/** * @param Schema $schema * @return void */ public function down(Schema $schema) { $this->abortIf($this->connection->getDatabasePlatform()->getName() != "postgresql"); $this->addSql("ALTER TABLE typo3_neos_eventlog_domain_model_event DROP CONSTRAINT fk_30ab3a75b684c08"); $this->addSql("ALTER TABLE typo3_neos_eventlog_domain_model_event DROP CONSTRAINT typo3_neos_eventlog_domain_model_event_pkey"); $this->addSql("ALTER TABLE typo3_neos_eventlog_domain_model_event ADD persistence_object_identifier VARCHAR(40) NULL"); $result = $this->connection->executeQuery("SELECT installed_version FROM pg_available_extensions WHERE name = 'uuid-ossp'"); if ($result->fetchColumn() !== null) { $this->addSql("UPDATE typo3_neos_eventlog_domain_model_event SET persistence_object_identifier = uuid_generate_v4()"); } else { $result = $this->connection->executeQuery("SELECT uid FROM typo3_neos_eventlog_domain_model_event"); while ($uid = $result->fetchColumn()) { $this->addSql("UPDATE typo3_neos_eventlog_domain_model_event SET persistence_object_identifier = '" . \Neos\Flow\Utility\Algorithms::generateUUID() . "' WHERE uid = " . $uid); } } $this->addSql("ALTER TABLE typo3_neos_eventlog_domain_model_event ALTER COLUMN persistence_object_identifier SET NOT NULL"); $this->addSql("ALTER TABLE typo3_neos_eventlog_domain_model_event ALTER uid DROP NOT NULL"); $this->addSql("ALTER TABLE typo3_neos_eventlog_domain_model_event ALTER parentevent TYPE VARCHAR(40) USING (parentevent::varchar)"); $this->addSql("ALTER TABLE typo3_neos_eventlog_domain_model_event ALTER parentevent DROP DEFAULT"); $this->addSql("WITH p AS (SELECT DISTINCT uid, persistence_object_identifier FROM typo3_neos_eventlog_domain_model_event) UPDATE typo3_neos_eventlog_domain_model_event SET parentevent = p.persistence_object_identifier FROM p WHERE parentevent IS NOT NULL AND p.uid = parentevent::integer"); $this->addSql("SELECT setval('typo3_neos_eventlog_domain_model_event_uid_seq', (SELECT MAX(uid) FROM typo3_neos_eventlog_domain_model_event)+1);"); $this->addSql("ALTER TABLE typo3_neos_eventlog_domain_model_event ALTER uid SET DEFAULT nextval('typo3_neos_eventlog_domain_model_event_uid_seq')"); $this->addSql("ALTER TABLE typo3_neos_eventlog_domain_model_event ADD PRIMARY KEY (persistence_object_identifier)"); $this->addSql("ALTER TABLE typo3_neos_eventlog_domain_model_event ADD CONSTRAINT fk_30ab3a75b684c08 FOREIGN KEY (parentevent) REFERENCES typo3_neos_eventlog_domain_model_event (persistence_object_identifier) NOT DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE"); }
/** * Redirects to the Neos backend on the given site, passing a one-time login token * * @param Site $site * @return void */ public function switchSiteAction($site) { $token = Algorithms::generateRandomToken(32); $this->loginTokenCache->set($token, $this->currentSession->getId()); $siteUri = $this->linkingService->createSiteUri($this->controllerContext, $site); $loginUri = $this->controllerContext->getUriBuilder()->reset()->uriFor('tokenLogin', ['token' => $token], 'Login', 'Neos.Neos'); $this->redirectToUri($siteUri . $loginUri); }
/** * Generates a new key & saves it encrypted with a hashing strategy * * @param string $name * @return string * @throws SecurityException */ public function generateKey($name) { if (strlen($name) === 0) { throw new SecurityException('Required name argument was empty', 1334215474); } $password = UtilityAlgorithms::generateRandomString($this->passwordGenerationLength); $this->persistKey($name, $password); return $password; }
/** * Generate a Token and assign it the given $identifier. * * A $presetName can be given to use a specific configuration preset. The given $meta data * will be stored with the Token and can be retrieved again when validation of the token * is done and was successful. * * @param string $identifier * @param string $presetName * @param array $meta * @return Token */ public function generateToken($identifier, $presetName = 'default', array $meta = []) { $preset = $this->getPreset($presetName); $tokenHash = Algorithms::generateRandomToken($preset['tokenLength']); $this->tokenCache->set($tokenHash, ['identifier' => $identifier, 'presetName' => $presetName, 'meta' => $meta], [md5($identifier)], $preset['lifetime']); $expiryTime = new \DateTime(sprintf('now +%s seconds', $preset['lifetime'])); $this->logger->log(sprintf('Token with hash %s generated for identifier %s (valid until %s) [%s]', $tokenHash, $identifier, $expiryTime->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $presetName), LOG_INFO); return new Token($tokenHash, $identifier, $preset, $meta); }
