상속: extends TYPO3Fluid\Fluid\Core\ViewHelper\AbstractViewHelper
  * Handles additional arguments, sorting out any data-
  * prefixed tag attributes and assigning them. Then passes
  * the unassigned arguments to the parent class' method,
  * which in the default implementation will throw an error
  * about "undeclared argument used".
  * @param array $arguments
  * @return void
 public function handleAdditionalArguments(array $arguments)
     $unassigned = array();
     foreach ($arguments as $argumentName => $argumentValue) {
         if (strpos($argumentName, 'data-') === 0) {
             $this->tag->addAttribute($argumentName, $argumentValue);
         } else {
             $unassigned[$argumentName] = $argumentValue;
  * @return void
 public function initializeArguments()
     // @deprecated since 2.0 use the "image" argument instead
     $this->registerArgument('asset', AssetInterface::class, 'The image to be rendered - DEPRECATED, use the "image" argument instead', false);
  * @param AbstractViewHelper $viewHelper
 protected function injectDependenciesIntoViewHelper(AbstractViewHelper $viewHelper)
     if ($viewHelper instanceof AbstractTagBasedViewHelper) {
  * The compiled ViewHelper adds two new ViewHelper arguments: __thenClosure and __elseClosure.
  * These contain closures which are be executed to render the then(), respectively else() case.
  * @param string $argumentsName
  * @param string $closureName
  * @param string $initializationPhpCode
  * @param ViewHelperNode $node
  * @param TemplateCompiler $compiler
  * @return string
 public function compile($argumentsName, $closureName, &$initializationPhpCode, ViewHelperNode $node, TemplateCompiler $compiler)
     $thenViewHelperEncountered = $elseViewHelperEncountered = false;
     foreach ($node->getChildNodes() as $childNode) {
         if ($childNode instanceof ViewHelperNode) {
             $viewHelperClassName = $childNode->getViewHelperClassName();
             if (substr($viewHelperClassName, -14) === 'ThenViewHelper') {
                 $thenViewHelperEncountered = true;
                 $childNodesAsClosure = $compiler->wrapChildNodesInClosure($childNode);
                 $initializationPhpCode .= sprintf('%s[\'__thenClosure\'] = %s;', $argumentsName, $childNodesAsClosure) . chr(10);
             } elseif (substr($viewHelperClassName, -14) === 'ElseViewHelper') {
                 $elseViewHelperEncountered = true;
                 $childNodesAsClosure = $compiler->wrapChildNodesInClosure($childNode);
                 $initializationPhpCode .= sprintf('%s[\'__elseClosures\'][] = %s;', $argumentsName, $childNodesAsClosure) . chr(10);
                 $arguments = $childNode->getArguments();
                 if (isset($arguments['if'])) {
                     // The "else" has an argument, indicating it has a secondary (elseif) condition.
                     // Compile a closure which will evaluate the condition.
                     $elseIfConditionAsClosure = $compiler->wrapViewHelperNodeArgumentEvaluationInClosure($childNode, 'if');
                     $initializationPhpCode .= sprintf('%s[\'__elseifClosures\'][] = %s;', $argumentsName, $elseIfConditionAsClosure) . chr(10);
     if (!$thenViewHelperEncountered && !$elseViewHelperEncountered && !isset($node->getArguments()['then'])) {
         $initializationPhpCode .= sprintf('%s[\'__thenClosure\'] = %s;', $argumentsName, $closureName) . chr(10);
     return parent::compile($argumentsName, $closureName, $initializationPhpCode, $node, $compiler);