예제 #1
  * Creates a table for a custom entity.
  * The custom entity is an entity which has no PHP class in any bundle. The definition of such entity is
  * created automatically in Symfony cache
  * @param Schema $schema
  * @param string $entityName
  * @param array  $options
  * @return Table
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
 public function createCustomEntityTable(Schema $schema, $entityName, array $options = [])
     $className = ExtendHelper::ENTITY_NAMESPACE . $entityName;
     $tableName = $this->nameGenerator->generateCustomEntityTableName($className);
     $table = $schema->createTable($tableName);
     $this->entityMetadataHelper->registerEntityClass($tableName, $className);
     $options = new OroOptions($options);
     // set options
     $options->setAuxiliary(ExtendOptionsManager::ENTITY_CLASS_OPTION, $className);
     if ($options->has('extend', 'owner')) {
         if ($options->get('extend', 'owner') !== ExtendScope::OWNER_CUSTOM) {
             throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The "extend.owner" option for a custom entity must be "%s".', ExtendScope::OWNER_CUSTOM));
     } else {
         $options->set('extend', 'owner', ExtendScope::OWNER_CUSTOM);
     if ($options->has('extend', 'is_extend')) {
         if ($options->get('extend', 'is_extend') !== true) {
             throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The "extend.is_extend" option for a custom entity must be TRUE.');
     } else {
         $options->set('extend', 'is_extend', true);
     $table->addOption(OroOptions::KEY, $options);
     // add a primary key
     $table->addColumn(self::AUTO_GENERATED_ID_COLUMN_NAME, 'integer', ['autoincrement' => true]);
     return $table;
예제 #2
  * @param Schema $schema
 public static function enableActivityAssociations(Schema $schema)
     $options = new OroOptions();
     $options->set('activity', 'immutable', false);
     $schema->getTable('orocrm_magento_cart')->addOption(OroOptions::KEY, $options);
     $schema->getTable('orocrm_magento_order')->addOption(OroOptions::KEY, $options);
예제 #3
  * Add inheritance tables to target to show inherited activities
  * @param Schema $schema
  * @param string $targetTableName Target entity table name
  * @param string $inheritanceTableName Inheritance entity table name
  * @param string[] $path Path of relations to target entity
 public function addInheritanceTargets(Schema $schema, $targetTableName, $inheritanceTableName, $path)
     $targetTable = $schema->getTable($targetTableName);
     $options = new OroOptions();
     $inheritance['target'] = $this->extendExtension->getEntityClassByTableName($inheritanceTableName);
     $inheritance['path'] = $path;
     $inheritances[] = $inheritance;
     $options->append('activity', 'inheritance_targets', $inheritances);
     $targetTable->addOption(OroOptions::KEY, $options);
예제 #4
  * Adds the association between the target table and the note table
  * @param Schema $schema
  * @param string $targetTableName  Target entity table name
  * @param string $targetColumnName A column name is used to show related entity
 public function addNoteAssociation(Schema $schema, $targetTableName, $targetColumnName = null)
     $noteTable = $schema->getTable(self::NOTE_TABLE_NAME);
     $targetTable = $schema->getTable($targetTableName);
     if (empty($targetColumnName)) {
         $primaryKeyColumns = $targetTable->getPrimaryKeyColumns();
         $targetColumnName = array_shift($primaryKeyColumns);
     $options = new OroOptions();
     $options->set('note', 'enabled', true);
     $targetTable->addOption(OroOptions::KEY, $options);
     $associationName = ExtendHelper::buildAssociationName($this->extendExtension->getEntityClassByTableName($targetTableName));
     $this->extendExtension->addManyToOneRelation($schema, $noteTable, $associationName, $targetTable, $targetColumnName);
예제 #5
  * Adds the association between the target table and the attachment table
  * @param Schema   $schema
  * @param string   $targetTableName  Target entity table name
  * @param string[] $allowedMimeTypes The list of allowed MIME types
  * @param int      $maxFileSize      Max allowed file size in megabytes
 public function addAttachmentAssociation(Schema $schema, $targetTableName, array $allowedMimeTypes = [], $maxFileSize = 1)
     $noteTable = $schema->getTable(self::ATTACHMENT_ASSOCIATION_TABLE_NAME);
     $targetTable = $schema->getTable($targetTableName);
     $primaryKeyColumns = $targetTable->getPrimaryKeyColumns();
     $targetColumnName = array_shift($primaryKeyColumns);
     $options = new OroOptions();
     $options->set('attachment', 'enabled', true);
     $options->set('attachment', 'maxsize', $maxFileSize);
     $options->set('attachment', 'mimetypes', implode("\n", $allowedMimeTypes));
     $targetTable->addOption(OroOptions::KEY, $options);
     $associationName = ExtendHelper::buildAssociationName($this->extendExtension->getEntityClassByTableName($targetTableName));
     $this->extendExtension->addManyToOneRelation($schema, $noteTable, $associationName, $targetTable, $targetColumnName);
예제 #6
  * Adds the association between the given table and the table contains activity records
  * The activity entity must be included in 'activity' group ('groups' attribute of 'grouping' scope)
  * @param Schema $schema
  * @param string $activityTableName Activity entity table name. It is owning side of the association
  * @param string $targetTableName   Target entity table name
  * @param bool   $immutable         Set TRUE to prohibit disabling the activity association from UI
 public function addActivityAssociation(Schema $schema, $activityTableName, $targetTableName, $immutable = false)
     $targetTable = $schema->getTable($targetTableName);
     // Column names are used to show a title of target entity
     $targetTitleColumnNames = $targetTable->getPrimaryKeyColumns();
     // Column names are used to show detailed info about target entity
     $targetDetailedColumnNames = $targetTable->getPrimaryKeyColumns();
     // Column names are used to show target entity in a grid
     $targetGridColumnNames = $targetTable->getPrimaryKeyColumns();
     $activityClassName = $this->extendExtension->getEntityClassByTableName($activityTableName);
     $options = new OroOptions();
     $options->append('activity', 'activities', $activityClassName);
     if ($immutable) {
         $options->append('activity', 'immutable', $activityClassName);
     $targetTable->addOption(OroOptions::KEY, $options);
     $associationName = ExtendHelper::buildAssociationName($this->extendExtension->getEntityClassByTableName($targetTableName), ActivityScope::ASSOCIATION_KIND);
     $this->extendExtension->addManyToManyRelation($schema, $activityTableName, $associationName, $targetTable, $targetTitleColumnNames, $targetDetailedColumnNames, $targetGridColumnNames, ['extend' => ['without_default' => true]]);
예제 #7
  * @param string $scope
  * @param string $code
  * @param string $val
  * @return array
 protected function getAppendedOption($scope, $code, $val)
     $options = new OroOptions();
     $options->append($scope, $code, $val);
     return $options->toArray();
예제 #8
  * Prohibits to enable any activity to ContactRequest entity
  * This is temporary solution till workflows cannot use system wide actions
  * @param Schema $schema
 public static function disableActivityAssociations(Schema $schema)
     $options = new OroOptions();
     $options->set('activity', 'immutable', true);
     $schema->getTable('orocrm_contactus_request')->addOption(OroOptions::KEY, $options);