/** * Generate UUIDs in PHP if the uuid-ossp extension is not installed. * * @param Schema $schema * @return void */ public function preDown(Schema $schema) { $result = $this->connection->executeQuery("SELECT installed_version FROM pg_available_extensions WHERE name = 'uuid-ossp'"); if ($result->fetchColumn() === null) { $this->connection->executeUpdate("ALTER TABLE typo3_typo3cr_domain_model_workspace ADD persistence_object_identifier VARCHAR(40)"); $result = $this->connection->executeQuery('SELECT name FROM typo3_typo3cr_domain_model_workspace'); foreach ($result->fetchAll() as $workspace) { $this->connection->update('typo3_typo3cr_domain_model_workspace', array('persistence_object_identifier' => \Neos\Flow\Utility\Algorithms::generateUUID()), array('name' => $workspace['name'])); } } }
/** * @inheritdoc */ public function submit($payload, array $options = []) { $this->checkClientConnection(); $messageId = Algorithms::generateUUID(); $idStored = $this->client->hSet("queue:{$this->name}:ids", $messageId, json_encode($payload)); if ($idStored === 0) { return null; } $this->client->lPush("queue:{$this->name}:messages", $messageId); return $messageId; }
/** * @inheritdoc */ public function submit($payload, array $options = []) { $messageId = Algorithms::generateUUID(); $message = new Message($messageId, $payload); $commandArguments = [$this->name, base64_encode(serialize($message))]; if ($this->async) { if (!method_exists(Scripts::class, 'executeCommandAsync')) { throw new \RuntimeException('The "async" flag is set, but the currently used Flow version doesn\'t support this (Flow 3.3+ is required)', 1469116604); } Scripts::executeCommandAsync('flowpack.jobqueue.common:job:execute', $this->flowSettings, $commandArguments); } else { Scripts::executeCommand('flowpack.jobqueue.common:job:execute', $this->flowSettings, true, $commandArguments); } return $messageId; }
/** * Constructs this node data container * * Creating new nodes by instantiating NodeData is not part of the public API! * The content repository needs to properly integrate new nodes into the node * tree and therefore you must use createNode() or createNodeFromTemplate() * in a Node object which will internally create a NodeData object. * * @param string $path Absolute path of this node * @param Workspace $workspace The workspace this node will be contained in * @param string $identifier The node identifier (not the persistence object identifier!). Specifying this only makes sense while creating corresponding nodes * @param array $dimensions An array of dimension name to dimension values */ public function __construct($path, Workspace $workspace, $identifier = null, array $dimensions = null) { parent::__construct(); $this->creationDateTime = new \DateTime(); $this->lastModificationDateTime = new \DateTime(); $this->setPath($path, false); $this->workspace = $workspace; $this->identifier = $identifier === null ? Algorithms::generateUUID() : $identifier; $this->dimensions = new ArrayCollection(); if ($dimensions !== null) { foreach ($dimensions as $dimensionName => $dimensionValues) { foreach ($dimensionValues as $dimensionValue) { $this->dimensions->add(new NodeDimension($this, $dimensionName, $dimensionValue)); } } } $this->buildDimensionValues(); }
/** * Generates and propagates a new session ID and transfers all existing data * to the new session. * * @return string The new session ID * @throws Exception\SessionNotStartedException * @throws Exception\OperationNotSupportedException * @api */ public function renewId() { if ($this->started !== true) { throw new Exception\SessionNotStartedException('Tried to renew the session identifier, but the session has not been started yet.', 1351182429); } if ($this->remote === true) { throw new Exception\OperationNotSupportedException(sprintf('Tried to renew the session identifier on a remote session (%s).', $this->sessionIdentifier), 1354034230); } $this->removeSessionMetaDataCacheEntry($this->sessionIdentifier); $this->sessionIdentifier = Algorithms::generateRandomString(32); $this->writeSessionMetaDataCacheEntry(); $this->sessionCookie->setValue($this->sessionIdentifier); return $this->sessionIdentifier; }
