<?php ob_start('ob_gzhandler'); require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/class/autoload.php'; use NERDZ\Core\User; use NERDZ\Core\System; $user = new User(); ob_start(array('NERDZ\\Core\\Utils', 'minifyHTML')); if (!$user->isLogged()) { die($user->lang('REGISTER')); } $vals = []; $vals['tok_n'] = NERDZ\Core\Security::getCsrfToken('edit'); $longlangs = System::getAvailableLanguages(1); $vals['langs_a'] = []; $i = 0; foreach ($longlangs as $id => $val) { $vals['langs_a'][$i]['longlang_n'] = $val; $vals['langs_a'][$i]['shortlang_n'] = $id; ++$i; } $vals['mylang_n'] = $user->getLanguage($_SESSION['id']); $vals['myboardlang_n'] = $user->getBoardLanguage($_SESSION['id']); $user->getTPL()->assign($vals); $user->getTPL()->draw('preferences/language');
<?php require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/class/autoload.php'; use NERDZ\Core\Comments; use NERDZ\Core\User; $user = new User(); $message = new Comments(); if (!$user->isLogged() || empty($_GET['message'])) { $_GET['message'] = $user->lang('ERROR'); } $vals = []; $vals['message_n'] = $message->bbcode($message->parseQuote(htmlspecialchars($_GET['message'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'))); $user->getTPL()->assign($vals); $user->getTPL()->draw('base/preview');
<?php ob_start('ob_gzhandler'); require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/class/autoload.php'; use NERDZ\Core\Project; use NERDZ\Core\User; use NERDZ\Core\Utils; $user = new User(); $project = new Project(); ob_start(array('NERDZ\\Core\\Utils', 'minifyHTML')); $id = isset($_POST['id']) && is_numeric($_POST['id']) ? $_POST['id'] : false; if (!$user->isLogged() || !$id || !($info = $project->getObject($id)) || $project->getOwner($id) != $_SESSION['id']) { die($user->lang('ERROR')); } $vals = []; function sortbyusername($a, $b) { return strtolower($a) < strtolower($b) ? -1 : 1; } $vals['photo_n'] = $info->photo; $vals['website_n'] = $info->website; $vals['name_n'] = $info->name; $mem = $project->getMembers($info->counter); $vals['members_n'] = count($mem); $vals['members_a'] = []; foreach ($mem as &$uid) { $uid = User::getUsername($uid); } $vals['members_a'] = $mem; usort($vals['members_a'], 'sortbyusername'); $vals['tok_n'] = NERDZ\Core\Security::getCsrfToken('edit');
// intval below $pid = isset($_GET['pid']) && is_numeric($_GET['pid']) ? intval($_GET['pid']) : false; $action = NERDZ\Core\Utils::actionValidator(!empty($_GET['action']) && is_string($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : false); $found = true; if ($id) { $id = intval($id); //intval here, so we can display the user not found message if (false === ($info = $user->getObject($id))) { $username = $user->lang('USER_NOT_FOUND'); $found = false; $post = new stdClass(); $post->message = ''; } else { $username = $info->username; if ($pid && !$user->hasInBlacklist($id)) { if (!$user->isLogged() && $info->private || !($post = Db::query(['SELECT "message" FROM "posts" WHERE "pid" = :pid AND "to" = :id', [':pid' => $pid, ':id' => $id]], Db::FETCH_OBJ))) { $post = new stdClass(); $post->message = ''; } } else { $post = new stdClass(); $post->message = ''; } } /*else abbiamo la variabili $info con tutti i dati dell'utente in un oggetto */ } else { die(header('Location: /index.php')); } ob_start(array('NERDZ\\Core\\Utils', 'minifyHTML')); $a = explode(' ', $messages->parseNews(Messages::stripTags(str_replace("\n", ' ', $post->message)))); $i = 25;
<?php ob_start('ob_gzhandler'); require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/class/autoload.php'; use NERDZ\Core\Db; use NERDZ\Core\User; use NERDZ\Core\Captcha; $user = new User(); $cptcka = new Captcha(); $captcha = isset($_POST['captcha']) ? $_POST['captcha'] : false; if (!$captcha) { die(NERDZ\Core\Utils::jsonResponse('error', $user->lang('MISSING') . ': ' . $user->lang('CAPTCHA'))); } if (!$cptcka->check($captcha)) { die(NERDZ\Core\Utils::jsonResponse('error', $user->lang('WRONG_CAPTCHA'))); } if ($user->isLogged()) { die(NERDZ\Core\Utils::jsonResponse('error', $user->lang('ALREADY_LOGGED'))); } require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/pages/common/validateuser.php'; $ret = Db::query(['INSERT INTO users ("username","password","name","surname","email","gender","birth_date","lang","board_lang","timezone","remote_addr", "http_user_agent") VALUES (:username, crypt(:password, gen_salt(\'bf\', 7)) , :name, :surname, :email, :gender, :date, :lang, :lang, :timezone, :remote_addr, :http_user_agent)', [':username' => $userData['username'], ':password' => $userData['password'], ':name' => $userData['name'], ':surname' => $userData['surname'], ':email' => $userData['email'], ':gender' => $userData['gender'], ':timezone' => $userData['timezone'], ':date' => $birth['date'], ':lang' => $user->getLanguage(), ':remote_addr' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], ':http_user_agent' => isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') : '']], Db::FETCH_ERRSTR); if ($ret != Db::NO_ERRSTR) { die(NERDZ\Core\Utils::jsonDbResponse($ret)); } if (!