/** * {@inhericDoc} * @see \MyArtJaub\Webtrees\Mvc\View\AbstractView::renderContent() */ protected function renderContent() { if ($this->data->get('has_sosa', false)) { $table_id = $this->data->get('table_id'); ?> <div id="sosa-fam-list" class="sosa-list"> <table id="<?php echo $table_id; ?> "> <thead> <tr> <th colspan="24"> <div class="btn-toolbar"> <div class="btn-group"> <button type="button" data-filter-column="22" data-filter-value="N" class="ui-state-default" title="<?php echo I18N::translate('Show individuals who are alive or couples where both partners are alive.'); ?> " > <?php echo I18N::translate('Both alive'); ?> </button> <button type="button" data-filter-column="22" data-filter-value="W" class="ui-state-default" title="<?php echo I18N::translate('Show couples where only the female partner is deceased.'); ?> " > <?php echo I18N::translate('Widower'); ?> </button> <button type="button" data-filter-column="22" data-filter-value="H" class="ui-state-default" title="<?php echo I18N::translate('Show couples where only the male partner is deceased.'); ?> " > <?php echo I18N::translate('Widow'); ?> </button> <button type="button" data-filter-column="22" data-filter-value="Y" class="ui-state-default" title="<?php echo I18N::translate('Show individuals who are dead or couples where both partners are deceased.'); ?> " > <?php echo I18N::translate('Both dead'); ?> </button> </div> <div class="btn-group"> <button type="button" data-filter-column="23" data-filter-value="R" class="ui-state-default" title="<?php echo I18N::translate('Show “roots” couples or individuals. These individuals may also be called “patriarchs”. They are individuals who have no parents recorded in the database.'); ?> " > <?php echo I18N::translate('Roots'); ?> </button> <button type="button" data-filter-column="23" data-filter-value="L" class="ui-state-default" title="<?php echo I18N::translate('Show “leaves” couples or individuals. These are individuals who are alive but have no children recorded in the database.'); ?> " > <?php echo I18N::translate('Leaves'); ?> </button> </div> <div class="btn-group"> <button type="button" data-filter-column="21" data-filter-value="U" class="ui-state-default" title="<?php echo I18N::translate('Show couples with an unknown marriage date.'); ?> " > <?php echo GedcomTag::getLabel('MARR'); ?> </button> <button type="button" data-filter-column="21" data-filter-value="YES" class="ui-state-default" title="<?php echo I18N::translate('Show couples who married more than 100 years ago.'); ?> " > <?php echo GedcomTag::getLabel('MARR'); ?> >100 </button> <button type="button" data-filter-column="21" data-filter-value="Y100" class="ui-state-default" title="<?php echo I18N::translate('Show couples who married within the last 100 years.'); ?> " > <?php echo GedcomTag::getLabel('MARR'); ?> <=100 </button> <button type="button" data-filter-column="21" data-filter-value="D" class="ui-state-default" title="<?php echo I18N::translate('Show divorced couples.'); ?> " > <?php echo GedcomTag::getLabel('DIV'); ?> </button> <button type="button" data-filter-column="21" data-filter-value="M" class="ui-state-default" title="<?php echo I18N::translate('Show couples where either partner married more than once.'); ?> " > <?php echo I18N::translate('Multiple marriages'); ?> </button> </div> </div> </th> </tr> <tr> <th><?php echo I18N::translate('Sosa'); ?> </th> <th>SOSA</th> <th><?php echo GedcomTag::getLabel('GIVN'); ?> </th> <th><?php echo GedcomTag::getLabel('SURN'); ?> </th> <th>HUSB:GIVN_SURN</th> <th>HUSB:SURN_GIVN</th> <th><?php echo GedcomTag::getLabel('AGE'); ?> </th> <th>AGE</th> <th><?php echo GedcomTag::getLabel('GIVN'); ?> </th> <th><?php echo GedcomTag::getLabel('SURN'); ?> </th> <th>WIFE:GIVN_SURN</th> <th>WIFE:SURN_GIVN</th> <th><?php echo GedcomTag::getLabel('AGE'); ?> </th> <th>AGE</th> <th><?php echo GedcomTag::getLabel('MARR'); ?> </th> <th>MARR:DATE</th> <th><?php echo GedcomTag::getLabel('PLAC'); ?> </th>'; <?php if (ModuleManager::getInstance()->isOperational(Constants::MODULE_MAJ_ISSOURCED_NAME)) { ?> <th><i class="icon-source" title="<?php echo I18N::translate('Sourced marriage'); ?> " border="0"></i></th> <th>SORT_MARRSC</th> <?php } else { ?> <th> </th> <th></th> <?php } ?