exportToPackage() 공개 메소드

Fetches the site with the given name and exports it into XML in the given package.
public exportToPackage ( array $sites, boolean $tidy = false, string $packageKey, string $nodeTypeFilter = null ) : void
$sites array
$tidy boolean Whether to export formatted XML
$packageKey string Package key where the export output should be saved to
$nodeTypeFilter string Filter the node type of the nodes, allows complex expressions (e.g. "Neos.Neos:Page", "!Neos.Neos:Page,Neos.Neos:Text")
리턴 void
  * Export sites content (e.g. site:export --package-key "Neos.Demo")
  * This command exports all or one specific site with all its content into an XML format.
  * If the package key option is given, the site(s) will be exported to the given package in the default
  * location Resources/Private/Content/Sites.xml.
  * If the filename option is given, any resources will be exported to files in a folder named "Resources"
  * alongside the XML file.
  * If neither the filename nor the package key option are given, the XML will be printed to standard output and
  * assets will be embedded into the XML in base64 encoded form.
  * @param string $siteNode the node name of the site to be exported; if none given will export all sites
  * @param boolean $tidy Whether to export formatted XML. This is defaults to true
  * @param string $filename relative path and filename to the XML file to create. Any resource will be stored in a sub folder "Resources".
  * @param string $packageKey Package to store the XML file in. Any resource will be stored in a sub folder "Resources".
  * @param string $nodeTypeFilter Filter the node type of the nodes, allows complex expressions (e.g. "Neos.Neos:Page", "!Neos.Neos:Page,Neos.Neos:Text")
  * @return void
 public function exportCommand($siteNode = null, $tidy = true, $filename = null, $packageKey = null, $nodeTypeFilter = null)
     if ($siteNode === null) {
         $sites = $this->siteRepository->findAll()->toArray();
     } else {
         $sites = $this->siteRepository->findByNodeName($siteNode)->toArray();
     if (count($sites) === 0) {
         $this->outputLine('<error>No site for exporting found</error>');
     if ($packageKey !== null) {
         $this->siteExportService->exportToPackage($sites, $tidy, $packageKey, $nodeTypeFilter);
         if ($siteNode !== null) {
             $this->outputLine('The site "%s" has been exported to package "%s".', array($siteNode, $packageKey));
         } else {
             $this->outputLine('All sites have been exported to package "%s".', array($packageKey));
     } elseif ($filename !== null) {
         $this->siteExportService->exportToFile($sites, $tidy, $filename, $nodeTypeFilter);
         if ($siteNode !== null) {
             $this->outputLine('The site "%s" has been exported to "%s".', array($siteNode, $filename));
         } else {
             $this->outputLine('All sites have been exported to "%s".', array($filename));
     } else {
         $this->output($this->siteExportService->export($sites, $tidy, $nodeTypeFilter));