hasAnnotation() 공개 메소드

Has class specified annotation?
public hasAnnotation ( $name ) : boolean
리턴 boolean
예제 #1
	 * @param string
	 * @param string
	 * @return array
	public static function parseAnnotations($class, $method = NULL)
		if (strpos($class, '::') !== FALSE && !$method) {
			list($class, $method) = explode('::', $class);

		$ref = new Reflection\Method($class, $method);
		$cRef = new Reflection\ClassType($class);
		$anntations = (array)$ref->getAnnotation('allowed');

		$role = isset($anntations['role']) ? $anntations['role']
			: ($ref->hasAnnotation('role') ? $ref->getAnnotation('role') : NULL);

		$resource = isset($anntations['resource']) ? $anntations['resource']
			: ($ref->hasAnnotation('resource')
			? $ref->getAnnotation('resource')
				: ($cRef->hasAnnotation('resource') ? $cRef->getAnnotation('resource') : NULL));

		$privilege = isset($anntations['privilege']) ? $anntations['privilege']
			: ($ref->hasAnnotation('privilege') ? $ref->getAnnotation('privilege') : NULL);

		return array(
			static::ROLE => $role,
			static::RESOURCE => $resource,
			static::PRIVILEGE => $privilege,
  * @param array $dirs
  * @param array $annotations
  * @return array
 private function findByAnnotations(array $dirs, array $annotations)
     $loader = $this->createLoader();
     $classes = [];
     foreach (array_keys($loader->getIndexedClasses()) as $class) {
         // Skip not existing class
         if (!class_exists($class, TRUE)) {
         // Detect by reflection
         $ct = new ClassType($class);
         // Skip abstract
         if ($ct->isAbstract()) {
         // Does class has one of the annotation?
         foreach ($annotations as $annotation) {
             if ($ct->hasAnnotation(trim($annotation, '@'))) {
                 $classes[] = $ct->getName();
     return $classes;