예제 #1
  * Gather data from annotations.js and *.md files found in source/_annotations
  * @return {Array}        populates Annotations::$store
 public static function gather()
     // set-up default var
     $annotationsDir = Config::getOption("annotationsDir");
     // set-up the dispatcher
     $dispatcherInstance = Dispatcher::getInstance();
     // dispatch that the data gather has started
     // set-up the comments store
     self::$store["comments"] = array();
     // create the annotations dir if it doesn't exist
     if (!is_dir($annotationsDir)) {
     // find the markdown-based annotations
     $finder = new Finder();
     foreach ($finder as $name => $file) {
         $data = array();
         $data[0] = array();
         $text = file_get_contents($file->getPathname());
         $matches = strpos($text, PHP_EOL . "~*~" . PHP_EOL) !== false ? explode(PHP_EOL . "~*~" . PHP_EOL, $text) : array($text);
         foreach ($matches as $match) {
             list($yaml, $markdown) = Documentation::parse($match);
             if (isset($yaml["el"]) || isset($yaml["selector"])) {
                 $data[0]["el"] = isset($yaml["el"]) ? $yaml["el"] : $yaml["selector"];
             } else {
                 $data[0]["el"] = "#someimpossibleselector";
             $data[0]["title"] = isset($yaml["title"]) ? $yaml["title"] : "";
             $data[0]["comment"] = $markdown;
             self::$store["comments"] = array_merge(self::$store["comments"], $data);
     // read in the old style annotations.js, modify the data and generate JSON array to merge
     $data = array();
     $oldStyleAnnotationsPath = $annotationsDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "annotations.js";
     if (file_exists($oldStyleAnnotationsPath)) {
         $text = trim(file_get_contents($oldStyleAnnotationsPath));
         $text = str_replace("var comments = ", "", $text);
         if ($text[strlen($text) - 1] == ";") {
             $text = rtrim($text, ";");
         $data = json_decode($text, true);
         if ($jsonErrorMessage = JSON::hasError()) {
             JSON::lastErrorMsg(Console::getHumanReadablePath($oldStyleAnnotationsPath), $jsonErrorMessage, $data);
     // merge in any data from the old file if the json decode was successful
     if (is_array($data) && isset($data["comments"])) {
         self::$store["comments"] = array_merge(self::$store["comments"], $data["comments"]);
  * Gather data from annotations.js and *.md files found in source/_annotations
  * @return {Array}        populates Annotations::$store
 public static function gather()
     // set-up default var
     $sourceDir = Config::getOption("sourceDir");
     // set-up the dispatcher
     $dispatcherInstance = Dispatcher::getInstance();
     // dispatch that the data gather has started
     // set-up the comments store
     self::$store["comments"] = array();
     // iterate over all of the files in the annotations dir
     if (!is_dir($sourceDir . "/_annotations")) {
         Console::writeWarning("<path>_annotations/</path><warning> doesn't exist so you won't have annotations...");
         mkdir($sourceDir . "/_annotations");
     // find the markdown-based annotations
     $finder = new Finder();
     $finder->files()->name("*.md")->in($sourceDir . "/_annotations");
     foreach ($finder as $name => $file) {
         $data = array();
         $data[0] = array();
         $text = file_get_contents($file->getPathname());
         $matches = strpos($text, PHP_EOL . "~*~" . PHP_EOL) !== false ? explode(PHP_EOL . "~*~" . PHP_EOL, $text) : array($text);
         foreach ($matches as $match) {
             list($yaml, $markdown) = Documentation::parse($match);
             if (isset($yaml["el"]) || isset($yaml["selector"])) {
                 $data[0]["el"] = isset($yaml["el"]) ? $yaml["el"] : $yaml["selector"];
             } else {
                 $data[0]["el"] = "#someimpossibleselector";
             $data[0]["title"] = isset($yaml["title"]) ? $yaml["title"] : "";
             $data[0]["comment"] = $markdown;
             self::$store["comments"] = array_merge(self::$store["comments"], $data);
     // read in the old style annotations.js, modify the data and generate JSON array to merge
     if (file_exists($sourceDir . "/_annotations/annotations.js")) {
         $text = file_get_contents($sourceDir . "/_annotations/annotations.js");
         $text = str_replace("var comments = ", "", $text);
         $text = rtrim($text, ";");
         $data = json_decode($text, true);
         if ($jsonErrorMessage = JSON::hasError()) {
             JSON::lastErrorMsg("_annotations/annotations.js", $jsonErrorMessage, $data);
     // merge in any data from the old file
     self::$store["comments"] = array_merge(self::$store["comments"], $data["comments"]);
 public function run($depth, $ext, $path, $pathName, $name)
     // load default vars
     $patternType = PatternData::getPatternType();
     $patternTypeDash = PatternData::getPatternTypeDash();
     $dirSep = PatternData::getDirSep();
     // make sure the pattern isn't hidden
     $hidden = $name[0] == "_";
     // set-up the names, $name == 00-colors.md
     $doc = str_replace("." . $this->extProp, "", $name);
     // 00-colors
     $docDash = $this->getPatternName(str_replace("_", "", $doc), false);
     // colors
     $docPartial = $patternTypeDash . "-" . $docDash;
     // if the pattern isn't hidden do stuff
     if (!$hidden) {
         // default vars
         $patternSourceDir = Config::getOption("patternSourceDir");
         // parse data
         $text = file_get_contents($patternSourceDir . "/" . $pathName);
         list($yaml, $markdown) = Documentation::parse($text);
         // grab the title and unset it from the yaml so it doesn't get duped in the meta
         if (isset($yaml["title"])) {
             $title = $yaml["title"];
         // figure out if this is a pattern subtype
         $patternSubtypeDoc = false;
         if ($depth == 1) {
             // go through all of the directories to see if this one matches our doc
             foreach (glob($patternSourceDir . "/" . $patternType . "/*", GLOB_ONLYDIR) as $dir) {
                 $dir = str_replace($patternSourceDir . "/" . $patternType . "/", "", $dir);
                 if ($dir == $doc) {
                     $patternSubtypeDoc = true;
         $category = $patternSubtypeDoc ? "patternSubtype" : "pattern";
         $patternStoreKey = $patternSubtypeDoc ? $docPartial . "-plsubtype" : $docPartial;
         $patternStoreData = array("category" => $category, "nameClean" => $title, "desc" => $markdown, "descExists" => true, "meta" => $yaml, "full" => $doc);
         // if the pattern data store already exists make sure this data overwrites it
         $patternStoreData = PatternData::checkOption($patternStoreKey) ? array_replace_recursive(PatternData::getOption($patternStoreKey), $patternStoreData) : $patternStoreData;
         PatternData::setOption($patternStoreKey, $patternStoreData);