예제 #1
파일: core.php 프로젝트: Slini11/okapi
  * Check if any cron-5 cronjobs are scheduled to execute and execute
  * them if needed. Reschedule for new executions.
 public static function execute_cron5_cronjobs()
     $nearest_event = Okapi::get_var("cron_nearest_event");
     if ($nearest_event + 0 <= time()) {
         require_once $GLOBALS['rootpath'] . "okapi/cronjobs.php";
         $nearest_event = CronJobController::run_jobs('cron-5');
         Okapi::set_var("cron_nearest_event", $nearest_event);
예제 #2
 public static function call()
     # Flush the stats, so the page is fresh upon every request.
     require_once $GLOBALS['rootpath'] . "okapi/cronjobs.php";
     # When services/caches/map/tile method is called, it writes some extra
     # stats in the okapi_stats_hourly table. This page retrieves and
     # formats these stats in a readable manner (for debugging).
     $response = new OkapiHttpResponse();
     $response->content_type = "text/plain; charset=utf-8";
     $start = isset($_GET['start']) ? $_GET['start'] : date("Y-m-d 00:00:00", time() - 7 * 86400);
     $end = isset($_GET['end']) ? $_GET['end'] : date("Y-m-d 23:59:59");
     print "From: {$start}\n";
     print "  To: {$end}\n\n";
     $rs = Db::query("\n            select\n                service_name,\n                sum(total_calls),\n                sum(total_runtime)\n            from okapi_stats_hourly\n            where\n                period_start >= '" . mysql_real_escape_string($start) . "'\n                and period_start < '" . mysql_real_escape_string($end) . "'\n                and service_name like '%caches/map/tile%'\n            group by service_name\n        ");
     $total_calls = 0;
     $total_runtime = 0.0;
     $calls = array('A' => 0, 'B' => 0, 'C' => 0, 'D' => 0);
     $runtime = array('A' => 0.0, 'B' => 0.0, 'C' => 0.0, 'D' => 0.0);
     while (list($name, $c, $r) = mysql_fetch_array($rs)) {
         if ($name == 'services/caches/map/tile') {
             $total_calls = $c;
             $total_runtime = $r;
         } elseif (strpos($name, 'extra/caches/map/tile/checkpoint') === 0) {
             $calls[$name[32]] = $c;
             $runtime[$name[32]] = $r;
     if ($total_calls != $calls['A']) {
         print "Partial results. Only " . $calls['A'] . " out of {$total_calls} are covered.\n";
         print "All other will count as \"unaccounted for\".\n\n";
         $total_calls = $calls['A'];
     $calls_left = $total_calls;
     $runtime_left = $total_runtime;
     $perc = function ($a, $b) {
         return $b > 0 ? sprintf("%.1f", 100 * $a / $b) . "%" : "(?)";
     $avg = function ($a, $b) {
         return $b > 0 ? sprintf("%.4f", $a / $b) . "s" : "(?)";
     $get_stats = function () use(&$calls_left, &$runtime_left, &$total_calls, &$total_runtime, &$perc) {
         return str_pad($perc($calls_left, $total_calls), 6, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT) . str_pad($perc($runtime_left, $total_runtime), 7, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT);
     print "%CALLS  %TIME  Description\n";
     print "====== ======  ======================================================================\n";
     print $get_stats() . "  {$total_calls} responses served. Total runtime: " . sprintf("%.2f", $total_runtime) . "s\n";
     print "\n";
     print "               All of these requests needed a TileTree build/lookup. The average runtime of\n";
     print "               these lookups was " . $avg($runtime['A'], $total_calls) . ". " . $perc($runtime['A'], $total_runtime) . " of total runtime was spent here.\n";
     print "\n";
     $runtime_left -= $runtime['A'];
     print $get_stats() . "  All calls passed here after ~" . $avg($runtime['A'], $total_calls) . "\n";
     print "\n";
     print "               Lookup result was then processed and \"image description\" was created. It was\n";
     print "               passed on to the TileRenderer to compute the ETag hash string. The average runtime\n";
     print "               of this part was " . $avg($runtime['B'], $total_calls) . ". " . $perc($runtime['B'], $total_runtime) . " of total runtime was spent here.\n";
     print "\n";
     $runtime_left -= $runtime['B'];
     print $get_stats() . "  All calls passed here after ~" . $avg($runtime['A'] + $runtime['B'], $total_calls) . "\n";
