예제 #1
  * @Route("/", methods="POST")
  * @Route("/{id}", methods="POST", requirements={"id"="\d+"})
  * @Request({"post": "array", "id": "int"}, csrf=true)
 public function saveAction($data, $id = 0)
     if (!$id || !($post = Post::find($id))) {
         if ($id) {
             App::abort(404, __('Post not found.'));
         $post = Post::create();
     if (!($data['slug'] = App::filter($data['slug'] ?: $data['title'], 'slugify'))) {
         App::abort(400, __('Invalid slug.'));
     // user without universal access is not allowed to assign posts to other users
     if (!App::user()->hasAccess('blog: manage all posts')) {
         $data['user_id'] = App::user()->id;
     // user without universal access can only edit their own posts
     if (!App::user()->hasAccess('blog: manage all posts') && !App::user()->hasAccess('blog: manage own posts') && $post->user_id !== App::user()->id) {
         App::abort(400, __('Access denied.'));
     return ['message' => 'success', 'post' => $post];
예제 #2
  * @Route("/post/edit", name="post/edit")
  * @Access("blog: manage own posts || blog: manage all posts")
  * @Request({"id": "int"})
 public function editAction($id = 0)
     try {
         if (!($post = Post::where(compact('id'))->related('user')->first())) {
             if ($id) {
                 App::abort(404, __('Invalid post id.'));
             $module = App::module('blog');
             $post = Post::create(['user_id' => App::user()->id, 'status' => Post::STATUS_DRAFT, 'date' => new \DateTime(), 'comment_status' => (bool) $module->config('posts.comments_enabled')]);
             $post->set('title', $module->config('posts.show_title'));
             $post->set('markdown', $module->config('posts.markdown_enabled'));
         $user = App::user();
         if (!$user->hasAccess('blog: manage all posts') && $post->user_id !== $user->id) {
             App::abort(403, __('Insufficient User Rights.'));
         $roles = App::db()->createQueryBuilder()->from('@system_role')->where(['id' => Role::ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR])->whereInSet('permissions', ['blog: manage all posts', 'blog: manage own posts'], false, 'OR')->execute('id')->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_COLUMN);
         $authors = App::db()->createQueryBuilder()->from('@system_user')->whereInSet('roles', $roles)->execute('id, username')->fetchAll();
         return ['$view' => ['title' => $id ? __('Edit Post') : __('Add Post'), 'name' => 'blog/admin/post-edit.php'], '$data' => ['post' => $post, 'statuses' => Post::getStatuses(), 'roles' => array_values(Role::findAll()), 'canEditAll' => $user->hasAccess('blog: manage all posts'), 'authors' => $authors], 'post' => $post];
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         return App::redirect('@blog/post');