get() 공개 메소드

Finds and returns a variable value from the cache.
public get ( string $entryIdentifier ) : string
$entryIdentifier string Identifier of the cache entry to fetch
리턴 string The value
  * @return string The current cache version identifier
 public function render()
     $version = $this->configurationCache->get('ConfigurationVersion');
     if ($version === false) {
         $version = time();
         $this->configurationCache->set('ConfigurationVersion', (string) $version);
     return $version;
  * Tries to retrieve the specified content segment from the cache – further nested inline segments are retrieved
  * as well and segments which were not cacheable are rendered.
  * @param \Closure $uncachedCommandCallback A callback to process commands in uncached segments
  * @param string $typoScriptPath TypoScript path identifying the TypoScript object to retrieve from the content cache
  * @param array $cacheIdentifierValues Further values which play into the cache identifier hash, must be the same as the ones specified while the cache entry was written
  * @param boolean $addCacheSegmentMarkersToPlaceholders If cache segment markers should be added – this makes sense if the cached segment is about to be included in a not-yet-cached segment
  * @return string|boolean The segment with replaced cache placeholders, or FALSE if a segment was missing in the cache
  * @throws Exception
 public function getCachedSegment($uncachedCommandCallback, $typoScriptPath, $cacheIdentifierValues, $addCacheSegmentMarkersToPlaceholders = false)
     $cacheIdentifier = $this->renderContentCacheEntryIdentifier($typoScriptPath, $cacheIdentifierValues);
     $content = $this->cache->get($cacheIdentifier);
     if ($content === false) {
         return false;
     $i = 0;
     do {
         $replaced = $this->replaceCachePlaceholders($content, $addCacheSegmentMarkersToPlaceholders);
         if ($replaced === false) {
             return false;
         if ($i > self::MAXIMUM_NESTING_LEVEL) {
             throw new Exception('Maximum cache segment level reached', 1391873620);
     } while ($replaced > 0);
     $this->replaceUncachedPlaceholders($uncachedCommandCallback, $content);
     if ($addCacheSegmentMarkersToPlaceholders) {
         return self::CACHE_SEGMENT_START_TOKEN . $this->randomCacheMarker . $cacheIdentifier . self::CACHE_SEGMENT_SEPARATOR_TOKEN . $this->randomCacheMarker . '*' . self::CACHE_SEGMENT_SEPARATOR_TOKEN . $this->randomCacheMarker . $content . self::CACHE_SEGMENT_END_TOKEN . $this->randomCacheMarker;
     } else {
         return $content;
  * @test
 public function getFetchesStringValueFromBackend()
     $backend = $this->prepareDefaultBackend();
     $backend->expects($this->once())->method('get')->will($this->returnValue('Just some value'));
     $cache = new StringFrontend('StringFrontend', $backend);
     $this->assertEquals('Just some value', $cache->get('StringCacheTest'), 'The returned value was not the expected string.');
  * Checks the cache for the given route values and returns the cached resolvedUriPath if a cache entry is found
  * @param array $routeValues
  * @return string|boolean the cached request path or FALSE if no cache entry was found
 public function getCachedResolvedUriPath(array $routeValues)
     $routeValues = $this->convertObjectsToHashes($routeValues);
     if ($routeValues === null) {
         return false;
     return $this->resolveCache->get($this->buildResolveCacheIdentifier($routeValues));
  * Loads the last detected files for this monitor.
  * @return void
 protected function loadDetectedDirectoriesAndFiles()
     if ($this->directoriesAndFiles === null) {
         $this->directoriesAndFiles = json_decode($this->cache->get($this->identifier . '_directoriesAndFiles'), true);
         if (!is_array($this->directoriesAndFiles)) {
             $this->directoriesAndFiles = [];
  * Returns the encryption key from the persistent cache or Data/Persistent directory. If none exists, a new
  * encryption key will be generated and stored in the cache.
  * @return string The configured encryption key stored in Data/Persistent/EncryptionKey
 protected function getEncryptionKey()
     if ($this->encryptionKey === null) {
         $this->encryptionKey = $this->cache->get('encryptionKey');
     if ($this->encryptionKey === false && file_exists(FLOW_PATH_DATA . 'Persistent/EncryptionKey')) {
         $this->encryptionKey = file_get_contents(FLOW_PATH_DATA . 'Persistent/EncryptionKey');
     if ($this->encryptionKey === false) {
         $this->encryptionKey = bin2hex(Utility\Algorithms::generateRandomBytes(48));
         $this->cache->set('encryptionKey', $this->encryptionKey);
     return $this->encryptionKey;
  * Loads all node types into memory.
  * @return void
 protected function loadNodeTypes()
     $this->fullNodeTypeConfigurations = $this->fullConfigurationCache->get('fullNodeTypeConfigurations');
     $fillFullConfigurationCache = !is_array($this->fullNodeTypeConfigurations);
     $completeNodeTypeConfiguration = $this->configurationManager->getConfiguration('NodeTypes');
     foreach (array_keys($completeNodeTypeConfiguration) as $nodeTypeName) {
         if (!is_array($completeNodeTypeConfiguration[$nodeTypeName])) {
         $nodeType = $this->loadNodeType($nodeTypeName, $completeNodeTypeConfiguration, isset($this->fullNodeTypeConfigurations[$nodeTypeName]) ? $this->fullNodeTypeConfigurations[$nodeTypeName] : null);
         if ($fillFullConfigurationCache) {
             $this->fullNodeTypeConfigurations[$nodeTypeName] = $nodeType->getFullConfiguration();
     if ($fillFullConfigurationCache) {
         $this->fullConfigurationCache->set('fullNodeTypeConfigurations', $this->fullNodeTypeConfigurations);
     $this->fullNodeTypeConfigurations = null;
  * Logs a user in if a session identifier is available under the given token in the token cache.
  * @param string $token
  * @return void
 public function tokenLoginAction($token)
     $newSessionId = $this->loginTokenCache->get($token);
     if ($newSessionId === false) {
         $this->systemLogger->log(sprintf('Token-based login failed, non-existing or expired token %s', $token), LOG_WARNING);
     $this->systemLogger->log(sprintf('Token-based login succeeded, token %s', $token), LOG_DEBUG);
     $newSession = $this->sessionManager->getSession($newSessionId);
     if ($newSession->canBeResumed()) {
     if ($newSession->isStarted()) {
         $newSession->putData('lastVisitedNode', null);
     } else {
         $this->systemLogger->log(sprintf('Failed resuming or starting session %s which was referred to in the login token %s.', $newSessionId, $token), LOG_ERR);
     $this->redirect('index', 'Backend\\Backend');
  * Initializes this strategy
  * @param FileMonitor $fileMonitor
  * @return void
 public function setFileMonitor(FileMonitor $fileMonitor)
     $this->fileMonitor = $fileMonitor;
     $this->filesAndModificationTimes = json_decode($this->cache->get($this->fileMonitor->getIdentifier() . '_filesAndModificationTimes'), true);