예제 #1
  * @return string  PHP code
 public function __toString()
     $parameters = array();
     foreach ($this->parameters as $param) {
         $variadic = $this->variadic && $param === end($this->parameters);
         $hint = in_array($param->getTypeHint(), array('array', '')) ? $param->getTypeHint() : ($this->namespace ? $this->namespace->unresolveName($param->getTypeHint()) : $param->getTypeHint());
         $parameters[] = ($hint ? $hint . ' ' : '') . ($param->isReference() ? '&' : '') . ($variadic ? '...' : '') . '$' . $param->getName() . ($param->isOptional() && !$variadic ? ' = ' . Helpers::dump($param->defaultValue) : '');
     $uses = array();
     foreach ($this->uses as $param) {
         $uses[] = ($param->isReference() ? '&' : '') . '$' . $param->getName();
     return ($this->documents ? str_replace("\n", "\n * ", "/**\n" . implode("\n", (array) $this->documents)) . "\n */\n" : '') . ($this->abstract ? 'abstract ' : '') . ($this->final ? 'final ' : '') . ($this->visibility ? $this->visibility . ' ' : '') . ($this->static ? 'static ' : '') . 'function' . ($this->returnReference ? ' &' : '') . ($this->name ? ' ' . $this->name : '') . '(' . implode(', ', $parameters) . ')' . ($this->uses ? ' use (' . implode(', ', $uses) . ')' : '') . ($this->abstract || $this->body === FALSE ? ';' : ($this->name ? "\n" : ' ') . "{\n" . Nette\Utils\Strings::indent(trim($this->body), 1) . "\n}");
예제 #2
 protected function createGrid()
     $context = $this->getItems();
     $grid = $this->createPreparedGrid();
     $grid->addColumnNumber('id', 'ID')->setSortable()->setFilterNumber();
     $grid->addColumnText('name', 'Název')->setCustomRender(function ($row) {
         return Strings::indent($row['name'], $row['level'] * 5, ' ');
     $grid->addColumnText('type_name', 'Typ');
     $activeCol = $grid->addColumnText('show', 'Zobrazit');
     $grid->addActionEvent('left', '<', $this->clickLeft);
     $grid->addActionEvent('right', '>', $this->clickRight);
     $grid->addActionEvent('up', '/\\', $this->clickUp);
     $grid->addActionEvent('down', '\\/', $this->clickDown);
     $grid->addActionHref('add', 'Add');
     $this->helpers->addDeleteEvent($grid, $this->deleteRow);
     return $grid;
예제 #3
 /** @return string  PHP code */
 public function __toString()
     $consts = array();
     foreach ($this->consts as $name => $value) {
         $consts[] = "const {$name} = " . Helpers::dump($value) . ";\n";
     $properties = array();
     foreach ($this->properties as $property) {
         $properties[] = ($property->documents ? str_replace("\n", "\n * ", "/**\n" . implode("\n", (array) $property->documents)) . "\n */\n" : '') . $property->visibility . ($property->static ? ' static' : '') . ' $' . $property->name . ($property->value === null ? '' : ' = ' . Helpers::dump($property->value)) . ";\n";
     return Nette\Utils\Strings::normalize(($this->documents ? str_replace("\n", "\n * ", "/**\n" . implode("\n", (array) $this->documents)) . "\n */\n" : '') . ($this->abstract ? 'abstract ' : '') . ($this->final ? 'final ' : '') . $this->type . ' ' . $this->name . ' ' . ($this->extends ? 'extends ' . implode(', ', (array) $this->extends) . ' ' : '') . ($this->implements ? 'implements ' . implode(', ', (array) $this->implements) . ' ' : '') . "\n{\n\n" . Nette\Utils\Strings::indent(($this->traits ? "use " . implode(', ', (array) $this->traits) . ";\n\n" : '') . ($this->consts ? implode('', $consts) . "\n\n" : '') . ($this->properties ? implode("\n", $properties) . "\n\n" : '') . implode("\n\n\n", $this->methods), 1) . "\n\n}") . "\n";
예제 #4
  * @return string  PHP code
 public function __toString()
     $consts = array();
     foreach ($this->consts as $name => $value) {
         $consts[] = "const {$name} = " . Helpers::dump($value) . ";\n";
     $properties = array();
     foreach ($this->properties as $property) {
         $doc = str_replace("\n", "\n * ", implode("\n", $property->getDocuments()));
         $properties[] = ($property->getDocuments() ? strpos($doc, "\n") === FALSE ? "/** {$doc} */\n" : "/**\n * {$doc}\n */\n" : '') . $property->getVisibility() . ($property->isStatic() ? ' static' : '') . ' $' . $property->getName() . ($property->value === NULL ? '' : ' = ' . Helpers::dump($property->value)) . ";\n";
     $namespace = $this->namespace;
     $mapper = function (array $arr) use($namespace) {
         return $namespace ? array_map(array($namespace, 'unresolveName'), $arr) : $arr;
     return Strings::normalize(($this->documents ? str_replace("\n", "\n * ", "/**\n" . implode("\n", $this->documents)) . "\n */\n" : '') . ($this->abstract ? 'abstract ' : '') . ($this->final ? 'final ' : '') . $this->type . ' ' . $this->name . ' ' . ($this->extends ? 'extends ' . implode(', ', $mapper((array) $this->extends)) . ' ' : '') . ($this->implements ? 'implements ' . implode(', ', $mapper($this->implements)) . ' ' : '') . "\n{\n" . Strings::indent(($this->traits ? 'use ' . implode(";\nuse ", $mapper($this->traits)) . ";\n\n" : '') . ($this->consts ? implode('', $consts) . "\n" : '') . ($this->properties ? implode("\n", $properties) . "\n" : '') . ($this->methods ? "\n" . implode("\n\n\n", $this->methods) . "\n\n" : ''), 1) . '}') . "\n";
예제 #5
 public function formatBody($body, $request = TRUE)
     if (empty($body)) {
         return '';
     $body = $this->tryFormatJson($body, $request);
     $result = Strings::indent($body, 8, ' ');
     $result = Strings::indent("+ Body" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . $result, 4, ' ');
     return PHP_EOL . $result;
예제 #6
파일: ClassType.php 프로젝트: jave007/test
  * @return string  PHP code
 public function __toString()
     $consts = array();
     foreach ($this->consts as $name => $value) {
         $consts[] = "const {$name} = " . Helpers::dump($value) . ";\n";
     $properties = array();
     foreach ($this->properties as $property) {
         $doc = str_replace("\n", "\n * ", implode("\n", (array) $property->getDocuments()));
         $properties[] = ($property->getDocuments() ? strpos($doc, "\n") === FALSE ? "/** {$doc} */\n" : "/**\n * {$doc}\n */\n" : '') . $property->getVisibility() . ($property->isStatic() ? ' static' : '') . ' $' . $property->getName() . ($property->value === NULL ? '' : ' = ' . Helpers::dump($property->value)) . ";\n";
     $extends = $implements = $traits = array();
     if ($this->namespace) {
         foreach ((array) $this->extends as $name) {
             $extends[] = $this->namespace->unresolveName($name);
         foreach ((array) $this->implements as $name) {
             $implements[] = $this->namespace->unresolveName($name);
         foreach ((array) $this->traits as $name) {
             $traits[] = $this->namespace->unresolveName($name);
     } else {
         $extends = (array) $this->extends;
         $implements = (array) $this->implements;
         $traits = (array) $this->traits;
     foreach ($this->methods as $method) {
     return Strings::normalize(($this->documents ? str_replace("\n", "\n * ", "/**\n" . implode("\n", (array) $this->documents)) . "\n */\n" : '') . ($this->abstract ? 'abstract ' : '') . ($this->final ? 'final ' : '') . $this->type . ' ' . $this->name . ' ' . ($this->extends ? 'extends ' . implode(', ', $extends) . ' ' : '') . ($this->implements ? 'implements ' . implode(', ', $implements) . ' ' : '') . "\n{\n\n" . Strings::indent(($this->traits ? 'use ' . implode(', ', $traits) . ";\n\n" : '') . ($this->consts ? implode('', $consts) . "\n\n" : '') . ($this->properties ? implode("\n", $properties) . "\n\n" : '') . implode("\n\n\n", $this->methods), 1) . "\n\n}") . "\n";
예제 #7
  * @return string PHP code
 public function __toString() : string
     $uses = [];
     foreach ($this->uses as $alias => $name) {
         $useNamespace = Helpers::extractNamespace($name);
         if ($this->name !== $useNamespace) {
             if ($alias === $name || substr($name, -(strlen($alias) + 1)) === '\\' . $alias) {
                 $uses[] = "use {$name};";
             } else {
                 $uses[] = "use {$name} as {$alias};";
     $body = ($uses ? implode("\n", $uses) . "\n\n" : '') . implode("\n", $this->classes);
     if ($this->bracketedSyntax) {
         return 'namespace' . ($this->name ? ' ' . $this->name : '') . " {\n\n" . Strings::indent($body) . "\n}\n";
     } else {
         return ($this->name ? "namespace {$this->name};\n\n" : '') . $body;
예제 #8
  * Indents the HTML content from the left.
