createWildcardReference() 공개 정적인 메소드

public static createWildcardReference ( string $reference ) : self
$reference string e.g. 'user'
리턴 self reference with the pattern to match "@user*"
예제 #1
  * Parses expressions such as '$username'.
  * {@inheritdoc}
  * @throws ParseException
 public function parse(Token $token)
     $value = $token->getValue();
     $fixtureId = substr($value, 1, strlen($value) - 2);
     if (false === $fixtureId) {
         throw ExpressionLanguageExceptionFactory::createForUnparsableToken($token);
     return FixtureMatchReferenceValue::createWildcardReference($fixtureId);
예제 #2
 public function provideValues()
     // Simple values
     (yield 'empty string' => ['', '']);
     (yield 'regular string value' => ['dummy', 'dummy']);
     (yield 'string value with quotes' => ['\'dummy\'', '\'dummy\'']);
     (yield 'string value with double quotes' => ['"dummy"', '"dummy"']);
     // Escaped character
     (yield '[Escape character] nominal (1)' => ['\\', null]);
     (yield '[Escape character] nominal (2)' => ['\\\\', '\\']);
     (yield '[Escape character] with empty reference' => ['\\@', '@']);
     (yield '[Escape character] with reference' => ['\\@user0', '@user0']);
     (yield '[Escape character] with function reference' => ['\\@<foo()>', new ListValue(['@', new FunctionCallValue('foo')])]);
     (yield '[Escape character] double escape with reference' => ['\\\\@', null]);
     (yield '[Escape character] with empty reference' => ['\\\\\\@', '\\@']);
     // Escaped arrow
     (yield '[Escaped arrow] nominal (1)' => ['\\<', '<']);
     (yield '[Escaped arrow] nominal (2)' => ['\\>', '>']);
     (yield '[Escaped arrow] parameter' => ['\\<{param}>', '<{param}>']);
     (yield '[Escaped arrow] function' => ['\\<f()>', '<f()>']);
     (yield '[Escaped arrow] surrounded' => ['foo \\< bar \\> baz', 'foo < bar > baz']);
     // Parameters
     (yield '[Parameter] nominal' => ['<{dummy_param}>', new ParameterValue('dummy_param')]);
     (yield '[Parameter] unbalanced (1)' => ['<{dummy_param>', null]);
     (yield '[Parameter] escaped unbalanced (1)' => ['\\<{dummy_param>', null]);
     (yield '[Parameter] unbalanced (2)' => ['<{dummy_param', null]);
     (yield '[Parameter] escaped unbalanced (2)' => ['\\<{dummy_param', '<{dummy_param']);
     (yield '[Parameter] unbalanced (3)' => ['<dummy_param}>', null]);
     (yield '[Parameter] escaped unbalanced (3)' => ['\\<dummy_param}\\>', '<dummy_param}>']);
     (yield '[Parameter] unbalanced (4)' => ['dummy_param}>', null]);
     (yield '[Parameter] escaped unbalanced (4)' => ['dummy_param}\\>', 'dummy_param}>']);
     (yield '[Parameter] successive' => ['<{param1}><{param2}>', new ListValue([new ParameterValue('param1'), new ParameterValue('param2')])]);
     (yield '[Parameter] nested' => ['<{value_<{nested_param}>}>', null]);
     (yield '[Parameter] nested escape' => ['<{value_\\<{nested_param}>}>', null]);
     (yield '[Parameter] surrounded - nested' => ['foo <{value_<{nested_param}>}> bar', null]);
     // Functions
     (yield '[Function] nominal' => ['<function()>', new FunctionCallValue('function')]);
     (yield '[Function] localized nominal' => ['<fr_FR:function()>', new FunctionCallValue('fr_FR:function')]);
     (yield '[Function] unbalanced (1)' => ['<function()', null]);
     (yield '[Function] escaped unbalanced (1)' => ['\\<function()', null]);
     (yield '[Function] unbalanced (2)' => ['function()>', null]);
     (yield '[Function] escaped unbalanced (2)' => ['function()\\>', 'function()>']);
     (yield '[Function] unbalanced (3)' => ['<function(>', null]);
     (yield '[Function] escaped unbalanced (3)' => ['\\<function(\\>', null]);