/** * After returning advice, making sure we have an UUID for each and every entity. * * @param JoinPointInterface $joinPoint The current join point * @return void * @Flow\Before("Neos\Flow\Persistence\Aspect\PersistenceMagicAspect->isEntity && method(.*->(__construct|__clone)()) && filter(Neos\Flow\Persistence\Doctrine\Mapping\Driver\FlowAnnotationDriver)") */ public function generateUuid(JoinPointInterface $joinPoint) { /** @var $proxy PersistenceMagicInterface */ $proxy = $joinPoint->getProxy(); ObjectAccess::setProperty($proxy, 'Persistence_Object_Identifier', Algorithms::generateUUID(), true); $this->persistenceManager->registerNewObject($proxy); }
/** * Saves the given array as a node data entity without using the ORM. * * If the node data already exists (same dimensions, same identifier, same workspace) * it is replaced. * * @param array $nodeData node data to save as an associative array ( $column_name => $value ) * @throws ImportException * @return void */ protected function persistNodeData($nodeData) { if ($nodeData['workspace'] !== 'live') { throw new ImportException('Saving NodeData with workspace != "live" using direct SQL not supported yet. Workspace is "' . $nodeData['workspace'] . '".'); } if ($nodeData['path'] === '/') { return; } // cleanup old data /** @var Connection $connection */ $connection = $this->entityManager->getConnection(); // prepare node dimensions $dimensionValues = $nodeData['dimensionValues']; $dimensionsHash = Utility::sortDimensionValueArrayAndReturnDimensionsHash($dimensionValues); $jsonPropertiesDataTypeHandler = JsonArrayType::getType(JsonArrayType::FLOW_JSON_ARRAY); // post-process node data $nodeData['dimensionsHash'] = $dimensionsHash; $nodeData['dimensionValues'] = $jsonPropertiesDataTypeHandler->convertToDatabaseValue($dimensionValues, $connection->getDatabasePlatform()); $nodeData['properties'] = $jsonPropertiesDataTypeHandler->convertToDatabaseValue($nodeData['properties'], $connection->getDatabasePlatform()); $nodeData['accessRoles'] = $jsonPropertiesDataTypeHandler->convertToDatabaseValue($nodeData['accessRoles'], $connection->getDatabasePlatform()); $connection->executeQuery('DELETE FROM neos_contentrepository_domain_model_nodedimension' . ' WHERE nodedata IN (' . ' SELECT persistence_object_identifier FROM neos_contentrepository_domain_model_nodedata' . ' WHERE identifier = :identifier' . ' AND workspace = :workspace' . ' AND dimensionshash = :dimensionsHash' . ' )', array('identifier' => $nodeData['identifier'], 'workspace' => $nodeData['workspace'], 'dimensionsHash' => $nodeData['dimensionsHash'])); /** @var \Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder $queryBuilder */ $queryBuilder = $this->entityManager->createQueryBuilder(); $queryBuilder->delete()->from(NodeData::class, 'n')->where('n.identifier = :identifier')->andWhere('n.dimensionsHash = :dimensionsHash')->andWhere('n.workspace = :workspace')->setParameter('identifier', $nodeData['identifier'])->setParameter('workspace', $nodeData['workspace'])->setParameter('dimensionsHash', $nodeData['dimensionsHash']); $queryBuilder->getQuery()->execute(); // insert new data // we need to use executeUpdate to execute the INSERT -- else the data types are not taken into account. // That's why we build a DQL INSERT statement which is then executed. $queryParts = array(); $queryArguments = array(); $queryTypes = array(); foreach ($this->nodeDataPropertyNames as $propertyName => $propertyConfig) { if (isset($nodeData[$propertyName])) { $queryParts[$propertyName] = ':' . $propertyName; $queryArguments[$propertyName] = $nodeData[$propertyName]; if (isset($propertyConfig['columnType'])) { $queryTypes[$propertyName] = $propertyConfig['columnType']; } } } $connection->executeUpdate('INSERT INTO neos_contentrepository_domain_model_nodedata (' . implode(', ', array_keys($queryParts)) . ') VALUES (' . implode(', ', $queryParts) . ')', $queryArguments, $queryTypes); foreach ($dimensionValues as $dimension => $values) { foreach ($values as $value) { $nodeDimension = array('persistence_object_identifier' => Algorithms::generateUUID(), 'nodedata' => $nodeData['Persistence_Object_Identifier'], 'name' => $dimension, 'value' => $value); $connection->insert('neos_contentrepository_domain_model_nodedimension', $nodeDimension); } } }