> <th><i class="icon-children" title="<?php echo I18N::translate('Children'); ?> "></i></th> <th>NCHI</th> <th>MARR</th> <th>DEAT</th> <th>TREE</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php foreach ($this->data->get('sosa_list') as $sosa => $family) { /** @var \Fisharebest\Webtrees\Family $person */ //PERSO Create decorator for Family $dfamily = new Family($family); $husb = $family->getHusband(); if (is_null($husb)) { $husb = new Individual('H', '0 @H@ INDI', null, $family->getTree()); } $dhusb = new \MyArtJaub\Webtrees\Individual($husb); $wife = $family->getWife(); if (is_null($wife)) { $wife = new Individual('W', '0 @W@ INDI', null, $family->getTree()); } $dwife = new \MyArtJaub\Webtrees\Individual($wife); $mdate = $family->getMarriageDate(); if ($family->isPendingAddtion()) { $class = ' class="new"'; } elseif ($family->isPendingDeletion()) { $class = ' class="old"'; } else { $class = ''; } ?> <tr <?php echo $class; ?> > <td class="transparent"><?php echo I18N::translate('%1$d/%2$d', $sosa, ($sosa + 1) % 10); ?> </td> <td class="transparent"><?php echo $sosa; ?> </td> <!-- HUSBAND --> <td colspan="2"> <?php foreach ($husb->getAllNames() as $num => $name) { if ($name['type'] == 'NAME') { $title = ''; } else { $title = 'title="' . strip_tags(GedcomTag::getLabel($name['type'], $husb)) . '"'; } if ($num == $husb->getPrimaryName()) { $class = ' class="name2"'; $sex_image = $husb->getSexImage(); list($surn, $givn) = explode(',', $name['sort']); } else { $class = ''; $sex_image = ''; } ?> <a <?php echo $title . ' ' . $class; ?> href="<?php echo $husb->getHtmlUrl(); ?> "> <?php echo \Fisharebest\Webtrees\Functions\FunctionsPrint::highlightSearchHits($name['full']); ?> </a> <?php echo $sex_image . FunctionsPrint::formatSosaNumbers($dhusb->getSosaNumbers(), 1, 'smaller'); ?> <br/> <?php } echo $husb->getPrimaryParentsNames('parents details1', 'none'); ?> </td> <!-- Dummy column to match colspan in header --> <td style="display:none;"></td> <td> <?php echo Filter::escapeHtml(str_replace('@P.N.', 'AAAA', $givn)) . 'AAAA' . Filter::escapeHtml(str_replace('@N.N.', 'AAAA', $surn)); ?> </td> <td> <?php echo Filter::escapeHtml(str_replace('@N.N.', 'AAAA', $surn)) . 'AAAA' . Filter::escapeHtml(str_replace('@P.N.', 'AAAA', $givn)); ?> </td> <?php $hdate = $husb->getBirthDate(); ?> <td><?php Date::getAge($hdate, $mdate, 2); ?> </td> <td><?php Date::getAge($hdate, $mdate, 1); ?> </td> <!-- WIFE --> <td colspan="2"> <?php foreach ($wife->getAllNames() as $num => $name) { if ($name['type'] == 'NAME') { $title = ''; } else { $title = 'title="' . strip_tags(GedcomTag::getLabel($name['type'], $wife)) . '"'; } if ($num == $wife->getPrimaryName()) { $class = ' class="name2"'; $sex_image = $wife->getSexImage(); list($surn, $givn) = explode(',', $name['sort']); } else { $class = ''; $sex_image = ''; } ?> <a <?php echo $title . ' ' . $class; ?> href="<?php echo $wife->getHtmlUrl(); ?> "> <?php echo \Fisharebest\Webtrees\Functions\FunctionsPrint::highlightSearchHits($name['full']); ?> </a> <?php echo $sex_image . FunctionsPrint::formatSosaNumbers($dwife->getSosaNumbers(), 1, 'smaller'); ?> <br/> <?php } echo $wife->getPrimaryParentsNames('parents details1', 'none'); ?> </td> <!-- Dummy column to match colspan in header --> <td style="display:none;"></td> <td> <?php echo Filter::escapeHtml(str_replace('@P.N.', 'AAAA', $givn)) . 'AAAA' . Filter::escapeHtml(str_replace('@N.N.', 'AAAA', $surn)); ?> </td> <td> <?php echo Filter::escapeHtml(str_replace('@N.N.', 'AAAA', $surn)) . 'AAAA' . Filter::escapeHtml(str_replace('@P.N.', 'AAAA', $givn)); ?> </td> <?php $wdate = $wife->getBirthDate(); ?> <td><?php Date::getAge($wdate, $mdate, 2); ?> </td> <td><?php Date::getAge($wdate, $mdate, 1); ?> </td> <td><?php if ($marriage_dates = $family->getAllMarriageDates()) { foreach ($marriage_dates as $n => $marriage_date) { if ($n) { echo '<br>'; } ?> <div><?php echo $marriage_date->display(true); ?> </div> <?php } } elseif ($family->getFacts('_NMR')) { echo I18N::translate('no'); } elseif ($family->getFacts('MARR')) { echo I18N::translate('yes'); } else { echo ' '; } ?> </td> <td><?php echo $marriage_dates ? $marriage_date->julianDay() : 0; ?> </td> <td><?php foreach ($family->getAllMarriagePlaces() as $n => $marriage_place) { $tmp = new Place($marriage_place, $family->getTree()); if ($n) { ?