     (yield '[Function] unbalanced (4)' => ['<function)>', null]);
     (yield '[Function] escaped unbalanced (4)' => ['\\<function)\\>', '<function)>']);
     (yield '[Function] with numeric characters' => ['<ipv6()>', new FunctionCallValue('ipv6')]);
     (yield '[Function] successive functions' => ['<f()><g()>', new ListValue([new FunctionCallValue('f'), new FunctionCallValue('g')])]);
     (yield '[Function] correct successive functions' => ['<f()> <g()>', new ListValue([new FunctionCallValue('f'), ' ', new FunctionCallValue('g')])]);
     (yield '[Function] nested functions' => ['<f(<g()>)>', new FunctionCallValue('f', [new FunctionCallValue('g')])]);
     (yield '[Function] nominal surrounded' => ['foo <function()> bar', new ListValue(['foo ', new FunctionCallValue('function'), ' bar'])]);
     (yield '[Function] nominal identity' => ['<(function())>', IdentityFactory::create('function()')]);
     (yield '[Function] identity with args' => ['<(function(echo("hello")))>', IdentityFactory::create('function(echo("hello"))')]);
     (yield '[Function] identity with params' => ['<(function(echo(<{param}>))>', IdentityFactory::create('function(echo(<{param}>)')]);
     (yield '[X] parameter, function, identity and escaped' => ['<{param}><function()><(echo("hello"))>\\<escaped_value\\>', new ListValue([new ParameterValue('param'), new FunctionCallValue('function'), IdentityFactory::create('echo("hello")'), '<escaped_value>'])]);
     (yield '[Function] nominal with arguments' => ['<function($foo, $arg)>', new FunctionCallValue('function', [new VariableValue('foo'), new VariableValue('arg')])]);
     (yield '[Function] nominal with string arguments which contains quotes' => ['<function(\'foo\', "bar")>', new FunctionCallValue('function', ['foo', 'bar'])]);
     (yield '[Function] unbalanced with arguments (1)' => ['<function($foo, $arg)', null]);
     (yield '[Function] escaped unbalanced with arguments (1)' => ['\\<function($foo, $arg)', null]);
     (yield '[Function] unbalanced with arguments (2)' => ['function($foo, $arg)>', null]);
     (yield '[Function] escaped unbalanced with arguments (2)' => ['function($foo, $arg)\\>', new ListValue(['function(', new VariableValue('foo'), ', ', new VariableValue('arg'), ')>'])]);
     (yield '[Function] escaped unbalanced with arguments (4)' => ['\\<function$foo, $arg)>', null]);
     (yield '[Function] successive functions with arguments' => ['<f($foo, $arg)><g($baz, $faz)>', new ListValue([new FunctionCallValue('f', [new VariableValue('foo'), new VariableValue('arg')]), new FunctionCallValue('g', [new VariableValue('baz'), new VariableValue('faz')])])]);
     (yield '[Function] correct successive functions with arguments' => ['<f($foo, $arg)> <g($baz, $faz)>', new ListValue([new FunctionCallValue('f', [new VariableValue('foo'), new VariableValue('arg')]), ' ', new FunctionCallValue('g', [new VariableValue('baz'), new VariableValue('faz')])])]);
     (yield '[Function] nested functions with arguments' => ['<f(<g($baz)>, $arg)>', new FunctionCallValue('f', [new FunctionCallValue('g', [new VariableValue('baz')]), new VariableValue('arg')])]);
     (yield '[Function] nested functions with multiple arguments' => ['<f(<g($baz, $faz)>, $arg)>', null]);
     (yield '[Function] nominal surrounded with arguments' => ['foo <function($foo, $arg)> bar', new ListValue(['foo ', new FunctionCallValue('function', [new VariableValue('foo'), new VariableValue('arg')]), ' bar'])]);
     (yield '[Function] nominal identity with arguments' => ['<(function($foo, $arg))>', IdentityFactory::create('function($foo, $arg)')]);
