상속: extends Newscoop\Entity\OutputSettings
 public function setId($id)
     return parent::setId($id);
 function assignOutputSetting(OutputSettings $outputSettings, Theme $theme)
     Validation::notEmpty($outputSettings, 'outputSettings');
     Validation::notEmpty($theme, 'theme');
     // We update the XML config file with the new output setting.
     $xml = $this->loadXML($this->toFullPath($theme, $this->themeConfigFileName));
     if ($xml == NULL) {
         throw new \Exception("Unknown theme path '.{$theme->gePath}().' to assign to.");
     $outNode = NULL;
     $nodes = $this->getNodes($xml, self::TAG_OUTPUT, self::ATTR_OUTPUT_NAME, $outputSettings->getOutput()->getName());
     if (count($nodes) == 0) {
         // The ouput node does not exist, we need to add it.
         $node = $xml->addChild(self::TAG_OUTPUT);
         $node[self::ATTR_OUTPUT_NAME] = $outputSettings->getOutput()->getName();
     } else {
         // The ouput node exists so we need to update it.
         $node = $nodes[0];
         /* @var $node \SimpleXMLElement */
         // We remove all the childens node that contain the template pages.
         $toRemove = array();
         foreach ($node->children() as $kid) {
             $toRemove[] = $kid->getName();
         foreach ($toRemove as $name) {
     $front = $node->addChild(self::TAG_PAGE_FRONT);
     $front[self::ATTR_PAGE_SRC] = $this->getRelativePath($outputSettings->getFrontPage(), $theme->getPath());
     $section = $node->addChild(self::TAG_PAGE_SECTION);
     $section[self::ATTR_PAGE_SRC] = $this->getRelativePath($outputSettings->getSectionPage(), $theme->getPath());
     $article = $node->addChild(self::TAG_PAGE_ARTICLE);
     $article[self::ATTR_PAGE_SRC] = $this->getRelativePath($outputSettings->getArticlePage(), $theme->getPath());
     $error = $node->addChild(self::TAG_PAGE_ERROR);
     $error[self::ATTR_PAGE_SRC] = $this->getRelativePath($outputSettings->getErrorPage(), $theme->getPath());
     $xml->asXML($this->toFullPath($theme, $this->themeConfigFileName));
     // We have to update also the output theme settings in the database if there is one.
     $em = $this->getEntityManager();
     $q = $em->createQueryBuilder();
     $q->select('ost')->from(OutputSettingsTheme::NAME, 'ost');
     $q->leftJoin('ost.themePath', 'rsc');
     $q->andWhere('rsc.path = ?1');
     $q->setParameter(1, $theme->getPath());
     $result = $q->getQuery()->getResult();
     // If there are results than it means that the theme belongs to a publication
     if (count($result) > 0) {
         $updated = FALSE;
         foreach ($result as $outTh) {
             /* @var $outTh Newscoop\Entity\Output\OutputSettingsTheme */
             if ($outTh->getOutput() == $outputSettings->getOutput()) {
                 $this->syncOutputSettings($outTh, $outputSettings);
                 $updated = TRUE;
         if (!$updated) {
             $pathRsc = new Resource();
             $pathRsc = $this->getSyncResourceService()->getSynchronized($pathRsc);
             $outTh = new OutputSettingsTheme();
             $this->syncOutputSettings($outTh, $outputSettings);