$user->login($userData['username'], $userData['password'], $setCookie = true)) { die(NERDZ\Core\Utils::jsonResponse('error', $user->lang('ERROR') . ': Login')); } die(NERDZ\Core\Utils::jsonResponse('ok', $user->lang('LOGIN_OK')));
<?php require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/class/autoload.php'; use NERDZ\Core\Db; use NERDZ\Core\Config; use NERDZ\Core\User; use NERDZ\Core\Messages; use NERDZ\Core\Security; $user = new User(); $l = "\t\n\r\v ����� "; $userData = []; $userData['name'] = isset($_POST['name']) ? trim($_POST['name'], $l) : false; $userData['surname'] = isset($_POST['surname']) ? trim($_POST['surname'], $l) : false; $userData['email'] = isset($_POST['email']) ? trim($_POST['email'], $l) : false; $userData['timezone'] = isset($_POST['timezone']) ? trim($_POST['timezone'], $l) : false; if ($user->isLogged()) { $updatedPassword = false; if (empty($_POST['password'])) { if (!($obj = Db::query(['SELECT "password" FROM "users" WHERE counter = :id', [':id' => $_SESSION['id']]], Db::FETCH_OBJ))) { die(NERDZ\Core\Utils::jsonResponse('error', $user->lang('ERROR'))); } $userData['password'] = $obj->password; //saved hashed password } else { $userData['password'] = $_POST['password']; $updatedPassword = true; } } else { $userData['password'] = isset($_POST['password']) ? $_POST['password'] : false; $userData['username'] = isset($_POST['username']) ? trim($_POST['username'], $l) : false; }
<?php ob_start('ob_gzhandler'); require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/class/autoload.php'; use NERDZ\Core\User; use NERDZ\Core\Db; $user = new User(); if (!$user->isLogged() || empty($_POST['id']) || !is_numeric($_POST['id'])) { die(NERDZ\Core\Utils::jsonResponse('error', $user->lang('LOGIN'))); } switch (isset($_GET['action']) ? strtolower($_GET['action']) : '') { case 'del': if (Db::NO_ERRNO != Db::query(['DELETE FROM "blacklist" WHERE "from" = :me AND "to" = :to', [':me' => $_SESSION['id'], ':to' => $_POST['id']]], Db::FETCH_ERRNO)) { die(NERDZ\Core\Utils::jsonResponse('error', $user->lang('ERROR'))); } break; case 'add': $motivation = empty($_POST['motivation']) ? '' : htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['motivation']), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); if (!$user->hasInBlacklist($_POST['id'])) { if (Db::NO_ERRNO != Db::query(['INSERT INTO "blacklist"("from","to","motivation") VALUES (:me,:to,:motivation)', [':me' => $_SESSION['id'], ':to' => $_POST['id'], ':motivation' => $motivation]], Db::FETCH_ERRNO)) { die(NERDZ\Core\Utils::jsonResponse('error', $user->lang('ERROR'))); } } else { die(NERDZ\Core\Utils::jsonResponse('error', $user->lang('ERROR') . '1')); } break; default: die(NERDZ\Core\Utils::jsonResponse('error', $user->lang('ERROR') . '2')); break; } die(NERDZ\Core\Utils::jsonResponse('ok', 'OK'));
<?php require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/class/autoload.php'; use NERDZ\Core\Db; use NERDZ\Core\Project; use NERDZ\Core\Utils; use NERDZ\Core\User; use NERDZ\Core\Config; use NERDZ\Core\Messages; $project = new Project($gid); $messages = new Messages(); $user = new User(); $vals = []; $enter = true; $vals['logged_b'] = $user->isLogged(); $vals['singlepost_b'] = isset($pid) && isset($gid) && is_numeric($pid); $vals['followers_b'] = isset($action) && $action == 'followers'; $vals['members_b'] = isset($action) && $action == 'members'; $vals['interactions_b'] = isset($action) && $action == 'interactions'; if ($info->private && !$vals['logged_b'] || !$info->visible && !$vals['logged_b'] || $vals['interactions_b'] && !$vals['logged_b']) { $included = true; require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/pages/register.php'; $user->getTPL()->assign($vals); require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/pages/common/vars.php'; $user->getTPL()->draw('project/private'); } else { $mem = $project->getMembers($info->counter); $icansee = true; if ($vals['logged_b'] && !$info->visible) { $icansee = $_SESSION['id'] == $project->getOwner() || in_array($_SESSION['id'], $mem); }