     (yield '[Function] identity with params' => ['<(function(echo(<{param}>))>', IdentityFactory::create('function(echo(<{param}>)')]);
     // Arrays
     (yield '[Array] nominal string array' => ['10x @user', new DynamicArrayValue(10, new FixtureReferenceValue('user'))]);
     (yield '[Array] string array with negative number' => ['-10x @user', null]);
     (yield '[Array] string array with left member' => ['foo 10x @user', null]);
     (yield '[Array] string array with right member' => ['10x @user bar', new DynamicArrayValue(10, new ListValue([new FixtureReferenceValue('user'), ' bar']))]);
     (yield '[Array] string array with P1' => ['<dummy>x 50x <hello>', null]);
     (yield '[Array] string array with string array' => ['10x [@user->name, @group->getName()]', new DynamicArrayValue(10, [new FixturePropertyValue(new FixtureReferenceValue('user'), 'name'), new FixtureMethodCallValue(new FixtureReferenceValue('group'), new FunctionCallValue('getName'))])]);
     (yield '[Array] escaped array' => ['\\[X]', '[X]']);
     (yield '[Array] malformed escaped array 1' => ['\\[X]', '[X]']);
     (yield '[Array] malformed escaped array 2' => ['[X\\]', null]);
     (yield '[Array] surrounded escaped array' => ['foo \\[X] bar', 'foo [X] bar']);
     (yield '[Array] surrounded escaped array with param' => ['foo \\[X] yo <{param}> bar', new ListValue(['foo [X] yo ', new ParameterValue('param'), ' bar'])]);
     (yield '[Array] simple string array' => ['[@user->name, @group->getName()]', [new FixturePropertyValue(new FixtureReferenceValue('user'), 'name'), new FixtureMethodCallValue(new FixtureReferenceValue('group'), new FunctionCallValue('getName'))]]);
     // Optional
     (yield '[Optional] nominal' => ['80%? Y', new OptionalValue('80', 'Y')]);
     (yield '[Optional] with negative number' => ['-50%? Y', new ListValue(['-', new OptionalValue('50', 'Y')])]);
     (yield '[Optional] with float' => ['0.5%? Y', new OptionalValue('0.5', 'Y')]);
     (yield '[Optional] with <X>' => ['<{dummy}>%? Y', new OptionalValue(new ParameterValue('dummy'), 'Y')]);
     (yield '[Optional] complete' => ['80%? Y: Z', new OptionalValue('80', 'Y', 'Z')]);
     (yield '[Optional] complete with superfluous space' => ['80%?  Y :  Z  ', new ListValue([new OptionalValue('80', 'Y', 'Z'), '  '])]);
     (yield '[Optional] complete with negative number' => ['-50%? Y: Z', new ListValue(['-', new OptionalValue('50', 'Y', 'Z')])]);
     (yield '[Optional] complete with float' => ['0.5%? Y: Z', new OptionalValue('0.5', 'Y', 'Z')]);
     (yield '[Optional] complete with <X>' => ['<{dummy}>%? Y: Z', new OptionalValue(new ParameterValue('dummy'), 'Y', 'Z')]);
     (yield '[Optional] nominal with left member' => ['foo 80%? Y', new ListValue(['foo ', new OptionalValue('80', 'Y')])]);
     (yield '[Optional] with negative number and left member' => ['foo -50%? Y', new ListValue(['foo -', new OptionalValue('50', 'Y')])]);
     (yield '[Optional] with float and left member' => ['foo 0.5%? Y', new ListValue(['foo ', new OptionalValue('0.5', 'Y')])]);
     (yield '[Optional] with <X> and left member' => ['foo <{dummy}>%? Y', new ListValue(['foo ', new OptionalValue(new ParameterValue('dummy'), 'Y')])]);
     (yield '[Optional] complete with left member' => ['foo 80%? Y: Z', new ListValue(['foo ', new OptionalValue('80', 'Y', 'Z')])]);
     (yield '[Optional] complete with negative number and left member' => ['foo -50%? Y: Z', new ListValue(['foo -', new OptionalValue('50', 'Y', 'Z')])]);
     (yield '[Optional] complete with float and left member' => ['foo 0.5%? Y: Z', new ListValue(['foo ', new OptionalValue('0.5', 'Y', 'Z')])]);
