Objects of this kind conveniently represent locales usually described by locale identifiers such as de_DE, en_Latin_US etc. The locale identifiers used are defined in the Unicode Technical Standard #35 (Unicode Locale Data Markup Language). Using this class asserts the validity of the used locale and provides you with some useful methods for getting more information about it. Please note that this class represents locale identifier with valid syntax, but it does not assures that represented locale is available (installed) in current Flow installation. In order to check that, various methods of \Neos\Flow\I18n\Service class can be used.
또한 보기: http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/
또한 보기: Neos\Flow\I18n\Service
  * Generates a URI path segment for a given node taking it's language dimension into account
  * @param NodeInterface $node Optional node to determine language dimension
  * @param string $text Optional text
  * @return string
 public function generateUriPathSegment(NodeInterface $node = null, $text = null)
     if ($node) {
         $text = $text ?: $node->getLabel() ?: $node->getName();
         $dimensions = $node->getContext()->getDimensions();
         if (array_key_exists('language', $dimensions) && $dimensions['language'] !== array()) {
             $locale = new Locale($dimensions['language'][0]);
             $language = $locale->getLanguage();
     } elseif (strlen($text) === 0) {
         throw new Exception('Given text was empty.', 1457591815);
     $text = $this->transliterationService->transliterate($text, isset($language) ? $language : null);
     return Transliterator::urlize($text);
  * @test
 public function theConstructorRecognizesTheMostImportantValidLocaleIdentifiers()
     $locale = new I18n\Locale('de');
     $this->assertEquals('de', $locale->getLanguage());
     $locale = new I18n\Locale('de_DE');
     $this->assertEquals('de', $locale->getLanguage());
     $this->assertEquals('DE', $locale->getRegion());
     $locale = new I18n\Locale('en_Latn_US');
     $this->assertEquals('en', $locale->getLanguage());
     $this->assertEquals('Latn', $locale->getScript());
     $this->assertEquals('US', $locale->getRegion());
     $locale = new I18n\Locale('AR-arab_ae');
     $this->assertEquals('ar', $locale->getLanguage());
     $this->assertEquals('Arab', $locale->getScript());
     $this->assertEquals('AE', $locale->getRegion());
  * Returns translated label ("target" tag in XLIFF) for the id given.
  * Id is compared with "id" attribute of "trans-unit" tag (see XLIFF
  * specification for details).
  * @param string $transUnitId The "id" attribute of "trans-unit" tag in XLIFF
  * @param integer $pluralFormIndex Index of plural form to use (starts with 0)
  * @return mixed Translated label or FALSE on failure
 public function getTargetByTransUnitId($transUnitId, $pluralFormIndex = 0)
     if (!isset($this->xmlParsedData['translationUnits'][$transUnitId])) {
         $this->i18nLogger->log('No trans-unit element with the id "' . $transUnitId . '" was found in ' . $this->sourcePath . '. Either this translation has been removed or the id in the code or template referring to the translation is wrong.', LOG_DEBUG);
         return false;
     if (!isset($this->xmlParsedData['translationUnits'][$transUnitId][$pluralFormIndex])) {
         $this->i18nLogger->log('The plural form index "' . $pluralFormIndex . '" for the trans-unit element with the id "' . $transUnitId . '" in ' . $this->sourcePath . ' is not available.', LOG_DEBUG);
         return false;
     if ($this->xmlParsedData['translationUnits'][$transUnitId][$pluralFormIndex]['target']) {
         return $this->xmlParsedData['translationUnits'][$transUnitId][$pluralFormIndex]['target'];
     } elseif ($this->locale->getLanguage() === $this->xmlParsedData['sourceLocale']->getLanguage()) {
         return $this->xmlParsedData['translationUnits'][$transUnitId][$pluralFormIndex]['source'] ?: false;
     } else {
         $this->i18nLogger->log('The target translation was empty and the source translation language (' . $this->xmlParsedData['sourceLocale']->getLanguage() . ') does not match the current locale (' . $this->locale->getLanguage() . ') for the trans-unit element with the id "' . $transUnitId . '" in ' . $this->sourcePath, LOG_DEBUG);
         return false;
  * Returns array of plural forms available for particular locale.
  * @param Locale $locale Locale to return plural forms for
  * @return array Plural forms' names (one, zero, two, few, many, other) available for language set in this model
 public function getPluralForms(Locale $locale)
     if (!isset($this->rulesetsIndices[$locale->getLanguage()])) {
         return [self::RULE_OTHER];
     return array_merge(array_keys($this->rulesets[$locale->getLanguage()][$this->rulesetsIndices[$locale->getLanguage()]]), [self::RULE_OTHER]);