  * @param  string UTF-8 encoding or 8-bit
  * @param  int
  * @param  string
  * @return string
 public static function indent($s, $level = 1, $chars = "\t")
     if ($level >= 1) {
         $s = Strings::replace($s, '#<(textarea|pre).*?</\\1#si', function ($m) {
             return strtr($m[0], " \t\r\n", "");
         $s = Strings::indent($s, $level, $chars);
         $s = strtr($s, "", " \t\r\n");
     return $s;
예제 #9
 /** @return string  PHP code */
 public function __toString()
     $parameters = array();
     foreach ($this->parameters as $param) {
         $parameters[] = ($param->typeHint ? $param->typeHint . ' ' : '') . ($param->reference ? '&' : '') . '$' . $param->name . ($param->optional ? ' = ' . Helpers::dump($param->defaultValue) : '');
     $uses = array();
     foreach ($this->uses as $param) {
         $uses[] = ($param->reference ? '&' : '') . '$' . $param->name;
     return ($this->documents ? str_replace("\n", "\n * ", "/**\n" . implode("\n", (array) $this->documents)) . "\n */\n" : '') . ($this->abstract ? 'abstract ' : '') . ($this->final ? 'final ' : '') . ($this->visibility ? $this->visibility . ' ' : '') . ($this->static ? 'static ' : '') . 'function' . ($this->returnReference ? ' &' : '') . ($this->name ? ' ' . $this->name : '') . '(' . implode(', ', $parameters) . ')' . ($this->uses ? ' use (' . implode(', ', $uses) . ')' : '') . ($this->abstract || $this->body === FALSE ? ';' : ($this->name ? "\n" : ' ') . "{\n" . Nette\Utils\Strings::indent(trim($this->body), 1) . "\n}");
예제 #10
  * @return string
 public function __toString()
     if (strtolower($this->getName()) === '__construct') {
         $this->addBody('$this->_kdyby_aopContainer = $_kdyby_aopContainer;');
     $this->addBody('$__arguments = func_get_args(); $__exception = $__result = NULL;');
     if ($this->before) {
         foreach ($this->before as $before) {
     if ($this->afterThrowing || $this->after) {
         $this->addBody('try {');
     if (!$this->around) {
         $parentCall = Code\Helpers::format('$__result = call_user_func_array("parent::?", $__arguments);', $this->getName());
     } else {
         $parentCall = Code\Helpers::format('$__around = new \\Kdyby\\Aop\\JoinPoint\\AroundMethod($this, __FUNCTION__, $__arguments);');
         foreach ($this->around as $around) {
             $parentCall .= "\n" . $around;
         $parentCall .= "\n" . Code\Helpers::format('$__result = $__around->proceed();');
     $this->addBody($this->afterThrowing || $this->after ? Nette\Utils\Strings::indent($parentCall) : $parentCall);
     if ($this->afterThrowing || $this->after) {
         $this->addBody('} catch (\\Exception $__exception) {');
     if ($this->afterThrowing) {
         foreach ($this->afterThrowing as $afterThrowing) {
     if ($this->afterThrowing || $this->after) {
     if ($this->afterReturning) {
         if ($this->afterThrowing || $this->after) {
             $this->addBody('if (empty($__exception)) {');
         foreach ($this->afterReturning as $afterReturning) {
             $this->addBody($this->afterThrowing || $this->after ? Nette\Utils\Strings::indent($afterReturning) : $afterReturning);
         if ($this->afterThrowing || $this->after) {
     if ($this->after) {
         foreach ($this->after as $after) {
     if ($this->afterThrowing || $this->after) {
         $this->addBody('if ($__exception) { throw $__exception; }');
     $this->addBody('return $__result;');
     return parent::__toString();
예제 #11
  * @return string  PHP code
 public function __toString() : string
     $parameters = [];
     foreach ($this->parameters as $param) {
         $variadic = $this->variadic && $param === end($this->parameters);
         $hint = $this->namespace ? $this->namespace->unresolveName((string) $param->getTypeHint()) : $param->getTypeHint();
         $parameters[] = ($hint ? $hint . ' ' : '') . ($param->isReference() ? '&' : '') . ($variadic ? '...' : '') . '$' . $param->getName() . ($param->isOptional() && !$variadic ? ' = ' . Helpers::dump($param->defaultValue) : '');
     $uses = [];
     foreach ($this->uses as $param) {
         $uses[] = ($param->isReference() ? '&' : '') . '$' . $param->getName();
     $returnType = $this->namespace ? $this->namespace->unresolveName((string) $this->returnType) : $this->returnType;
     return ($this->comment ? str_replace("\n", "\n * ", "/**\n" . $this->comment) . "\n */\n" : '') . ($this->abstract ? 'abstract ' : '') . ($this->final ? 'final ' : '') . ($this->visibility ? $this->visibility . ' ' : '') . ($this->static ? 'static ' : '') . 'function' . ($this->returnReference ? ' &' : '') . ' ' . $this->name . '(' . implode(', ', $parameters) . ')' . ($this->uses ? ' use (' . implode(', ', $uses) . ')' : '') . ($returnType ? ': ' . $returnType : '') . ($this->abstract || $this->body === FALSE ? ';' : ($this->name ? "\n" : ' ') . "{\n" . Nette\Utils\Strings::indent(ltrim(rtrim($this->body) . "\n"), 1) . '}');
예제 #12
 public function onGenerate(AbstractMetaSpec $spec, MetaSpecMatcher $matcher, Type $type, ClassType $class)
     $ns = $class->getNamespace();
     $ns->addUse($type->getName(), null, $typeAlias);
     $groups = array();
     $i = 0;
     $valueGroupIdMask = 0;
     foreach ($type->getProperties() as $property) {
         foreach ($property->getAnnotations("Skrz\\Meta\\XML\\XmlAnnotationInterface") as $xmlAnnotation) {
             /** @var XmlAnnotationInterface $xmlAnnotation */
             if (!isset($groups[$xmlAnnotation->getGroup()])) {
                 $groups[$xmlAnnotation->getGroup()] = 1 << $i++;
             if ($xmlAnnotation instanceof XmlValue) {
                 $valueGroupIdMask |= $groups[$xmlAnnotation->getGroup()];
     $class->addProperty("xmlGroups", $groups)->setStatic(true);
     // fromXml()
     $fromXml = $class->addMethod("fromXml");
     $fromXml->addComment("Creates \\{$type->getName()} from XML")->addComment("")->addComment("@param \\XMLReader|\\DOMElement \$xml")->addComment("@param string \$group")->addComment("@param {$typeAlias} \$object")->addComment("")->addComment("@throws \\InvalidArgumentException")->addComment("")->addComment("@return {$typeAlias}");
     $fromXml->addBody("if (!isset(self::\$xmlGroups[\$group])) {")->addBody("\tthrow new \\InvalidArgumentException('Group \\'' . \$group . '\\' not supported for ' . " . var_export($type->getName(), true) . " . '.');")->addBody("} else {")->addBody("\t\$id = self::\$xmlGroups[\$group];")->addBody("}")->addBody("")->addBody("if (\$object === null) {")->addBody("\t\$object = new {$typeAlias}();")->addBody("} elseif (!(\$object instanceof {$typeAlias})) {")->addBody("\tthrow new \\InvalidArgumentException('You have to pass object of class {$type->getName()}.');")->addBody("}")->addBody("")->addBody("if (\$xml instanceof \\XMLReader) {")->addBody("\treturn self::fromXmlReader(\$xml, \$group, \$id, \$object);")->addBody("} elseif (\$xml instanceof \\DOMElement) {")->addBody("\treturn self::fromXmlElement(\$xml, \$group, \$id, \$object);")->addBody("} else {")->addBody("\tthrow new \\InvalidArgumentException('Expected XMLReader or DOMElement, got ' . gettype(\$xml) . (is_object(\$xml) ? ' of class ' . get_class(\$xml) : '') . '.');")->addBody("}");
     $fromXmlReader = $class->addMethod("fromXmlReader");
     $fromXmlReader->addBody("if (\$xml->nodeType !== \\XMLReader::ELEMENT) {")->addBody("\tthrow new \\InvalidArgumentException('Expects XMLReader to be positioned on ELEMENT node.');")->addBody("}")->addBody("");
     $attributesByName = array();
     foreach ($type->getProperties() as $property) {
         foreach ($property->getAnnotations("Skrz\\Meta\\XML\\XmlAttribute") as $xmlAttribute) {
             /** @var XmlAttribute $xmlAttribute */
             $groupId = $groups[$xmlAttribute->group];
             $name = strtolower($xmlAttribute->name);
             if (!isset($attributesByName[$name])) {
                 $attributesByName[$name] = "";
             $attributesByName[$name] .= "if ((\$id & {$groupId}) > 0 && \$xml->namespaceURI === " . var_export($xmlAttribute->namespace, true) . ") {\n";
             $attributesByName[$name] .= Strings::indent($this->assignObjectProperty($xmlAttribute, $property, "\$xml->value"), 1, "\t") . "\n";