     (yield '[Optional] complete with <X> and left member' => ['foo <{dummy}>%? Y: Z', new ListValue(['foo ', new OptionalValue(new ParameterValue('dummy'), 'Y', 'Z')])]);
     (yield '[Optional] without members' => ['80%? ', null]);
     (yield '[Optional] without members 2' => ['80%?', null]);
     (yield '[Optional] without first member but with second' => ['80%? :Z', null]);
     (yield '[Optional] with first member containing a string' => ['80%? foo bar', new OptionalValue('80', 'foo bar')]);
     (yield '[Optional] with first member containing a space and second member' => ['80%? foo bar: baz', new OptionalValue('80', 'foo bar', 'baz')]);
     (yield '[Optional] with first member containing a space and second member too' => ['80%? foo bar: baz faz', new ListValue([new OptionalValue('80', 'foo bar', 'baz'), ' faz'])]);
     (yield '[Optional] with second member containing a space' => ['80%? foo: bar baz', new ListValue([new OptionalValue('80', 'foo', 'bar'), ' baz'])]);
     (yield '[Optional] with second member without the space after semicolon' => ['80%? foo:bar baz', null]);
     (yield '[Optional] without space after quantifier' => ['80%?foo bar', null]);
     (yield '[Optional] without space after quantifier with second member' => ['80%?foo: bar baz', null]);
     (yield '[Optional] surrounded with params' => ['foo 80%? <{dummy}>: <another()> baz', new ListValue(['foo ', new OptionalValue('80', new ParameterValue('dummy'), new FunctionCallValue('another')), ' baz'])]);
     (yield '[Optional] surrounded with params and nested' => ['<foo()> -80%? <{dum10}>%? y: z my>: \\<another\\> <baz()>', null]);
     // References
     (yield '[Reference] empty reference' => ['@', null]);
     (yield '[Reference] empty escaped reference' => ['\\@', '@']);
     (yield '[Reference] empty reference with second member' => ['@ foo', null]);
     (yield '[Reference] escaped empty reference with second member' => ['\\@ foo', '@ foo']);
     (yield '[Reference] alone with strings' => ['@user0', new FixtureReferenceValue('user0')]);
     (yield '[Reference] escaped alone with strings' => ['\\@user0', '@user0']);
     (yield '[Reference] left with strings' => ['foo @user0', new ListValue(['foo ', new FixtureReferenceValue('user0')])]);
     (yield '[Reference] right with strings' => ['@user0 bar', new ListValue([new FixtureReferenceValue('user0'), ' bar'])]);
     (yield '[Reference] alone with prop' => ['@user0->username', new FixturePropertyValue(new FixtureReferenceValue('user0'), 'username')]);
     (yield '[Reference] wildcard with prop' => ['@user*->username', new FixturePropertyValue(FixtureMatchReferenceValue::createWildcardReference('user'), 'username')]);
     (yield '[Reference] list with prop' => ['@user{alice, bob}->username', new FixturePropertyValue(new ChoiceListValue([new FixtureReferenceValue('useralice'), new FixtureReferenceValue('userbob')]), 'username')]);
     (yield '[Reference] range with prop' => ['@user{1..2}->username', new FixturePropertyValue(new ChoiceListValue([new FixtureReferenceValue('user1'), new FixtureReferenceValue('user2')]), 'username')]);
     (yield '[Reference] left with prop' => ['foo @user0->username', new ListValue(['foo ', new FixturePropertyValue(new FixtureReferenceValue('user0'), 'username')])]);
     (yield '[Reference] right with prop' => ['@user0->username bar', new ListValue([new FixturePropertyValue(new FixtureReferenceValue('user0'), 'username'), ' bar'])]);
     (yield '[Reference] successive prop' => ['@user0->username->value', null]);
     (yield '[Reference] surrounded successive prop' => ['foo @user0->username->value bar', null]);
     (yield '[Reference] with nested' => ['@user0@user1', new ListValue([new FixtureReferenceValue('user0'), new FixtureReferenceValue('user1')])]);
