtml', true);
     require Path::Combine($templateDir, $templateFile);
     return ob_get_clean();
예제 #2
  * @copyright Thanks to "Unsigned", posted on stackoverflow, 
  * from BSD-licensed SoloAdmin
  * @param string $path
  * @return int|string Gets the file size in bytes as string or integer
 static function GetSize($path)
     // If the platform is Windows...
     if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) == 'WIN') {
         // Try using the NT substition modifier %~z
         $size = trim(exec("for %F in (\"" . $path . "\") do @echo %~zF"));
         // If the return is blank, zero, or not a number
         if (!$size || !ctype_digit($size)) {
             // Use the Windows COM interface
             $fsobj = new COM('Scripting.FileSystemObject');
             if (dirname($path) == '.') {
                 $path = Path::Combine(getcwd(), Path::Filename($path));
             $f = $fsobj->GetFile($path);
             return $f->Size;
         // Otherwise, return the result of the 'for' command
         return $size;
     // If the platform is not Windows, use the stat command (should work for *nix and MacOS)
     return trim(exec("stat -c%s {$path}"));