예제 #1
  * Send an e-mail to users allowing him/her to reset his/her password
 public function afterCreate()
     $user = \Nucleo\Models\Users::findFirst(['userName = ?0', 'bind' => [$this->usersName]]);
     $mail = $this->getDI()->getMail()->send([$user->email => $user->name], 'Redefinição de senha da Intranet do Grupo MPE', 'reset', ['resetUrl' => 'reset-password/' . $this->code . '/' . $user->email, 'nameUser' => $user->name]);
     if ($mail != true) {
         throw new \Exception($msg);
예제 #2
  * @return boolean
  * @throws Exception
 public function getUser()
     $identity = $this->session->get('auth-identity');
     if (isset($identity['userInfo']['id'])) {
         $user = Users::findFirstById($identity['userInfo']['id']);
         if ($user == false) {
             throw new Exception('Este usuário não existe');
         return $user;
     return false;
예제 #3
  * Deletes a user
  * @param string $id
 public function deleteAction()
     try {
         if (!$this->request->isPost()) {
             throw new Exception('Acesso não permitido a essa action.');
         if ($this->request->isAjax()) {
         $id = $this->request->getPost('id');
         $user = Users::findFirstByid($id);
         if (!$user) {
             throw new Exception('Usuário não encontrado!');
         if (!$user->delete()) {
             $msg = '';
             foreach ($user->getMessages() as $message) {
                 $msg .= $message . '<br />';
             throw new Exception($msg);
         echo 'ok';
     } catch (Exception $exc) {
         return $this->response->redirect('nucleo/users');
예제 #4
 public function initialize($entity = null, $options = [])
     if (is_null($entity)) {
         $entity = new Users();
     $reset = ['id' => [], 'cpf' => [], 'password' => [], 'confirmPassword' => [], 'mustChangePassword' => [], 'email' => [], 'name' => [], 'rememberMe' => [], 'status' => []];
     $element = $reset;
     $attributes = $reset;
     $type = $options['type'];
     $hasTitle = isset($options['title']) ? $options['title'] : true;
     $formAttributes = $this->getFormAttributes($type);
     $typeForms = $entity->typeForms();
     $attributesForm = ['class' => 'col-md-8 col-md-offset-2'];
     $legend = null;
     $email = '_email';
     $url = $this->di->get('url');
     $uri = $url->getBaseUri() . 'users';
     $this->setAction($uri . '/' . $formAttributes['action']);
     $this->setAttributes(['autocomplete' => 'off', 'class' => 'form-horizontal']);
     //////////////////////////////////// attributes ////////////////////////////////////
     if ($type != 'search') {
         $attributes['id'] = ['maxlength' => 11, 'required' => 'required'];
         $attributes['cpf'] = ['maxlength' => 14, 'required' => 'required'];
         $attributes['password'] = ['maxlength' => 105];
         $attributes['confirmPassword'] = ['maxlength' => 105];
         $attributes['email'] = ['maxlength' => 105];
         $attributes['name'] = ['maxlength' => 105];
         $attributes['status'] = ['required' => 'required'];
     //////////////////////////////////// element ////////////////////////////////////
     $element['id'] = $this->_hidden('id', $attributes['id']);
     $element['cpf'] = $this->_text('cpf', $attributes['cpf']);
     $element['password'] = $this->_password('password', $attributes['password']);
     $element['confirmPassword'] = $this->_password('confirmPassword', $attributes['confirmPassword']);
     $element['confirmPassword']->setLabel('Confirme sua Senha');
     $element['mustChangePassword'] = $this->_checkbox('mustChangePassword');
     $element['mustChangePassword']->setLabel('Forçar troca de Senha');
     if ($type == 'search') {
         $email = '_text';
     $element['email'] = $this->{$email}('email', $attributes['email']);
     $element['name'] = $this->_text('name', $attributes['name']);
     $element['rememberMe'] = $this->_checkbox('rememberMe');
     $element['rememberMe']->setLabel('Lembre de mim');
     $select = ['entity' => 'Nucleo\\Models\\TablesSystem', 'filter' => ['field' => 'table', 'value' => 'status'], 'selectField' => ['key' => 'code', 'value' => 'value'], 'selectEmpty' => true];
     $element['status'] = $this->_select('status', $attributes['status'], $select);
     //////////////////////////////////// validator ////////////////////////////////////
     $element['id'] = $this->validatorPresenceOf($element['id']);
     $element['cpf'] = $this->validatorPresenceOf($element['cpf']);
     //$element['cpf'] = $this->validatorUniqueness($element['cpf'], 'Users');
     $regex = '([0-9]{2}[\\.]?[0-9]{3}[\\.]?[0-9]{3}[\\/]?[0-9]{4}[-]?[0-9]{2})|([0-9]{3}[\\.]?[0-9]{3}[\\.]?[0-9]{3}[-]?[0-9]{2})';
     //$element['cpf'] = $this->validatorRegex($element['cpf'], $regex);
     $element['password'] = $this->validatorPresenceOf($element['password']);
     $element['confirmPassword'] = $this->validatorPresenceOf($element['confirmPassword']);
     $element['confirmPassword'] = $this->validatorConfirmation($element['confirmPassword'], 'password');
     $element['email'] = $this->validatorPresenceOf($element['email']);
     //$element['email'] = $this->validatorUniqueness($element['email'], 'Users');
     $element['status'] = $this->validatorPresenceOf($element['status']);
     if ($hasTitle) {
         $legend = $formAttributes['legend'];
     $this->startFieldset($legend, $attributesForm);
     foreach ($typeForms as $field => $permission) {
         if ($field == $type) {
             foreach ($element as $keyField => $fieldForm) {
                 if ($permission[$keyField]) {
     $buttonAttribute = ['class' => $formAttributes['class'] . ' pull-right', 'type' => 'submit'];
     $element = $this->_submit($formAttributes['value'], $buttonAttribute);
     if ($type == 'search') {
         $resetButtonAttribute = ['class' => 'bgm-gray waves-effect pull-right', 'type' => 'button', 'onclick' => 'resetting()', 'id' => 'reset'];
         $element = $this->_button('Limpar', $resetButtonAttribute);
예제 #5
  * @return type
  * @throws Exception
 public function resetPasswordAction()
     try {
         $code = $this->dispatcher->getParam('code');
         $resetPassword = ResetPasswords::findFirstByCode($code);
         if (!$resetPassword) {
             throw new Exception('Não foi possível encontrar o código.');
         if ($resetPassword->reset != 'N') {
             throw new Exception('Código expirado.');
         $resetPassword->reset = 'Y';
         if (!$resetPassword->save()) {
             $msg = '';
             foreach ($resetPassword->getMessages() as $message) {
                 $msg .= $message . '<br>';
             throw new Exception($msg);
         $user = Users::findFirst(['userName = ?0', 'bind' => [$resetPassword->usersName]]);
         $this->flash->notice('Por favor, redefina sua senha.');
         return $this->response->redirect('change-password');
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
     return $this->response->redirect('login');