     (yield '[Reference] with nested surrounded' => ['foo @user0@user1 bar', new ListValue(['foo ', new FixtureReferenceValue('user0'), new FixtureReferenceValue('user1'), ' bar'])]);
     (yield '[Reference] nominal range' => ['@user{1..2}', new ChoiceListValue([new FixtureReferenceValue('user1'), new FixtureReferenceValue('user2')])]);
     (yield '[Reference] surrounded range' => ['foo @user{1..2} bar', new ListValue(['foo ', new ChoiceListValue([new FixtureReferenceValue('user1'), new FixtureReferenceValue('user2')]), ' bar'])]);
     (yield '[Reference] successive' => ['@user{1..2}@group{3..4}', new ListValue([new ChoiceListValue([new FixtureReferenceValue('user1'), new FixtureReferenceValue('user2')]), new ChoiceListValue([new FixtureReferenceValue('group3'), new FixtureReferenceValue('group4')])])]);
     (yield '[Reference] range-prop' => ['@user->username{1..2}', new ListValue([new FixturePropertyValue(new FixtureReferenceValue('user'), 'username'), '{1..2}'])]);
     (yield '[Reference] range-method' => ['@user->getUserName(){1..2}', new ListValue([new FixtureMethodCallValue(new FixtureReferenceValue('user'), new FunctionCallValue('getUserName')), '{1..2}'])]);
     (yield '[Reference] with nested with prop' => ['@user0->@user1', null]);
     (yield '[Reference] with nested with prop surrounded' => ['foo @user0->@user1 bar', null]);
     (yield '[Reference] with successive with prop surrounded' => ['foo @user0->username @user1->name bar', new ListValue(['foo ', new FixturePropertyValue(new FixtureReferenceValue('user0'), 'username'), ' ', new FixturePropertyValue(new FixtureReferenceValue('user1'), 'name'), ' bar'])]);
     (yield '[Reference] alone with function' => ['@user0->getUserName()', new FixtureMethodCallValue(new FixtureReferenceValue('user0'), new FunctionCallValue('getUserName'))]);
     (yield '[Reference] wildcard alone with function' => ['@user*->getUserName()', new FixtureMethodCallValue(FixtureMatchReferenceValue::createWildcardReference('user'), new FunctionCallValue('getUserName'))]);
     (yield '[Reference] function surrounded' => ['foo @user0->getUserName() bar', new ListValue(['foo ', new FixtureMethodCallValue(new FixtureReferenceValue('user0'), new FunctionCallValue('getUserName')), ' bar'])]);
     (yield '[Reference] alone with function with arguments' => ['@user0->getUserName($username)', new FixtureMethodCallValue(new FixtureReferenceValue('user0'), new FunctionCallValue('getUserName', [new VariableValue('username')]))]);
     (yield '[Reference] alone with function with arguments containing nested reference' => ['@user0->getUserName($username, @group->getName($foo))', null]);
     (yield '[Reference] alone with fluent function' => ['@user0->getUserName()->getName()', null]);
     (yield '[Reference] surrounded with fluent function' => ['foo @user0->getUserName()->getName() bar', null]);
     (yield '[Reference] nominal wildcard' => ['@user*', FixtureMatchReferenceValue::createWildcardReference('user')]);
     (yield '[Reference] surrounded wildcard' => ['foo @user* bar', new ListValue(['foo ', FixtureMatchReferenceValue::createWildcardReference('user'), ' bar'])]);
     (yield '[Reference] nominal list' => ['@user0{alice, bob}', new ChoiceListValue([new FixtureReferenceValue('user0alice'), new FixtureReferenceValue('user0bob')])]);
     (yield '[Reference] list with function' => ['@user{alice, bob}->getUserName()', new FixtureMethodCallValue(new ChoiceListValue([new FixtureReferenceValue('useralice'), new FixtureReferenceValue('userbob')]), new FunctionCallValue('getUserName'))]);
