/** * Update existing billing agreement at paypal * @param $agreementId * @param array $params * @return bool * @internal param object $createdAgreement Agreement */ function update($agreementId, $params) { $patch = new Patch(); $patch->setOp('replace')->setPath('/')->setValue($params); $patchRequest = new PatchRequest(); $patchRequest->addPatch($patch); try { $agreement = Agreement::get($agreementId, $this->getAdapter()->getApiContext()); $agreement->update($patchRequest, $this->getAdapter()->getApiContext()); } catch (\Exception $ex) { //@todo add some logging } return true; }
/** * @param $createdPlan * @return Plan */ function activate(Plan $createdPlan) { $patch = new Patch(); $value = new PayPalModel('{ "state":"ACTIVE" }'); $patch->setOp('replace')->setPath('/')->setValue($value); $patchRequest = new PatchRequest(); $patchRequest->addPatch($patch); $createdPlan->update($patchRequest, $this->getAdapter()->getApiContext()); $result = Plan::get($createdPlan->getId(), $this->getAdapter()->getApiContext()); if ($result) { return ['plan' => $result, 'id' => $result->getId(), 'state' => $result->getState(), 'created' => $result->getCreateTime()]; } }
// # Update a plan // // This sample code demonstrate how you can update a billing plan, as documented here at: // https://developer.paypal.com/webapps/developer/docs/api/#update-a-plan // API used: /v1/payments/billing-plans/<Plan-Id> // ### Making Plan Active // This example demonstrate how you could activate the Plan. // Retrieving the Plan object from Create Plan Sample to demonstrate the List /** @var Plan $createdPlan */ $createdPlan = (require 'CreatePlan.php'); use PayPal\Api\Plan; use PayPal\Api\PatchRequest; use PayPal\Api\Patch; use PayPal\Common\PayPalModel; try { $patch = new Patch(); $value = new PayPalModel('{ "state":"ACTIVE" }'); $patch->setOp('replace')->setPath('/')->setValue($value); $patchRequest = new PatchRequest(); $patchRequest->addPatch($patch); $createdPlan->update($patchRequest, $apiContext); $plan = Plan::get($createdPlan->getId(), $apiContext); } catch (Exception $ex) { ResultPrinter::printError("Updated the Plan to Active State", "Plan", null, $patchRequest, $ex); exit(1); } ResultPrinter::printResult("Updated the Plan to Active State", "Plan", $plan->getId(), $patchRequest, $plan); return $plan;
/** * Delete a billing plan by passing the ID of the billing plan to the request URI. * * @param ApiContext $apiContext is the APIContext for this call. It can be used to pass dynamic configuration and credentials. * @param PayPalRestCall $restCall is the Rest Call Service that is used to make rest calls * @return bool */ public function delete($apiContext = null, $restCall = null) { ArgumentValidator::validate($this->getId(), "Id"); $patchRequest = new PatchRequest(); $patch = new Patch(); $value = new PayPalModel('{ "state":"DELETED" }'); $patch->setOp('replace')->setPath('/')->setValue($value); $patchRequest->addPatch($patch); return $this->update($patchRequest, $apiContext, $restCall); }
public function update($paymentId, array $updateInfo) { $apiContext = $this->connectionService->getApiContext(); $dispatcher = $this->connectionService->getDispatcher(); $payment = $this->get($paymentId); $event = new PaymentEvent($payment); $dispatcher->dispatch(PaymentEvent::UPDATE_START, $event); $patchRequest = new PatchRequest(); foreach ($updateInfo as $operation => $fields) { $patch = new Patch(); $patch->setOp($operation); foreach ($fields as $key => $value) { $patch->setPath($key)->setValue($value); } $patchRequest->addPatch(clone $patch); } $result = $payment->update($patchRequest, $apiContext); $event = new PaymentEvent($payment); $dispatcher->dispatch($result, $event); return $result; }