             $attributesByName[$name] .= "}\n";
     if (!empty($attributesByName)) {
         $fromXmlReader->addBody("if (\$xml->moveToFirstAttribute()) {")->addBody("\tdo {")->addBody("\t\tswitch (strtolower(\$xml->localName)) {");
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($attributesByName as $name => $code) {
             $fromXmlReader->addBody("\t\t\tcase " . var_export($name, true) . ":")->addBody(Strings::indent($code, 4, "\t"))->addBody("\t\t\t\tbreak;");
             if ($i < count($attributesByName) - 1) {
         $fromXmlReader->addBody("\t\t}")->addBody("\t} while (\$xml->moveToNextAttribute());")->addBody("")->addBody("\t\$xml->moveToElement();")->addBody("}")->addBody("");
     $fromXmlReader->addBody("if ((\$id & {$valueGroupIdMask}) > 0) {");
     $valueCount = 0;
     foreach ($type->getProperties() as $property) {
         foreach ($property->getAnnotations("Skrz\\Meta\\XML\\XmlValue") as $xmlValue) {
             /** @var XmlValue $xmlValue */
             $groupId = $groups[$xmlValue->group];
             $fromXmlReader->addBody("\tif ((\$id & {$groupId}) > 0) {")->addBody("\t\t\$value = self::xmlReadValue(\$xml);")->addBody(Strings::indent($this->assignObjectProperty($xmlValue, $property, "\$value"), 2, "\t"))->addBody("\t}")->addBody("");
     if (!$valueCount) {
         $fromXmlReader->addBody("\t// @XmlValue not specified");
     $fromXmlReader->addBody("} else {");
     $elementsByName = array();
     $endElementsByName = array();
     $wrappers = [];
     foreach ($type->getProperties() as $property) {
         foreach ($property->getAnnotations("Skrz\\Meta\\XML\\XmlElementWrapper") as $xmlElementWrapper) {
             /** @var XmlElementWrapper $xmlElementWrapper */
             $groupId = $groups[$xmlElementWrapper->group];
             $name = strtolower($xmlElementWrapper->name);
             $wrapperId = $xmlElementWrapper->group . ":" . $property->getName();
             if (!isset($wrappers[$wrapperId])) {
                 $wrappers[$wrapperId] = 1 << count($wrappers);
             if (!isset($elementsByName[$name])) {
                 $elementsByName[$name] = "";
             $elementsByName[$name] .= "if ((\$id & {$groupId}) > 0 && \$xml->namespaceURI === " . var_export($xmlElementWrapper->namespace, true) . " && \$depth === 2) {\n";
             $elementsByName[$name] .= "\t\$wrapped |= {$wrappers[$wrapperId]};\n";
             $elementsByName[$name] .= "}\n";
             if (!isset($endElementsByName[$name])) {
                 $endElementsByName[$name] = "";
             $endElementsByName[$name] .= "if ((\$id & {$groupId}) > 0 && \$xml->namespaceURI === " . var_export($xmlElementWrapper->namespace, true) . " && \$depth === 2) {\n";
             $endElementsByName[$name] .= "\t\$wrapped &= ~{$wrappers[$wrapperId]};\n";
             $endElementsByName[$name] .= "}\n";
         foreach ($property->getAnnotations("Skrz\\Meta\\XML\\XmlElement") as $xmlElement) {
             /** @var XmlElement $xmlElement */
             $groupId = $groups[$xmlElement->group];
             $name = strtolower($xmlElement->name);
             $wrapperId = $xmlElement->group . ":" . $property->getName();
             if (!isset($elementsByName[$name])) {
                 $elementsByName[$name] = "";
             $isArray = false;
             $propertyType = $property->getType();
             if ($propertyType instanceof ArrayType) {
                 $isArray = true;
                 $propertyType = $propertyType->getBaseType();
             if ($propertyType instanceof ArrayType) {
                 throw new MetaException("fromXml() cannot process multi-dimensional arrays ({$type->getName()}::\${$property->getName()}).");
             $elementsByName[$name] .= "if ((\$id & {$groupId}) > 0 && \$xml->namespaceURI === " . var_export($xmlElement->namespace, true) . " && ";
             if (isset($wrappers[$wrapperId])) {
                 $elementsByName[$name] .= "(\$depth === 2 || (\$depth === 3 && (\$wrapped & {$wrappers[$wrapperId]}) > 0))";
             } else {
                 $elementsByName[$name] .= "\$depth === 2";
             $elementsByName[$name] .= ") {\n";
             if ($propertyType instanceof Type) {
                 $propertyTypeMetaClassName = $spec->createMetaClassName($propertyType);
                 $ns->addUse($propertyTypeMetaClassName, null, $propertyTypeMetaClassNameAlias);
                 $elementsByName[$name] .= "\t\$value = {$propertyTypeMetaClassNameAlias}::fromXml(\$xml, \$group" . ($isArray ? "" : ", isset(\$object->{$property->getName()}) ? \$object->{$property->getName()} : null") . ");\n";
             } else {
                 $elementsByName[$name] .= "\t\$value = self::xmlReadValue(\$xml);\n";
             $elementsByName[$name] .= Strings::indent($this->assignObjectProperty($xmlElement, $property, "\$value", $isArray), 1, "\t") . "\n";
             $elementsByName[$name] .= "}\n";
     if (empty($elementsByName)) {
         $fromXmlReader->addBody("\t// @XmlElement not specified");
     } else {
         $fromXmlReader->addBody("\t\$depth = intval(!\$xml->isEmptyElement);")->addBody("\t\$wrapped = 0;")->addBody("\twhile (\$depth > 0 && \$xml->read()) {")->addBody("\t\tif (\$xml->nodeType === \\XMLReader::ELEMENT) {")->addBody("\t\t\t++\$depth;")->addBody("\t\t\tswitch (strtolower(\$xml->localName)) {");
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($elementsByName as $name => $code) {
             $fromXmlReader->addBody("\t\t\t\tcase " . var_export($name, true) . ":")->addBody(Strings::indent($code, 5, "\t"))->addBody("\t\t\t\t\tbreak;");
             if ($i < count($elementsByName) - 1) {
         $fromXmlReader->addBody("\t\t\t}")->addBody("\t\t}")->addBody("")->addBody("\t\tif (\$xml->nodeType === \\XMLReader::END_ELEMENT || (\$xml->nodeType === \\XMLReader::ELEMENT && \$xml->isEmptyElement)) {");
         if (!empty($endElementsByName)) {
             $fromXmlReader->addBody("\t\t\tswitch (strtolower(\$xml->localName)) {");
             $i = 0;
             foreach ($endElementsByName as $name => $code) {
                 $fromXmlReader->addBody("\t\t\t\tcase " . var_export($name, true) . ":")->addBody(Strings::indent($code, 5, "\t"))->addBody("\t\t\t\t\tbreak;");
                 if ($i < count($endElementsByName) - 1) {
     $fromXmlReader->addBody("return \$object;");
     $xmlReadValue = $class->addMethod("xmlReadValue");
     $xmlReadValue->addBody("\$value = null;")->addBody("\$valueDepth = intval(!\$xml->isEmptyElement);")->addBody("while (\$valueDepth > 0 && \$xml->read()) {")->addBody("\tif (\$xml->nodeType === \\XMLReader::ELEMENT && !\$xml->isEmptyElement) {")->addBody("\t\t++\$valueDepth;")->addBody("\t} elseif (\$xml->nodeType === \\XMLReader::END_ELEMENT) {")->addBody("\t\t--\$valueDepth;")->addBody("\t} elseif (\$xml->nodeType === \\XMLReader::TEXT || \$xml->nodeType === \\XMLReader::CDATA) {")->addBody("\t\t\$value .= \$xml->value;")->addBody("\t}")->addBody("}")->addBody("return \$value;");
     $fromXmlElement = $class->addMethod("fromXmlElement");
     foreach ($type->getProperties() as $property) {
         foreach ($property->getAnnotations("Skrz\\Meta\\XML\\XmlAttribute") as $xmlAttribute) {
             /** @var XmlAttribute $xmlAttribute */
             $groupId = $groups[$xmlAttribute->group];
             if ($xmlAttribute->namespace) {
                 $fromXmlElement->addBody("if ((\$id & {$groupId}) > 0 && " . "\$xml->hasAttributeNS(" . var_export($xmlAttribute->namespace, true) . ", " . var_export($xmlAttribute->name, true) . ")) {");
                 $expr = "\$xml->getAttributeNS(" . var_export($xmlAttribute->namespace, true) . ", " . var_export($xmlAttribute->name, true) . ")";
             } else {
                 $fromXmlElement->addBody("if ((\$id & {$groupId}) > 0 && " . "\$xml->hasAttribute(" . var_export($xmlAttribute->name, true) . ")) {");
                 $expr = "\$xml->getAttribute(" . var_export($xmlAttribute->name, true) . ")";
             $fromXmlElement->addBody(Strings::indent($this->assignObjectProperty($xmlAttribute, $property, $expr), 1, "\t"))->addBody("}")->addBody("");