     (yield '[Reference] surrounded list' => ['foo @user0{alice, bob} bar', new ListValue(['foo ', new ChoiceListValue([new FixtureReferenceValue('user0alice'), new FixtureReferenceValue('user0bob')]), ' bar'])]);
     (yield '[Reference] reference function' => ['@user0<foo()>', new FixtureReferenceValue(new ListValue(['user0', new FunctionCallValue('foo')]))]);
     (yield '[Reference] reference which is entirely a function' => ['@<foo()>', new FixtureReferenceValue(new ListValue(['', new FunctionCallValue('foo')]))]);
     (yield '[Reference] surrounded reference function' => ['foo @user0<foo()> bar', new ListValue(['foo ', new FixtureReferenceValue(new ListValue(['user0', new FunctionCallValue('foo')])), ' bar'])]);
     (yield '[Reference] reference function with args' => ['@user0<f($foo, $bar)>', new FixtureReferenceValue(new ListValue(['user0', new FunctionCallValue('f', [new VariableValue('foo'), new VariableValue('bar')])]))]);
     (yield '[Reference] surrounded reference function with args' => ['foo @user0<f($foo, $bar)> bar', new ListValue(['foo ', new FixtureReferenceValue(new ListValue(['user0', new FunctionCallValue('f', [new VariableValue('foo'), new VariableValue('bar')])])), ' bar'])]);
     (yield '[Reference] function successive' => ['@user0->getUserName()@user1->getName()', null]);
     (yield '[Reference] function successive surrounded' => ['foo @user0->getUserName()@user1->getName() bar', null]);
     (yield '[Reference] function nested with function' => ['@user0->@user1->getUsername()', null]);
     (yield '[Reference] function nested with function surrounded' => ['foo @user0->@user1->getUsername() bar', null]);
     (yield '[Reference] current' => ['foo @user0<current()> bar', new ListValue(['foo ', new FixtureReferenceValue(new ListValue(['user0', new FunctionCallValue('current', [new ValueForCurrentValue()])])), ' bar'])]);
     // Variables
     (yield '[Variable] empty variable' => ['$', null]);
     (yield '[Variable] empty variable with second member' => ['$ foo', null]);
     (yield '[Variable] alone' => ['$username', new VariableValue('username')]);
     (yield '[Variable] left' => ['foo $username', new ListValue(['foo ', new VariableValue('username')])]);
     (yield '[Variable] right' => ['$username bar', new ListValue([new VariableValue('username'), ' bar'])]);
     (yield '[Variable] successive' => ['$foo$bar', new ListValue([new VariableValue('foo'), new VariableValue('bar')])]);
     (yield '[Variable] successive surrounded' => ['faz $foo$bar baz', new ListValue(['faz ', new VariableValue('foo'), new VariableValue('bar'), ' baz'])]);
     (yield '[Variable] empty escaped variable' => ['\\$', '$']);
     (yield '[Variable] escaped empty variable with second member' => ['\\$ foo', '$ foo']);
     (yield '[Variable] alone with strings' => ['\\$username', '$username']);
  * @expectedException \Nelmio\Alice\Throwable\Exception\Generator\Resolver\UnresolvableValueException
  * @expectedExceptionMessage Could not find a fixture or object ID matching the pattern
 public function testThrowsAnExceptionIfNotMathcingIdFound()
     $value = FixtureMatchReferenceValue::createWildcardReference('dummy');
     $fixture = new DummyFixture('injected_fixture');
     $set = ResolvedFixtureSetFactory::create();
     $scope = [];
     $context = new GenerationContext();
     $resolver = new FixtureWildcardReferenceResolver(new FakeValueResolver());
     $resolver->resolve($value, $fixture, $set, $scope, $context);
 public function testCanBeCastedIntoAString()
     $value = FixtureMatchReferenceValue::createWildcardReference('dummy');
     $this->assertEquals('@(regex: /^dummy.*/)', (string) $value);