> <br><?php } ?> <a href="'<?php echo $tmp->getURL(); ?> " title="<?php echo strip_tags($tmp->getFullName()); ?> "> <?php echo \Fisharebest\Webtrees\Functions\FunctionsPrint::highlightSearchHits($tmp->getShortName()); ?> </a> <?php } ?> </td> <?php if (ModuleManager::getInstance()->isOperational(Constants::MODULE_MAJ_ISSOURCED_NAME)) { $isMSourced = $dfamily->isMarriageSourced(); ?> <td><?php echo FunctionsPrint::formatIsSourcedIcon('E', $isMSourced, 'MARR', 1, 'medium'); ?> </td> <td><?php echo $isMSourced; ?> </td> <?php } else { ?> <td> </td> <td></td> <?php } ?> <?php $nchi = $family->getNumberOfChildren(); ?> <td><?php echo I18N::number($nchi); ?> </td> <td><?php echo $nchi; ?> </td> <td><?php if (!$mdate->isOK()) { echo 'U'; } else { if (Date::compare($mdate, new Date(date('Y') - 100)) > 0) { echo 'Y100'; } else { echo 'YES'; } } if ($family->getFacts(WT_EVENTS_DIV)) { echo 'D'; } if (count($husb->getSpouseFamilies()) > 1 || count($wife->getSpouseFamilies()) > 1) { echo 'M'; } ?> </td> <td><?php if ($husb->isDead() && $wife->isDead()) { echo 'Y'; } if ($husb->isDead() && !$wife->isDead()) { if ($wife->getSex() == 'F') { echo 'H'; } if ($wife->getSex() == 'M') { echo 'W'; } // male partners } if (!$husb->isDead() && $wife->isDead()) { if ($husb->getSex() == 'M') { echo 'W'; } if ($husb->getSex() == 'F') { echo 'H'; } // female partners } if (!$husb->isDead() && !$wife->isDead()) { echo 'N'; } ?> </td> <td><?php if (!$husb->getChildFamilies() && !$wife->getChildFamilies()) { echo 'R'; } elseif (!$husb->isDead() && !$wife->isDead() && $family->getNumberOfChildren() < 1) { echo 'L'; } else { echo ' '; } ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> <tfoot> <tr> <th colspan="24"> <div class="btn-toolbar"> <div class="btn-group"> <button type="button" class="ui-state-default btn-toggle-parents"> <?php echo I18N::translate('Show parents'); ?> </button> <button id="btn-toggle-statistics-<?php echo $table_id; ?> " type="button" class="ui-state-default btn-toggle-statistics"> <?php echo I18N::translate('Show statistics charts'); ?> </button> </div> </div> </th> </tr> </tfoot> </table> <div id="fam_list_table-charts_<?php echo $table_id; ?> " style="display:none"> <table class="list-charts"> <tr> <td><?php echo $this->data->get('chart_births'); ?> </td> <td><?php echo $this->data->get('chart_marriages'); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><?php echo $this->data->get('chart_ages'); ?> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> <?php } else { ?> <p class="warning"><?php echo I18N::translate('No family has been found for generation %d', $this->data->get('generation')); ?> </p> <?php } }
/** * {@inheritDoc} * @see \Fisharebest\Webtrees\Module\ModuleSidebarInterface::getSidebarContent() */ public function getSidebarContent() { global $controller; ob_start(); $root = $controller->getSignificantIndividual(); if ($root) { $dindi = new Individual($root); if (!$dindi->canDisplayIsSourced()) { echo '<div class="error">', I18N::translate('This information is private and cannot be shown.'), '</div>'; } else { echo ' <table class="issourcedtable"> <tr> <td class="slabel"> ' . GedcomTag::getLabel('INDI') . '</td> <td class="svalue">' . FunctionsPrint::formatIsSourcedIcon('R', $dindi->isSourced(), 'INDI', 1) . '</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="slabel">' . GedcomTag::getLabel('BIRT') . '</td> <td class="svalue">' . FunctionsPrint::formatIsSourcedIcon('E', $dindi->isBirthSourced(), 'BIRT', 1) . '</td> </tr>'; $fams = $root->getSpouseFamilies(); ($ct = count($fams)) > 1 ? $nb = 1 : ($nb = ' '); foreach ($fams as $fam) { $dfam = new Family($fam); echo ' <tr> <td class="slabel right"> <a href="' . $fam->getHtmlUrl() . '"> ' . GedcomTag::getLabel('MARR'); if ($ct > 1) { echo ' ', $nb; $nb++; } echo ' </a> </td> <td class="svalue">' . FunctionsPrint::formatIsSourcedIcon('E', $dfam->isMarriageSourced(), 'MARR', 1) . '</td> </tr>'; } if ($root->isDead()) { echo ' <tr> <td class="slabel">' . GedcomTag::getLabel('DEAT') . '</td> <td class="svalue">' . FunctionsPrint::formatIsSourcedIcon('E', $dindi->isDeathSourced(), 'DEAT', 1) . '</td> </tr>'; } echo '</table>'; } } return ob_get_clean(); }