     $fromXmlElement->addBody("if ((\$id & {$valueGroupIdMask}) > 0) {");
     $valueCount = 0;
     foreach ($type->getProperties() as $property) {
         foreach ($property->getAnnotations("Skrz\\Meta\\XML\\XmlValue") as $xmlValue) {
             /** @var XmlValue $xmlValue */
             $groupId = $groups[$xmlValue->group];
             $fromXmlElement->addBody("\tif ((\$id & {$groupId}) > 0) {")->addBody(Strings::indent($this->assignObjectProperty($xmlValue, $property, "\$xml->textContent"), 2, "\t"))->addBody("\t}")->addBody("");
     if (!$valueCount) {
         $fromXmlElement->addBody("\t// @XmlValue not specified");
     $fromXmlElement->addBody("} elseif (\$xml->childNodes->length > 0) {");
     $elementsByName = array();
     $wrappers = array();
     foreach ($type->getProperties() as $property) {
         foreach ($property->getAnnotations("Skrz\\Meta\\XML\\XmlElementWrapper") as $xmlElementWrapper) {
             /** @var XmlElementWrapper $xmlElementWrapper */
             $groupId = $groups[$xmlElementWrapper->group];
             $name = strtolower($xmlElementWrapper->name);
             $wrapperId = $xmlElementWrapper->group . ":" . $property->getName();
             if (!isset($wrappers[$wrapperId])) {
                 $wrappers[$wrapperId] = 1 << count($wrappers);
             if (!isset($elementsByName[$name])) {
                 $elementsByName[$name] = "";
             $elementsByName[$name] .= "if ((\$id & {$groupId}) > 0 && \$xml->namespaceURI === " . var_export(empty($xmlElementWrapper->namespace) ? null : $xmlElementWrapper->namespace, true) . " && \$sp === 0 && \$node->childNodes->length > 0) {\n";
             $elementsByName[$name] .= "\t\$wrapped |= {$wrappers[$wrapperId]};\n";
             $elementsByName[$name] .= "\t\$push = true;\n";
             $elementsByName[$name] .= "}\n";
         foreach ($property->getAnnotations("Skrz\\Meta\\XML\\XmlElement") as $xmlElement) {
             /** @var XmlElement $xmlElement */
             $groupId = $groups[$xmlElement->group];
             $name = strtolower($xmlElement->name);
             $wrapperId = $xmlElement->group . ":" . $property->getName();
             if (!isset($elementsByName[$name])) {
                 $elementsByName[$name] = "";
             $isArray = false;
             $propertyType = $property->getType();
             if ($propertyType instanceof ArrayType) {
                 $isArray = true;
                 $propertyType = $propertyType->getBaseType();
             if ($propertyType instanceof ArrayType) {
                 throw new MetaException("fromXml() cannot process multi-dimensional arrays ({$type->getName()}::\${$property->getName()}).");
             $elementsByName[$name] .= "if ((\$id & {$groupId}) > 0 && \$xml->namespaceURI === " . var_export(empty($xmlElement->namespace) ? null : $xmlElement->namespace, true) . " && ";
             if (isset($wrappers[$wrapperId])) {
                 $elementsByName[$name] .= "(\$sp === 0 || (\$sp === 1 && (\$wrapped & {$wrappers[$wrapperId]}) > 0))";
             } else {
                 $elementsByName[$name] .= "\$sp === 0";
             $elementsByName[$name] .= ") {\n";
             if ($propertyType instanceof Type) {
                 $propertyTypeMetaClassName = $spec->createMetaClassName($propertyType);
                 $ns->addUse($propertyTypeMetaClassName, null, $propertyTypeMetaClassNameAlias);
                 $elementsByName[$name] .= "\t\$value = {$propertyTypeMetaClassNameAlias}::fromXml(\$node, \$group" . ($isArray ? "" : ", isset(\$object->{$property->getName()}) ? \$object->{$property->getName()} : null") . ");\n";
             } else {
                 $elementsByName[$name] .= "\t\$value = \$node->textContent;\n";
             $elementsByName[$name] .= Strings::indent($this->assignObjectProperty($xmlElement, $property, "\$value", $isArray), 1, "\t") . "\n";
             $elementsByName[$name] .= "}\n";
     if (empty($elementsByName)) {
         $fromXmlElement->addBody("\t// @XmlElement not specified");
     } else {
         $fromXmlElement->addBody("\t\$stack = [[\$xml->childNodes, 0]];")->addBody("\t\$sp = 0;")->addBody("\t\$wrapped = 0;")->addBody("\t\$push = false;")->addBody("\twhile (!empty(\$stack)) {")->addBody("\t\t\$node = \$stack[\$sp][0]->item(\$stack[\$sp][1]);")->addBody("\t\tif (\$node->nodeType !== XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {")->addBody("\t\t\tcontinue;")->addBody("\t\t}")->addBody("")->addBody("\t\tswitch (strtolower(\$node->localName)) {");
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($elementsByName as $name => $code) {
             $fromXmlElement->addBody("\t\t\tcase " . var_export($name, true) . ":")->addBody(Strings::indent($code, 4, "\t"))->addBody("\t\t\t\tbreak;");
             if ($i < count($elementsByName) - 1) {
         $fromXmlElement->addBody("\t\t}")->addBody("\t\t++\$stack[\$sp][1];")->addBody("\t\tif (\$stack[\$sp][1] >= \$stack[\$sp][0]->length) {")->addBody("\t\t\tunset(\$stack[\$sp]);")->addBody("\t\t\t--\$sp;")->addBody("\t\t\t\$wrapped = 0;")->addBody("\t\t}")->addBody("\t\tif (\$push) {")->addBody("\t\t\t\$push = false;")->addBody("\t\t\t\$stack[++\$sp] = [\$node->childNodes, 0];")->addBody("\t\t}")->addBody("\t}");
     $fromXmlElement->addBody("return \$object;");
     // toXml()
     $toXml = $class->addMethod("toXml");
     $toXml->addComment("Serializes \\{$type->getName()} to XML")->addComment("")->addComment("@param {$typeAlias} \$object")->addComment("@param string \$group")->addComment("@param array|\\XMLWriter|\\DOMDocument \$filterOrXml")->addComment("@param \\XMLWriter|\\DOMDocument|\\DOMElement \$xml")->addComment("@param \\DOMElement \$el")->addComment("")->addComment("@throws \\InvalidArgumentException")->addComment("")->addComment("@return \\DOMElement|void");
     $ns->addUse("Skrz\\Meta\\Stack", null, $stackAlias);
     $toXml->addBody("if (\$object === null) {")->addBody("\treturn null;")->addBody("}")->addBody("")->addBody("if (!isset(self::\$xmlGroups[\$group])) {")->addBody("\tthrow new \\InvalidArgumentException('Group \\'' . \$group . '\\' not supported for ' . " . var_export($type->getName(), true) . " . '.');")->addBody("} else {")->addBody("\t\$id = self::\$xmlGroups[\$group];")->addBody("}")->addBody("")->addBody("if (!(\$object instanceof {$typeAlias})) {")->addBody("\tthrow new \\InvalidArgumentException('You have to pass object of class {$type->getName()}.');")->addBody("}")->addBody("")->addBody("if ({$stackAlias}::\$objects === null) {")->addBody("\t{$stackAlias}::\$objects = new \\SplObjectStorage();")->addBody("}")->addBody("")->addBody("if ({$stackAlias}::\$objects->contains(\$object)) {")->addBody("\treturn null;")->addBody("}")->addBody("")->addBody("{$stackAlias}::\$objects->attach(\$object);")->addBody("")->addBody("if (\$filterOrXml instanceof \\XMLWriter || \$filterOrXml instanceof \\DOMDocument) {")->addBody("\t\$filter = null;")->addBody("\t\$el = \$xml;")->addBody("\t\$xml = \$filterOrXml;")->addBody("} else {")->addBody("\t\$filter = \$filterOrXml;")->addBody("}")->addBody("")->addBody("try {")->addBody("\tif (\$xml instanceof \\XMLWriter) {")->addBody("\t\tself::toXmlWriter(\$object, \$group, \$id, \$filter, \$xml);")->addBody("\t\t\$ret = null;")->addBody("\t} elseif (\$xml instanceof \\DOMDocument) {")->addBody("\t\t\$ret = self::toXmlElement(\$object, \$group, \$id, \$filter, \$xml, \$el);")->addBody("\t} else {")->addBody("\t\tthrow new \\InvalidArgumentException('You have to supply either XMLWriter, or DOMDocument.');")->addBody("\t}")->addBody("} catch (\\Exception \$e) {")->addBody("\t{$stackAlias}::\$objects->detach(\$object);")->addBody("\tthrow \$e;")->addBody("}")->addBody("")->addBody("{$stackAlias}::\$objects->detach(\$object);")->addBody("")->addBody("return \$ret;");
     $toXmlWriter = $class->addMethod("toXmlWriter");
     $toXmlWriter->addBody("if (count({$stackAlias}::\$objects) < 2) {");
     foreach ($type->getAnnotations("Skrz\\Meta\\XML\\XmlElement") as $xmlElement) {
         /** @var XmlElement $xmlElement */
         $groupId = $groups[$xmlElement->group];
         $toXmlWriter->addBody("\tif ((\$id & {$groupId}) > 0) {");
         if ($xmlElement->namespace) {
