public static function setCached($key, $value, $expire = 0) { profiler::addStack('file_cache'); $cachePath = self::getPath($key); $dirname = dirname($cachePath); if (file_exists($cachePath) && !@chmod($cachePath, 0777)) { @unlink($cachePath); } elseif (!file_exists($dirname)) { @mkdir($dirname, 0777, true); } $storeData = ['e' => $expire > 0 ? time() + $expire : 0, 'v' => $value]; $attempts = 5; do { $result = file_put_contents($cachePath, serialize($storeData)); if ($result !== false) { break; } usleep(10000); } while ($result === false && --$attempts > 0); }
public function checkActionAccessByGroups(action $action, array $groups) { static $groupMapper; profiler::addStack('acl::check'); $actionAclGroups = $action->getAcl(); $actionAclGroups[] = $action->getAclGroupName(); $actionAclGroups[] = aclManager::ACL__GROUP_ROOT; $actionAclGroups = array_unique($actionAclGroups, SORT_ASC); $actionGroupsCacheKey = 'acl/groups/' . md5(implode(',', $actionAclGroups)); $actionGroups = cache::getCached($actionGroupsCacheKey); if (!$actionGroups) { if ($groupMapper === null) { $groupMapper = groupMapper::getInstance(); } $cursor = $groupMapper->getAllBy([groupMapper::FIELD__GROUP_ALIAS => ['$in' => $actionAclGroups]]); $actionGroups = $this->expandGroupsByCursor($cursor); cache::setCached($actionGroupsCacheKey, $actionGroups, 3600); } $groups = array_unique($groups, SORT_ASC); $userGroupsCacheKey = 'acl/groups/' . md5(implode(',', $groups)); $userGroups = cache::getCached($userGroupsCacheKey); if (!$userGroups) { if ($groupMapper === null) { $groupMapper = groupMapper::getInstance(); } $cursor = $groupMapper->getAllBy([groupMapper::FIELD__GROUP_ALIAS => ['$in' => $groups]]); $userGroups = $this->expandGroupsByCursor($cursor); cache::setCached($userGroupsCacheKey, $userGroups, 3600); } $found = array_intersect($userGroups, $actionGroups); if (count($found) > 0) { return self::success($found, self::ACL__OK); } else { return self::error(['message' => 'Forbidden'], self::ACL__FORBIDDEN); } }
/** * Render page by template file path * * @param string $template Path to template * @param bool $asString Return result as string * @param null|string $cache_id ID of template cache * * @return bool|string * @throws \Exception * @throws \SmartyException */ public function render($template, $asString = true, $cache_id = null) { profiler::addStack('view::render'); if ($asString) { return $this->fetch($template, $cache_id); } else { $this->display($template, $cache_id); return true; } }
/** * WARNING! Clear all cache! * * @return bool */ public function clear() { profiler::addStack('memcached::w'); return $this->memcached->flush(); }
public function render($path, $params, $method = 'GET') { profiler::addStack('app::render'); MPCMF_LL_DEBUG && self::log()->addDebug(__METHOD__ . '(' . json_encode(func_get_args(), 320) . ')'); MPCMF_DEBUG && self::log()->addDebug('Rendering: ' . json_encode(func_get_args())); $matchedRoutes = $this->slim()->router()->getMatchedRoutes($method, $path . ($params ? '?' . http_build_query($params) : ''), true); /** @var Route $route */ $route = reset($matchedRoutes); return $route->dispatch(); }
public function childServer($addr) { $output = $this->output; $bindTo = json_decode($addr, true); $this->childHost = $bindTo['host']; $this->port = $bindTo['port']; cli_set_process_title("mpcmf/console server:run/child -b {$this->childHost} -p {$this->port}"); posix_setgid(99); posix_setuid(99); posix_seteuid(99); posix_setegid(99); $loop = Factory::create(); $socket = new reactSocketServer($loop); $http = new reactHttpServer($socket); $http->on('request', function (reactRequest $request, reactResponse $response) use($output) { //MPCMF_DEBUG && $output->writeln("<info>[CHILD:{$this->port}]</info> New connection"); //MPCMF_DEBUG && $clientName = $request->getRemoteAddress() . '#' . spl_object_hash($request); //MPCMF_DEBUG && $output->writeln("<info>[{$clientName}] Client connected"); profiler::resetStack(); if (!$this->prepare($request, $response, $output)) { return; } //MPCMF_DEBUG && $output->writeln("<info>[{$clientName}] Starting application</info>"); try { $app = $this->app(); $slim = $app->slim(); $originApplication = $this->applicationInstance->getCurrentApplication(); $this->applicationInstance->setApplication($app); $slim->call(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $response->writeHead(500); $response->end("Exception: {$e->getMessage()} in {$e->getFile()}:{$e->getLine()}\n{$e->getTraceAsString()}"); return; } /** @var int[]|Headers[]|string[] $content */ $content = $slim->response->finalize(); Util::serializeCookies($content[1], $slim->response->cookies, $slim->settings); $content[1] = $content[1]->all(); $this->applicationInstance->setApplication($originApplication); //MPCMF_DEBUG && $output->writeln("<info>[{$clientName}] Ending application</info>"); //MPCMF_DEBUG && $output->writeln("<info>[CHILD:{$this->port}]</info> Writing data and closing connection"); static $serverSoftware; if ($serverSoftware === null) { $serverSoftware = 'MPCMF Async PHP ' . phpversion(); } if (array_key_exists('HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING', $_SERVER) && strpos($_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING"], 'gzip') !== false) { $content[1]['Content-Encoding'] = 'gzip'; $content[2] = gzencode($content[2], 9); } $content[1]['X-PHP-Server'] = $serverSoftware; $content[1]['X-PHP-Server-Addr'] = "{$this->childHost}:{$this->port}"; $response->writeHead($content[0], $content[1]); $response->end($content[2]); //MPCMF_DEBUG && $output->writeln("<info>[CHILD:{$this->port}]</info> Connection closed"); }); $output->writeln("<error>[CHILD]</error> Starting child server on {$this->childHost}:{$this->port}"); $socket->listen($this->port, $this->childHost); $loop->run(); }
