  * in this function you add all the fields you need for your Form.
  * Form this you have to call add method on $this->formBuilder attribute :
  * $this->formBuilder->add("name", "text")
  *   ->add("email", "email", array(
  *           "attr" => array(
  *               "class" => "field"
  *           ),
  *           "label" => "email",
  *           "constraints" => array(
  *               new \Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank()
  *           )
  *       )
  *   )
  *   ->add('age', 'integer');
  * @return null
 protected function buildForm()
     $config_data = PaypalConfig::read();
     $this->formBuilder->add("login", "text", array('constraints' => array(new NotBlank()), 'label' => Translator::getInstance()->trans("login"), 'label_attr' => array('for' => 'login'), 'data' => isset($config_data['login_sandbox']) ? $config_data['login_sandbox'] : ""))->add("password", "text", array('constraints' => array(new NotBlank()), 'label' => Translator::getInstance()->trans("password"), 'label_attr' => array('for' => 'password'), 'data' => isset($config_data['password_sandbox']) ? $config_data['password_sandbox'] : ""))->add("signature", "text", array('constraints' => array(new NotBlank()), 'label' => Translator::getInstance()->trans("signature"), 'label_attr' => array('for' => 'signature'), 'data' => isset($config_data['signature_sandbox']) ? $config_data['signature_sandbox'] : ""))->add("sandbox", "checkbox", array('label' => Translator::getInstance()->trans("Activate sandbox mode"), 'label_attr' => array('for' => 'sandbox'), 'value' => isset($config_data['sandbox']) ? $config_data['sandbox'] : ""));