             $toXmlWriter->addBody("\t\t\$xml->startElementNS(null, " . var_export($xmlElement->name, true) . ", " . var_export($xmlElement->namespace, true) . ");");
         } else {
             $toXmlWriter->addBody("\t\t\$xml->startElement(" . var_export($xmlElement->name, true) . ");");
     foreach ($type->getProperties() as $property) {
         foreach ($property->getAnnotations("Skrz\\Meta\\XML\\XmlAttribute") as $xmlAttribute) {
             /** @var XmlAttribute $xmlAttribute */
             $groupId = $groups[$xmlAttribute->group];
             $toXmlWriter->addBody("if ((\$id & {$groupId}) > 0 && isset(\$object->{$property->getName()}) && (\$filter === null || isset(\$filter[" . var_export("@" . $xmlAttribute->name, true) . "]))) {");
             $matchingPropertySerializer = null;
             foreach ($this->propertySerializers as $propertySerializer) {
                 if ($propertySerializer->matchesSerialize($property, $xmlAttribute->getGroup())) {
                     $matchingPropertySerializer = $propertySerializer;
             if ($matchingPropertySerializer) {
                 $sevo = $matchingPropertySerializer->serialize($property, $xmlAttribute->group, "\$object->{$property->getName()}");
             } elseif ($property->getType() instanceof ScalarType) {
                 $sevo = StatementAndExpressionVO::withExpression("(string)\$object->{$property->getName()}");
             } else {
                 throw new MetaException("Unsupported property type " . get_class($property->getType()) . ".");
             if ($sevo->getStatement()) {
                 $toXmlWriter->addBody(Strings::indent($sevo->getStatement(), 2, "\t"));
             if ($xmlAttribute->namespace) {
                 $toXmlWriter->addBody("\t\$xml->writeAttributeNS(null, " . var_export($xmlAttribute->name, true) . ", " . var_export($xmlAttribute->namespace, true) . ", {$sevo->getExpression()});");
             } else {
                 $toXmlWriter->addBody("\t\$xml->writeAttribute(" . var_export($xmlAttribute->name, true) . ", {$sevo->getExpression()});");
     $toXmlWriter->addBody("if ((\$id & {$valueGroupIdMask}) > 0) {");
     $valueCount = 0;
     foreach ($type->getProperties() as $property) {
         foreach ($property->getAnnotations("Skrz\\Meta\\XML\\XmlValue") as $xmlValue) {
             /** @var XmlValue $xmlValue */
             $groupId = $groups[$xmlValue->group];
             $toXmlWriter->addBody("\tif ((\$id & {$groupId}) > 0 && isset(\$object->{$property->getName()})) {");
             $matchingPropertySerializer = null;
             foreach ($this->propertySerializers as $propertySerializer) {
                 if ($propertySerializer->matchesSerialize($property, $xmlValue->getGroup())) {
                     $matchingPropertySerializer = $propertySerializer;
             if ($matchingPropertySerializer) {
                 $sevo = $matchingPropertySerializer->serialize($property, $xmlValue->group, "\$object->{$property->getName()}");
                 if ($sevo->getStatement()) {
                     $toXmlWriter->addBody(Strings::indent($sevo->getStatement(), 2, "\t"));
             } elseif ($property->getType() instanceof ScalarType) {
             } else {
                 throw new MetaException("Unsupported property type " . get_class($property->getType()) . ".");
     if (!$valueCount) {
         $toXmlWriter->addBody("\t// @XmlValue not specified");
     $toXmlWriter->addBody("} else {");
     $elementCount = 0;
     $wrappers = array();
     foreach ($type->getProperties() as $property) {
         $wrappedGroups = array();
         foreach ($property->getAnnotations("Skrz\\Meta\\XML\\XmlElementWrapper") as $xmlElementWrapper) {
             $nameKey = $xmlElementWrapper->namespace . ":" . $xmlElementWrapper->name;
             $wrappedGroups[$xmlElementWrapper->group] = true;
             if (!isset($wrappers[$nameKey])) {
                 $wrappers[$nameKey] = [];
             if (!isset($wrappers[$nameKey][$xmlElementWrapper->group])) {
                 $wrappers[$nameKey][$xmlElementWrapper->group] = [$xmlElementWrapper, []];
             // select first XmlElementWrapper per group
             if (!isset($wrappers[$nameKey][1][$property->getName()])) {
                 $wrappers[$nameKey][$xmlElementWrapper->group][1][$property->getName()] = $property;
         foreach ($property->getAnnotations("Skrz\\Meta\\XML\\XmlElement") as $xmlElement) {
             if (isset($wrappedGroups[$xmlElement->group])) {
             $groupId = $groups[$xmlElement->group];
             $elementNamespaceStr = var_export($xmlElement->namespace, true);
             $elementNameStr = var_export($xmlElement->name, true);
             $toXmlWriter->addBody("\tif ((\$id & {$groupId}) > 0 && isset(\$object->{$property->getName()}) && (\$filter === null || isset(\$filter[{$elementNameStr}]))) {");
             $matchingPropertySerializer = null;
             foreach ($this->propertySerializers as $propertySerializer) {
                 if ($propertySerializer->matchesSerialize($property, $xmlElement->group)) {
                     $matchingPropertySerializer = $propertySerializer;
             $baseType = $property->getType();
             $isArray = false;
             if ($baseType instanceof ArrayType) {
                 $isArray = true;
                 $baseType = $baseType->getBaseType();
             if ($baseType instanceof ArrayType) {
                 throw new MetaException("toXml() cannot process multi-dimensional arrays ({$type->getName()}::\${$property->getName()}).");
             $indent = "\t\t";
             $value = "\$object->{$property->getName()}";
             if ($isArray) {
                 $toXmlWriter->addBody("\t\tforeach ({$value} instanceof \\Traversable ? {$value} : (array){$value} as \$item) {");
                 $indent = "\t\t\t";
                 $value = "\$item";
             if ($xmlElement->namespace) {
                 $toXmlWriter->addBody("{$indent}\$xml->startElementNS(null, {$elementNameStr}, {$elementNamespaceStr});");
             } else {
             if ($matchingPropertySerializer) {
                 $sevo = $matchingPropertySerializer->serialize($property, $xmlElement->group, $value);
                 if ($sevo->getStatement()) {
                     $toXmlWriter->addBody(Strings::indent($sevo->getStatement(), 2, "\t"));
             } elseif ($baseType instanceof ScalarType) {
             } elseif ($baseType instanceof Type) {
                 $propertyTypeMetaClassName = $spec->createMetaClassName($baseType);
                 $ns->addUse($propertyTypeMetaClassName, null, $propertyTypeMetaClassNameAlias);
                 $toXmlWriter->addBody("{$indent}{$propertyTypeMetaClassNameAlias}::toXml({$value}, " . "\$group, " . "\$filter === null ? null : \$filter[{$elementNameStr}], " . "\$xml" . ");");
             } else {
                 throw new MetaException("Unsupported property type " . get_class($property->getType()) . ".");
             if ($isArray) {
     foreach ($wrappers as $wrapper) {
         foreach ($wrapper as $groupWrapper) {
             list($xmlElementWrapper, $properties) = $groupWrapper;
             /** @var Property[] $properties */
             $groupId = $groups[$xmlElementWrapper->group];
             $namespaceStr = var_export($xmlElementWrapper->namespace, true);
             $nameStr = var_export($xmlElementWrapper->name, true);
             $propertiesIssets = [];
             foreach ($properties as $property) {
                 $propertiesIssets[] = "isset(\$object->{$property->getName()})";
             $toXmlWriter->addBody("\tif ((\$id & {$groupId}) > 0 && (" . implode(" || ", $propertiesIssets) . ") && (\$filter === null || isset(\$filter[{$nameStr}]))) {");
             if ($xmlElementWrapper->namespace) {
                 $toXmlWriter->addBody("\t\t\$xml->startElementNS(null, {$nameStr}, {$namespaceStr});");
             } else {
             foreach ($properties as $property) {
                 foreach ($property->getAnnotations("Skrz\\Meta\\XML\\XmlElement") as $xmlElement) {
                     if ($xmlElement->group !== $xmlElementWrapper->group) {
                         // important!