function update_webhook($data) { // auth $apiContext = $this->apiContext(); // set webhooks $webhook = new Webhook(); try { $WebhookList = $webhook->get($data['id'], $apiContext); $valid = true; } catch (Exception $ex) { $this->LoggingManager->log(print_r($ex, true), 'DEBUG'); $valid = false; } if ($valid === true) { $webhookEventTypes = array(); for ($i = 0, $n = count($data['data']); $i < $n; $i++) { if ($data['data'][$i]['name'] != '') { $webhookEvent = new WebhookEventType(); $webhookEvent->setName($data['data'][$i]['name']); $webhookEventTypes[] = $webhookEvent; } } $patch = new Patch(); $patch->setOp("replace")->setPath("/event_types")->setValue($webhookEventTypes); $patchRequest = new PatchRequest(); $patchRequest->addPatch($patch); } try { $WebhookList->update($patchRequest, $apiContext); $success = true; } catch (Exception $ex) { $this->LoggingManager->log(print_r($ex, true), 'DEBUG'); $success = false; } $avaliable_data = $this->available_webhooks(); for ($i = 0, $n = count($avaliable_data); $i < $n; $i++) { $this->delete_config($avaliable_data[$i]['name']); } $sql_data_array = array(); for ($i = 0, $n = count($data['data']); $i < $n; $i++) { if ($data['data'][$i]['name'] != '') { $sql_data_array[] = array('config_key' => $data['data'][$i]['name'], 'config_value' => $data['data'][$i]['orders_status']); } } $this->save_config($sql_data_array); }
public function update($creditCardToken, array $updateInfo) { $apiContext = $this->connectionService->getApiContext(); $dispatcher = $this->connectionService->getDispatcher(); $creditCard = $this->getDetails($creditCardToken); $creditCardEvent = new CreditCardEvent($creditCard); $dispatcher->dispatch(CreditCardEvent::UPDATE_START, $creditCardEvent); $patchRequest = new PatchRequest(); foreach ($updateInfo as $operation => $fields) { $allowedOperation = Validation::updateOP($operation); if ($allowedOperation) { $patch = new Patch(); $patch->setOp($operation); foreach ($fields as $key => $value) { $patch->setPath($key)->setValue($value); } $patchRequest->addPatch(clone $patch); } } $result = $creditCard->update($patchRequest, $apiContext); $creditCardEvent = new CreditCardEvent($result); $dispatcher->dispatch(CreditCardEvent::UPDATE_END, $creditCardEvent); return true; }
/** * Adding shipping address to an existing payment. * * @param Mage_Sales_Model_Quote $quote * @return boolean */ public function patchPayment($quote) { if (Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->getPayPalPaymentId()) { $payment = Payment::get(Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->getPayPalPaymentId(), $this->_apiContext); $patchRequest = new PatchRequest(); $transactions = $payment->getTransactions(); if (is_null($transactions[0]->getItemList()->getShippingAddress())) { $addressMode = 'add'; } else { $addressMode = 'replace'; } $shippingAddress = $this->buildShippingAddress($quote); $addressPatch = new Patch(); $addressPatch->setOp($addressMode); $addressPatch->setPath('/transactions/0/item_list/shipping_address'); $addressPatch->setValue($shippingAddress); $patchRequest->addPatch($addressPatch); $response = $payment->update($patchRequest, $this->_apiContext); return $response; } return false; }
/** * Patches invoice number to PayPal transaction * (Magento order increment id) * * @param $paymentId * @param $invoiceNumber * @return bool */ public function patchInvoiceNumber($paymentId, $invoiceNumber) { $payment = Payment::get($paymentId, $this->_apiContext); $patchRequest = new PatchRequest(); $invoiceNumberPatch = new Patch(); $invoiceNumberPatch->setOp('add'); $invoiceNumberPatch->setPath('/transactions/0/invoice_number'); $invoiceNumberPatch->setValue($invoiceNumber); $patchRequest->addPatch($invoiceNumberPatch); $response = $payment->update($patchRequest, $this->_apiContext); return $response; }