     $etag_hits = $calls['B'] - $calls['C'];
     print "\n";
     print "               {$etag_hits} of the requests matched the ETag and were served an HTTP 304 response.\n";
     print "\n";
     $calls_left = $calls['C'];
     print $get_stats() . "  {$calls_left} calls passed here after ~" . $avg($runtime['A'] + $runtime['B'], $total_calls) . "\n";
     $imagecache_hits = $calls['C'] - $calls['D'];
     print "\n";
     print "               {$imagecache_hits} of these calls hit the server image cache.\n";
     print "               " . $perc($runtime['C'], $total_runtime) . " of total runtime was spent to find these.\n";
     print "\n";
     $calls_left = $calls['D'];
     $runtime_left -= $runtime['C'];
     print $get_stats() . "  {$calls_left} calls passed here after ~" . $avg($runtime['A'] + $runtime['B'] + $runtime['C'], $total_calls) . "\n";
     print "\n";
     print "               These calls required the tile to be rendered. On average, it took\n";
     print "               " . $avg($runtime['D'], $calls['D']) . " to *render* a tile.\n";
     print "               " . $perc($runtime['D'], $total_runtime) . " of total runtime was spent here.\n";
     print "\n";
     $runtime_left -= $runtime['D'];
     print $perc($runtime_left, $total_runtime) . " of runtime was unaccounted for (other processing).\n";
     print "Average response time was " . $avg($total_runtime, $total_calls) . ".\n\n";
     print "Current okapi_cache score distribution:\n";
     $rs = Db::query("\n            select floor(log2(score)), count(*), sum(length(value))\n            from okapi_cache\n            where score is not null\n            group by floor(log2(score))\n        ");
     while (list($log2, $count, $size) = mysql_fetch_array($rs)) {
         print $count . " elements ({$size} bytes) with score between " . pow(2, $log2) . " and " . pow(2, $log2 + 1) . ".\n";
     $response->body = ob_get_clean();
     return $response;
예제 #3
 public static function call()
     # This is a hidden page for OKAPI developers. It will output a cronjobs
     # report. This is useful for debugging.
     $response = new OkapiHttpResponse();
     $response->content_type = "text/plain; charset=utf-8";
     require_once $GLOBALS['rootpath'] . "okapi/cronjobs.php";
     $schedule = Cache::get("cron_schedule");
     if ($schedule == null) {
         $schedule = array();
     print "Nearest event: ";
     if (Okapi::get_var('cron_nearest_event')) {
         print "in " . (Okapi::get_var('cron_nearest_event') - time()) . " seconds.\n\n";
     } else {
         print "NOT SET\n\n";
     $cronjobs = CronJobController::get_enabled_cronjobs();
     usort($cronjobs, function ($a, $b) {
         $cmp = function ($a, $b) {
             return $a < $b ? -1 : ($a > $b ? 1 : 0);
         $by_type = $cmp($a->get_type(), $b->get_type());
         if ($by_type != 0) {
             return $by_type;
         return $cmp($a->get_name(), $b->get_name());
     print str_pad("TYPE", 11) . "  " . str_pad("NAME", 40) . "  SCHEDULE\n";
     print str_pad("----", 11) . "  " . str_pad("----", 40) . "  --------\n";
     foreach ($cronjobs as $cronjob) {
         $type = $cronjob->get_type();
         $name = $cronjob->get_name();
         print str_pad($type, 11) . "  " . str_pad($name, 40) . "  ";
         if (!isset($schedule[$name])) {
             print "NOT YET SCHEDULED\n";
         } elseif ($schedule[$name] <= time()) {
             print "DELAYED: should be run " . (time() - $schedule[$name]) . " seconds ago\n";
         } else {
             print "scheduled to run in " . str_pad($schedule[$name] - time(), 6, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT) . " seconds\n";
     print "\n";
     print "Crontab last ping: ";
     if (Cache::get('crontab_last_ping')) {
         print time() - Cache::get('crontab_last_ping') . " seconds ago";
     } else {
         print "NEVER";
     print " (crontab_check_counter: " . Cache::get('crontab_check_counter') . ").\n";
     print "clog_revisions_daily: ";
     if (Cache::get('clog_revisions_daily')) {
         foreach (Cache::get('clog_revisions_daily') as $time => $rev) {
             print "{$rev} ";
         print "\n";
     } else {
         print "NULL\n";
     $response->body = ob_get_clean();
     return $response;
예제 #4
파일: update.php 프로젝트: kojoty/okapi
 private static function ver82()