                     $elementNamespaceStr = var_export($xmlElement->namespace, true);
                     $elementNameStr = var_export($xmlElement->name, true);
                     // no need to check group ID, already checked by wrapper
                     $toXmlWriter->addBody("\t\tif (isset(\$object->{$property->getName()}) && (\$filter === null || isset(\$filter[{$nameStr}][{$elementNameStr}]))) {");
                     $matchingPropertySerializer = null;
                     foreach ($this->propertySerializers as $propertySerializer) {
                         if ($propertySerializer->matchesSerialize($property, $xmlElement->group)) {
                             $matchingPropertySerializer = $propertySerializer;
                     $baseType = $property->getType();
                     $isArray = false;
                     if ($baseType instanceof ArrayType) {
                         $isArray = true;
                         $baseType = $baseType->getBaseType();
                     if ($baseType instanceof ArrayType) {
                         throw new MetaException("toXml() cannot process multi-dimensional arrays ({$type->getName()}::\${$property->getName()}).");
                     $indent = "\t\t\t";
                     $value = "\$object->{$property->getName()}";
                     if ($isArray) {
                         $toXmlWriter->addBody("\t\t\tforeach ({$value} instanceof \\Traversable ? {$value} : (array){$value} as \$item) {");
                         $indent = "\t\t\t\t";
                         $value = "\$item";
                     if ($xmlElement->namespace) {
                         $toXmlWriter->addBody("{$indent}\$xml->startElementNS(null, {$elementNameStr}, {$elementNamespaceStr});");
                     } else {
                     if ($matchingPropertySerializer) {
                         $sevo = $matchingPropertySerializer->serialize($property, $xmlElement->group, $value);
                         if ($sevo->getStatement()) {
                             $toXmlWriter->addBody(Strings::indent($sevo->getStatement(), 2, "\t"));
                     } elseif ($baseType instanceof ScalarType) {
                     } elseif ($baseType instanceof Type) {
                         $propertyTypeMetaClassName = $spec->createMetaClassName($baseType);
                         $ns->addUse($propertyTypeMetaClassName, null, $propertyTypeMetaClassNameAlias);
                         $toXmlWriter->addBody("{$indent}{$propertyTypeMetaClassNameAlias}::toXml({$value}, " . "\$group, " . "\$filter === null ? null : \$filter[{$nameStr}][{$elementNameStr}], " . "\$xml" . ");");
                     } else {
                         throw new MetaException("Unsupported property type " . get_class($property->getType()) . ".");
                     if ($isArray) {
     if (!$elementCount) {
         $toXmlWriter->addBody("\t// @XmlElement not specified");
     $toXmlWriter->addBody("if (count({$stackAlias}::\$objects) < 2) {")->addBody("\t\$xml->endElement();")->addBody("}");
     $toXmlElement = $class->addMethod("toXmlElement");
     foreach ($type->getAnnotations("Skrz\\Meta\\XML\\XmlElement") as $xmlElement) {
         /** @var XmlElement $xmlElement */
         $groupId = $groups[$xmlElement->group];
         $toXmlElement->addBody("if (!isset(\$el) && (\$id & {$groupId}) > 0) {");
         if ($xmlElement->namespace) {
             $toXmlElement->addBody("\t\$el = \$xml->createElementNS(" . var_export($xmlElement->namespace, true) . ", " . var_export($xmlElement->name, true) . ");");
         } else {
             $toXmlElement->addBody("\t\$el = \$xml->createElement(" . var_export($xmlElement->name, true) . ");");
     $toXmlElement->addBody("if (!isset(\$el)) {")->addBody("\tthrow new \\LogicException('Element has to exist by now.');")->addBody("}")->addBody("");
     $attributeCount = 0;
     foreach ($type->getProperties() as $property) {
         foreach ($property->getAnnotations("Skrz\\Meta\\XML\\XmlAttribute") as $xmlAttribute) {
             $groupId = $groups[$xmlAttribute->group];
             $attributeNamespaceStr = var_export($xmlAttribute->namespace, true);
             $attributeNameStr = var_export($xmlAttribute->name, true);
             $attributeFilterStr = var_export("@" . $xmlAttribute->name, true);
             $toXmlElement->addBody("if ((\$id & {$groupId}) > 0 && isset(\$object->{$property->getName()}) && (\$filter === null || isset(\$filter[{$attributeFilterStr}]))) {");
             $matchingPropertySerializer = null;
             foreach ($this->propertySerializers as $propertySerializer) {
                 if ($propertySerializer->matchesSerialize($property, $xmlAttribute->getGroup())) {
                     $matchingPropertySerializer = $propertySerializer;
             if ($matchingPropertySerializer) {
                 $sevo = $matchingPropertySerializer->serialize($property, $xmlAttribute->group, "\$object->{$property->getName()}");
             } elseif ($property->getType() instanceof ScalarType) {
                 $sevo = StatementAndExpressionVO::withExpression("(string)\$object->{$property->getName()}");
             } else {
                 throw new MetaException("Unsupported property type " . get_class($property->getType()) . ".");
             if ($sevo->getStatement()) {
                 $toXmlElement->addBody(Strings::indent($sevo->getStatement(), 1, "\t"));
             if ($xmlAttribute->namespace) {
                 $toXmlElement->addBody("\t\$el->setAttributeNS({$attributeNamespaceStr}, {$attributeNameStr}, {$sevo->getExpression()});");
             } else {
                 $toXmlElement->addBody("\t\$el->setAttribute({$attributeNameStr}, {$sevo->getExpression()});");
     if ($attributeCount) {
     $toXmlElement->addBody("if ((\$id & {$valueGroupIdMask}) > 0) {");
     $valueCount = 0;
     foreach ($type->getProperties() as $property) {
         foreach ($property->getAnnotations("Skrz\\Meta\\XML\\XmlValue") as $xmlValue) {
             /** @var XmlValue $xmlValue */
             $groupId = $groups[$xmlValue->group];
             $toXmlElement->addBody("\tif ((\$id & {$groupId}) > 0 && isset(\$object->{$property->getName()})) {");
             $matchingPropertySerializer = null;
             foreach ($this->propertySerializers as $propertySerializer) {
                 if ($propertySerializer->matchesSerialize($property, $xmlValue->getGroup())) {
                     $matchingPropertySerializer = $propertySerializer;
             if ($matchingPropertySerializer) {
                 $sevo = $matchingPropertySerializer->serialize($property, $xmlValue->group, "\$object->{$property->getName()}");
                 if ($sevo->getStatement()) {
                     $toXmlElement->addBody(Strings::indent($sevo->getStatement(), 2, "\t"));
                 $toXmlElement->addBody("\t\t\$el->appendChild(new \\DOMText({$sevo->getExpression()}));");
             } elseif ($property->getType() instanceof ScalarType) {
                 $toXmlElement->addBody("\t\t\$el->appendChild(new \\DOMText((string)\$object->{$property->getName()}));");
             } else {
                 throw new MetaException("Unsupported property type " . get_class($property->getType()) . ".");
     if (!$valueCount) {
         $toXmlElement->addBody("\t// @XmlValue not specified");
     $toXmlElement->addBody("} else {");
     $wrappers = array();
     foreach ($type->getProperties() as $property) {
         $wrappedGroups = array();
         foreach ($property->getAnnotations("Skrz\\Meta\\XML\\XmlElementWrapper") as $xmlElementWrapper) {
             $nameKey = $xmlElementWrapper->namespace . ":" . $xmlElementWrapper->name;
             $wrappedGroups[$xmlElementWrapper->group] = true;
             if (!isset($wrappers[$nameKey])) {
                 $wrappers[$nameKey] = [];
             if (!isset($wrappers[$nameKey][$xmlElementWrapper->group])) {
                 $wrappers[$nameKey][$xmlElementWrapper->group] = [$xmlElementWrapper, []];
             // select first XmlElementWrapper per group
             if (!isset($wrappers[$nameKey][1][$property->getName()])) {
                 $wrappers[$nameKey][$xmlElementWrapper->group][1][$property->getName()] = $property;
         foreach ($property->getAnnotations("Skrz\\Meta\\XML\\XmlElement") as $xmlElement) {
             if (isset($wrappedGroups[$xmlElement->group])) {
             $groupId = $groups[$xmlElement->group];
             $elementNamespaceStr = var_export($xmlElement->namespace, true);
             $elementNameStr = var_export($xmlElement->name, true);
             $toXmlElement->addBody("\tif ((\$id & {$groupId}) > 0 && isset(\$object->{$property->getName()}) && (\$filter === null || isset(\$filter[{$elementNameStr}]))) {");
             $matchingPropertySerializer = null;
             foreach ($this->propertySerializers as $propertySerializer) {
                 if ($propertySerializer->matchesSerialize($property, $xmlElement->group)) {
                     $matchingPropertySerializer = $propertySerializer;
             $baseType = $property->getType();
             $isArray = false;
             if ($baseType instanceof ArrayType) {
                 $isArray = true;
                 $baseType = $baseType->getBaseType();
             if ($baseType instanceof ArrayType) {
                 throw new MetaException("toXml() cannot process multi-dimensional arrays ({$type->getName()}::\${$property->getName()}).");
             $indent = "\t\t";
             $value = "\$object->{$property->getName()}";
             if ($isArray) {
                 $toXmlElement->addBody("\t\tforeach ({$value} instanceof \\Traversable ? {$value} : (array){$value} as \$item) {");
                 $indent = "\t\t\t";
                 $value = "\$item";
             if ($xmlElement->namespace) {
                 $toXmlElement->addBody("{$indent}\$subEl = \$xml->createElementNS({$elementNamespaceStr}, {$elementNameStr});");
             } else {
                 $toXmlElement->addBody("{$indent}\$subEl = \$xml->createElement({$elementNameStr});");
             if ($matchingPropertySerializer) {
                 $sevo = $matchingPropertySerializer->serialize($property, $xmlElement->group, $value);
                 if ($sevo->getStatement()) {
                     $toXmlElement->addBody(Strings::indent($sevo->getStatement(), 2, "\t"));
                 $toXmlElement->addBody("{$indent}\$subEl->appendChild(new \\DOMText({$sevo->getExpression()}));");
             } elseif ($baseType instanceof ScalarType) {
                 $toXmlElement->addBody("{$indent}\$subEl->appendChild(new \\DOMText((string){$value}));");
             } elseif ($baseType instanceof Type) {
                 $propertyTypeMetaClassName = $spec->createMetaClassName($baseType);
                 $ns->addUse($propertyTypeMetaClassName, null, $propertyTypeMetaClassNameAlias);
                 $toXmlElement->addBody("{$indent}{$propertyTypeMetaClassNameAlias}::toXml({$value}, " . "\$group, " . "\$filter === null ? null : \$filter[{$elementNameStr}], " . "\$xml, " . "\$subEl" . ");");
             } else {
                 throw new MetaException("Unsupported property type " . get_class($property->getType()) . ".");
             if ($isArray) {
     foreach ($wrappers as $wrapper) {
         foreach ($wrapper as $groupWrapper) {
             list($xmlElementWrapper, $properties) = $groupWrapper;
             /** @var Property[] $properties */
             $groupId = $groups[$xmlElementWrapper->group];
             $namespaceStr = var_export($xmlElementWrapper->namespace, true);
             $nameStr = var_export($xmlElementWrapper->name, true);
             $propertiesIssets = [];
             foreach ($properties as $property) {
                 $propertiesIssets[] = "isset(\$object->{$property->getName()})";
             $toXmlElement->addBody("\tif ((\$id & {$groupId}) > 0 && (" . implode(" || ", $propertiesIssets) . ") && (\$filter === null || isset(\$filter[{$nameStr}]))) {");
             if ($xmlElementWrapper->namespace) {
                 $toXmlElement->addBody("\t\t\$wrapperEl = \$xml->createElementNS({$namespaceStr}, {$nameStr});");
             } else {
                 $toXmlElement->addBody("\t\t\$wrapperEl = \$xml->createElement({$nameStr});");
             foreach ($properties as $property) {
                 foreach ($property->getAnnotations("Skrz\\Meta\\XML\\XmlElement") as $xmlElement) {
                     if ($xmlElement->group !== $xmlElementWrapper->group) {
                         // important!