/** * @test */ public function nodeWithRelatedEntitiesWillTakeCareOfAddingToPersistence() { $identifier = Algorithms::generateUUID(); $template = new NodeTemplate(); $template->setName('new-node'); $template->setIdentifier($identifier); $newEntity = new Fixtures\RelatedEntity(); $newEntity->setFavoritePlace('Reykjavik'); $anotherNewEntity = new Fixtures\RelatedEntity(); $anotherNewEntity->setFavoritePlace('Japan'); $template->setProperty('entity', array($newEntity, $anotherNewEntity)); $rootNode = $this->context->getRootNode(); $newNode = $rootNode->createNodeFromTemplate($template); $this->persistenceManager->persistAll(); $this->persistenceManager->clearState(); $this->inject($this->contextFactory, 'contextInstances', array()); $newLiveContext = $this->contextFactory->create(array('workspaceName' => 'live')); $newNodeAgain = $newLiveContext->getNode('/new-node'); $entityArray = $newNodeAgain->getProperty('entity'); $this->assertCount(2, $entityArray); $this->assertEquals('Japan', $entityArray[1]->getFavoritePlace()); }
/** * Creates a BCrypt hash * * @param string $password The plaintext password to hash * @param string $staticSalt Optional static salt that will not be stored in the hashed password * @return string the result of the crypt() call */ public function hashPassword($password, $staticSalt = null) { $dynamicSalt = UtilityAlgorithms::generateRandomString(22, 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789./'); return crypt($password, '$2a$' . $this->cost . '$' . $dynamicSalt); }
/** * Returns the current CSRF protection token. A new one is created when needed, depending on the configured CSRF * protection strategy. * * @return string * @Flow\Session(autoStart=true) */ public function getCsrfProtectionToken() { if ($this->initialized === false) { $this->initialize(); } if (count($this->csrfProtectionTokens) === 1 && $this->csrfProtectionStrategy !== self::CSRF_ONE_PER_URI) { reset($this->csrfProtectionTokens); return key($this->csrfProtectionTokens); } $newToken = Algorithms::generateRandomToken(16); $this->csrfProtectionTokens[$newToken] = true; return $newToken; }
/** * @inheritdoc */ public function submit($payload, array $options = []) { $this->lastSubmitOptions = $options; $messageId = Algorithms::generateUUID(); $this->readyMessages[$messageId] = $payload; return $messageId; }
/** * Returns the encryption key from the persistent cache or Data/Persistent directory. If none exists, a new * encryption key will be generated and stored in the cache. * * @return string The configured encryption key stored in Data/Persistent/EncryptionKey */ protected function getEncryptionKey() { if ($this->encryptionKey === null) { $this->encryptionKey = $this->cache->get('encryptionKey'); } if ($this->encryptionKey === false && file_exists(FLOW_PATH_DATA . 'Persistent/EncryptionKey')) { $this->encryptionKey = file_get_contents(FLOW_PATH_DATA . 'Persistent/EncryptionKey'); } if ($this->encryptionKey === false) { $this->encryptionKey = bin2hex(Utility\Algorithms::generateRandomBytes(48)); $this->cache->set('encryptionKey', $this->encryptionKey); } return $this->encryptionKey; }
/** * @test * @dataProvider randomStringCharactersDataProvider */ public function generateRandomStringGeneratesOnlyDefinedCharactersRange($regularExpression, $charactersClass) { $this->assertRegExp($regularExpression, Algorithms::generateRandomString(64, $charactersClass)); }
/** * Hash a password for storage using PBKDF2 and the configured parameters. * Will use a combination of a random dynamic salt and the given static salt. * * @param string $password Cleartext password that should be hashed * @param string $staticSalt Static salt that will be appended to the random dynamic salt * @return string A Base64 encoded string with the derived key (hashed password) and dynamic salt */ public function hashPassword($password, $staticSalt = null) { $dynamicSalt = UtilityAlgorithms::generateRandomBytes($this->dynamicSaltLength); $result = CryptographyAlgorithms::pbkdf2($password, $dynamicSalt . $staticSalt, $this->iterationCount, $this->derivedKeyLength, $this->algorithm); return base64_encode($dynamicSalt) . ',' . base64_encode($result); }