/** * (PHP 5 >= 5.1.0)<br/> * Construct the exception. Note: The message is NOT binary safe. * @link * @param string $message [optional] The Exception message to throw. * @param int $code [optional] The Exception code. * @param \Exception $previous [optional] The previous exception used for the exception chaining. Since 5.3.0 * * @see \Exception */ public function __construct($message = '', $code = 0, \Exception $previous = null) { profiler::addStack('mpcmf::exception'); parent::__construct($message, $code, $previous); }
/** * Check and create indexes by params * * @param string $db * @param string $collection * @param array $indexes * * @throws \MongoConnectionException * @throws configurationException * @throws \InvalidArgumentException * @throws \Exception */ public function checkIndexes($db, $collection, $indexes) { $log = self::log(); $log->addDebug("Checking indexes for `{$collection}`"); $collectionObject = $this->getMongo()->selectDB($db)->selectCollection($collection); $dbIndexes = $collectionObject->getIndexInfo(); $needToCreate = []; $indexCount = count($dbIndexes); $needCreateAllIndexes = $indexCount <= 1; foreach ($indexes as $key => $index) { $log->addDebug('Checking index ' . json_encode($index)); if ($needCreateAllIndexes) { $log->addInfo('NOT found index ' . json_encode($index)); $needToCreate[$key] = true; } else { foreach ($dbIndexes as $dbIndex) { if (json_encode($dbIndex['key']) === json_encode($index['keys'])) { $log->addDebug('Found index ' . json_encode($index['keys']) . ', checking options...'); if (!empty($index['options'])) { $log->addDebug('Options in cfg found'); $ok = true; foreach ($index['options'] as $option => $optionValue) { if (!isset($dbIndex[$option]) || $dbIndex[$option] !== $optionValue) { $log->addInfo('Option not found in dbIndex, need to create!'); $ok = false; $needToCreate[$key] = true; } } if ($ok) { $log->addDebug('Index OK, skipping...'); unset($needToCreate[$key]); break; } } else { $log->addDebug('Options in cfg not found, Index OK, skipping...'); unset($needToCreate[$key]); break; } } else { $log->addInfo('Not found index ' . json_encode($index)); $needToCreate[$key] = true; } } } } $log->addInfo('Need to create indexes: ' . count($needToCreate)); foreach ($needToCreate as $key => $v) { profiler::addStack('mongo::i'); $log->addInfo('Creating index ' . json_encode($indexes[$key]) . '...'); if (array_key_exists('options', $indexes[$key])) { $collectionObject->ensureIndex($indexes[$key]['keys'], $indexes[$key]['options']); } else { $collectionObject->ensureIndex($indexes[$key]['keys']); } $log->addInfo('Index created ' . json_encode($indexes[$key])); } }
public static function getConfig($name, $environment = null) { static $currentEnvironment, $baseEnvironment; profiler::addStack('config::get'); if ($currentEnvironment === null) { $currentEnvironment = environment::getCurrentEnvironment(); MPCMF_LL_DEBUG && error_log("Initialize config current environment: {$currentEnvironment}"); } if ($baseEnvironment === null) { $baseEnvironment = environment::getBaseEnvironment(); MPCMF_LL_DEBUG && error_log("Initialize config base environment: {$baseEnvironment}"); } if ($environment === null) { $environment = $currentEnvironment; } MPCMF_LL_DEBUG && error_log("Input environment: {$environment}"); $packageName = self::getPackageName($name); class_exists('log') && log::factory()->addDebug("Loading config for {$packageName}"); if (!isset(self::$loaded[$packageName])) { self::loadPackageConfig($packageName); } class_exists('log') && log::factory()->addDebug("Set by name: {$name} / env: {$environment}"); if ($environment !== environment::ENV_DEFAULT) { if (isset(self::$loaded[$packageName][$currentEnvironment])) { MPCMF_LL_DEBUG && error_log("Return requested config [{$packageName}] {$currentEnvironment}"); return self::$loaded[$packageName][$currentEnvironment]; } elseif ($baseEnvironment !== environment::ENV_DEFAULT && isset(self::$loaded[$packageName][$baseEnvironment])) { MPCMF_LL_DEBUG && error_log("Use base config [{$packageName}] {$baseEnvironment}"); return self::$loaded[$packageName][$baseEnvironment]; } else { MPCMF_LL_DEBUG && error_log("Return default config [{$packageName}] {$currentEnvironment}"); return self::$loaded[$packageName][environment::ENV_DEFAULT]; } } MPCMF_LL_DEBUG && error_log("Return config [{$packageName}] " . environment::ENV_DEFAULT); return self::$loaded[$packageName][environment::ENV_DEFAULT]; }