                     $elementNamespaceStr = var_export($xmlElement->namespace, true);
                     $elementNameStr = var_export($xmlElement->name, true);
                     // no need to check group ID, already checked by wrapper
                     $toXmlElement->addBody("\t\tif (isset(\$object->{$property->getName()}) && (\$filter === null || isset(\$filter[{$nameStr}][{$elementNameStr}]))) {");
                     $matchingPropertySerializer = null;
                     foreach ($this->propertySerializers as $propertySerializer) {
                         if ($propertySerializer->matchesSerialize($property, $xmlElement->group)) {
                             $matchingPropertySerializer = $propertySerializer;
                     $baseType = $property->getType();
                     $isArray = false;
                     if ($baseType instanceof ArrayType) {
                         $isArray = true;
                         $baseType = $baseType->getBaseType();
                     if ($baseType instanceof ArrayType) {
                         throw new MetaException("toXml() cannot process multi-dimensional arrays ({$type->getName()}::\${$property->getName()}).");
                     $indent = "\t\t\t";
                     $value = "\$object->{$property->getName()}";
                     if ($isArray) {
                         $toXmlElement->addBody("\t\t\tforeach ({$value} instanceof \\Traversable ? {$value} : (array){$value} as \$item) {");
                         $indent = "\t\t\t\t";
                         $value = "\$item";
                     if ($xmlElement->namespace) {
                         $toXmlElement->addBody("{$indent}\$subEl = \$xml->createElementNS({$elementNamespaceStr}, {$elementNameStr});");
                     } else {
                         $toXmlElement->addBody("{$indent}\$subEl = \$xml->createElement({$elementNameStr});");
                     if ($matchingPropertySerializer) {
                         $sevo = $matchingPropertySerializer->serialize($property, $xmlElement->group, $value);
                         if ($sevo->getStatement()) {
                             $toXmlElement->addBody(Strings::indent($sevo->getStatement(), 2, "\t"));
                         $toXmlElement->addBody("{$indent}\$subEl->appendChild(new \\DOMText({$sevo->getExpression()}));");
                     } elseif ($baseType instanceof ScalarType) {
                         $toXmlElement->addBody("{$indent}\$subEl->appendChild(new \\DOMText((string)\$object->{$property->getName()}));");
                     } elseif ($baseType instanceof Type) {
                         $propertyTypeMetaClassName = $spec->createMetaClassName($baseType);
                         $ns->addUse($propertyTypeMetaClassName, null, $propertyTypeMetaClassNameAlias);
                         $toXmlElement->addBody("{$indent}{$propertyTypeMetaClassNameAlias}::toXml({$value}, " . "\$group, " . "\$filter === null ? null : \$filter[{$nameStr}][{$elementNameStr}], " . "\$xml, " . "\$subEl" . ");");
                     } else {
                         throw new MetaException("Unsupported property type " . get_class($property->getType()) . ".");
                     if ($isArray) {
     if (!$elementCount) {
         $toXmlElement->addBody("\t// @XmlElement not specified");
     $toXmlElement->addBody("return \$el;");
예제 #13
	 * Indents the HTML content from the left.
	 * @param  string UTF-8 encoding or 8-bit
	 * @param  int
	 * @param  string
	 * @return string
	public static function indent($s, $level = 1, $chars = "\t")
		if ($level >= 1) {
			$s = Strings::replace($s, '#<(textarea|pre).*?</\\1#si', /*5.2* callback(*/function($m) {
				return strtr($m[0], " \t\r\n", "\x1F\x1E\x1D\x1A");
			}/*5.2* )*/);
			$s = Strings::indent($s, $level, $chars);
			$s = strtr($s, "\x1F\x1E\x1D\x1A", " \t\r\n");
		return $s;
예제 #14
 public function onGenerate(AbstractMetaSpec $spec, MetaSpecMatcher $matcher, Type $type, ClassType $class)
     $groups = array();
     $inputOutputClasses = array($type->getName() => true);
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($this->defaultGroups as $defaultGroup) {
         $groups[$defaultGroup] = 1 << $i++;
     $ns = $class->getNamespace();
     $ns->addUse($type->getName(), null, $typeAlias);
     $ns->addUse("Skrz\\Meta\\Stack", null, $stackAlias);
     // get groups
     foreach ($type->getProperties() as $property) {
         foreach ($property->getAnnotations("Skrz\\Meta\\PHP\\PhpArrayOffset") as $arrayOffset) {
             /** @var PhpArrayOffset $arrayOffset */
             if (!isset($groups[$arrayOffset->group])) {
                 $groups[$arrayOffset->group] = 1 << $i++;
     // get discriminator
     $discriminatorOffsetMap = array();
     $discriminatorClassMap = array();
     $discriminatorMetaMap = array();
     foreach ($type->getAnnotations("Skrz\\Meta\\PHP\\PhpDiscriminatorOffset") as $discriminatorOffset) {
         /** @var PhpDiscriminatorOffset $discriminatorOffset */
         if (!isset($groups[$discriminatorOffset->group])) {
             $groups[$discriminatorOffset->group] = 1 << $i++;
         $discriminatorOffsetMap[$groups[$discriminatorOffset->group]] = $discriminatorOffset->offset;
     foreach ($type->getAnnotations("Skrz\\Meta\\PHP\\PhpDiscriminatorMap") as $discriminatorMap) {
         /** @var PhpDiscriminatorMap $discriminatorMap */
         if (!isset($groups[$discriminatorMap->group])) {
             $groups[$discriminatorMap->group] = 1 << $i++;
         if (isset($discriminatorMetaMap[$groups[$discriminatorMap->group]])) {
             throw new MetaException("More @PhpDiscriminatorMap annotations with same group '{$discriminatorMap->group}'.");
         $discriminatorClassMap[$groups[$discriminatorMap->group]] = array();
         $discriminatorMetaMap[$groups[$discriminatorMap->group]] = array();
         $currentClassMap =& $discriminatorClassMap[$groups[$discriminatorMap->group]];
         $currentMetaMap =& $discriminatorMetaMap[$groups[$discriminatorMap->group]];
         foreach ($discriminatorMap->map as $value => $className) {
             $currentClassMap[$value] = $className;
             $inputOutputClasses[$className] = true;
             $currentMetaMap[$value] = $spec->createMetaClassName(Type::fromString($className));
     // add groups property
     $groupsProperty = $class->addProperty("groups");
     $groupsProperty->addComment("Mapping from group name to group ID for fromArray() and toArray()")->addComment("")->addComment("@var string[]");
     // create input/output type hint
     $inputOutputTypeHint = array();
     $inputOutputClasses = array_keys($inputOutputClasses);
     foreach ($inputOutputClasses as $inputOutputClass) {
         $ns->addUse($inputOutputClass, null, $alias);
         $inputOutputTypeHint[] = $alias;
     $inputOutputTypeHint = implode("|", $inputOutputTypeHint);
     foreach (array("Array", "Object") as $what) {
         // from*() method
         $from = $class->addMethod("from{$what}");
         $from->addComment("Creates \\{$type->getName()} object from " . strtolower($what))->addComment("")->addComment("@param " . strtolower($what) . " \$input")->addComment("@param string \$group")->addComment("@param {$inputOutputTypeHint} \$object")->addComment("")->addComment("@throws \\Exception")->addComment("")->addComment("@return {$inputOutputTypeHint}");
         if ($what === "Object") {
             $from->addBody("\$input = (array)\$input;\n");
         // TODO: more groups - include/exclude
         $from->addBody("if (!isset(self::\$groups[\$group])) {")->addBody("\tthrow new \\InvalidArgumentException('Group \\'' . \$group . '\\' not supported for ' . " . var_export($type->getName(), true) . " . '.');")->addBody("} else {")->addBody("\t\$id = self::\$groups[\$group];")->addBody("}")->addBody("");
         if (!empty($discriminatorMetaMap)) {
             foreach ($discriminatorMetaMap as $groupId => $groupDiscriminatorMetaMap) {
                 if (isset($discriminatorOffsetMap[$groupId])) {
                     $groupDiscriminatorOffset = $discriminatorOffsetMap[$groupId];
                     foreach ($groupDiscriminatorMetaMap as $value => $metaClass) {
                         $ns->addUse($metaClass, null, $alias);
                         $from->addBody("if ((\$id & {$groupId}) > 0 && " . "isset(\$input[" . var_export($groupDiscriminatorOffset, true) . "]) && " . "\$input[" . var_export($groupDiscriminatorOffset, true) . "] === " . var_export($value, true) . ") {")->addBody("\treturn {$alias}::from{$what}(\$input, \$group, \$object);")->addBody("}")->addBody("");
                 } else {
                     foreach ($groupDiscriminatorMetaMap as $value => $metaClass) {
                         $ns->addUse($metaClass, null, $alias);
                         $from->addBody("if ((\$id & {$groupId}) > 0 && " . "isset(\$input[" . var_export($value, true) . "])) {")->addBody("\treturn {$alias}::from{$what}(\$input[" . var_export($value, true) . "], \$group, \$object);")->addBody("}")->addBody("");
         $from->addBody("if (\$object === null) {")->addBody("\t\$object = new {$typeAlias}();")->addBody("} elseif (!(\$object instanceof {$typeAlias})) {")->addBody("\tthrow new \\InvalidArgumentException('You have to pass object of class {$type->getName()}.');")->addBody("}")->addBody("");
         foreach ($type->getProperties() as $property) {
             foreach ($property->getAnnotations("Skrz\\Meta\\PHP\\PhpArrayOffset") as $arrayOffset) {
                 /** @var PhpArrayOffset $arrayOffset */
                 $groupId = $groups[$arrayOffset->group];
                 $arrayKey = var_export($arrayOffset->offset, true);
                 $baseArrayPath = $arrayPath = "\$input[{$arrayKey}]";
                 $baseObjectPath = $objectPath = "\$object->{$property->getName()}";
                 $from->addBody("if ((\$id & {$groupId}) > 0 && isset({$arrayPath})) {");
                 // FIXME: group group IDs by offset
                 $baseType = $property->getType();
                 $indent = "\t";
                 $before = "";
                 $after = "";
                 for ($i = 0; $baseType instanceof ArrayType; ++$i) {
                     $arrayType = $baseType;
                     $baseType = $arrayType->getBaseType();
                     $before .= "{$indent}if (!(isset({$objectPath}) && is_array({$objectPath}))) {\n";
                     $before .= "{$indent}\t{$objectPath} = array();\n";
                     $before .= "{$indent}}\n";
                     $before .= "{$indent}foreach ({$arrayPath} instanceof \\Traversable ? {$arrayPath} : (array){$arrayPath} as \$k{$i} => \$v{$i}) {\n";
                     $after = "{$indent}}\n" . $after;
                     $indent .= "\t";
                     $arrayPath = "\$v{$i}";
                     $objectPath .= "[\$k{$i}]";
                 if (!empty($before)) {
                 $matchingPropertySerializer = $this->getMatchingPropertySerializer($property, $arrayOffset);
                 if ($matchingPropertySerializer !== null) {
                     $sevo = $matchingPropertySerializer->deserialize($property, $arrayOffset->group, $arrayPath);
                     if ($sevo->getStatement()) {
                         $from->addBody(Strings::indent($sevo->getStatement(), 1, $indent));
                     $from->addBody("{$indent}{$objectPath} = {$sevo->getExpression()};");
                 } elseif ($baseType instanceof ScalarType) {
                     $from->addBody("{$indent}{$objectPath} = {$arrayPath};");
                 } elseif ($baseType instanceof Type) {
                     $propertyTypeMetaClassName = $spec->createMetaClassName($baseType);
                     $ns->addUse($propertyTypeMetaClassName, null, $propertyTypeMetaClassNameAlias);
                     $from->addBody("{$indent}{$objectPath} = {$propertyTypeMetaClassNameAlias}::from{$what}(" . "{$arrayPath}, " . "\$group, " . "isset({$objectPath}) ? {$objectPath} : null" . ");");
                 } else {
                     throw new MetaException("Unsupported property type " . get_class($baseType) . " ({$type->getName()}::\${$property->getName()}).");
                 if (!empty($after)) {
                 $from->addBody("} elseif ((\$id & {$groupId}) > 0 && array_key_exists({$arrayKey}, \$input) && {$baseArrayPath} === null) {")->addBody("\t{$baseObjectPath} = null;")->addBody("}");
         $from->addBody("return \$object;");
         // to*() method
         $to = $class->addMethod("to{$what}");
         $to->addComment("Serializes \\{$type->getName()} to " . strtolower($what))->addComment("")->addComment("@param {$inputOutputTypeHint} \$object")->addComment("@param string \$group")->addComment("@param array \$filter")->addComment("")->addComment("@throws \\Exception")->addComment("")->addComment("@return " . strtolower($what));
         $to->addBody("if (\$object === null) {")->addBody("\treturn null;")->addBody("}");
         // TODO: more groups - include/exclude
         $to->addBody("if (!isset(self::\$groups[\$group])) {")->addBody("\tthrow new \\InvalidArgumentException('Group \\'' . \$group . '\\' not supported for ' . " . var_export($type->getName(), true) . " . '.');")->addBody("} else {")->addBody("\t\$id = self::\$groups[\$group];")->addBody("}")->addBody("");
         if (!empty($discriminatorClassMap)) {
             foreach ($discriminatorClassMap as $groupId => $groupDiscriminatorClassMap) {
                 $groupDiscriminatorOffset = null;
                 if (isset($discriminatorOffsetMap[$groupId])) {
                     $groupDiscriminatorOffset = $discriminatorOffsetMap[$groupId];
                 foreach ($groupDiscriminatorClassMap as $value => $className) {
                     $metaClassName = $discriminatorMetaMap[$groupId][$value];
                     $ns->addUse($className, null, $alias);
                     $ns->addUse($metaClassName, null, $metaAlias);
                     $to->addBody("if ((\$id & {$groupId}) > 0 && \$object instanceof {$alias}) {")->addBody("\t\$output = {$metaAlias}::to{$what}(\$object, \$group);");
                     if ($groupDiscriminatorOffset === null) {
                         $to->addBody("\t\$output = " . ($what === "Object" ? "(object)" : "") . "array(" . var_export($value, true) . " => " . ($what === "Object" ? "(object)" : "") . "\$output);");
                     } else {
                         if ($what === "Object") {
                             $to->addBody("\t\$output->{$groupDiscriminatorOffset} = " . var_export($value, true) . ";");
                             // FIXME: might compile to incorrect PHP code
                         } else {
                             $to->addBody("\t\$output[" . var_export($groupDiscriminatorOffset, true) . "] = " . var_export($value, true) . ";");
                     $to->addBody("\treturn \$output;")->addBody("}")->addBody("");
         $to->addBody("if (!(\$object instanceof {$typeAlias})) {")->addBody("\tthrow new \\InvalidArgumentException('You have to pass object of class {$type->getName()}.');")->addBody("}")->addBody("");
         $to->addBody("if ({$stackAlias}::\$objects === null) {")->addBody("\t{$stackAlias}::\$objects = new \\SplObjectStorage();")->addBody("}")->addBody("")->addBody("if ({$stackAlias}::\$objects->contains(\$object)) {")->addBody("\treturn null;")->addBody("}")->addBody("")->addBody("{$stackAlias}::\$objects->attach(\$object);")->addBody("");
         $to->addBody("try {")->addBody("\t\$output = array();")->addBody("");
         foreach ($type->getProperties() as $property) {
             $propertyGroups = [];
             foreach ($property->getAnnotations("Skrz\\Meta\\PHP\\PhpArrayOffset") as $arrayOffset) {
                 if (isset($propertyGroups[$arrayOffset->group])) {
                 $propertyGroups[$arrayOffset->group] = true;
                 /** @var PhpArrayOffset $arrayOffset */
                 $groupId = $groups[$arrayOffset->group];
                 $if = "\tif ((\$id & {$groupId}) > 0";
                 if ($arrayOffset->ignoreNull) {
                     $if .= " && ((isset(\$object->{$property->getName()}) && \$filter === null)";
                 } else {
                     $if .= " && (\$filter === null";
                 $if .= " || isset(\$filter[" . var_export($arrayOffset->offset, true) . "]))) {";
                 // FIXME: group group IDs by offset
                 $objectPath = "\$object->{$property->getName()}";
                 $arrayPath = "\$output[" . var_export($arrayOffset->offset, true) . "]";
                 $baseType = $property->getType();
                 $indent = "\t\t";
                 $before = "";
                 $after = "";
                 for ($i = 0; $baseType instanceof ArrayType; ++$i) {
                     $arrayType = $baseType;
                     $baseType = $arrayType->getBaseType();
                     $before .= "{$indent}if (!(isset({$arrayPath}) && is_array({$arrayPath}))) {\n";
                     $before .= "{$indent}\t{$arrayPath} = array();\n";
                     $before .= "{$indent}}\n";
                     $before .= "{$indent}foreach ({$objectPath} instanceof \\Traversable ? {$objectPath} : (array){$objectPath} as \$k{$i} => \$v{$i}) {\n";
                     $after = "{$indent}}\n" . $after;
                     $indent .= "\t";
                     $arrayPath .= "[\$k{$i}]";
                     $objectPath = "\$v{$i}";
                 if (!empty($before)) {
                 $matchingPropertySerializer = $this->getMatchingPropertySerializer($property, $arrayOffset);
                 if ($matchingPropertySerializer !== null) {
                     $sevo = $matchingPropertySerializer->serialize($property, $arrayOffset->group, $objectPath);
                     if ($sevo->getStatement()) {
                         $to->addBody(Strings::indent($sevo->getStatement(), 1, $indent));
                     $to->addBody("{$indent}{$arrayPath} = {$sevo->getExpression()};");
                 } elseif ($baseType instanceof ScalarType) {
                     $to->addBody("{$indent}{$arrayPath} = {$objectPath};");
                 } elseif ($baseType instanceof Type) {
                     $propertyTypeMetaClassName = $spec->createMetaClassName($baseType);
                     $ns->addUse($propertyTypeMetaClassName, null, $propertyTypeMetaClassNameAlias);
                     $to->addBody("{$indent}{$arrayPath} = {$propertyTypeMetaClassNameAlias}::to{$what}(" . "{$objectPath}, " . "\$group, " . "\$filter === null ? null : \$filter[" . var_export($arrayOffset->offset, true) . "]" . ");");
                 } else {
                     throw new MetaException("Unsupported property type " . get_class($baseType) . ".");
                 if (!empty($after)) {
         $to->addBody("} catch (\\Exception \$e) {")->addBody("\t{$stackAlias}::\$objects->detach(\$object);")->addBody("\tthrow \$e;")->addBody("}")->addBody("");
         $to->addBody("{$stackAlias}::\$objects->detach(\$object);")->addBody("return " . ($what === "Object" ? "(object)" : "") . "\$output;");